Grasping Concept Of Throwing Own Exceptions

Dec 3, 2014

I am having some difficulties grasping the concept of throwing your own exceptions. How do I get this to repeatedly ask the user to enter a valid value for hours. Also i am having difficulties in the method with using the throw new InvalidHrExcep("That value is invalid"); i cannot get this to work.

public class exceptionProgram {
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[] args) throws InvalidHrExcep
int day=0;
int month = 0;
int year=0;
int hours=0;
int minutes=0;
int seconds=0;


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Sending Concept Including Another Concept As Content

Nov 23, 2012

I use Jade an I'm able to send messages. Now I try to send a Message with not only integers or strings as content but with another concept as content. Here I want to send a Message of the Media, which contains any number of Trackdata.(I left out the import and other blabla stuff cause i is working)

add(new ConceptSchema(MEDIAINFO), Mediainfo.class);
add(new ConceptSchema(TRACKDATA), Trackdata.class);
cs = (ConceptSchema) getSchema(MEDIAINFO);
cs.add(CURRENTTRACK, (PrimitiveSchema) getSchema(BasicOntology.INTEGER), ObjectSchema.MANDATORY);
cs.add(TRACKINFOS, (ConceptSchema) getSchema(TRACKDATA), 1 , ObjectSchema.UNLIMITED);


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Concept For Innerclass

Apr 3, 2014

what does inner class do

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Concept Of Interface

Aug 22, 2014

I am not getting the concept of interfaces.I know they are used to implement multiple inheritances.I also know the example that we create an interface car with certain methods so that a class like bmw which implements the car interface has to implement these methods.But I don't know how interfaces come handy?I don't know the meaning of a class calls a method using an interface?(i know that an interface can not be instantiated).

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Interface Concept In Java

Aug 23, 2014

I am having a hard time trying to understand interface concept.

-what is an interface?
-What the use of an interface?
-what does implement or to implement means?
-What does implementation means?

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Understanding Concept Of Static Method

Jun 13, 2014

I know that static method cannot use non-static methods .Then how the following code works ,where main method is static and this main method calls go() method which is a non-static method .

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class SimpleGuib implements ActionListener {
JButton button;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SimpleGuib gui = new SimpleGuib() ;
gui.go() ;


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Servlets :: Unable To Understand JSP Session Concept

Mar 10, 2015

Any brief introduction about session in java....

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Write A Class Encapsulating Concept Of A Circle?

Mar 19, 2014

Prompt: Write a class encapsulating the concept of a circle, assuming a circle has the following attributes: a Point representing the center of the circle, and the radius of the circle, and integer.

Include a constructor, the accessors and mutators, and methods toString and equals.
Also include methods returning the perimeter ( 2 x 𝜋 x 𝑟 ) and area ( 𝜋 x 𝑟^2) of the circle.
Write a client (application) class to test all the methods in your class. I started out trying to thing how to do this and I mapped out a certain idea but do not know how to incorporate the point represent the center of the circle. I am not sure how to proceed further..

import java.awt.*;
public class Circle {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
final double PI = 3.14;
int x,y, radius = 4;
double area;
double perimeter;
[Code] ...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JFileChooser Is Throwing NullPointerException

Nov 20, 2014

I have a swing application that is using JFileChooser. When I click the Open menu item from File menu it should show the File dialog box where user can select the file.This application is running in my machine but encounters problem in another machine. File dialog box is not showing and stack trace shows that NullPointerException is thrown by JFileChooser..My machine is a 64 bit Windows 7 while the other machine is Windows 7 32 bit. Both machine are using java 1.6..To verify if its because of the 32-bit, I tried in another Windows 7 32-bit and the same application is working.

