Code That Find Median Value In List Of Values

Mar 19, 2014

a simple Java program for finding the median value in a list of values with the following requirements:

- Create an array with an even number of values in it (an odd number of values is little bit trickier, so if you want a challenge, do it for either an even or odd number of values)

- Find the value with an equal number of values greater than the value as there are values less than the value

- Your solution must not require a sorted list of values - Output the median value

This assignment is intended to get you to demonstrate basic knowledge of arrays, and to create methods with both input and output.

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Sort Values In Array And Print Median Value On Console

Oct 22, 2014

Use the sort method of the arrays class to sort the values in the array, and print the median value(the 50th value) on the console followed by a blank line. Then, test this enhancement. Print the 9th value of the array on the console and every 9th value after that. Then, test this enhancement.

import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayTestApp
public static void main(String[] args) {
double [] arrayTest = new double[99];
//adding random number to each element in the array
for(int i=0; i<arrayTest.length; i++)
arrayTest[i] = 100.0*Math.random();

[Code] ....



The average is: 49.842845462514944
The median is: 49.68753724038633
The 9th value is: 2.599530043466969
The 9th value is: 11.486193141397095
The 9th value is: 20.14206270200648

[Code] ....

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Finding And Printing Median Node In Linked List Using Recursion

Nov 3, 2014

The only problem I have now is getting a method to return the median element of a LinkedList without using loops of any kind or by using a global counter anywhere.

I've pretty easily figured out how to get the index value for the median number (there is some lee way allowed. If the list has an even size, any of the middle values are accepted) but I can't figure out how to print it without loops.

I'm sure I need to make a method that finds an element at the given index value, but I don't know how to do it without loops.

Here's all of my code. Inside is my Assignment3 class I use for testing, StudentList which contains the LinkedList head and other List methods, and StudentNode which is obviously, the Node class. Also I've attached the first test1.txt file as well.

import java.util.*;
public class Assignment3 {
public static void main (String []args){
StudentList<StudentNode> myList = new StudentList<StudentNode>();

[Code] .....

I tried making a method that basically counts up the list recursively then a second method that counts down recursively and is supposed to stop once it hits the middle number, then print that node.

Attached File(s) : test1.txt (106bytes)

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Find Min And Max Values And Calculate Mean For Data Set

May 2, 2014

The first is MyArray Class (You can either use an array or an arrayList)Create a class called LastNameFirstNameMyArray according to the UML diagram. This class will allow a user to enter 5 integer values into an array(or object of ArrayList<Integer>). It contains methods to find min and max values and calculate the mean for the data set.

LastNameFirstNameMyArray - data[ ] : int (or data : ArrayList<Integer> )
- min : int
- max: int
- mean : double + LastNameFirstNameMyArray()
+ findMin() : void
+ findMax() : void
+ calculateMean(): void
+ toString() : String

data[]the array which will contain the values or data<Integer>the arraylist which will contain the values
minthe minimum value among the values in the arraylist
maxthe maximum value among the values in the arraylist
mean the arithmetic average of the values

You need to implement the constructor LastNameFirstNameMyArray(), which populates 5 values. In addition, the constructor should call findMin() and findMax(), and also calculateMean().

LastNameFirstNameMyArray()the constructor. It will allocate memory for the array (or arraylist) of size 5. Use a for loop to repeatedly display a prompt for the user which should indicate that user should enter value 1, value 2, etc. Note: The computer starts counting with 0, but people start counting with 1, and your prompt should account for this. For example, when the user enters value 1, it will be stored in indexed variable 0. The constructor should populate 5 integer values, call findMin() and findMax(), and also calculateMean().

findMin()this is a method that uses a for loop to access each data value in the array (or arraylist) and finds the minimum value. The minimum value is stored into min.

findMax()this is a method that uses a for loop to access each data value in the array (or arraylist) and finds the maximum value. The maximum value is stored into max.

calculateMean()this is a method that uses a for loop to access each data value in array (or arraylist) and add it to a running total. The total divided by the number of values (use the length of the array), and the result is stored into mean.
toString()returns a String containing data, min, max, and the mean.

