Code To Search For Static Variables That Look Like Username Or Password

Sep 24, 2014

a code to search for static variables that look like username or password.i want to be able to search through a source code for such variables.

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Setting Password And Username - Username Works But Getting Errors For Password?

Apr 4, 2015

username works perfectly, but when I enter password I get this error.

Java Code:

OKbtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if(Usernametxt.getText().equals("Admin") &&
System.out.println("permition granted");
System.out.println("permition Rejected");


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JSP :: Validate Username And Password

Apr 21, 2014

I want to validate username and password in JavaScript. I want to validate username and password with database values. If login failed i want to display alert message...ok. But problem is that i have index.jsp page. After clicking login button control goes to homepage.

jsp..okk.. in index.jsp I have taken dropdown to show designation. I select design then control goes to respective homepage... in homepage. I am checking username and password with database values. If login successful it goes to respective pages but if login failed it has to show me alert message. How can i do that ?

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Open A Form Depending On Username And Password Entered

Mar 14, 2015

I am creating a login form for my project and it works great,the issue is that i want to open up different forms dependent on the username and password that i enter.for example if i enter a password 'manager' then it should open the manager page,or 'employee' should open the employee page.

I'm thinking that it is just a case of creating another sql query but i have tried and i cannot see the solution,i can open the employee page by default but that is not what i am trying to achieve. I am using an sqlite database which holds the username and password.

Here is my code
private void btn_LoginActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// code to login to the back office system
String sql =" select username,password from Employee where username =? AND password =?";//sql query
pst =conn.prepareStatement(sql);

[Code] ......

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Login Database - Identify Users By Password And Username

Sep 3, 2014

I have a problem with my code i try to identify users by password and username but I cannot recognize only the last row in my table in database what can i do ....

private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
try {
res=state.executeQuery("select*from conex");
String pass=new String(this.pass.getPassword());

[Code] .....

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Instantiating Class With Non Static Variables From Within Static Method

Oct 28, 2014

Why I can create an Instance of a class that contains non static variables within the static main method ?

This program runs fine

import java.util.*;
public class Test{
public int j;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test1=new Test();

[Code] .....

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Making Username All Lower Case In Java Code

Apr 21, 2014

I need the username produced by this program to be in all lower case. The code is below.

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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package dcollinshw03;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class DcollinsHW03 {
public DcollinsHW03() {

[Code] .....

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Netbeans And Non-static Variables

Feb 11, 2014

I'm doing in this small piece of code -

package javaapplication3;
public class JavaApplication3 {
public class robot {
int xlocation;
int ylocation;
String name;
static int ccount = 0;

[Code] .....

When I'm trying to compile it with netbeans i get these errors and i just can't figure why is that! error: Illegal static declaration in inner class JavaApplication3.robot
static int ccount = 0;
modifier 'static' is only allowed in constant variable declarations error: non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
robot firstrobot = new robot(34,51,"yossi");

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Servlets :: Using Static Variables Or Object Set?

Aug 6, 2014

Can we use static variables or static objects in servlets ?? I want to restrict same user to enter into the application from different system when the user is already working, he needs to get a message saying "User is already in use ".

I have created static SET object in LoginServlet and inside doget() I checked if SET contains user ,if yes display him above message otherwise add the user in SET object and forward it to next page . Later while logging out user is removed from SET .

Can I follow any other approach other than using static object SET in servlets??

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Final Static Variables In GregorianCalendar

Oct 27, 2014

why using the get method(c.get(c.HOUR_OF_DAY)); gives me the correct hour(currently 19) but directly accesing c.HOUR_OF_DAY returns 11 ? It shows In the documentation that HOUR_OF_DAY is public.

import java.util.*;
public class calendar2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new calendar2().timer();
private void timer() {
Calendar c=Calendar.getInstance();


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Subclasses With Unique Static Variables

Oct 22, 2014

Say I have a class called ClassA which I want to hold my data. Now inside ClassA want to hold instances of a class lets call ClassB. So far we are here.

import blah.B
public class A {
private B myB;
(Getters setters etc)
public String getBString() {

However I want to have multiple extensions of ClassB which have UNIQUE static variables.

public class B-1 extends B {
private static String mString;
private static int mInt;

The problem I have run into is I can't have subclasses with their own static variables. I need the A class to hold any type of B class. How can I manage this?meant

public String getBString{
return B.getString();

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Java Code That Ask User For Password Input

Jul 21, 2014

This is the java code that I wrote for a password:

// java application that asks the user to enter a password
 import java.util.Scanner; //program uses class scanner
 public class password{
//main method used to execute java application
public static void main(String args[]){
//create scanner to obtain input from command window

[Code] ....

here is the output of the code when I run it :

entered the passwordreason
Try againPress any key to continue . . .

The code compiles without errors. The problem is when , I entered the actually password that I declared in my code, it doesn't output "You entered the correct password" but it instead outputs "Try again", which is supposed to be the output if you've entered the incorrect password. What did I do wrong?

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Spanning Tree - Dealing With Static Variables

Feb 20, 2014

I'm new to Java and I'm trying to create a spanning tree in the desired order with 4 nodes (0,1,2,3). I've got the following code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class A {
public static boolean any(ArrayList<Integer> input) //To check for if any element in the ArrayList == 1
boolean answer = false;
for(int i=0;i<input.size();i++) {

[Code] ....

What happens is that the input parameter adj and hence the original adjmat inside main gets changed everytime I enter the method "connected", and I don't want this to happen. I understand that this is due to the main method being static and hence adjmat becomes static as well, but how do I change the code such that adjmat only gets modified after coming out of the connected function, and not while inside it?

