If-else Statement Not Working - Syntax Error

Sep 14, 2014

My if else statement is not working...it keeps telling me that the else in the statement is a syntax error and that I should remove it. Whats wrong with it?
package Homework2;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Homework2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
System.out.println("Welcome to the Triangle Program.");
[Code] ....

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If Statement Syntax Error

Dec 13, 2014

This is what i have so far, I use BlueJay to write this:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class payroll
String again = y;
private String name;
private double rate;
private double hours;
static double gross; //gross pay


my first problem is that it expects a ")" on this line :"if ((hours <=40)rate *1);"For the assignment itself these are the requirements:

-Create a class called payroll with private variables for rate hours and name

-Create static variables for gross pay, union dues, health coverage (hp in my case), FICA taxes, State taxes, Federal taxes, net pay, all must be initialized to 0

-default constructor that assigns default values

a function called calcPay that will do the following tasks and print it to a pay stub :

- function that checks the hours ( if hours are 40 or less pay rate, if over 40 pay 150% of the rate)
- calculates gross pay before any deductions (using user inputted hours and rate)
- deduct medical coverage and union dues from gross pay and call this adjusted gross pay (also this should have its own line on the paystub)
- A function that deducts State, federal and fica taxes from adjusted gross
- FICA - 7% for any income
-Federal - 2% for $0-$150 / 6% for 150.01 - 300 / 14% for 300.01 - 600 / 18% for 600.01 - unlimited
-State - 1% for 0-150/ 3% 150.01 - 300 / 5% 300.01 - 600/ 8% 600.01 - unlimited
- amount after all deductions is the net pay ( show this amount on its own line)
- Start a loop that asks each time if there are more employees (y/n) y should continue the program and n should end it
-dialog boxes should be created to recieve values for name, hours and rate
- if the rate is entered below $8 dollars a new box should pop up and ask for a higher value
- When there are no more employees, print out a summary of quantities stored in static variable (also had a problem with this)
- End

So I think i completed most of these objectives but am having trouble with the syntax and some of the objectives

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Java Syntax - Insert Space Between Int And Statement

Feb 26, 2015

How do I insert space between my int and the statement?

My out put it is: A heptagon has7 sides .

what I want is: A heptagon has 7 sides .

public class Geomerty {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int sides = 7;
System.out.println( "A heptagon has" + sides + " sides ." );

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Syntax Error On Token

May 12, 2014

So my only error in the entire code is on the 9th line of this code sample. It says "Syntax Error on token "new", @ expected" but @ does not belong there, as far as I can tell, since the error does not go away upon adding it.

public class Obstapacalypse implements KeyListener, ActionListener {
private static final String EXIT_ON_CLOSE = null;
private JFrame frame;
private Player player = new Player();
private JPanel contentPane;
private JButton btnStart;


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Syntax Error When Testing Code

Jun 4, 2014

My issue is that when I run the code if I enter anything but 1, 2, or 3 the code breaks. I have spent hours trying to find the error. here is my code

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Tester {
public static void main(String[] args) {
* constructor
* pre: none
* post: inherit values of other classes
Car Car = new Car(); //inherits the properties of the Car class
Truck Truck = new Truck(); //inherits the properties of the Truck class


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FilterType Cannot Be Resolved - Syntax Error

Mar 9, 2014

I'm not sure why I'm getting these errors. They only begin to happen after the second if statement, and the subsequent if statements are formatted exactly the same.

The errors are marked by the comments in the code.

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class GazillionSongs {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
System.out.println("Welcome to Java Song Collection!");
.println("This program sorts and filters large databases of popular songs.");

[Code] .....

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Syntax Error On Tokens - AnnotationName Expected Instead

Jun 22, 2014

I have a problem with my code. It gives me the error I put as title:

backgroundA.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
if (j < 2){
int randomInt1 = random1.nextInt(Deck.length());
int drawableIDA = Deck.getResourceId(randomInt1, -1);

[Code] ....

This error is in the first line and I have also one in the last, where eclipse looking for a @ (O.o). Also I will insert the variable choice1.

final Button choice1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.A);

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Syntax Error On Tokens AnnotationName Expected Instead

Jun 22, 2014

I have a problem with my code. It gives me the error I put as title:

backgroundA.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View view){
if (j < 2){


This error is in the first line and I have also one in the last, where eclipse looking for a @ (O.o). Also I will insert the variable choice1.

final Button choice1 = (Button) findViewById(R.id.A);

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Interface - Syntax Error On Token Default

Jul 14, 2014

I am following this article : [URL] ....

And I have created 4 different types of Interfaces and Classes


But on Interface

I am getting error on line

default public String identifyMyself()
"Syntax error on token "default" delete this token"

Here is code for all 4 interfaces and classes

public class Horse {
public String identifyMyself() {
return "I am a horse.";
public interface Flyer {
default public String identifyMyself() {

[Code] ....

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Syntax Error On Token - Invalid Primitive Type

Sep 25, 2014

I am currently working on modules of a java program but am having issues with this module . it gives this error code"syntax error on token '?', invalid primitive type".

This is my code:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.rmi.Naming;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

[Code] .....

