Create Compound Shapes / Paths In JavaFX?

Apr 28, 2015

Is there some way to create compound shapes/paths in JavaFX?

For the record I'm not implying the use of the methods intersect, subtract, or union. These produce other shapes. A compound shape/path is one that has a knockout of some sort. For instance, a circle within a circle, such as in a 2d donut shape. Alternatives do not include a circle with a thick stroke nor an overlayed circle with the background color. Specifically, JavaFX supports the FillRule, in the case of the Path object. However, there doesn't appear to be an "add" method as there was in the Area shape in Swing.

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Drawing Interactive Paths In JavaFx 8?

Aug 6, 2014

I am trying to make a GUI that allows the user to input the NumberLink puzzle (through mouse action events), and then, displays the puzzle in a grid with features to draw a path, and undo it. This is almost exactly the same functionality as in Numberlink on Nikoli

1. In my project, I have a Stage in which a setup scene prompts user for rows and columns (to take size of puzzle),

2. Then, it generates an empty grid (I'm thinking of using a GridPane here), and the user clicks the squares to enter the numbers into the square. this phase isnt a problem if I use text fields and mouse listeners and store info in a grid... the next phase is what I'm stuck at... unless I know exactly how to do that, I cant make progress...

3. In the third stage, I have to display the numbers to the user just like on the Nikoli site (the highlighting number pairs on mouse hover is a necessary feature too, which I think I can handle with CSS).. and the user should draw paths between the numbers, just as on that site ( I thought VLineTo and HLineTo classes would be suitable.. but I'm not sure, and cant find any alternatives) .....

So with this in mind, I made FXML based dummy gui layouts to test if my ideas work... And I cant get the GridPane to have lines drawing atop it (meaning, I cant place Line objects like HLine on top of the grid panes).... is there any other way to do what I need to do ? I also thought of making canvases in a grid (each square is its own canvas)

How I can implement a user inputted path drawing ??

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Point Of Collision Between Shapes

May 25, 2015

I have a problem in with colissions in JavaFX.
First, I detect a collision between a line and a circle using the follow code:
After this, i need catch the coordinate of collision, like the below figure:

How to catch this coordinate?

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Compound Assignment Operator

Jan 8, 2014

I just cant seem to understand the order of precedence here.

class Test{    
public static void main(String[] args){       
int k = 1;             
k += (k = 4) * (k + 2);       
System.out.println( k );    

From what I have read compound operators have the lowest order of precedence... But the above piece of code makes the assignment k = 1 + (k = 4) * (k + 2) before evaluating the rest of the statement first.

It then evaluates (k = 4) and proceeds with the remained of the statement 1 + 4 * (4 + 6)....

I dont understand why the first k is assigned 1 but the remaining ks 4. Should they not all be 1 or 4 (I would have thought 4, since += has the lost order of precedence so is evaluated last)??

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How To Get A Compound Interest Program To Work

Apr 10, 2014


package com.eclipsedistilled.cis125;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class HowellBank {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Written by George Torgerson
//Chapter 4 Link to Logic 7
//Program that accepts an account number, the account owner's first
int accountNumber;


This is for college homework. Fictional bank. I would like the year to look like Year 1, Year 2, etc.

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Generating Compound Interest With Integers

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to change this code to use only integers to calculate the compound interest.

// Compound-interest calculations with for.

public class Interest {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
double amount; // amount on deposit at end of each year
double principal = 1000.0; // initial amount before interest
double rate = 0.05; // interest rate

[Code] .....

And here is the output I get :

Why do I get the output after year 2? I assume it has something to do with the remainder.

I also have to format this output with the decimal point, etc.. which I think I will be ok with after I get through this part.

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Creating A Program That Calculates Simple And Compound Interest

Aug 12, 2014

I need getting started designing and creating a program that calculates simple and compound interest. Simple interest in this case means that interest is only applied to the original amount. For instance, if a person deposits $1000 at 10% annual interest, then after one year they would have $1100 (the original $1000 plus the $100 interest) and after two years they would have $1200 (the original $1000, plus the $100 earned the first year, plus the $100 earned the second year).