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Servlets :: Static Variables In Thread-safe?

Jan 22, 2015

Are the static variables in servlet thread-safe?

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Sequential Search For Two Data Variables In Linked List

May 5, 2014

I just trying to find the most efficient way to do this. I read in a csv file into a linked list and then I split the linked list into sections based on category for each element. Of course I used an array to split each element of the list. However I can do the sequential search by either ID and Name by using hashmap and making the key = name + ID and then doing key.contains(charSequence);. However I feel like this is inefficient and I would like to use the linked list instead of a hashmap which could be done by splitting the user input and used for method overloading by passing an int in one and a string in another. I feel like this approach is a little more redundant and maybe their is a better approach for searching for id and name. Below is an example of the elements in a linked list.

note: their are more elements than this.

element 1

name: George
address: 4410 something dr.
phone number: 978-888-6666
id: 43

element 2

name: Karla
address: 339 something dr.
phone number: 334-338-6556
id: 23

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Instance Variables Passed In As Arguments To Static Methods?

Feb 19, 2011

I thought static methods could never use instance variables, because they wouldn't know which instance to look at.

From Head First Java, p. 284: "A static method is not associated with a particular instance - only the class - so it cannot access any instance variable values of its class. It wouldn't know which instance's values to use."

Now I was answering some mock exam questions from Cameron McKenzie's SCJA book, and I don't understand one of the options. On page 205, the last question has an option that says: "Instance variables ... are not visible in static methods, unless passed in as arguments." This option is supposed to be correct. Now... how does that work?

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Search Code Error

Jan 14, 2015

I am pretty new to Java and I am working on a sample Search code from my textbook. I can't figure out why I am getting the following error because I copied the sample exactly as it is in the book. The error is illegal start of expression on the second to last line.

public class Search {
public static final int NOT_FOUND = -1;
public static int binarySearch( int [] a, int x )
int low = 0;
int high = a.length - 1;
int mid;


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Binary Search Code For Array?

Mar 23, 2014

I'm just getting two errors concerning line 38 where it has Arrays.sort(int roomList); and the errors state that ".class is expected" and so is a semicolon. What did I do wrong? Also, how might I tweak the code to display "Occupied" or "Unoccupied" depending on the room that was entered?

Also we're not allowed to make use of API method for binary search so that's out of the question.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class HotelRoom
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;
int[] roomList = new int[25]; // occupied rooms

[Code] ....

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Why Does Compiler / IDE Force To Use Static In Code

Oct 24, 2014

I'm a beginner fiddling around classes in Java. I noticed on this particular code, Eclipse will give me an error and suggest I put the static keyword in front of the variable.

public class test {
//the following line is where Eclipse puts the static keyword
static FileAccess hello = new FileAccess("D:" + '\', ".mp3");
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int i = 0; i < hello.getTotalNumberOfFiles(); i++) {

[Code] .....

The FileAccess class is just a class I made while trying to retrieve filenames from my hard drive.

As far as I can tell, it works correctly after I put the static keyword there. I just want to know why it is required in this particular code, considering it didn't need to do that when I made a simpler class while I was getting my feet wet at creating classes in Java.

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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter A Password And Displays Valid Password

Dec 3, 2014

My homework is asking me to write a program that prompts the user to enter a password and displays "valid password" if the rule is followed or "invalid password"

enter a string for password: wewewx
valid password

It's being graded on
Design of my GUI
Dialog box
User friendliness

My current issues with the current code I have written is simply the password doesn't work unless it starts with 2 digits, the other order it displays as wrong. and I have no idea how to add a GUI.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;


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Replace HTML Code With Variables From Servlet

Aug 8, 2014

I'm trying to replace html code with variables from a servlet. Lines with a * won't replace.

String t = screen_configedit.replace( "value="eID"", "value=""+ eid + """);
t = t.replace("value="cID"", "value=""+ cid + """);
t = t.replace("<!-- <br><font color="red">ERROR! Please contact support!</font> -->", "<br><font color="red">ERROR! Please contact support!</font>");
t = t.replace("value="status"", "value=""+ status + """);

[Code] .....

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Code JButton To Test Input From JTextField And Search For Array Then Display Information

Jan 29, 2014

I have been creating a Java program to track inventory using an array. I need to add a search function to it to take a term, input through a text field, and locate a matching instance within the array. How can I code a JButton to grab test input from a JTextField and search for it within the array then display the corresponding information? I also need to add buttons to add and delete items as well.

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Getting Password From Password Field

Aug 26, 2014

I am new to JAVA GUI programming and was wondering how you go about getting and testing if a password field text equals something. For example, if the password equals "password" then do something.

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Why Username Validation Not Working

Oct 24, 2014

I have a JSF page for changing login credentials and i preferred to use Java validations instead of JSF validations on the inputText. The password validation works fine but the username validation does not produce any output. This is my JSF form

HTML Code:

<p><strong>Please type your new username: </strong>
<h:inputText size="15" value="#{register.newUsername}"/></p>
<p><strong>Please type new your password: </strong>
<h:inputSecret size="15" value="#{register.newPassword}" /></p>
<p><strong>Please retype new your password: </strong>


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JSP :: How To Determine Username (Website Visitor)

Jul 17, 2014

Is there a way to tell the login name of a visitor to a website?

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Servlets :: Get Remote Username In Java

Sep 22, 2014

I have a servlet. Users from other machines access that servlet and I want to capture the remote user's UserName and do validation over that.It's just a simple servlet and no login/password is present. I tried request.getRemoteUser(), but its of no luck.

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