How To Search Number From Tuple Tree

May 21, 2015

Code for search number from tuple tree? I want to add into my code below. My idea below is to search number from the tree and then print the number. For example, enter input for event is 4, input for strength is 3. Then generate tuple tree. Then user enter number for searching. That number will check every branches in the tuple tree. Then it will printout the number.

Main class code.

package treejava.main;
import java.util.Scanner;
import treejava.utils.TreeUtils;
public class MainClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("----Welcome to the Tree Java-Based program-----");

[Code] ....

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Ability To Search A Binary Search Tree And Return The Number Of Probes

Sep 1, 2014

I'm trying to build a method that can search a binary search tree for a specific target and then return the number of probes it took to get there. It seems to me that the best way to do this would be a recursive search method and a counter that tracks the number of calls. But I'm struggling with how to implement this. Here's the code I have so far. what works/doesn't work with the method.

// Method to search the tree for a specific name and
// return the number of probes
public T search(BTNode<T> btNode) {


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Creating Search Method For Binary Search Tree

Apr 22, 2014

I want to create a search method that returns the frequency of a word in the search method.

public class IndexTree {
private class TreeNode {
TreeNode left;
String word;
int frequency;
TreeNode right;

[Code] .....

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234 Tree Search And Insert

Apr 15, 2014

We have this piece of code and we must make a search for a key. if the key exist it returns true if not false. Plus we must insert a key in the class. If it is already in there we say hey its already in and we don t put it again...

package askisi2;
import java.util.*;
public class mtree {
protected class tnode {
public int k1;
public int k2;
public int k3;

[Code] ....

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How To Implement Simple Binary Search Tree

May 17, 2015

I am trying to implement a simple binary search tree . How can I make a node in the tree which should store two pieces of information: a String variable called name, and a int variable called mark. ..

public class BinarySearchTree<E> implements Comparable<E> {
public BinaryTree<E> root;
int size;
int mark;
String name;
// Constructor
public BinarySearchTree()


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Not Getting Correct Results In Binary Search Tree

Aug 17, 2014

I don't see any nodes that I add. Not sure why getting this error.

duplicate found
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at binarysearchtree.delete(
at binarysearchtree.main(
Java Result: 1
public class node<T>

[Code] .....

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Finding Height Of Binary Search Tree?

Nov 13, 2014

So for an assignment I have to write a method that finds that height of this BST. I wrote this:

public int height(Node node)
if (node == null)
return 0;
return 1 +

Which makes sense in my head. However, I added a couple of nodes in and realized I'm not sure how to call this method.

public static void main(String[] args) {
Tree<String, String> tree = new Tree<String, String>();
tree.add("A", "1");//some added stuff
tree.add("B", "2");
tree.add("C", "3");
tree.add("D", "4");
tree.add("E", "5");
tree.add("F", "6");
tree.add("G", "7");
tree.add("H", "8");

What exactly do I put in the parenthesis after tree.height? If you need to see more of my code I can do that but it is quite lengthy.

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How To Compare String In Binary Search Tree

Aug 31, 2014

I'm trying to implement a Binary Search Tree that accepts strings. I cannot figure out how to compare the string value in my add method against the node object. While I could make the node class data be the string type I am trying to make the code be as reusable as possible. So my question is this, is there a simple way I can compare the two that I am missing?

public class BTNode<E> {
private E data;
private BTNode<E> left, right;
public BTNode(E initialData, BTNode<E> initialLeft, BTNode<E> initialRight) {
data = initialData;
left = initialLeft;
right = initialRight;

[Code] ....

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Insert Numbers In Binary Search Tree

Oct 13, 2011

I am trying to make binary search tree...I am trying to construct the left part of binary search tree with root node set as 70...It is not working ...My code is

public class Node {
* @param args

int root;
Node left;
Node right;
public void insertNode(Node node, int num) {
//Node nodeRoot = this;
//root of tree we have set to 70...constructing only left of tree with root=70

[Code] .....

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Binary Search Tree To Graphic Text File

Nov 24, 2014

I am trying to draw a binary node tree to a text file.

public class BinaryTreeExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new BinaryTreeExample().run();
} static class Node {
Node left;
Node right;
int value;
public Node(int value) {

[Code] .....

