Creating A Diagonal Cross?

Oct 3, 2014

I need to create a diagonal cross however I can not figure out how to do the upper left side of it.

Currently I am getting

3 *--*

I want to get it to look like

1 *--*
3 *---*
4*------ *

( I replaced spaces with -) So far I have

System.out.println("Input a size(must be larger than 1: )");
if (size>1) {
for (x=0;x<size;x++){

[Code] ....

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Moving Rectangle In Diagonal Line

Jul 24, 2009

I am just trying to move a rectangle in a diagonal line. When the applet pops up, the rectangle is there but doesn't move. If I drag the sides of the applet to make it bigger or smaller the rectangle will redraw itself and move, but I want it to move without touching the window.

Java Code:

package javaapplication3;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;

[Code] .....

Why does it only repaint when I resize the window?

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Stripes / Checkerboard And Double Diagonal (Asterisk Patterns)

Oct 2, 2014

I need to make a program that does stripes, checkerboard, and double diagonal. I can not get the stripes to work?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class AsciiArt {
public static void main(String[] args){
int pattern;
Scanner input=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Choose one of the following patterns by pressing the corresponding number");
System.out.println("1) Stripes");

[Code] ....

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Java Math - Write Expression Whose Value Is Length Of Diagonal Of Square

Jul 24, 2014

The area of a square is stored in a double variable named area . Write an expression whose value is length of the diagonal of the square. Do I use math.sqrt?

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Comparing Characters Of A Word To Puzzle Board - Diagonal Search Algorithm

Feb 7, 2015

Coding (must follow pseudocode algorithm provided) for comparing characters of a word to a puzzle board char[][].

I've gotten the horizontal and vertical searches to work, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to search diagonally.

Here's the search algorithm format I have to use:

for each guess word
for each letter of the puzzle
for each letter of the guess word
check for diagonal match
if found, add word to list, break to next guess

I'm assuming there should be a +1 horizontal offset after I find the first letter, but every index I've bumped has caused me to screw up my array bounds. I'm missing something.

Here's the algorithm I'm using for diagonal search. This same algorithm worked for vertical search (minus the offset of course)

//diagonal search
for(String word : guessWords) {//for each guess word
 int letterCount = 0;
int index = 0;
for(int j=0; j<grid[index].length; j++) {//for each puzzle letter
[Code] ....

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Cross-site Scripting (XSS) In Search Box

Aug 13, 2014

I need fixing an issue in the search textbox in one of the jsp's. I was informed that cross site scripting can be done in the textbox and I kept the below code in my jsp to fix the issue:

Java Code:

searchTerm = request.getParameter("search");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("eval((.*))", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("["'][s]*((?i)javascript):(.*)["']", """");

[Code] ....

Now, after applying the above code, the cross site scripting can be done and the problem is that the search can't be done using the textbox and all the time will display none results.

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Number Generating Road Cross

Dec 8, 2014

The program I'm supposed to create generates a random number between one to ten. Then the program is to ask me if I wish to cross the road.

If you choose to cross, the outcomes for 0-2 are "You crossed safely."

For 3-5, 75% of the time it should say "RIP you got run over", and 35% of the time it should say "You crossed the street."

For 6-8, 60% of the time it should say you made it.", and 40% of the time it should say "You died". For 9-10, it should say "RIP".

So far I have gotten the random number generation part working,

import java.util.Random;
public class test4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
for(int i =0; i < 1; i++){
int num = random.nextInt(10) + 1;
System.out.println("The number of cars on the street are: " + num + "
Do you wish to cross the road?");

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Calculate Auto And Cross-correlation From A File

Oct 30, 2014

I have to calculate auto and cross-correlation from a file, like this:

Rxx(n)= 1/N* SUM[from k=1 to N-n]((x(k)-x(mean))*x(k+n)-x(mean))

and after

Rxy(n)= 1/N* SUM[from k=1 to N-n]((x(k)-x(mean))*y(k+n)-y(mean))

I've 600 x an y,
k = the numbers of x (N is the last one)
n = 0....N-1

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Fixing Cross-site Scripting In Search Box

Aug 13, 2014

fixing an issue in the search textbox in one of the jsp's. I was informed that cross site scripting can be done in the textbox and I kept the below code in my jsp to fix the issue:

searchTerm = request.getParameter("search");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">", ">");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("eval((.*))", "");
searchTerm = searchTerm.replaceAll("["'][s]*((?i)javascript):(.*)["']", """");

Now, after applying the above code, the cross site scripting can be done and the problem is that the search can't be done using the textbox and all the time will display none results.

