Create Object Of List Type Such As Text File?

Dec 27, 2014

I want to create a program where I need to create an object of list type such as text file will contain nos like 1,2,3,4,5 and write into text file and delete the in FIFO order i.e 1,2,3,4, i can achieve to write a program? I tried bt everytime got concurrent modification exception or Array out of bound exception.

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Create Random Access File

Dec 9, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data. Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;


these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not seperated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name seperated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Create Object Deriving From PrintingClass And Use That Object To Print Text

Apr 9, 2014

Task:The main method of the class Things below creates an object called printer deriving from the class PrintingClass and uses that object to print text. Your task is to write the PrintingClass class.

Program to complete:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Things {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String characterString;
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
PrintingClass printer = new PrintingClass();
System.out.print("Type in the character string for printing: ");
characterString = reader.nextLine();

// Write the missing class here

Note: In this exercise the solution is part of a conversion unit where many classes have been declared. Because of this the classes are not declared as public using the public attribute.

Example output

Type in the character string for printing: John Doe

John Doe

My Class:
class PrintingClass {
public void print(){

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How To Pass Object Type To A Method / Then Create Instance

Aug 9, 2014

Essentially, the code I want is:

public void randomCreate(ParentObject obj){
int x = random(0-4); //pseudo
int y = random(0-4); //pseudo
create new ParentObj(x,y);

ParentObject is actually abstract, so you would only ever pass one of its children objects to it, and a child object of that type would be created. It seems like there should be a way to pass a type, rather than an object, and then create an instance later down, but I don't know if that is actually possible, or if it is poor programming style.

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Public Method That Takes Array Of Type Object To Load Strings Into Linked List

Oct 13, 2014

I am having a little trouble with a part of my Java assignment that needs to have linked lists in it.

I need to write a public method that takes an array of type object to load strings into a linked list.

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Get List / Map Or Array Of A Specific File Type Files In A Directory?

Sep 18, 2014

If I specify the directory in file type or path string type how can I get a list of files that are file type .yml in that folder, so I can loop through and do something with each single file.yml in that specified directory.

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Read Text File Into Object Array And Creating Random Access File

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data.

Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;

[Code] .....

And then here is the data from the text file that i must extract to use to create product objects.

Dill Seed,938,34
Mustard Seed,100,64
Coriander Powder,924,18
Cinnamon (Ground Korintje),951,10
Cinnamon (Ground) Xtra Hi Oil (2x),614,31
Cinnamon (Ground) High Oil (1X),682,19

These continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not separated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name separated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quantity after the second comma.....

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Creating Random Access File?

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data.

Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;
public Product( String pName, double price, int quanity )


and then here is the data from the text file that i must extract to use to create product objects.

Dill Seed,938,34

Mustard Seed,100,64

Coriander Powder,924,18


Cinnamon (Ground Korintje),951,10

Cinnamon (Ground) Xtra Hi Oil (2x),614,31

Cinnamon (Ground) High Oil (1X),682,19

these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not separated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name separated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Creating A System That Will Ask User To Create A File That Will Store To Text File

Mar 9, 2015

I am new to java and I am creating a system that will ask the user to create a file that will store to a text file, Once the user created the file I have a class that will let the user input the subject name that has been created, However, I keep on getting this java.util.nosuchelementexception.Here's my code:

public void display_by_name()
String id, name,total;
String key[]=new String[30];
String value[]=new String[30];
int i=0;


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How To Create A Text File

May 10, 2014

File f=new File("c:/FilePractice/text.txt");

and it creates only the folder text.txt.i am trying to create a blank txt file int this folder?what is the easiest way to do it? i try this one also:


PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter("test.txt");


and its work but the test.txt file created in sort of default folder in my project can i make it in a folder that i want?

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Placing Integers In Linked List From Text File?

