Declare Array Of Parent Class But Instantiate Index To Sub Class Using Polymorphism

Apr 14, 2015

I have a quick polymorphism question. I have a parent class and a sub class that extends the parent class. I then declare an array of parent class but instantiate an index to the sub class using polymorphism. Do I have to have all the same methods in the child class that I do in the parent class? Here is an example of what I mean.

public class ParentClass
public ParentClass(....){ }
public String doSomething(){ }
public class ChildClass extends ParentClass
public ChildClass(....)

[Code] ....

Is polymorphism similar to interfaces where the child class needs all the same methods?

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Inheritance In Java - Child Class Get Copy Of Methods And Variables Of Parent Class?

Mar 1, 2015

Does child class gets a copy of the methods and variables of parent class?

public class test1 {
public static void main(String a[]) {
Child c = new Child();

[Code] ....

why is the output 1?

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Servlets :: Calling DoGet Of Child Class From Service Of Parent Class

May 28, 2014

Regarding the lifecycle of servlet , in headfirst servlet i can find :

You normally will NOT override the service() method, so the one from HttpServlet will run. The service() method figures out which HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) is in the request, and invokes the matching doGet() or doPost() method. The doGet() and doPost() inside HttpServlet don’t do anything, so you have to override one or both. This thread dies (or is put back in a Container-managed pool) when service() completes.

How can I call the doGet method of the subclass from the superclass. i am not getting this .

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Accessing Parent Class Method Using Child Class Object?

Feb 4, 2015

I want to know is there any way we can call parent class method using child class object without using super keyword in class B in the following program like we can do in c++ by using scoop resolution operator

class A{
public void hello(){
class B extends A{
public void hello(){


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Creating New Constructor In Child Class Which Is Not In Parent Class

Feb 7, 2014

I've a parent class with a argument constructor like below(a sample code)

public class Parent {
Parent(String name) {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Also I've child.class which extends Parent.class as shown below,

public class child extends Parent {
child(String name) {

Now, I want create/modify the constructor which is in child, by taking "int i" as an input instead of "String name". How can I do that? Run time I want to execute child constructor not a parent constructor.

Condition is: Without making any changes to the Parent class

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Creating New Non-static Inner Class Outside Of Parent Class

Nov 22, 2014

I have an Abstract Class called GameColorEffect which contains a number of non-static Inner Classes that extend their Parent Class, GameColorEffect. I want to be able to create instances of the Inner Classes, however my IDE, eclipse, prompts me with the error:

No enclosing instance of type GameColorEffect is accessible. Must qualify the allocation with an enclosing instance of type GameColorEffect

And eclipse shows me a possible solution which is to turn the Inner Classes to static, this would allow me to create instances, but not really. This is because using methods from the static Inner Classes that change values in the Inner Classes will do this for every instance of the same Inner Class which is literally like a single instance. However, I want these Inner Classes to be individual with their values and still be able to use them outside as instances. I've found out a possible solution, which I'm not sure works like I want it to:

Java Code : GameColorEffect = new GameColorEffect.ExampleEffect(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

However, this is in-compact because sometimes all I need is to use just a method like:

Java Code : new GameColorEffect.ExampleEffect(intensity).applyEffect() mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

And another solution that I already knew prior was that I could make the Inner Classes proper classes not inside of the GameColorEffect class, but this is also in-compact because I will have to have so many classes for the so many effects that I have.

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JSP :: Failed To Load Or Instantiate TagLibraryValidator Class

Apr 2, 2010

Currently my application is on Tomcat5.0.16.I use struts1.2, jstl 1.1 , jsp-api 2.0.I tried to migrate my application from tomcat5.0 to tomcat 6.0.26.I didn't see any issue in deployment but when i tried to access jsp pages i got this exception.