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Calculate Auto And Cross-correlation From A File

Oct 26, 2014

I have to calculate auto and cross-correlation from a file, like this:

Rxx(n)= 1/N* SUM[from k=1 to N-n]((x(k)-x(mean))*x(k+n)-x(mean))

and after

Rxy(n)= 1/N* SUM[from k=1 to N-n]((x(k)-x(mean))*y(k+n)-y(mean))

I've 600 x an y,

k = the numbers of x (N is the last one)
n = 0....N-1

already calculated mean, and I've tried the following (but it doesnt work):

String sor;
int i=0;
while ((sor = br.readLine()) != null) {
String [] adatok =sor.trim().split(",");

[Code] ....

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Java Servlet :: Prevent Cross Site Script In URL

Jan 12, 2015

If some one add script in my URL, I want the script not pop up, we have tomcat 6 [URL] .....

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Draw 3 Rectangles In Different Spots / Move Elements In Order So They Do Not Cross

Apr 9, 2014

I made a small aplication which draws 3 rectangles in different spots(0,0 , 50,50 , 100,100)

Am I used an KeyListener + ActionListener, to make them move in the let's call it box.

How can I do in order that those 3 elements do not cross, so you can always see them, they don't collapse into each other?

Java Code:

package matrixmoveelements;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

[Code] ......

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Prime Numbers - Find N From List That Is Not Crossed And Cross Out All Its Multiples

Jun 20, 2014

the prime numbers from 1 to 2500 can be obtained as follows. From a list of the numbers of 1 to 2500,cross out al multiples of 2 (but not 2 itself). Then, find the next number (n, say) that is not crossed out and cross out all multiples of n (but not including n).

Repeat this last step provided that n has not exceeded 50 (the square root of 2500). The numbers remaining in the list (except 1) are prime. Write a program which uses this method to print all primes from 1 to 2500. Store your output in a file called primes.out.

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Java Random Road Cross - Generate Random Number Between One To Ten

Dec 8, 2014

The program I'm supposed to create generates a random number between one to ten. Then the program is to ask me if I wish to cross the road. If you choose to cross, the outcomes for 0-2 are "You crossed safely." For 3-5, 75% of the time it should say "RIP you got run over", and 35% of the time it should say "You crossed the street." For 6-8, 60% of the time it should say you made it.", and 40% of the time it should say "You died". For 9-10, it should say "RIP".

So far I have gotten the random number generation part working. I have up to here:

import java.util.Random;
public class test4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random random = new Random();
for(int i =0; i < 1; i++){
int num = random.nextInt(10) + 1;
System.out.println("The number of cars on the street are: " + num + "Do you wish to cross the road?");

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Best Way Of Creating Forms

Jun 8, 2014

Im creating a program that has about 20 different input forms. Fairly standard forms but what i need to know whats the easiest way of creating forms. Is there some way of using templates or some plugin to quickly generate forms.

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Creating A 4x4 Gird

Feb 6, 2015

I am having trouble developing a 4x4 grid that has the letters A-Z and a-z and the corresponding ASCII numbers for each letter. I have created the code to retrieve these letters and their corresponding ASCII numbers, I only am having trouble with creating the grid and displaying these numbers and letters in their separate 4x4 grids: one grid for (a-z), one grid for (A-Z), one grid for (ASCII# a-z), one grid for (ASCII# A-Z).

Java Code: // Constants Declaration Section
public static void main(String[] args)
// Variables Declaration Section


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Creating A Map With Stocks

Dec 9, 2014

Empty the following csv table to a map, where the key is a calendar, and the value is arraylist. The table represents the sock values of Google fro a period of time.

"Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj Close

[Code] ....

import java.util.*;
public class Mymap {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String,List<String>> map=
new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

Code] ....