Mar 30, 2015

Trying to read integers from a text file and place them in a linked list in order. Program is compiling and running fine, just not the way I am intending when I am calling the methods. (Note: You have to enter the file location in the var x if you plan on running this.)

import java.util.*;
 public class Node {
public int value;
public Node next;
  Node(int x) {
this.value = x;


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How To Create Jar File Of Program With Text File

Jan 29, 2015

i have made one desktop application with swing and i have uses one textfile (File) in it. i want to handover to another friend to use it . How to create jar file of that program with that text file so that my friend use it without any issue . I have made it in NetBeans

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Reading From Text File - Print Linked List On Console

Mar 9, 2015

How can i convert this linked list code to a read from input.txt

The first line in the input file will give the elements to initialize the linked list with. Consecutive lines will provide operation instructions.

Your code should read one line at a time. After reading each line, it should perform the corresponding operation and print the linked-list on the console.

If an operation is not possible, it should print "N/A".

Sample input file. Please note, the comments (// ...) are given for explanation, the input file will not have them:

4, 5, 6, 3// First line. This will provide the initial values for the linked list : 4->5->6->3
1, 9// Add a 9 at the front of the linked-list. After this operation the linked-list should be: 9->4->5->6->3
2, 1// Add a 1 at the end of the linked-list. After this operation the linked-list should be: 9->4->5->6->3->1
3, // Delete the first node in the linked-list. After this operation the linked-list should be: 4->5->6->3->1
4, // Delete the last node in the linked-list. After this operation the linked-list should be: 4->5->6->3
5, 11// Delete the node with the value 11 in it. Since this is not possible, it should print "N/A"
5, 6// Delete the node with the value 6 in it. After this operation the linked-list should be: 4->5->3

Sample output to the console:


My Code:


class linkedList
protected Node start;
protected Node end ;
public int size ;
[Code] .....

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Writing Object To File And Then Read It In Text

Mar 18, 2014

I have problem with writing objects to file. The thing i want to do is write object(Measur) and then read it from Notepad++. Not from program, but normally from computer. When i'm opening my file i see patterns(i dont how to call this). I think, that I need write it as a string in some way. There is my code:

Java Code:


class Task3 {


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Networking :: Create A New Text File In FTP Server

Jun 26, 2015

I am trying to create a new text file in FTP Server using FTPClient but im not able to do. By using storeFile method i can only upload file that is already exists in my local system. But my requirement is to create file directly into FTP Server.

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How To Take Input Text File With Terms And Create Glossary With Hyperlinks

Nov 28, 2014

I'm working on a project where I have to take an input text file with terms and create a glossary with hyperlinks. I've got it working halfway. It outputs the html files for some but not all of the terms and I can't figure out why.

I'm getting these errors:

Please enter the location of the input file: data/terms.txt
Please enter the location for the glossary: data/testOutput
Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.LinkedList$ListItr.checkForComodification(

[Code] .....

How would I fix them??

Code :

import java.util.Comparator;
import components.queue.Queue;
import components.queue.Queue2;
import components.sequence.Sequence;

[Code] ....

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Inheritance Relationship Between Type Of Actual Object And Object Reference?

Apr 15, 2014

For example I create an object like this:

BankAccount b = new SavingsAccount();

Now lets say that I want to access a method 'addInterest()' that is in the 'SavingsAccount' class I would have to do: '((SavingsAccount)s).addInterest();'

The question I have is why do I have to cast 'b' to SavingsAccount? Isn't the actual object reference of 'b' already an instance of 'SavingsAccount' class? How does the 'BankAccount' affect the object itself? I'm really confused as to what class is truly getting instantiated and how BankAccount and SavingsAccount are both functioning to make the object 'b'.

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Object Reference Variable Unwilling To Be Reset To A Different Object Type

Nov 6, 2014

I don't understand why the object reference variable 'a' cannot be recast from a thisA object reference to a thisB object reference.Is it the case that once a reference variable is linked to a particular object type then it cannot switch object types later on.I am facing the Java Associate Developer exam soon and I am just clearing up some issues in my head around object reference variable assignment,

class thisA {}
class thisB extends thisA { String testString = "test";}
public class CastQuestion2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
thisA a = new thisA();
thisB b = new thisB();


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Type In A Name And It Will Search Through Each Object And Print Back Corresponding Object Info

Nov 19, 2014

I am trying to get this to where I can type in a name and it will search through each object and print back the corresponding object info.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyPeople {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person[] p = new Person[] {
new Person("Chris", 26, "Male", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("JoAnna", 23, "Female", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("Dana", 24, "Female", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("Dan", 25, "Male", "NJ", "Single"),
new Person("Mike", 31, "Male", "NJ", "Married") };


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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Reading From HTMLEditorKit Doesn't Display Text While In Text / HTML Content Type?