I came across this article [URL] .... which identified it as bug but already fix in 1.4.2_04. Though I am using 1.6, just to make sure I also tried the suggested work around.I put System.setProperty("swing.disableFileChooserSpeedFix", "true"); in my code but still not working...I also tried to add java -Dswing.disableFileChooserSpeedFix=true to the batch file that is launching the application and still not working

Code Sample:

import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;
public class FileChooserTester{
public Boolean loadMDBFile() {
System.setProperty("swing.disableFileChooserSpeedFix", "true");
JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();


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Overloaded Methods Throwing Exception

Apr 2, 2014

Overloaded methods CAN declare new or broader checked exceptions. We know that FileNotFoundException is a subclass of IOException and according to the above statement an overloaded method cannot throw a narrower exception. But the below code does not throw a compiler error. How?

Java Code:

package pack1;

public class Animal{
public void drink(int s) throws IOException

} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');


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Throwing Exception From Catch And Finally Block

Jul 16, 2014

I came across a code where the exceptions can be thrown from catch and finally block too. I never gave a thought on what scenarios that can be required. Some practical examples when/where it can be required to throw the exception from catch and finally blocks.

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Enum Class Throwing Illegal Argument Exception?

Mar 4, 2015

I have a enum class which contains some string which i am comparing to a string i get from a user

Java Code:

public enum Compare {
a, b, c, d, e, f
} class SomeClass {
String method(String letter){
Compare word= Compare.valueOf(letter);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Everything works fine but when I added a new word to it like "g" it throws the IllegalArgumentException ?

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Highlighted Text In Try / Catch Block Is Throwing NullPointer Exception

Sep 15, 2014

If I put the highlighted text in try/catch block it is throwing NullPointerException , if I am using command line arguments then also it is showing the same exception.

public static void main(String []args)
args = null;
args[0] = "test";

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Overriding In Java - Foo Method Of Class X Is Not Throwing Compile Error

Jul 29, 2013

class SubB{
public void foo(){
System.out.println(" x");
public class X extends SubB {
public void foo() throws RuntimeException{;
if(true) throw new RuntimeException();
System.out.println(" B");
public static void main(String [] args){
new X().foo();

Why the foo method of class X is not throwing a compile error because according to the override rule, if the superclass method has not declared exception, the subclass method can't declare a new exception...

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Averaging Grades Program Throwing Exception With Negative Numbers

Nov 17, 2014

So I have re-written the code but it is still not running correctly. Any number i type in it throws an exception, also i need the program to add the totals that i type in and then once i type -1 into the prompt button list all the number i typed in and give me the average.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing .*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
public class Averages extends JFrame
//construct components
JLabel sortPrompt = new JLabel("Sort By:");

[Code] .....

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Custom Jtable Cell Editor Throwing Illegal Component State Exception

Jul 10, 2014

I've come across an interesting problem when using a Jcombobox as a custom cell editor(and renderer) in a jtable. I was hoping to add a keybinding in order to display the dropdown of the combobox instead of having to click on it however, when I make a call to showPopup() I get:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location Which is strange as my jtable is visible and the editor/renderer seems to be working fine.

Here's the cell editor + renderer I'm using:

class MyComboBoxRenderer extends JComboBox implements TableCellRenderer {
public MyComboBoxRenderer(String[] items) {
} public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected,
boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
if (isSelected) {


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How To Throw Exceptions

Nov 22, 2014

I am just learning how to throw exceptions, and I'm stuck on the last part,

Here is where I created the exception that receives a string consisting of ID and wage.

public class EmployeeException extends Exception
public EmployeeException(String Employee)

Here is where I created the Employee class with the two fields. I also believe I am throwing the exception if the hourly wage is < $6 or > $50.

public class Employee
int idNum;
double hourlyWage; 
public void Employee(int empID, double empWage) throws EmployeeException
idNum = empID;
hourlyWage = empWage;


Now, I need to write an application with three employees and display a message when an employee is successfully created or not. This is what I have so far... I'm trying to get it to work with one employee, and then I can easily go back and add two more.

import javax.swing.*;
public class ThrowEmployee
public static void main (String[] args)
Employee one = new Employee(542, 15.20);

The current compile error that I'm receiving is: error: constructor Employee in class Employee cannot be applied to given types;

Employee one = new Employee(542, 15.20);
required: no arguments
found: int,double
reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
1 error

I have public void Employee(int empID, double empWage) in my Employee class, so why is it saying that no arguments are required? Not sure if I'm missing a step with throwing exceptions, because this error has always been a simple fix when I've come across it in the past?!?