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pbuilder/login/legacyLogin.jsp(6,4) Failed to load or instantiate TagLibraryValidator class: org.apache.taglibs.standard.tlv.JstlCoreTLV


i found that jstl1.1 jar didn't have the above mentioned class.I replaced jstl1.1 with jstl1.2 jar.i verified that jstl1.2 jar had JstlCoreTLV calss.but even after this replacement of jar i am facing the same issue.

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How To Maintain List Of Static Class And Instantiate From It

Feb 26, 2015

I have a list of uninstanciated class types and I wanted to call a static function from these "Class<? extends PropControl>" (without using reflection) that would create a new corresponding object instance but it appears I cant do that in java so now I want to create a factory that takes a class type as aparameter to create the corresponding object instance but this code dont compile:

Java Code:

public PropControl Create(Class<? extends PropControl> cls)
if(cls==HouseControl.class) <---- ERROR
here I create a new instance of HouseControl (that inherits PropControl)
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I get this error :

incomparable types: Class<CAP#1> and Class<HouseControl>

where CAP#1 is a fresh type-variable:

CAP#1 extends PropControl from capture of ? extends PropControl

how do I achieve this ?

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Instantiate Objects Of Class And Writing Them To Text File

Jul 18, 2014

I need to create a new text file and instantiate objects using an array that writes them to a file and working with the array part.

public class NewTextFile
private Formatter file;
public void openFile()


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Parent Class - No Argument Constructors

Mar 10, 2014

class Test3 {
} class MySub extends Test3 {
class Test4{
public static void main(String args[]) {
MySub m = new MySub();

I learned that if a class and its parent class both have no constructors, the compiler is supposed to complain. When I compiled Test4, i got no errors. why did it give no errors?

I read this article : [URL] ....

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Declare A Class That Can Be Used To Represent A Quadrilateral

Jul 16, 2014

2. Declare a class called Quadrilateral that can be used to represent a quadrilateral. What instance variables are required? This class should include the following methods:

• Accessor and mutator methods. Notice that negative and zero lengths should not be accepted.
• A method called isParallelogram that returns a Boolean value indicating if the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
• A method called isRectangle that indicates if the quadrilateral is a rectangle. This method should invoke the method isParallelogram and return a Boolean value.
• A method called isSquare that returns the Boolean value “true” if the quadrilateral is a square. This method should invoke the method isRectangle and return a Boolean value. URL...

import java.awt.Point;
public class Quadrilateral{
private Point p1, p2, p3, p4;
public Quadrilateral (Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4) {

this.p1 = p1;
this.p2 = p2;
this.p3 = p3;
this.p4 = p4;

that is all i got, my professor has never mentioned on anything about quadrilateral,and i have 0 knowledge about this.

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Can Declare A Class Inside Interface?

May 8, 2013

I have a doubt regarding to java.

Can we declare a class inside an interface?

Ans :yes

But what will be the situation?

I am not getting why it is required...........

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How To Split JFrame As Parent Class With ActionListener / ItemListener

Jan 29, 2014

I'm working on a program using GUI. My problem is that I'm reaching **1000 Line** and this is stressful because all my code are in one file. I'm not liking this. So I research the internet about Inheritance. However, what I know about Inheritance that Inherit everything in the parent class. However, when I try to use a variables in the child class to override it in the parent class I can't for example let say that I have in the parent class something like this:

JButton getButton = new JButton("Enter");

Now when I go to the child class. I want to Inherit and use this variable so I can use the ActionListener on the getButton and override for the parent class, but it's not working.

This is my code:
public class H_Store extends JFrame {
private String s ="Kinds: ";
private JButton calculateButton;
private JPanel mainPane;
private JPanel getProfitPanel;
private JTextField ground_M_QTextField;

[Code] ....

What I want to do exactly is to take the last code into another class or do something with it so I can use it in the Parent class, in other word any math calculation method or class I want them outside the Parent class. I mean this code :

private class CalcButtonListener implements ActionListener{ 
// vairbles for the ground Meat check box
private double total_GM;
private double weightPrice_1;
private String stringQ;
private String stringW;
private String stringP;

[Code] ....

