How To Get Enum Name By Value

Jan 12, 2015

I want to have a priceObject which is constructed by a price the enumtype and the name.

public class Testing {
public static void main(String[] args) {
PreisObject p1 = new PreisObject(1,Price.liquid,"TEST1");
PreisObject p2 = new PreisObject(2,Price('f'),"Test2");

[Code] .....

As you can see with PreisObject2 I want to check the enum by the value and not by the name as in PreisObject1.

Or do I have to use a if-else or switch statement to do something like this?

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Enum Type And Array List

Feb 10, 2015

Here I have an enum class

public enum Money{


private int coin;
Money(int c) {
coin = c;
int showCoin() {
return coin;

and for a test class, I need an array list with a couple of coins in it (i.e. ONE_POUND, TWO_POUNDS) and a loop that adds together the values of the coins in the list and prints the result. How can I do this?

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JSF :: Enum Type In Parametrized Class

Dec 4, 2014

I'm developing a JSF application.I have some enums, for example

public enum Gender {
private final String label


I want to put the enum value in <h:selectOneMenu>. I use a bean:

@Named(value = "genderBean")
public class GenderBean {
* Creates a new instance of GenderBean
public GenderBean() {


How can i call the method .values() of enum for a generic enum T, like in the striked code?

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Iterate Enum Type Without Instance

Sep 16, 2014

Is there anyway to iterate an enum type without an instance. As some context, consider the following code:

Java Code: public interface GenericChecker
public bool isValid(String str);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); Java Code: public class EnumChecker<T extends Enum<T> > extends GenericChecker
private Class<T> enumType; //No instance


toString method of the enum types has been overridden so that it returns the name assigned to the enum rather than the enum name itself. For example an enum might be SOME_ENUM("Assigned name"), therefore toString returns "Assigned name" rather than "SOME_ENUM". The idea is that a field from a table can be handed to the isValid(String) function on the GenericChecker base, and the derived class will then check to see if the field matches valid data as far as it is concerned.Thus, I can create a whole bunch of checkers easliy:

Java Code: GenericChecker checker1 = EnumChecker<EnumType1>();
GenericChecker checker2 = EnumChecker<EnumType2>();
GenericChecker checker3 = EnumChecker<EnumType3>();
GenericChecker checker4 = SomeOtherChecker(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

The problem is, if I use the EnumChecker then the expression "enumType.getEnumConstants()" in the isValid function blows up because enumType is null.

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Why Enum Types Not Being Recognized By Methods

Mar 17, 2014

Attempting to write a custom comparator for sorting songs, but I keep getting errors saying that the types cannot be resolved.

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
public class SongCollection {

[Code] .....

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Creating Enum With String And Method

Nov 9, 2014

How would I go about and make an enum, that has Strings and Methods?I want to make a class called GraphicalEffects, this class and be instanstiated and it has a method to apply graphicalEffects AS methods or some type of references to methods in an ArrayList.

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Method Values For Enum Types

Nov 21, 2014

What class does method Planet.values() in the code below belong to? I thought it belongs to java.lang.Enum but when I could not see it in Java API 7.

package enumeration;
public class EnumTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Planet myPlanet = Planet.EARTH;
// Check arguments supplied
if (args.length != 1) {
System.err.println("Usage: java EnumTest <earth_weight>");


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Enum Properties / Values / Fields

Jul 11, 2014

So I have an Enum file with 119 constants and each constant of that type has 20 fields that come with it. All the fields are the same type and named the same (e.g. there are 119 of Object obj, one for each constant), and I want to run the same methods over them. Since the Objects of the same type are named the same for each constant, I just have them named explicitly in get-er methods.

This worked fine when I just put all 20 fields through the constructor and set them as fields under all the constants. But I realized that if I wanted to make an instance of this Enum class, I'd have to enter in all 20 fields when they are all a set of Objects with unique values. So I then put them as fields under their own respective constant to make it easier to create instances of this enum. But now my methods don't work.

A) I don't really understand why they don't work anymore?
B) Is there a way to fix it without putting all the methods under each constant?


public enum MyEnum {
private MyObject obj = new MyObject (3.0);
private MyObject obj = new MyObject (1.5);
private MyObject obj = new MyObject (6.5);
private MyObject obj = new MyObject (3.5);

public double getObjVal() {
return obj.value(); // it can't find this obj should I move it up to where the constants are declared?

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How To Find Maximum Of Two Enum Values

Oct 6, 2014

I have a set of enum values (let's call then ONE, TWO, THREE.....). I want to find the larger of two of them. But max(ONE,THREE) gives a compile error as MAX isn't defined for type-safe enums. Fair enough.
I also agree that one shouldn't be able to use arithmetic functions on enums.
But as Enum implements Comparable, one can write a function which implements max and min, rather inefficiently I assume.
Is there a better way of getting the max/min of an enum? And if not, can the Java team be persuaded to implement it?