Task #2 TestMyArray

1. Create a LastNameFirstNameTestMyArray class. This class only contains the main method. The main method should declare and instantiate a LastNameFirstNameMyArray object.
2. Compile, debug, and run the program. Then, it should print out the contents, the min, max, and mean of the data.

and the second is A theater seating chart is implemented as two-dimensional array of ticket prices, like this:

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10
10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10
10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 10 10
20 20 30 30 40 40 30 30 20 20
20 30 30 40 50 50 40 30 30 20
30 40 50 50 50 50 50 50 40 30

Write a program that prompts the users to pick either a seat or price. Mark sold seats by changing the price the 0. When a user specifies a seat, make sure it is available. When a user specifies a price, find any seat with that price.

Note: Assume that if the user enters 1 for the row and 1 for the seat, the yellow marked sit will be sold.

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How To Find Maximum Of Two Enum Values

Oct 6, 2014

I have a set of enum values (let's call then ONE, TWO, THREE.....). I want to find the larger of two of them. But max(ONE,THREE) gives a compile error as MAX isn't defined for type-safe enums. Fair enough.
I also agree that one shouldn't be able to use arithmetic functions on enums.
But as Enum implements Comparable, one can write a function which implements max and min, rather inefficiently I assume.
Is there a better way of getting the max/min of an enum? And if not, can the Java team be persuaded to implement it?

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Accessing Map Values Through A List

Apr 15, 2013

I am trying to create a method in BlueJ which needs the values from a Map to be copied into a List so I can use the List methods min() and max(). Here is the method I have created so far:

public String findNamesInPageRange()
int minOfRange = Integer.parseInt(OUDialog.request("Input number for start of range"));
int maxOfRange = Integer.parseInt(OUDialog.request("Input number for end of range"));
String foundIt = null;
for(String eachKey : bookIndex.keySet()) {
List<Integer> pageList = new ArrayList<>(); //Cannot access values from a map using this List
if((minOfRange >= Collections.min(pageList)) && (maxOfRange <= Collections.max(pageList))) {
foundIt = eachKey;
return foundIt;

As can be seen there is a comment showing where my problem lies.

The Map is coded as Map<String, Set<Integer>> bookIndex = new TreeMap<>();

Ive tried using bookIndex.values() as the argument of the List but I get an incompatible type error

So, how can this problem I am having be resolved?

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Code Is Used To Find Coordinates Of Image

Jan 27, 2015

The code is used to find coordinates of an image and i cannot understand how it works.

for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 2) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 2) {
int px1 = secureRandom.nextInt(4);
int px2 = secureRandom.nextInt(4);
while (px1 == px2)
px2 = secureRandom.nextInt(4);

int px1x = (px1 < 2) ? px1 : px1 - 2;
int px1y = (px1 < 2) ? 0 : 1;
int px2x = (px2 < 2) ? px2 : px2 - 2;
int px2y = (px2 < 2) ? 0 : 1;

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Code For Shopping List

Dec 2, 2014

Im new to java, the program works but I have a feeling its not the right way to do it.

public class ShoppingItem {
private String ItemName;
private double ItemPrice;
private int ItemQty;
public ShoppingItem()
ItemName = "Fruit";
ItemPrice = 100;
ItemQty = 1;


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Iterate Over List And Get Values From Object?

Jan 22, 2015

first i looked at this example and understand this fine:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class Main {


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Sieve Code To Find Prime Numbers

Jan 16, 2015

I am doing a sieve code to find prime numbers.

public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.println(" Enter the maximum number ");
int maxNumber = scanner.nextInt();
int[]numberList = createList (maxNumber);


I have a problem with the output. It only get as far as marking the multiples of 2. It does not mark the multiples of 3 and so on.Example output: If the range is from 2 to 15 the output is :2, 3, 0, 5, 0, 7, 0, 9, 0, 11, 0, 13, 0, 15 note: 0 means its marked.As you can see it only marks multiples of 2 but it does not mark multiples of 3 above. I think the problem lies in the for loop inside my main method, because the index does not increment.

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JSP :: EL Expressions - Find A Place Where Values For Status Is Being Set / Assigned To

Feb 4, 2014

I have a web application project built in Spring MVC 2.5. There are some EL expressions which are used in JSP as below:


But, I coudln't find any place in Java/JSP where the value for status is being set. What could be the possible place where the values for status is being set.

As the code is client specific, so, I couldn't paste the specific code over here but I have searched in whole workspace i couldn't find a single place where values for status is being set/assigned to.