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Is It Correct To Declare A Class Inside Main Method

Jan 21, 2014

I saw an example where an (inner)class is declared inside the main method, this is correct or not and why/when it's reasonable to use?so smth like this

public class myClass()
public static void myMethod(myInnerClass obj)
if (obj.method())


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Should Instantiate New Object In Value Object Class?

Sep 22, 2014

I have a value object class and it has the below member
XMLDocument request = null;
Should I instantiate it in the VO class as
XMLDocument request = new XMLDocument();
or leave it null and let the calling program instantiate it?
What's the proper way to do it for Value Object classes in java ?

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Array With Objects And Polymorphism

Sep 18, 2014

I have a program I want to make (text based, no gui). There is the main class, an Employee class (sort of a template), a CrewMember class, and a Manager class.

I'll put the code for each class an explain the problem I have.

package polymorphism;
import java.util.Random;
public class Start {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
Employee staff[] = new Employee[5];
for(int i = 0; i < staff.length; i++){

[Code] ....

Some of the code is a bit incomplete simply because I ran into the problem. As you can see I made an array in the Start class and it holds objects of Employee type, but create a new instance of either a crew member or a manager, sets their wages, hours, and bonus if applicable. I know if I create an array of a certain type, I can't call upon the subclass' method (Manager in this case) because it has a new method that I added. What I'm trying to do is pretty much call upon the getSalary() method in the Manager class/object, but of course I can't. What way would i be able to do that? I tried looking for some answers. I read about making the superclass abstract and implementing it into the subclasses. Would that be an option?

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Declaring Methods For A Class In Its Own Class Whilst Objects Of Class Declared Elsewhere?

Mar 5, 2015

How do you declare methods for a class within the class whilst objects of the class are declared else where?

Say for instance, I have a main class Wall, and another class called Clock, and because they are both GUI based, I want to put a Clock on the Wall, so I have declared an instance object of Clock in the Wall class (Wall extends JFrame, and Clock extends JPanel).

I now want to have methods such as setClock, resetClock in the Clock class, but im having trouble in being able to refer to the Clock object thats been declared in the Wall class.

Is this possible? Or am I trying to do something thats not possible? Or maybe I've missed something really obvious?

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JTable - Declare 2D Array

Jun 5, 2014

I have a jtable which i want to put an array into... and Really don't know how.. I dont want to use array list mainly because it looks way to complicated so there must be some other way using defaultablemodel but i dont know how..

So here's my code: just a snippet which includes the testing of the jtable

String[] columns = {"col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5", "col6"};
//declare 2d array
String[] [] data = {{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"}};

jt = new JTable (data, columns);
jt.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize (new Dimension (50, 80));

//set initial selectibility to false
jt.setFocusable (false);
jt.setRowSelectionAllowed (false);

JScrollPane tableContainer = new JScrollPane (jt);
frame.getContentPane ().add (tableContainer);

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How To Declare Array In Java

Apr 16, 2015

1.How to declare array in java?
2.How to push elements in it in key-value value pair in java?

For example-

This is the way i do it in javascript..
I want to do like this in java..

var my_array;
for(var i = 0; i<5; i++)
my_array.push({x: i, y:0});

where,push is builtin method in javascript.

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Declare Two Dimensional Array In Java?

Oct 28, 2014

I want to declare a 2 dimensional array in java which has 3 column and unlimited number of rows, i want to give a special name to each column . The type of first column is string second one is int and the last one is string

String value
Int value
String value

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Declare Array And Populate It With Log Formula

Feb 10, 2014

Still trying to get a handle on arrays! So, I declare an array to be a 46x1 and I am trying to populate it with a Log formula that I am using but I keep getting an ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException.

Code :

private double[][] LNValues = new double[46][1];
//Calculating y=LN(E-k) and Initializing the Array
for(int x=0; x<LNValues.length; x++)
double i = Math.log(eValues[x][1] - kValue);
if(i > 0)

[Code] ....

