Count Number Of Characters Contained In Both Strings And Display Results

May 2, 2014

I have been working on this for hours and cannot get it to work properly. The program is to count the number of characters contained in both strings and display the results. It is also to display the final statement, but only once. This version has a complete statement for each matching character.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class CountMatches {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String firstStr = ("");
String s1 = firstStr;

[Code] ....

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How To Count Certain Number Of Characters In Any Txt File

Mar 24, 2014

So I have 2 args[] one that reads the file name in the same directory and the other that tries to count how many of any letter (maybe even words) in the txt file ....

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How To Find Whether Strings Contained In Array Of Strings Constitute A Similar Character Or Not

Aug 25, 2014

I am having an array of strings and i want to find out whether these strings contained in the array contain a similar character or not.For example i am having following strings in the array of string:


my program should provide following result: 3 because i have 3 characters which are similar in all the strings of the array(f,b,d).

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I/O / Streams :: Merge Two Text Files And Count Number Of Characters?

May 24, 2014

I need to read the contents of file A, and B and store it in file C by joining the contents of A and B and also counting the number of letters/characters present in it.

I've come up with this so far.

public class JavaApplication43{
public static putwrite(string fname) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException


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Using Count Element Method To Count Occurrence Of Characters In Array

Jun 30, 2014

I have an array with the following characters {'E', 'L','E','P','H','A','N','T','P','O'}

now, I need an array that will store the first array such that only the occurence occurs e.g {'E','L','P','H','A','N','T','O'} Notice that the characters 'E' and 'P' occur twice and as a result were not repeated the second time in the new array.

How would one go about this using the counting elements technique?

I tried this but not sure how to use the counting elements technique.

char [] arr = new char{'E', 'L','E','P','H','A','N','T','P','O'};
char[] bucket = new char[(arr[0] * arr.length)];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)

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Count And Display Number Of Times Specified Character Appears In String

Mar 7, 2014

Write a program using a while-loop (and a for-loop) that asks the user to enter a string, and then asks the user to enter a character. The program should count and display the number of times that the specified character appears in the string. (So, you will have two separate program codes, one using a while-loop and the other one using a for-loop.)

Enter a string: "Hello, JAVA is my favorite programming language."
Enter a character: e
The number of times the specified character appears in the string: 3

I don't even know where to begin I've only got this

import java.util.Scanner;
 public class letterCounter {
 public static void main(String [] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter a string");
String myString = sc.nextLine();
System.out.println("Enter a letter");
String letter = sc.nextLine();

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Count Results By Transforming Numbers Into Symbols?

Oct 23, 2014

i am trying to turn an int number etc. 6 into 6 symbols the result would be "------". how can i transform int=6 into "------"? what function do i have to use to do this count?

public class Diagram {
public static void skrivDiagram() {
Random rand = new Random();
int[] frequency = new int[13]; {

for (int roll = 1; roll <= 100; roll++)


Here i want to transform the frequency[face] into "-".

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Using String Methods To Count Characters

Nov 4, 2014

I am trying to count the number of non_blank characters in a string. If there are no leading blank spaces it works fine but say i add three spaces in front it doubles the non blank characters.

import java.util.*;
public class countCharacters
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
String str1;
int count;
count = 0;

[Code] ....

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Compare First Characters Of Two Strings?

May 20, 2015

I am trying to compare the first characters of two strings.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class testIf {
public static void main (String [] args) {
String userInput = "";
char firstLetter = '-';

[Code] .....

in the if statement i get this error Cannot invoke charAt(int) on the primitive type char...

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Strings In Java - Adding Characters

Jan 13, 2015

It works when i do this ,
String a = "*";
for(int i = 0; i++; i<10){
a = a +"*";

but it doesn't work the other way,

String a = "***************";
for(int i = 0; i++; i<10){
a = a - "*";

I searched about this online and read strings are unmutable in java but what does that exactly mean ? If the string cannot be changed how i am able to add the characters but not remove them.

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Compare 2 Strings - Generate New String With Matching Characters

Jul 3, 2014

I'm attempting a small program as I'm teaching myself the ropes. In it, I need to compare one string (the base) to another which is just the base string that's had it's characters shuffled.

