Exception Is Handled In Catch Block But Show Error

Feb 2, 2015

import java.io.*;
class Base
void get()throws Exception{}

class Excep extends Base


In above even though exception is handled in catch block still it shows an error?

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Throwing Exception From Catch And Finally Block

Jul 16, 2014

I came across a code where the exceptions can be thrown from catch and finally block too. I never gave a thought on what scenarios that can be required. Some practical examples when/where it can be required to throw the exception from catch and finally blocks.

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Highlighted Text In Try / Catch Block Is Throwing NullPointer Exception

Sep 15, 2014

If I put the highlighted text in try/catch block it is throwing NullPointerException , if I am using command line arguments then also it is showing the same exception.

public static void main(String []args)
args = null;
args[0] = "test";

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Catching Multiple Exception Types In Single Catch Block?

Oct 26, 2014

java 7 feature (Multicatch and final rethrow ).. how to print user defined message in catch block with respect to multiple exceptions in single catch block...

}catch (IOException | SQLException ex) {
System.out.println("Exception thrown");
* i want like this, if IOException is thrown then System.out.println("File not Found");
* if SQLException is thrown then System.out.println("DataBase Error");

how to do this without using if-else block?

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Catch Block Error Variable Might Not Have Been Initialized

Feb 28, 2015

I want to use a try catch block, but I am not sure how to fix this problem:

int a;

a = Integer.parseInt(A.getText());
catch (Exception e){

//do someting with a here

The purpose of the try-catch is to catch blank input.The problem with this is that underneath the try - catch I get an error saying that the variable might not have been initialized. I know why this happens. I know I could initialize the varaible before the try - catch, but there is no default or null I can set an int as. If I initialized it as 0, the blank input will no longer be catched.how to make this problem disappear?

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Add One More Catch Block To Code To Catch All Possible Exceptions

Jan 15, 2014

There is a method taken from a class with several try and catch blocks. If you think it is possible, add one more catch block to the code to catch all possible exceptions, otherwise say 'Not possible' with your reason.

public String getCountyCode(Address inputAddress) throws AddressNormalizationException
String retval = null;
retval = this.normalizeAddress(inputAddress).getCountyCode( );
catch(InvalidAddressException e)


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InputMismatchException In Catch Block

Sep 19, 2014

In the following piece of code Iam confused as to where the InputMismatchException in the catch block is thrown on the first place? Is the InputMismatchException thrown automatically with declaring to throw the exception?

import java.util.*;

public class InputMismatchExceptionDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
boolean continueInput = true;


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Java Try Catch Block

Apr 13, 2015

Is it a best practice to return from try block or place return statement after try-catch when we intend to return a value from a method(* Catch block is being also used to rethrow the exception)??

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Returning In Methods With Try Catch Block

Feb 18, 2015

Regarding return statements within methods. So I have a method containing try and catch block (as required) and much like when you have an if else statement... I noted you have to return an object for both the try and catch blocks. Now in my case my method should return a List object.

The way I have tried to overcome this:

- I've initialised a List object to null as an attribute of the class I'm working in.
- Therefore in the catch block would just simply return the null List object, where as the try block would return the non-empty List (which is what I want).
- I then just test to see if the List != null, when the method is invoked... and that is that.

However the method always seems to return null (when it shouldn't).

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Pass Parameter Between Try / Catch Block

Oct 14, 2014

Any way to pass parameter between try/catch block.

In other word:

I have a method:
public void invia(OiStorto invioaca) throws Exception {
         Long id=0L;
        try {
               //some code
     for (VElenpere elenpere : elenperes) {
                popolaScompiute(anno, inviaEOI0, param, opempiute, elenpere,id);

[Code] ....
And finally the method in which the error can occur (the method poputa is called for every id)
private void poputa(ElOpeIncType opereIncompiute, OpeIncType operaSingola, OiOpera opere) {
try {
//some code
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
            //return id;

So method invia call the method popolaScompiute, inside popolaScompiute there is an iteraction through some id and for some id can occur an error; what i want is the getting the value of id in the first method invia, using the block try/catch. Is there a way to accomplish this?