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EJB / EE :: JPA Exceptions - How To Handle

Apr 14, 2014

In my EJB modules, to prevent that any JPA exception is ever thrown, I check the condition that would cause the exception beforehand. For example, the exception javax.​persistence.EntityExistsException is never thrown because, before persisting the entity, I check if such primary key already exists in the DB. Is it the right way to do this?

Another approach is too allow the JPA exceptions to be thrown and catch them in a try-catch block, and then throw my custom exception from the "catch" block. However it requires to call EntityManager.flush () at the end of the "try" block. Otherwise the exception throw could be deferred and never be caught by my block.

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How Many Exceptions Should A Method Throw At Most

Jul 31, 2014

There are times that my methods need to report the caller about many kinds of errors, represented as checked exceptions. This makes my methods look like very convoluted. It happens mostly when I work with stateless EJBs and databases. Sometimes I end throwing even 8 different exceptions! Are they too many?

Many of them inherit from common exceptions, so I've been tempted to throw the parent classes. But I've quickly discarded that option because I've read that it's a bad practice, since a method may throw only a subset of the children of that parent class, not all.

Finally, I've studied these possibilities:

1. Throwing the parent class (mentioned above).
2. Throwing a common exception with an error ID or code as message.
3. Throwing a common exception with an enum as member, as if it were an ID or code (safer than the #2).

All them show the same defect that the #1. However it's more a conceptual problem than a technical one, because my callers always use the same mechanism to treat every "specialization" of the same exception, without worrying about if the method really can return it or not.

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Test That A Function Has No Any Exceptions

Aug 3, 2014

I want to test that a function has no any exceptions.In C++ and Google Test Framework (GTest) it will look like this:

actual = divide(a, b);

How will it look in Java?

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Exceptions For Multiple Inputs

Oct 29, 2014

I'm writing a program that accepts three doubles from the user, and performs calculations on them. I want to be able to handle input mismatch exceptions on each individually (i.e., if the user enters a double for the first, then a letter for the second, I'd like to be able to keep the value entered for the first, and only require that the user try again with the second, then the third, etc.)... I tried putting each input instance into its own try/catch blocks, but it always goes back to #1 when an invalid input is entered. Right now, I have all three in one try/catch:

Java Code:

package com.itse2317;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
class Triangle
public static double side1 = 0.0, side2 = 0.0, side3 = 0.0;


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Exceptions On File I/O Interface Methods

Apr 24, 2014

I'm wondering about the use of exceptions to handle errors that might occur during file I/O when the I/O is done by a method implementing an interface's method. The idea is for the interface to provide a uniform way for application code to read (and write, though I'm not addressing that in this post) a document from a file, given a File object that specifies the on-disk location of the document. The "document" can be an instance of any class the application programmer wants it to be, provided that it can be created from a file stored on disk. Here's the interface definition:

public interface DocumentRamrod<T>
public T openDocumentFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException;

A simple implementation, when T is a class that just holds a String, might look like this (Please overlook the fact that there is no call to the BufferedReader's close method, as it's not needed for this example.):

public class MyRamrod implements DocumentRamrod<OneLineOfText>
public OneLineOfText openDocumentFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
return new OneLineOfText(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)).readLine());

But, that one line where the file is read (Line 5) might generate an IOException.To cope with it, I could add a try-catch to the implementation like this:

public class MyRamrod implements DocumentRamrod<OneLineOfText>
public OneLineOfText openDocumentFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException
return new OneLineOfText(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)).readLine());
} catch (IOException ex)
Logger.getLogger(MyRamrod.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Or, I could add that to the list of exceptions defined for the method in the interface, like this:

public interface DocumentRamrod<T>
public T openDocumentFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException

But that's where I'm getting nervous, as it makes me realize that, with an infinite number of possible implementations of openDocumentFile, I can't predict what all the exceptions thrown might be.should I have openDocumentFile simply throw Exception, and let the application programmer sort out which one(s) might actually be thrown, should I keep listing them as it become clear which ones are likely to be thrown, or should I not have openDocumentFile throw any exceptions and let the application programmer deal with it in the implementation of openDocumentFile (with try-catch blocks, etc.)? In Good Old C, I'd have passed back a null to indicate some general failure, with the various callers up the call-stack having to either deal with it or pass that back themselves (until some routine up the stack finally did deal with it), but that seems like an approach the whole exception mechanism was designed to avoid.

I'm thinking the right choice is to have openDocumentFile throw Exception, and let the application programmers decide which subclasses of Exception they really want to deal with. But I have learned to be humble about the things I think, where Java is concerned,

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Final Field Initialization With Exceptions

May 11, 2014

class A {
     final Object b;
     public A(C c) {
          try {
               b = c.someMethodThatMayThrowSomeException();
          } catch (SomeException e) {
               b = null; // This line results in compiler error: "variable b might already have been assigned"
     } // take away b=null line and you get "variable b might not have been initialized" on this line
Why? How could 'b' be assigned if the exception was thrown?
Btw, the workaround is to wrap the method call:
private final Object initB() {
     try {
          return c.someMethodThatMayThrowSomeException();
     } catch (SomeException e) {
          return null;
and use b = initB(); in the constructor.  But that seems like it should be unnecessary.

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JAMON Spring Unable To Monitor Exceptions

Jul 12, 2014

I am currently working on integrating JAMON version 2.76 in our existing application

following are details of environment
JDK 1.5
Server weblogic 9.2
OS windows
Spring version 2.5

first we have added following entry for jamon monitor

<bean id="jamonPerformanceMonitor" class="org.springframework.aop.interceptor.JamonPerformanceMonitorInterceptor">
<property name="useDynamicLogger" value="false"/>
<property name="trackAllInvocations" value="true"/>

then added this interceptor as preinterceptor in existing

<bean id="applicationBO" class="org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="transactionManager">
<ref bean="transactionManager"/>


currently we can able to monitor all calls given to this class but whenever any exception thrown in this class hierarchy we are not able to track it on exceptions.jsp of JAMON

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Null Pointer Exceptions On First Attempt At JButtons

Dec 12, 2014

I am designing/coding a blackjack GUI program and I'm trying to add function to my JButtons. Problem is, I now have 2 NullPointerExceptions.

public class GameConsole {
Player user;
Player dealer;
Deck playingDeck;
ValidateInput validate = new ValidateInput();

[Code] .....

I am trying to do. I am getting the following exception/stack trace at line 14 in userTurn()

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at blackjackControls.GameConsole.userTurn(
at blackjackControls.GameConsole.gamePlay(
at blackjackControls.Main.main(

and then the program continues and after I click the button I get :

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at blackjackControls.GameConsole.userTurn(
at blackjackControls.ResultPanel$1.actionPerformed(
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
//and then about 30 more "at" lines

Why am I getting these exceptions and how do I fix it?

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Java Program Using Apache POI Giving Exceptions

May 13, 2015

I am having some serious difficulty getting my project off the ground. I have the following code:

FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File("src/retestchecker/test_sheet.xlsx"));
//Get the workbook instance for XLS file
XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);
//Get first sheet from the workbook
XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
Row row = sheet.getRow(0);
Cell x = row.getCell(3);

Everything is properly imported, etc etc.. But I am getting this error and I am not sure what it means:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xmlbeans/XmlException
at retestchecker.RetestChecker.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException

[Code] .....

Java Result: 1

I am using Netbeans and the latest version of Apache POI that was released May 11, 2015.

The line 23 that the error refers to is this line:

XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(file);

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