This will output:

Building tree with rootvalue25
Inserted 11 to left of node 25
Inserted 15to right of node 11
Inserted 16to right of node 15
Inserted 23to right of node 16
Inserted 79to right of node 25
Traversing tree in order
Traversed 11
Traversed 15
Traversed 16
Traversed 23
Traversed 25
Traversed 79

I need to print this information in the form of a graphic to a text file. so for example:

11 79

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Searching Binary Search Tree For Movie By Rating

May 8, 2015

The purpose of this function is to use a Movie object and a binary search tree to find all movies that have been read in through a file that have a certain rating (G,PG,PG-13,R). The error I am getting is that it seems I am not traversing fully through the tree and therefore only some movies with the rating I search for are output, not all of them with that rating. I have tried figuring out why this is happening and at first I thought my tree was unbalanced, but I am sure it is simply because I am not traversing the tree correctly. I think my implementation in the main is close to what I need but it needs some tweaking. This is my BST class which I created and required to use for this purpose.

public class BinarySearchTree {
* The head of the tree.
private Node root;
* Constructor that declares the head of tree to null.
public BinarySearchTree() {
root = null;
* Returns null if head of tree is empty.
* @return null if head of tree is empty.
public boolean isEmpty(){


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Unable To Remove Node From Binary Search Tree?

Apr 1, 2015

So in my binary search tree I'm trying to write a method that deletes the idem but for some reason it's not working. I have two things, I have the method and then another piece of code that tests the deletion method. Here's the actual method
public void delete(String word) {
root = deleteItem(root, word);
protected TreeNode deleteItem(TreeNode r, String word) {
if (r == null){
return r;
if(word.compareTo(r.item.getWord()) < 0){


Here's the test code

message = "Test: deleting 'word' -- ";
t = new BSTRefBased();
try {
result = t.getRootItem().getWord().equals(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
result = false;
System.out.println(message + (result ? "passed" : "FAILED"));

So for some reason it keeps saying that the test failed. Why does it keep saying that.

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Why Reference Node Doesn't Change It Value In Binary Search Tree

Feb 10, 2015

the problem was :

i wrote it on paper with my examples.and just for laughts , i uploaded another picture that dont belong to my problem. its just my way to understand binary search tree implementation , so i wanted so share.just for laught : looks like the map of the universe.

now my problem : why after i changed Current to Current.left, Parent still has the value of root. i draw and wrote it on a paper. to be clear as possible - picture 2 :

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Constructing Expression Trees In Java By Using Binary Search Tree

May 6, 2014

I Write a Java program to parse a syntactically correct arithmetical expression and produce an equivalent Expression TREE. Remember, in an expression tree the terminal nodes are variables and constants, and the interior nodes are operators (such as +,-,*,/).

For instance the expression: (1 + 2) * 3 can be represented by the following tree:

INPUT Expression
(1 +2)*3
POSTORDER Expression
1 2 + 3 *
TREE [root=asd.reg.Node@56ddc58]

But when i Execute the program it Shows only Prefix and postfix .But the requered output is in inorder preorder and postorder so how to solve these error

import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode;
public class InToPost {
private static String str;

[Code] .....

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Importing Values From Text File Into Binary Search Tree

Nov 25, 2014

importing values from a text file into a Binary Search Tree. Currently my tree is hard coded w/ values in the BTreePrinterTest Class.

BTreePrinter Class:
Java Code:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;


My input text file will be in the following format, each row is 1 tree, each empty line between the rows means a new tree.Java Code:

80 45 14 1 2 3 4 51

2 4 7 8 9 6 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

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Linked Binary Search Tree - Creating Node Object

Apr 5, 2015

I'm trying to use LinkedBinarySearchTree but a lot of the variables are protected in BinaryTreeNode. I am creating a BinaryTreeNode object but it still isn't allowing me to use them. The variables I am trying to use are element, left, and right.

import ch11.exceptions.*;
import ch10.LinkedBinaryTree;
import ch10.BinaryTreeNode;
* LinkedBinarySearchTree implements the BinarySearchTreeADT interface with links.

public class LinkedBinarySearchTree<T> extends LinkedBinaryTree<T>
implements BinarySearchTreeADT<T>

[Code] ....

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Binary Search Tree Dictionary Returning All Words Misspelled

Feb 12, 2015

The assignment is to be able to read two files, a dictionary file, and a file you want to spell check. I've also attached the test files too.

When reading small files where there is only one word per line it works fine. But when I try to test a paragraph it returns all the words as misspelt.

Here are all of the classes that were given for this assignment. I've made some modifications to try to get them to work properly.

// ADT binary search tree.
// Assumption: A tree contains at most one item with a given search key at any time.

public class BinarySearchTree extends BinaryTreeBasis {
// inherits isEmpty(), makeEmpty(), getRootItem(), and
// the use of the constructors from BinaryTreeBasis

[Code] .....

As you can see I read in the dictionary file and the spellcheck file, construct a new BST, and then insert each word from the dictionary into the tree.