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Getting Error - Class Interface Or Enum Expected

Aug 7, 2014

class addition {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int num1,num2,sum;
try {
DataInputStream x=new DatainputStream(;

[Code] ,,,,,

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Constructor Needs To Import Enum Blackjack Game

Jun 21, 2014

I am just not importing the Enum value properly. The error I am getting with the DECK class is

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Deck {
ArrayList<Card> deckList = new ArrayList<Card>();
String[] value = {"Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Ten","Jack","Queen","King","Ace"};
String[] suit = {"Hearts","Clubs","Spades","Diamonds"};

[Code] ....

1 error found:
File: C:UsersFouadDesktopSchooCSC 162 SUMMER [line: 19]
Error: constructor Card in class Card cannot be applied to given types;
required: CardEnum.Rank,CardEnum.Suit
found: java.lang.String,java.lang.String
reason: actual argument java.lang.String cannot be converted to CardEnum.Rank by method invocation conversion

I have also tried this with the Deck Class

import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Deck {
ArrayList<Card> deckList = new ArrayList<Card>();
String[] value = {"Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine","Ten","Jack","Queen","King","Ace"};
String[] suit = {"Hearts","Clubs","Spades","Diamonds"};

[Code] ....

Resulting ERROR message

2 errors found:
File: C:UsersFouadDesktopSchooCSC 162 SUMMER [line: 19]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable value
location: class CardEnum
File: C:UsersFouadDesktopSchooCSC 162 SUMMER [line: 19]
Error: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable suit
location: class CardEnum


public class BlackJack{
BlackJack() {
Deck deck = new Deck();
public static void main(String[] args) {
new BlackJack();

[Code] ....

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Dynamic Enum - How To Make DIME(10) False

Apr 20, 2015

I wrote a simple enum and a test class. The enum represents us coins and my test class uses the enum to calculate the change with the least number of coins. For example, I pass in 95 cents, I get back 3 quarters, 2 dimes. It all works just fine, easy to implement and I see why I should use an enum. Then I thought, what if the person is out of dimes. How could I tell the enum to skip dimes in it's switch statements? How would I make DIME(10) false?

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Strings With Digits Not Permitted Enum Values?

May 28, 2013

If you have an enumeration type with instances whose publicly accepted names are numbers, e.g. a Chevy 396 and I'm sorting this car according to makes and models that I've already laid out within enum types for each. Here the make instance is "Chevy" and the model instance is just "396".

I know I could make this "396" into "Ch396" and this would work programmatically. But this might confuse some people who just expect to see "396".

In short, why are enum instances not allowed to be of String type rather than just standard Java identifiers ?

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Enum Class Throwing Illegal Argument Exception?

Mar 4, 2015

I have a enum class which contains some string which i am comparing to a string i get from a user

Java Code:

public enum Compare {
a, b, c, d, e, f
} class SomeClass {
String method(String letter){
Compare word= Compare.valueOf(letter);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Everything works fine but when I added a new word to it like "g" it throws the IllegalArgumentException ?

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Enum Class - How To Pass In Faction Type In For Daunt

Mar 6, 2015

Suppose I have an enum class named Faction and one of the constants is named DAUNT. I created a class of the enum DAUNT but how can I pass in a DAUNT faction type in for Daunt?

Java Code:

public enum Faction {

//new file
public class Daunt {
public Daunt() {
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Calendar (Days Enum) - Determine If Day Is Weekday Or Weekend

Oct 17, 2014

The instructions state: Create the following values for the enum (and make sure that they are spelled correctly, case matters):

a. SUN
b. MON
c. TUE
d. WED
e. THU
f. FRI
g. SAT

Create a private constructor for the Day enum that takes a boolean value. This boolean will determine if the day is a weekday (if it is true) or weekend (if it is false). Document it with a JavaDoc. This value will need to be stored as part of the object. Update the enum values so that they correctly call the constructor. Saturday and Sunday are the only days considered part of the weekend.

Implement the following methods:
a. boolean isWeekday()
i. Returns true if the day is a weekday.

b. Boolean isWeekend()
i. Returns true if the day is a weekend. (How could you determine that?)

c. String toString()
i. Returns the full name of the day for the enum value (i.e. Monday or Tuesday). Use either a set of nested ifs or a switch statement.

Hint: You will want to compare the this reference against the possible values in the enum.

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Creating Enums Without Using Enum Class And Private Static Final Keywords?

Jun 11, 2014

I am wondering if there is a way in jave to use enums WITHIN a class (without creating a separate enum class) without using private static final. Something like as folows:

class My Class {

is there something like this available?

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