With compound interest, the interest is applied to all money earned. So, starting with $1000 at 10% annual interest, after one year the user would have $1100 (the original amount plus $100 interest) and after two years the user would have $1210 (the $1100 they started with at the beginning of the year plus the $110 interest).

The requirements of this program are:

-Create a class that will hold methods to calculate the interest. Do not include the main method in this class.
-In the class that is used to calculate the interest, include a method to print to the screen, by interest period, the starting amount for the period, the interest earned for the period, and the total amount at the end of the period. Note that each period represents the time frame for how often it is updated. If annual is selected the period is every year. If it is semi-annual it is every six months. If it is quarterly it is every three months.
-Create a demo class that will use your interest calculation class. Prompt the user for the original amount, the type of interest (simple or compound), the annual interest rate, and whether it is updated annually, semi-annually, or quarterly. Use method calls to your calculate interest class to do all calculations and display the result. Loop the program until the user chooses to quit.

Sample output ($10000 initial investment, 10% simple interest, annual, for 4 years):

Period Beginning Amount Interest Earned Ending Amount
1 10000.00 1000.00 11000.00
2 11000.00 1000.00 12000.00
3 12000.00 1000.00 13000.00
4 13000.00 1000.00 14000.00

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Amortization Algorithm - Loan Calculator That Uses Compound Interest

May 21, 2014

I'm making a loan calculator that uses compound interest... I need the program to return the monthly payment, how much of it is principal and how much of it is interest, which depends on how many months into your loan you are... So basically all I need is the algorithm to calculate how much of your monthly payment (depending on how many months in you are) is interest and how much of it is principal.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Is It Possible To Create Dynamic GUI?

Jul 7, 2014

I'd like the GUI to be drawn based on definition file. Is it possible to "generate" fxml (like PHP does html) so I could do this:
for (...) {
     command_to_generate (<button ....>);

Or is using legaxy javaFX code the only way to achieve it?

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How To Create A Dragable Triangle With JavaFX

Nov 6, 2014

I'm trying to make a triangle that plots the point in where the corners show their position in the window and also that the user may drag each corner to a desired position.

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.event.ActionEvent;
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton;
import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon;
import javafx.scene.shape.Shape;


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Create Histogram - How To Label Bin Edges

Jan 30, 2015

How to create histogram in JavaFX ? Is it possible to do it using BarChart? how to label the bin edges (ticks)?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Create Button Bar The Same As Confirmation Dialog

May 1, 2015

I want to create a button bar that is the same as the confirmation dialog button bar -- so an OK and cancel button layed out in the platform specific way, and with the same styling.
I have made some progress via a hack -- create an alert dialog, and extract the buttons in the dialog using lookupButton, and then put those buttons in a toolbar. But this doesn't necessarily get a toolbar with the buttons in the correct order. If I could get the button bar out of an alert dialog I would have a solution, but I can't see to do that.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Create List Of Entities - Multi-row Tableview?

Apr 10, 2015

I would like to create list of entities which is populated by a search function with the data coming from our REST webservice. However I would like it to be multi-line, with the first line being details from the entity itself and the second line buttons for options that can be performed.
So as an example say my entity is People, the first line would contain columns for first name, last name, gender, DOB, etc. The second line would be buttons for "Edit Person", "Print Person details".   With the standard TableView I can't see anyway to alternate between one row of data and another row of buttons.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: TabPane - Create Pagination With No Page Control?

Nov 5, 2014

TabPane and Pagination controls.  However, I would like to be able to create a vertical toolbar that controls page or tab display.

Is it possible to create a Pagination with no page control?  Or is my guess of sizing the Pagination control so that the lower section is off of the displayed window, thus hiding the page info? Or, is it possible to create a TabPane with panels, but no tabs?