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Declare And Creates Integer Array That Can Hold 15 Integers

Nov 3, 2014

The main Method

-Create a main method declares and creates an integer array called nums that can hold 15 integers.

-Use a for loop to fill that array with multiples of 3: 0, 3, 6, 9, etc.

-Then use similar for loop to print each value in the array on one line, with each value separated by a single space.

-Compile and run the program to see the result:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

As you write other methods, you'll also modify the main method to make calls to them. The printArray MethodWrite a method called printArray that accepts an integer array as a parameter. This method does not return a value, and must be declared as static so that the main method can call it. Instead of printing the array in the main method, move that loop into this method. Call the printArray method from the main method. Compile and run the program to verify it prints the sam result as before.Add a println statement so that after printing the array values on one line, it then moves to the following line.Finally, modify the loop in the printArray method so that, instead of using a traditional for loop, it instead uses a for-each loop. Compile and run the program again.

Part III: More Array Methods

The linearSearch Method In lecture we looked at a method that performed a binary search on a sorted array. A much simpler (though much less efficient) search is a linear search, that simply starts at the front of the array and looks at each element in turn until it finds it or reaches the end.Create a method called linearSearch that accepts an integer array and a single int value as parameters. The goal of the method is to find the second parameter (the target) in the array. The method should return a single int representing the index of the target value. This method should not print any output itself. In this method, use a traditional for loop to scan through the elements in the array. As soon as you find the target value, return the index of that value.

If you scan through the entire array without finding the target value, return a -1.Modify the main method to call the linearSearch method and print the results. Call it twice, searching for the value 18 (which it should find) and the value 10 (which it should not). Including the previous activity, the output of the main method should now look similar to this:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

The index of 18 is 6

The index of 10 is -1

The sumArray Method

The sumArray method should take an integer array as a parameter and return a single integer representing the sum of all values in that array.Use a for-each loop to access each value in the array and compute a running sum. After the loop, return the total.Call the method from the main method, producing the following augmented output:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

The index of 18 is 6

The index of 10 is -1

The sum of this array is 315

The addValue Method...The addValue method should accept an integer array and a single int as parameters. The purpose of the method is to add the second parameter to EACH value in the array. The addValue method does not return a value, but the elements inside the array will be modified. Call the addValue method from the main method, adding 100 to each element in the array. Then call the printArray method again to see the modified array values:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

The index of 18 is 6

The index of 10 is -1

The sum of this array is 315 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142

Test a Different Array..Finally, duplicate the content of the main method to perform similar tests on another array. Instead of filling it with multiples of 3, fill it with multiples of 4. And instead of using an array size of 15, use an array size of 20.Modify the values search for to include one that is in the array and one that isn't.Rerun the main method and carefully check the results.If you haven't been doing it all along (which you should), make sure the appropriate class and method documentation is included.When you're satisfied that all methods are working correctly, modify the main method to delete the second array tests.

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Access Getter / Setter Of Bean Class Where It Defined As Member In Another Class?

Feb 18, 2014

Class UserAssessBean{
private String username;
private int userid;
private ArrayList<ModuleBean> module;

[Code] ....

How can i access the getters/setters of module bean, when it was returned as array list in UserAssessBean?

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Current Execution Time Of A Class In Java By Running Another Class

Jul 14, 2014

i want to write a class in such a way that i should get the current execution time of another class which is running. I searched in net but it shows only how to calculate the time duration of the current class which is running. But as per my way, i need the execution time of one class from another class. How to do this ?

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Pass Private Final Class Object To Another Class Constructor

Aug 28, 2014

can we pass private final class object to another class constructor?

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Methods From Original Class Receiving Error When In Test Class

Jul 5, 2014

I am working on a program that simulates a bug moving along a horizontal line, My code works correctly when I test it in it's own class but when I tried testing my constructor and methods in a test class I received an error saying, "package stinkBug does not exist" on lines with my methods. However, stinkbug is not a package.

Java Code:

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