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How Does Return Statement Work In Try Catch Block

Jul 2, 2014

consider this program :

public class hello {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int s = new hello().h();
} public int h(){
int g = 10/0;

[Code] .....

the output is 7. how the flow is working. i understand that there is a divide by zero exception after which the control goes to catch. what about the return statement in catch . why is it overridden by finally..........

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How To Catch Exception

Feb 3, 2015

class Arg
public void rt()throws Exception
throw new RuntimeException();
public static void main(String args[])


the way to handle the exception that has been in the catch block{b.rt()} .

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Catch Arithmetic Exception In Program

Jan 29, 2015

I want to catch the exception in my program is the below way:

class Temp
public static void main(String s[])
int x=10/s.length;

[Code] ....

I am expecting my program should give output as "java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero" but is giving

Temp.java:11: error: ')' expected
catch (ArithmeticException e | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
Temp.java:11: error: ';' expected
catch (ArithmeticException e | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
Temp.java:16: error: 'catch' without 'try'
catch (Exception e)
Temp.java:22: error: reached end of file while parsing
4 error

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Optionally Catch Exception If Not Going To Be Caught By Calling Routine?

Apr 10, 2014

I want to write classes with methods that perform JDBC operations that throw SQL exceptions. For many of the methods, I'd ideally like to be able to have them catch exceptions and just send them to a standard Logging system "IF" the code that calls the methods is not going to catch the same exception. However, I'd like the "option" to have code that calls these methods catch the same errors if I want to but not "Require" the calling routines to catch them.... so I don't want to declare the methods with a "throws" that would require all calling code to Try/catch.

For some background, the logic behind what I'm looking to do is that there will be lots of places where these classes and their methods may be used where the code is basically "throw away" scripting code where just having error logs generated is more than sufficient. However there are also places I want to use the same classes/methods that I would want to handle the exception differently. So, for at least half the places I want to use these methods, there's no good reason to require cluttering the calling code with Try/catch, but when I DO want to handle the exceptions, I'd like them to get passed up to the calling routine so I can handle them in a way that is appropriate for the calling routine. Does that make sense?

I guess I'm kind of looking for is the ability to "override" the catch of a called method "IF" I want to but to treat the method as though it doesn't throw any exception "IF" I don't want to override the called routines catch logic.

Is this possible?

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Rectangle Class Include Try-catch And Exception Handling

Oct 18, 2014

The requirement is to write a rectangle class and a test class, which include try-catch blocks and exception handling. Exceptions, involving try, catch, throw, throws, and finally commands,how to write a code about basic things, but in the test class, it gives me specific width and height so that i dont konw how to write a try-catch blocks an exception handling in this test class.There is my two classes, they are separated.

public class Rectangle {
double width ;
double height ;
width = 1;
height = 1;


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Exception Handling - Block Cannot Modify Primitive Values

Sep 23, 2014

class MultipleReturn {
int getInt() {
int returnVal = 10;
try {
String[] students = {"Harry", "Paul"};
//System.out.println(students[5]); //if i remove comment

[Code] .....

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Why Compiler Compels Only Checked Exception To Be Put In Try Catch Clause Not RuntimeException

Mar 11, 2014

what is the use of checked exception.I know unchecked exception or Runtime exception are thrown by jvm whenever programmer makes any mistake in logic and current thread is terminated.But checked Exception are checked at compile time so that compiler compels programmer to put risky methods in try catch clause. And this checked Exception are caused due to problem in IO operation or any such operation which the programmer can't control.Programmer can't do anything to avoid this checked exception but can catch this exception.

Now the question is Why compiler compels checked exception to be put in try catch clause but doesn't complain anything in case of Runtime Exception???