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Why Does Scene Builder Constantly Create New Instances Of Nodes

Nov 28, 2014

I thought I had a simple idea for creating a control that would let me get some of the behavior of a card pane.  This is the entire control:
import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.scene.Node;

[Code] ....
The idea is pretty simple; extend StackPane, add an active property, bind the visible and managed properties of the pane to the active property, and, whenever the active property is changed to true, iterate sibling nodes de-activating any siblings that are also of the type Card.
However, this doesn't work with Scene Builder.  While trying to debug, I created an ExtStackPane:
import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
public class ExtStackPane extends StackPane {
        getChildren().addListener((ListChangeListener<Node>) c -> {
            System.out.println("ExtStackPane children change: " + c.toString());
All this does is log list change events.  However, I was very surprised by the output when working in Scene Builder.  I added both controls to Scene Builder and did the following:
0) Added an ExtStackPane
1) Added a Card to the ExtStackPane
2) Added another Card to the ExtStackPane
3) Added a Label to the first Card
4) Added a Label to the second Card
5) Changed the text of the first Label to Hello
6) Changed the text of the second Label to World
7) Set the first Card to active
8) Set the second Card to active
I get the following output:
ExtStackPane children change: { [Card@5b9067b3] added at 0 }

ExtStackPane children change: { [Card@6b6328bd] added at 0 }
ExtStackPane children change: { [Card@6aca8cc5] added at 1 }

[Code] ....
This is what things look like in Scene Builder:
Does Scene Builder recreate the entire hierarchy every time I make a small change?  Here's an application that does the same as the manual steps I performed in Scene Builder:

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.stage.Stage;
public class CardApplication extends Application {

[Code] ....

The output when running the above is:

ExtStackPane children change: { [Card@6dfaa767] added at 0 }

ExtStackPane children change: { [Card@6aa2c411] added at 1 }

[Code] ....
The behavior is obviously a lot different than when I'm working with the control in Scene Builder. What Scene Builder is doing to change the behavior of my Card control so much?  Does my Card control break some rule(s) I'm not aware of?

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Displaying All Paths In A Tree

Nov 20, 2014

I know what the tree data structure is, how it works, etc., but I need to design a method that will sequentially print out all the paths in the tree (i.e. for each node).

The method as provided is

private static String getAllPaths(final BinaryNodeInterface<Character> root) { }

Now the string that must be returned needs to be of the format:

root.getData() + " " + path + "
root.getData()[1] + " " + path[1] + "

The pseudocode I was thinking of doing was something along the lines of:

if(root.getData() = null) return paths;
path = ?; // absolutely no clue what to do here
paths += root.getData() + " " + path + "
if(root.hasLeftChild()) {
newPath += "0";
paths += begin recursion;
if(root.hasRightChild()) {
newPath += "1";
paths += begin recursion;
return paths;


(1) I don't know how to determine "path" before the left and right children check (the root node's path is "", the first left node's path is "0", the first right node's path is "1", pattern continues with left being "0" and right being "1").
(2) I don't know where to put newlines precisely.
(3) I'm not sure how to get the print layout precisely as it is supposed to be. At most I've been able to just get the last number in the sequence (i.e. if it was supposed to be "1000", I could get "0".

I am working with the pseudocode formulation, especially in regards to the logic and formatting. I think once I have an understanding of what is going on, I can solve it. And yes, I've gone through a couple pseudocode rewrites (a few hours worth) and haven't gotten anywhere which is slightly unnerving.

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Can't Get Relative Paths To Work

Apr 25, 2014

I can't get Relative paths to work. I have created the class.dat file and I can't get java to recognize it. I am using Eclipse as an IDE. Was wondering if I could get Eclipse to recognize it. I tried with a .txt file as well and couldn't get that to work.

public class ReadBytes
public static void main(String[] args)
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream("class.dat");

[Code] .....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Create Implementation Of Service Class That Runs On Particular Time Everyday

Jun 23, 2014

I tried using ScheduledService but  the delay and period fields accepts a Duration object. I want the Service to run at exactly 6.00 pm everyday.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: How To Create Off Screen Images By Canvas In Multi-thread Environment

Feb 25, 2015

I want to create off-screen images by Canvases in multi-thread environment.
I know that I use methods of GraphicsContext2D to draw on Canvas. Can I do this on Canvas which is not added to Scene ?
How can I get an image from a canvas after I invoke GraphicsContext2D methods? Can I get images in multi-thread environment ?