Then I make an empty arraylist for the misspelt words. While searching through the spellcheck file, if it finds any incorrect words, it adds them to the list then returns the list after it's done reading through the file.

But for some reason it prints out every single word in the test file and I can't figure out why.

Attached File(s)

dictionary_large.txt (1.83MB)
dictionary_small.txt (225bytes)
test_large.txt (553bytes)
test_small.txt (52bytes)

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Binary Search Tree - Calling FindSmallest Method In Main Class

Nov 3, 2014

How should I call my findSmallest method in the main class.. Here is the code:

public class Tester {
public static void main(String[] args){
try {
BinaryTree<Integer> myTree2 = new BinaryTree<Integer>();

[Code] ....

So the question is what kind of parameter I should pass in myTree2.findSmallest()??? Here is my findSmallest method..

public E findSmallest(Node<E> parent){
if(parent.left.left == null){
E returnValue =;
parent.left = parent.left.right;
return returnValue;
} else {
return findSmallest(parent.left);

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Search For Highest Number In File / Print Its Title And Value

Dec 9, 2014

In a text file, I have individual titles (starting with ">" character), and under those titles, I have calculated values for a Counter. I want to search the entire text file for the highest counter under every title. After I get the highest counter, I would like to print it's title, name of the counter, and counter value. Example of the code I already have:

int letterCounter;
String line;
if (line.startsWith (">")) {
bw.write ("");
bw.write (line);
} else {
//code that counts how many total letters (letterCounter) under title

I am just trying to use basic concepts.

Sample of my text file:

>gi 91206428 ref NP_001035160.1 seven transmembrane helix receptor precursor [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 43
>gi 157412240 ref NP_001094800.1 C1GALT1-specific chaperone 1-like [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 7
>gi 117938299 ref NP_001071105.1 RAB6C-like [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 109

Sample of desired output:

>gi 117938299 ref NP_001071105.1 RAB6C-like [Homo sapiens]
letterCounter is 109

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Create N Number Of Flows With Any Combination Of Values - Search Match

Apr 12, 2015

I have a requirement like to attach most suitable flow  to a request
Flows should be like below (eg:Flow1) .We can create n number of flows with any combination of values.

When I tried to create a request that have all the  features in the flow. And I have to attach the most suited flow to that request.

Suppose my request have the feature  Place = Place1 and company =Comp1 and Job=Job1 .here most suitable flow is Flow1.

So my question is how can I implement the logic in java for getting the most suitable match.

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Make Linear Search Method To Check If Number N Is Included In Array

Jun 8, 2014

im trying to make a linear search method to check if a number 'n' is included in an array.

PHP Code:

package test;
public class Recursion {
public static void main(String[] args) {
static int linearSearch(int n, int[] array)


Im getting the following error: this method must have a result type of type int ?? i already have a return type of type int...

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Java Tree Structure - Build Tree Based On Traversal Results

Jun 17, 2014

How to do draw the original binary tree based on traversal results?

A binary tree has this pre-order traversal result: A,B,D,H,I,E,F,C,G,K,J (TreeNodes) And the same tree gives the following in-order traversal: B,H,I,D,A,C,F,E,K,G,J. Can you draw the tree structure?

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Binary Expression Tree

Apr 23, 2015

So everything in my program is working EXCEPT when it comes to calculating the result. I am supposed to evaluate the expression using postorder traversal to return the answer. I am honestly not sure how I would get the postorder traversal to return the answer to the expression since the only thing we really went over was how it re-ordered the expression so that it would end in the postorder/postfix order. Anyways, currently the way that I have the public int evaluate(Node node)method set up is giving me a result of 0, which obviously is not correct.

Here's the section that I'm having issues with:

public int evaluate(Node node){
return Integer.parseInt(node.value);
int result = 0;
int left = evaluate(node.left);
int right = evaluate(node.right);


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Creating A Tree In Java

Sep 9, 2014

how to create a tree data structure in java.I tried with a class consisting of node field and arraylist child nodes. but it does not satisfy the requirement.the requirement is that,

root: child1,child2,child3

on traversing it should print all the nodes as given node should have same elements as child.

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Tree Structure Of Folders

Mar 21, 2014

I have been trying to make a good tree structure for my Electrical Distribution network.. How to create two "subfolder" of my Voltage level folder.

Here is the code

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import javax.swing.JButton;

[Code] ....

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Java N-node Tree

Mar 30, 2015

I'm trying to write Java code for the following figure. Where, if node:4 will create following separate 4 trees. Number of node in

LEVEL1 (yellow) : n node.
LEVEL2 (green) : n-1 node.
LEVEL3 (blue) : n-2 node.

See image for node:4.

The example out for node:4 :
032 and so on.

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