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Throw And Catch Error

Nov 7, 2014

public class ThrowException {
public static void main (String[] args) {
var x=prompt("Enter a number between 0 and 10:","");
try {
if (x>10){
throw "Err1";
} else if (x<0){
throw "Err2";
} else if (isNaN(x)){
throw "Err3";


It's telling me where catch(er) is: <identifier> expected..I've watched videos, but no one seems to encounter this error....am I missing a segment of code?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Display Two JtestAreas Contents Alternatively Handled By EventQueue-0 Thread

Jan 7, 2015

I'm developing Chat application GUI using SWING. My GUI has two JtestAreas one for displaying message that i was sent, and another for displaying replay coming from server. I was used Thread.sleep(1000) after message sent . Due to that, AWT-EventQueue-0 thread stops to display send message in first JtextArea and waits until it get response from server. After got response from server, in one shot, My GUI displays both JtetAreas Content.

But, I need to display send Message and Response Message in two different shots. I know the reason why it displays in one shot.

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How To Fix Null Pointer Exception Error

May 16, 2014

what i do keep getting nullpointerexception error whenever i input 1 or 2 whenever the code is asking me to input the type of display to be shown..

this is my error - "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at dakilangtaoako.DakilangTaoAko.alphabetSorter(Dakil angTaoAko.java:195)
at dakilangtaoako.DakilangTaoAko.main(DakilangTaoAko. java:91)
Java Result: 1 "
package dakilangtaoako;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


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Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception Error

Jan 24, 2015

I have two codes of needed to run but after processing, the said above error is preventing it from getting the general output of the code.I can't seem to find my errors or I don't have any clue at all, if perhaps you know, here's the codes:

Error :
PHP Code:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
    at simpleOutput.main(simpleOutput.java:13) 
public class simpleOutput {
public static void main(String args[]){
int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
for(int i = 1; n <= i; n++){
System.out.print((i*n)+" ");


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Null Point Exception Error While Calling A Method

Mar 19, 2015

I'm trying to call the grade.processFile method from the main method but I'm getting this Error below. I'll post my code which includes the main method and the class underneath the error message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.jav a:130)
at java.util.Scanner.<init>(Scanner.java:611)
at MyGrades.processFile(MyGrades.java:49)
at myGradesMain.main(myGradesMain.java:19) 
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;


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Getting NullPointer Exception Error In Simple ArrayList Program

Mar 21, 2015

I am creating a simple ArrayList program that would enable one to input their username to it using a scanner. However, i am getting this error: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException

at home.Members.addUser(Members.java:16)
at home.Main.main(Main.java:14)"

Here is the code! :

Main.java class
Java Code: import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {


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Creating TXT File - Program Keeps Printing Exception Error

Apr 10, 2014

I'm trying to have the program create a .txt file for me but it is not working properly. It just keeps printing the exception error "The file could not be found" and exits the program.

// This program asks the user for input for a name, phone number and notes up to 200 entries.
// It stores every contact in a file. Type 'h' for help while running this program.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
public class Phonebook {
static Entry[] entryList = new Entry[200];
static int numEntries;
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

After running the code, I go into my workspace folder and I see that the file was created. What to do because running the program will always print "could not find the file".

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Run Time Error As Null Pointer Exception While Compiling

Apr 12, 2015

I have an input text file as file.txt where, it consists of only real values separated with commas, and arranged as rows as columns as mentioned below :


the number of rows is 100 and the number of columns are 9, that is they are fixed.Above is just an example, the file consists of decimal values.What I require is for each column of values I need to find out it's average or mean, that is in above example,

for 1st column:(1+1+2)/3
for 2nd column(2+4+4)/3
for 3rd column(3+7+5)/3,,,,,,,like this till the last column.

So I need to take the input from the .txt file, calculate the column average of each column and the average of each column must be displayed as output. I have done a bit of coding, but it is giving a run-time error as NullPointerException.I will forward my code as attachment, the reading of file, is done as string in java and then it must be converted to double values, also to read the comma separated input from a file I have used the split().

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Applets :: Exception In Initializer Error Using Statics Methods

Nov 29, 2013

I am trying to make a Applet and it works fine in Eclipse, but when I use it on the webserver I only obtain this Exception. It only happen when I make calls like this:

try {
puntos = JSTUTablet.getPenPoints();
} catch (InvalidOperationException e) {

Being JSTUTablet an imported jar file.

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