Java Code:

String base = "ABCDEFG"
String shuffled = "CDAFBEG" mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

What I need to do is run a loop that shuffles the base string each time, but compares and saves any characters that match in the correct location. For example, if shuffled = "CDAFBEG", then the G would be "locked" in place and the rest of the characters shuffled and looped back to the comparison.

I have all the code I need for shuffling the string, but I'm not sure how I would go about comparing each character and then also locking it in place. I get the basics, I think, of needed to use several variables.

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Need To Count Strings That How Many Inputs From User Were Numbers

Jan 30, 2014

import java.util.Scanner;
public class CountStringNumbers { // show the number of Strings that were numbers . . ..
public static void main(String []args){
int count = 0;
int countNumbers=0;
Scanner input=new Scanner(;


can count the numbers from 0-9 if the user puted but if it is 10 it doesnt count it , and i need to write all the numbers to have that option. . . . Is there an easy way that includes all the numbers? like if(word.equals(number)){<<<???? (numbers) i know htat doesnt work but is there anything similar ?? ??

System.out.println("Type Something , , , and to end the the termination type STOP");
System.out.println("You wrote "+count+" lines wich from those lines "+countNumbers+" were numbers and the programe terminated ");

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String Counter Doesn't Count Appropriate Strings Properly

May 11, 2014

I have this source code that is supposed to count the repeated occurrences of certain strings in the text file, "string.txt". The contents of the file are listed below:



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Count Vowels In ArrayList Of Strings - N Cannot Be Resolved To A Variable

Sep 11, 2014

What I'm trying to do here is to count the vowels in an arraylist of strings. What I did may not be right, but that's not my problem for now. My problem is that i cannot return the value (n) I want to return. I don't know why.

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class One {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();

[URL] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Using SetText To Display GUI Results

Feb 15, 2015

I have the code here to populate a GUI. I have the math and then print out and return a single number. I have tried to use setText in the class CalculateButtonHandler.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class RectangleProgram extends JFrame {
private JLabel lengthL, widthL, areaL, perimeterL, averageL;

[Code] ....

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I/O Arrays - Count Number Of Repetitiveness In String For The Number

May 19, 2014

//read the file
//make the numbers 1 string line
//count the number of repetitiveness in the string for the numbers
//display four lowest ones

import java.util.*;
public class Lottery2

[Code] ....

when I run it the array gets sorted but how do i keep the data in other words

what it is supposed to do is grab numbers from a file, and give me the lowest 4 numbers back. I know the numbers using the array but how do i pull out the lowest 4 and keep the data true no matter what numbers or how many of them are in the file.

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Trying To Display Array Results In GUI Window JAVA

Sep 16, 2014

I am having the hardest time trying to figure out how to display an array in a 1-window GUI.

I can display 1 book separately, by basically ignoring the array and creating a new object for each book, but I need all 5 books to display in one window, and that's where I'm lost. I'd really like to use the arrayI built to generate the books in the GUI. The information of each book appearing horizontally, and the different books appearing vertically.

// This program displays information on multiple books

/* Currency Formating Import */
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Arrays;

[Code] ....

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GUI To Display Search Results Based On User Input Server Name

Jul 18, 2014

I am using a GUI to display search results based on user's input server name. I am using MS Access as DB and I have the DSN set up correctly.But the search results are displayed for the first typed value in text filed. I am getting same result set every time though i input different server names .

import java.sql.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
public class SearchResult implements ActionListener{


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Display Result Of Two Dice Thrown Five Times And Total Of Those Results

Sep 12, 2014

I need to create a simply application that would display the results of two dice thrown five times and the total of those results. This is shown below in the attached file.

The problem is, I have a do-while loop that loops 6 times. Inside the loop, I have 2 random.nextInt(5) that generate random numbers. But how can I output the total? How can I make a variable equal to the sum of the two random numbers if the two random numbers are located inside a do-while loop?

Attached below is also the code I have thus far.

(Attached below is both files: what it needs to look like, and what it currently looks like)

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Java Program Using Nested Loop To Compute / Display Average Of Test Results For Each Experiment

Apr 2, 2015

Four experiments are performed, each consisting of six tests. The number of test results for each experiment is entered by the user. Write a Java program using a nested loop to compute and display the average of the test results for each experiment.