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Creating A Table

Feb 17, 2015

creating a table, and this is the code that I go down so far:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class program1 {
public static void main(String[] args)
String heading1 = "Quiz 1";
String heading2 = "Quiz 2";
String heading3 = "Test 1";


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Creating A Web Service

Jul 23, 2014

I'm new to Web Services and I've been finding trouble when creating my first one. Before talking about the problem, I'd like to show you the process I followed to see if it's ok. Note that I'm using Eclipse Kepler, Tomcat 5.5 and Axis2.

1- I created a new Dynamic Web Project.

2- I created the Java class that implements the service with just one method, a simple one: you pass it a name and it returns "Hi, <name>"

3- Right click over that class and then: Web Services -> Create Web Service

4- I go through the next steps. On the last one, I select "Launch the Web Services Explorer to publish this Web service to a UDDI Registry". Click on "Finish".

5- The Web Services Explorer is launched, but I just get a "HTTP ERROR: 500" message.

I understand that my Web Service wasn't published and therefore it's useless to create a client as it wouldn't connect.

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Creating A Chart For Work?

Mar 6, 2015

I need to create a chart for work and comes across this sample from mbostock's chord diagram (

I only need to revise the tick label (names, display positions) but I don't know how to do it as I have 0 experience with Java.

My sample data for the var matrix is


which shows flows between country A, B, C and D.

I would like to revise the tick labels, so that:

1) Instead of showing 0K 5K 10K, I would like to show the country names (A - D), with no number or tick. I figured out this one by just commenting out all the codes relating to ticks.

2) Place the country names in the center of the arch. I don't know how to do this one.

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Creating A Excel From Swing?

Jul 9, 2014

I wrote a program that asks the user to enter some information, does some calculations and tells them what they need to order. I know there is a way I just do not know how to do it. I would like the output from the program which is presented in text fields to be printed onto a form I made in excel when a button is pressed.

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Creating A Backwards String?

Nov 11, 2014

I am working on a class project where I have to give the program a predefined String, have it output the first char, then the second char, then the String backwards, and then the String as it originally was. The problem is that it's not out putting all of the information that I need it to. Here's my code:

Here is the class that prints the first char, second char, etc.:
public class Word { 
private String word;
 public Word() {
 public Word(String s) {


Here's the main class:
public class WordRunner { 
public static void main(String[] args) {
 Word run = new Word();

[Code] ....

The output is supposed to look like this:


But this is what I get:


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Creating Objects From Methods?

Mar 20, 2014

public class demo
Public class static void main(String[]args) {
//Creating a variable that will be a reference to the object
Peoples person_one;

[Code] ....

I have assembled this code below that has a void method which will creat a new object. Problem I encounter is that in


the person_one has an error saying not initialized. I'm jus trying to learn on my own ways here and practice so may know what's wrong with this? I know I can use a return object from methods but what about this approach?

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Creating A Word Rectangle?

Nov 7, 2014

I was tasked with building a program that, when is given a string by the user, takes it and prints it out as a rectangle. For example, if the user types in "COMPUTER", the output would be:


So far, I have created 2 separate strings, and have gotten the output to look like:


So, it works once, but then it doesn't work again. Here is my code:

i was tasked with building a program that, when is given a string by the user, takes it and prints it out as a rectangle. For example, if the user types in "COMPUTER", the output would be:


So far, I have created 2 separate strings, and have gotten the output to look like:


So, it works once, but then it doesn't work again. Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class WordRectangle {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO code application logic here
Scanner userInput = new Scanner (;


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Creating A Package File

Aug 14, 2014

Though have been playing around with my ebook but finding it difficult to get along with the topic PACKAGE&INTERFACES, I find it challenging to write a package file despite the book I currently studying and online tutorial.. so I want a more explanatory format to comprehend the piece cos without knowing it.

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Creating Complicated Objects

Dec 30, 2014

I'm trying to create complex Character objects. Each object has a name, and for each object with the same name, they share some of the same initial data. However, there are also some bits of data that are given to the object when it's created. For example, an "Elephant" always starts out having a weight of 500, but its position is determined when it's created. Any of these values may later be changed during runtime.

class CharacterStaticParameters {
int weight;
int numberOfFeet;
int numberOfEyes;


For example, whether I should try to use words other than 'static' and 'dynamic', or a nicer word than 'parameters'?

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