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Drawing 3D Shapes With Java

Feb 17, 2014

I have a problem which can't solve it for 2 days search. I need to draw 3d shapes , i downloaded all packages and set an example code and run it ...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no J3D in java.library.path
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary( :1886)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(

[Code] ....

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Draw Geometry Shapes 2

May 9, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
public class Game extends JPanel implements ActionListener, KeyListener{
Timer t = new Timer(5,this);
double x = 0, y = 0, velx = 0, vely = 0;

[Code] .....

So why doesn't it work and what about the second dot.... ?

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How To Print All Paths Of Cyclic Graph

Sep 14, 2014

I print a path like below with iteration. It is redundant as you see. How can I remove the redundant path? im using arrayList .

1. [0, 1]
2. [0, 1, 2]
3. [0, 1, 3]
4. [0, 1, 3, 4]

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File Paths In Eclipse / Jgrasp

May 1, 2014

So I downloaded jgrasp and eclipse on a new computer and am trying to figure out how their filing/path system works.In eclipse I created a new project under which I've imported all my files for my comp sci class, so they're all under this one project which is my only project. I attached a pic of what my eclipse workspace looks like. In this project folder is a file I'm trying to run.

I keep getting an error saying "editor" does not contain a main type.When I change my class name to the project folder I end up getting an option to run the program as an applet or an application, but either one I choose I get the same error message. In the bottom it gives me a warning saying

Build path specifies execution environment CDC-1.1/Foundation-1.1. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible with this environment. CS1050AssignmentsBuild pathJRE System Library Problem

I tried running the program in jgrasp and got this error

----jGRASP wedge2 error: command "javac" not found.
---- This command must be in the current working directory or
---- on the current system PATH or jGRASP PATH to use this function.
---- System + jGRASP PATH is "C:UsersQudrat.MommandiDocuments;C:Windowssystem32;C:Program Files (x86)InteliCLS Client;C:Progra


I have the JDK installed in program files, I have the correct versions of eclipse and Jgrasp, and have uninstalled / reinstalled the JDK/Jgrasp/Eclipse so I don't know what the problem is?

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Finding Number Of Paths Between Two Nodes

May 5, 2015

Is it possible to find the number of paths between two nodes in a directed graph using an adjacency matrix? I know how to find all said paths of a given length by using matrix exponentiation, but I don't know how to find all the paths. The professor didn't note it in the assignment but I assume she meant all simple paths because this is a cyclic graph, so there's a potentially infinite number of paths.

I'm thinking I should use matrix exponentiation to find the number of paths of lengths 1 to n-1, where n is the number of nodes in the graph. Then add the number of paths for each length together. Would this work?

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Number Of Paths Coordinate System

Oct 18, 2014

I've been pondering about this algorithm for about a week but I'm still not able to write a "fast" working method/algorithm to solve the Number-of-paths-exercise we were given in my class />

So here's the task:
Write an efficient java program "Paths" which solves the following task:

- Read input n ∈ N and give output a(n) which is the number of paths from (0,0) to (n,0)
it is not allowed to go over the diagonal (m,m) and also not below the x-axis (m,0)

Here are the allowed steps:
u = (1,1), U = (1,4), d = (1,−1), D = (1,−4) and H = (1,0)
steps are performed in a two-dimensional-coordinate-system!

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List All Possible Paths From Point A To B Using Recursion?

Apr 12, 2014

From a two-dimensional grid 5x5 that looks like this:


We have Starting point that is (3,0) and an ending point is (1,3). We can only move up and right to get to the ending point by using recursion. We have to list all possible paths from (3,0) to (1,3)

Example: paths:(3,0)(2,0)(1,0)(1,1)(1,2)(1,3)

I was able to get from (3,0) to (1,3) but how to list the other paths. This is my code so far

public class Program7 {
public static void main(String[] args){

int size = 5;

int x1 = 3;
int y1 = 0;
int x2 = 1;
int y2 = 3;

System.out.println(x1+" "+y1);
System.out.println(x2+" "+y2);

int [][] path = new int[size][size];


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