You can run the program by entering the following test results:

Experiment 1 results:23.231.516.927.525.428.6
Experiment 2 results:34.845.227.936.833.439.4
Experiment 3 results:19.416.810.220.818.913.4
Experiment 4 results:36.939.549.245.142.750.6

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String Characters Display First Three Multiple Times

Sep 26, 2014

I am trying below challenge to display first three characters three times if the size of the string is greater than 3.

Say if i send hello i should get helhelhel

if i send xyz i should get xyzxyzxyz

I wrote as below

public String front3(String str) {
return str+str+str;
String str2=new String(new char[]{str.charAt(0),str.charAt(1),str.charAt(2)});
return str2;

I am getting error as below

Error:public String front3(String str) {
This method must return a result of type String

Possible problem: the if-statement structure may theoretically allow a run to reach the end of the method without calling return. Consider adding a last line in the method return some_value; so a value is always returned.

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Unable To Print Out Results Of Program That Calculate Number Of Seats

Nov 11, 2014

I'm trying to print out the results of a program that calculates the number of seats the parties will get in an election.I have to print the partial results and the national results.

I can print te number of seats per party in each constituency, but how can i sum all seats per party in each constituency and print the national results?I'm working with vectors, which I know it might not be the best option, but everything is working, except the fact that I can't loop throuhg the vector and retrieve the total sum per party.Like, adding the seats for labour party in Constituency A and B and C, etc, and print the sum. And do the same for conservative party.Is it possible, or doIhave to create a method in Parties class to solve the problem?

This is what I have now.

for (Parties p : h.geral) {
show += String.format("Constituency - %5s - %5s - %d%n",
p.getConstituency(), p.getParty(), p.getNum_seats());

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Exam Results - Code Should Split Results In Stars In 4 Categories

Nov 30, 2014

I'm doing a program where a user enters in exam results for students. Once he's entered the code, the code should split the results in stars in 4 categories.

I am working with a while loop that prints out infinite results. What I want to do is, if the user enters 2 digits, say "12", it should output 1 "*".

If the user enters "21" and "22", it should output "**".

There are 4 categories of marks which are marked with ints range1, range2, range3 and range4, which are user enter digits. Part 1 of the code is to split the user entered digits into its correct ranges. the ranges are 0-29, 30-39, 40-69 and 70-100. I've done the part where when the user enters a digit, it goes into the correct variable. After that when the user enters a digit over 100, the enter results should show up as stars. For example

Enter number =

111 (the 111 is where the program breaks and moves on)

So it should then display

0-29 ****


40-69 ***


Whatever I'm trying, it displays an infinite amount of stars. If I try to use break, It only outputs a single star, no matter how many digits I enter

Here is the code

int mark = 0;
int range1 = 0, range2 = 0, range3 = 0, range4 = 0;
int count1 = 0, count2 = 0, count3 = 0, count4 = 0;
while (mark >=0 && mark <=100) {

[Code] .....

"The problem is with the while loop, the one above is something I was experimenting with "

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Produce Similar Output For N Characters Where N Is A Odd Number

Apr 25, 2014

1.Write a program to produce a similar output for n characters, where n is a odd number. The below output is for n=7.

Java Code:


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Count Number Of Books In Arraylist?

Jan 29, 2015

We have been given an assignment to create a small library, with the following classes Library, Book, Author and Copy. With a given class Biblio which has predefined code and adds the books to the class book in an arraylist in Class Copy.

The UML Domain is attached so you know the flow of the classes Everything is working fine and the generated output is correct.

There is just one method in class Library that is not working, the int method has to count the number of Copy's based on the Class Book (String):

I have to go through the Arraylist in Class Copy and look for a specific book and return the number of copy's.

I have tried multiple steps using a for loop Now I have found a similar post the uses hashset, I have tried below code but the return comes back with 0. (There are 3 copy's)

package domein;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import domein.Boek;
import domein.Exemplaar;


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Count Number Of Paragraphs In A Document

Mar 28, 2014

 public class Paragraph {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException

[Code] .....

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