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How To Get Median / Middle Value In Array

Apr 5, 2014

So first of all we use textpad in our java course (idk why) and the Easy.In method for our input. Any way I have this assignment and we're ask to make a program that input

1) how many numbers were input
2) the largest value
3)smallest value
4) average value and
5) middle/median value.

I manage to figure out the code for the other except the median value. Here's my code

class project2
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("How many numbers you want to input");
int maxItems = EasyIn.getInt();


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Finding Median Of Array?

May 3, 2014

I'm trying to find the median of a set of numbers inputted into an array and I wanted to know how I would pass the array to the median calculator after I use selection sort to organize the numbers.THIS IS THE CODE THAT ORGANIZES THE ARRAY:

public void selectionSort(double[] myArray) {
for (int i = 0; i < myArray.length - 1; i++)
int index = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < myArray.length; j++)

if (myArray[j] < myArray[index])


The code that finds the median will only work if the array being used is already organized. How do I pass the new sorted array to the code that finds the median?

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Code Required In Form Of Key Values

May 20, 2014

Suppose I have the file in a particular directory with the below conntent starts with the below line -

5/15/2014 2:07:36 PM : 10 - 10 : *** Loading XML file DSH_000001_pos.xml ***

After that the content is shown below.

5/15/2014 2:07:36 PM : 10 - 30 : Loading positions for PERIOD DSH - TRDBOOK +NSCCL :INR - HOUS - (INR).
5/15/2014 2:07:36 PM : 10 - 30 : Loading positions for Exchange Complex NSCCL PERIOD Exchange Complex (INR).
5/15/2014 2:07:36 PM : 10 - 30 : Loading positions for Combined Commodity ANDHRABANK - ANDHRABANK PERIOD Combined Commodity (INR).
5/15/2014 2:07:36 PM : 10 - 30 : Loading positions for PERIOD DSH - CFDTRADING +ASXCC :GBP - HOUS - (GBP).
5/15/2014 2:07:36 PM : 20 - 30 : For <ecPort> ASXCC can't find required associated object <clearingOrg>


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Printing Random Values From Array List

Jun 15, 2014

I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to print random numbers from a an array list. I tried google but nothing worked. I have to pick certain values from two lists and print them on the screen. I have included comments in the code to facilitate the explanation.

import java.util.Random;
public class Parachute {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random randomNumbers=new Random();
int number;
int array []={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21};
char A[] = {'a', 'b', 'c','d','e','f','g','h', 'i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q'};


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Finding Duplicate Values In Array List

Jul 8, 2014

I am working on this project that wants me to write a program that inputs 20 numbers, each of which is between 10 and 100, inclusive. As each number is read, display it only if it is not a duplicate of a number already read. The only part I am confused about is how to go about checking for duplicate values that the user may enter. And IF the user does input a duplicate value, it should not be stored again.In addition, the value entered should be printed out after it is entered along side the value that have been previously entered by the user such as:

23 45
23 45 67
23 45 67 12
and so on.

I am still fairly new at java programming.

import java.util.*;
public class NumberArray
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declare an array with 5 elements


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Prime Numbers - Find N From List That Is Not Crossed And Cross Out All Its Multiples

Jun 20, 2014

the prime numbers from 1 to 2500 can be obtained as follows. From a list of the numbers of 1 to 2500,cross out al multiples of 2 (but not 2 itself). Then, find the next number (n, say) that is not crossed out and cross out all multiples of n (but not including n).

Repeat this last step provided that n has not exceeded 50 (the square root of 2500). The numbers remaining in the list (except 1) are prime. Write a program which uses this method to print all primes from 1 to 2500. Store your output in a file called primes.out.

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Quicksort Implementation With Median Pivot

May 19, 2014

I am currently writing the Quick Sort implementation where the pivot is chosen to be the medianOf3 element in the sub array. The program should output the total number of comparisons (excluding the ones needed to compute the median itself).I cannot spot any mistake anywhere - yet I am getting the wrong output in the end.

Input file (100.txt) attached.
Current output: 513. Correct output: 518. Where are the missing 5 comparisons? />

import java.util.ArrayList;


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Implement The Median Filter?

Jun 10, 2014

I have to implement the median filter. I found an example on the internet but it does not run, I do not see the image

public void median_RGB(Immagine img) {
int maskSize = 3;
int width = img.getW();


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JSP :: Populate A Dropdown With Fixed / Static List Of Values?