Apr 24, 2015

I'm working on a simple text editor, and I'm currently saving the contents of my JTextPane in a file using an HTMLEditorKit (text is a JTextPane):

private void save() throws IOException {
int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(window);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument)text.getDocument();
HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
BufferedOutputStream out;

[Code] ....

The problem I'm having is that after opening a file that I saved, it does not display (if I disable text/html, it displays the entire html code, but when I re-enable it, nothing displays at all.) Am I loading it wrong, or am I setting the JTextPane's text incorrectly? Or is it, perhaps, another error that I didn't catch?

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Sort Linked List Through The Nodes Of List - Data Of Calling Object

Feb 14, 2014

I have some class called sorted to sort the linked list through the nodes of the list. and other class to test this ability, i made object of the sort class called "list1" and insert the values to the linked list.

If i make other object called "list2" and want to merge those two lists by using method merge in sort class. And wrote code of


How can the merge method in sort class know the values of list1 that called it as this object is created in other class.

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Get Object Strings To Print In List So That User Can Select That Object To Manipulate Its Attributes

Oct 7, 2014

I am new to Java and have read books, the Java docs, and searched the Internet for my problem to no avail. I have an Array of objects that contains strings. How can I get the object's strings to print in a list so that the user can select that object to manipulate its attributes? For example, the user can select "Guitar 1" from a list and manipulate its attributes like tuning it, playing it, etc. I have a class called Instruments and created 10 guitar objects.Here is the code:

Instrument [] guitar = new Instrument[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
guitar[0] = new Instrument("Guitar 1");
guitar[1] = new Instrument("Guitar 2");
guitar[2] = new Instrument("Guitar 3");
guitar[3] = new Instrument("Guitar 4");
guitar[4] = new Instrument("Guitar 5");
guitar[5] = new Instrument("Guitar 6");


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Display Properties Of Each Object Instead Of Object Array List Itself?

Mar 23, 2015

If I set a Jlist to contain an array of objects, how can I display properties of each object instead of the object array list itself. Ex:

Instead of:


display values such as each person name within the Jlist:


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Searching For Object In Linked List Then Removing The Object

Nov 19, 2014

I have just started working with linked lists. I have a linked list of Objects and I want to be able to search for a specific object. But currently my code continues to return false. Also how would I go about removing the first index of the linked list.

public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedList<Cookies> ml = new LinkedList<>();
int choice = 0;
while (choice >= 0) {
choice = menu();

[Code] ....

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How To Convert ZipEntry Type To File Type

Dec 4, 2014

I'm trying to parse and compare the content of a zip file. However I'm stuck at what SHOULD be a very simple problem, however I can't seem to find a solution. I have done the following:

ZipInputStream zin1 = new ZipInputStream(fin);
ZipEntry ze1 = null;
fin2 = new FileInputStream(fileName2);
ZipInputStream zin2 = new ZipInputStream(fin2);
ZipEntry ze2 = null;
ze1 = zin1.getNextEntry();
ze2 = zin2.getNextEntry();

Which gives me the first entry of each zipfile as a ZipEntry type object. I have tried getting the path of the file (inside the zip file) and using this to create a File type object. This does not seem to work though I get:

Exception in thread "main" My DocumentsmetadatacoreProperties.xml (The system cannot find the file specified)
at Method)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)

And this is because I get a null return from trying to create the File file1 = new File(correctLocation);

I guess I cannot access the file inside a zip file this way. So my question is how can I make a ZipEntry type object into a File type object?

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Enum Type And Array List

Feb 10, 2015

Here I have an enum class

public enum Money{


private int coin;
Money(int c) {
coin = c;
int showCoin() {
return coin;

and for a test class, I need an array list with a couple of coins in it (i.e. ONE_POUND, TWO_POUNDS) and a loop that adds together the values of the coins in the list and prints the result. How can I do this?

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