Nov 3, 2014

I have a fixed list of 20+ values to be populated in a dropdown. The set of values are always going to remain the same, no future scope of modifications, additions or deletions.

Listing each of them as <option> in JSP is making the page look cluttered. Or is it better reading it as a comma-separated string from a properties file and then iterating to populate the dropdown.

What will be the best approach to populate such a dropdown in JSP?

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JSF :: Getting Null Values From XHTML Page To Java Code

Nov 13, 2014

My project consists of a web app where a user can select a area from a picture and f.e. if it is a office layout he can input the worker name and any peace of hardware that the area might have. In this case there are two categories: Hardware and Computer. Hardware - it has 5 dropdown lists consisting of printer, scanner and etc. Computer - like Hardware consists of many dropdown lists which add up to components such as processor, motherboard and etc. For me, considering this is my first ever web app project, is a huge step towards web development, I have used various mixes of Java, javascript and primefaces code.

My current problem: When a user selects an area he gets a dialog box where he is prompted to select his desired input, afterwards the user clicks the 'save' button and get's another dialogbox which has a resume of what he has selected so he could check out his input and save it by clicking the 'save' button in the resume box. My problem is that when the user clicks the save button the button calls a method which takes all the input and creates an Area object (Area object consists of various objects such as: Coordinates, Dimensions, Employee, ComputerList and HardwareList) and sends a query to the database, but all the values I get is null.

XHTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:p="">

[Code] ....

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Dummy Node In Doubly Linked List - Cannot Find Symbol Variable Error

Jun 5, 2012

Im running into some problems with the Java compiler. This is my code:

public class DoublyLinkedList<T> implements SimpleList<T> {
protected Node dummy;
protected int n;
public DoublyLinkedList(){

dummy = new Node(); = dummy;
dummy.pre = dummy;

n = 0;

[Code] ....

I want to use a dummy node in my implementation of the Doubly Linked List, so it will be easier to code all the methods I need to write. I keep on getting a problem with line 14 and 15: = dummy;

dummy.pre = dummy;

// cannot find symbol variable next (compiler error)

// cannot find symbol variable pre

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JSP :: JSTL Code To Fetch Text Field Values Dynamically

Apr 16, 2014

I am generating textfields dynamically using JSTL forEach. Here is the code ..

<c:forEach var="underlyingTickers" items="${underlyingTickersList}" >
<td ><input name="underlyingTickers" type="text" id = "underlyingTickers" value="<c:out value='${underlyingTickers}' />">

If there are 4 values in underlyingTickersList A, B C, D and E ... I am getting those values correctly displayed in each text field.

However if I submit the form with all these value how can I get it in the bean? I guess I need to have dynamic id or name for each text field. How can generate it?

Note** I dont have Struts framework.. I am using request.getParameter to fetch the values and set into the bean variable.

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Sort Linked List Through The Nodes Of List - Data Of Calling Object

Feb 14, 2014

I have some class called sorted to sort the linked list through the nodes of the list. and other class to test this ability, i made object of the sort class called "list1" and insert the values to the linked list.

If i make other object called "list2" and want to merge those two lists by using method merge in sort class. And wrote code of


How can the merge method in sort class know the values of list1 that called it as this object is created in other class.

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How To Append New Entry In A List Of 100,000 Names Without Iterating List Each Time

Apr 22, 2015

I have a list of 100,000 + names and I need to append to that list another 100,000 names. Each name must be unique. Currently I iterate through the entire list to be sure the name does not exist. As you can imagine this is very slow. I am new to Java and I am maintaining a 15+ year old product. Is there a better way to check for an existing name?

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Store Pixels Values Currently On Screen And Compare Them To Values On The First Frame?

Aug 29, 2014

I need a way to store the pixels values currently on the screen and compare them to the values on the first frame. Right now I'm using glreadpixels as follows:

currentBuffer= BufferTools.reserveByteData(mapSize);
glReadPixels(mapStartX, mapStartY, mapWidth, mapHeight, GL_BLUE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, currentBuffer);
for (int i = 0; i < mapSize; i++) {
if (currentBuffer.get(i) != baseBuffer.get(i)) {
//Do nothing
//Do something

This works perfectly fine but turns out to be a real bottleneck, dropping the fps to a third of what it was. Is there any quicker way? All I'm after is speed, I don't even need to show it on the screen if the comparison is made "behind the scene".

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