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Syntax Error Within Jasper Reports In Printwhenexpression Property

Apr 11, 2015

this is a syntax error within Jasper reports in the printwhenexpression property.I can use the following expression successfully: new Boolean ($F{off_peak_free_minutes}. trim().equals("")==false) - this basically tells Jasper Reports to ignore the column unless it has a value.

Now I'm trying to do the same thing with ZERO but I can't get the syntax right. I've tried: new Boolean($F{off_peak_free_minutes} != 0) but the ZERO comes up with a red underline implying that this is illegal.I've also tried: new Boolean($F{friends_family_minutes}!=Double.valueOf(0)) but the ZERO comes up with the red underline.

I suspect I'm just not specifying the JAVA right. I believe that the $F{friends_family_minutes} variable is a DOUBLE - it prints as 0.00 on the report.

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Invalid Type And Syntax Error For Translator Program

Apr 5, 2015

Getting the following error at line 13.

Multiple markers at this line - void is an invalid type for the variable loadDictionaryFromFile - Syntax error on token ")", ; expected - Syntax error on token "(", ; expected

Line 13 starts public void load....


import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PirateTranslator
public static void main(String[] args)

[Code] .....

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Grading System Program - No Syntax Error But Got Compile Errors

May 23, 2015

Netbeans do not detect any syntax errors, but I when I check the build it retuned areas they were a few; It's a simple program name 5 people, gade them then do final calulatoins it's called "grade tool.

heres the code

package gradingapplication;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GradingApplication {
public static double score(double score){
if(score >= 90){



1. It has no gui, I don't know java fx, is java groove used? awt is useful for creating spam bots in robot class, I know it's not very useful but it's so much fun.

2. the sections where I use the scanner.

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Insert A Record To A Table In Database - SQLITE Syntax Error

Jul 19, 2014

I am trying to insert a record to a table in my database . I used the same syntax for 2 tables, one does work and the other does not work . I could not find any explanation for this error

"INSERT INTO CustomerRecord (Name, Number, Adress)"
+" VALUES(?,?,?)"; //first table working well

[Code] ....

For some reason one does work but the other does not work it says syntax error near order (table name). I am using sqlite db ...

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Reading Multiple Text Files From A Folder - Cannot Resolve Syntax Error

Apr 29, 2015

In the current program I am trying to read multiple text files from a folder. I keep getting the following syntax error

"Syntax error on token ";", { expected after this token".

I highlighted the line where im getting this error in red.
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
 public class CacheData {
  // Directory path here
    String path = "C:myfiles*.txt";
[Code] ....

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If Statement Not Working?

May 5, 2014

I'm having a problem where an if statement isn't working. In the Person class boolean olderThan ignores my if statement so it always returns false and I just don't get why that's happening.

import java.util.Calendar;
public class Person {
private String name;
private MyDate birthday;
  public Person(String name, int pp, int kk, int vv) {
this.name = name;


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Boolean Statement Not Working

Apr 14, 2015

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public final class Derp {
public static int WIN, Tick;
public static Scanner Input = new Scanner(System.in);


why this boolean statement isn't working correctly. It's not detecting that the WIN and Tick are the same and instead chooses to always run the second statement.

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Why If Statement Isn't Working Correctly

Apr 23, 2015

I am building a program that when you enter 1. it allows you to setup an item. However running my code my second if statement runs through.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class InventorySystem {
public static void main(String [] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int count=0;
int inputEntered=0;
int numberOfItems=0;
double cost=0.00;
String item;
String description;

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Buffered Reader Statement Not Working

Mar 12, 2015

String name="admin";
String fpass="";
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("D:Dairy MangamentNew1 Dairy ManagmentPassword.txt"));
fpass = in.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}

[Code] ....

Its not comparing the user name and password..

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Program Involving For Loop And If Statement Not Working

Oct 23, 2014

Alright so I'm trying to write a code that implements a for loop and if statements that displays any number from 100-200 if the number is divisible by either 5 or 6 in rows of ten numbers each row. If it is not divisible by that number then it should go back to the beginning of the loop until it reaches 200. My main problem is that it doesn't display anything. I don't get any errors or anything but every time I run the program it just displays nothing. Sample output is at the bottom of the code.
public class Exercise5_11 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int count = 0;
int i = 100; 
//for (the numbers from 100 to 200)
for (i = 100; i>100 && i<200; i++){
[Code] ....

100 102 105 108 110 114 115 125 126 130
132 135 138 140 144 145 155 156 160 162
165 168 170 174 175 185 186 190 192 195
198 200

It is still wip of course so I was trying to just get it to display int i but it doesn't do anything and I'm not really sure why.

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Logical Error With Else If Statement?

Aug 12, 2014

I was almost finished with my program when I noticed I had a big logical error. At the very beginning of my else if statements I would jump down to my else statement.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class InternetServiceProviderNew
public static void main(String[] args) {
double packageA, packageB, packageC, extraA, extraB, userHours, aHours, bHours, cHours, userCharges;
packageA = 9.95; packageB = 13.95; packageC = 19.95; aHours = 10; bHours = 20;
String userPackage, A, B, C ;


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Unreachable Statement Error

Jun 11, 2014

I cannot see why I am getting an 'Unreachable statement' error on 'return -1;' on line 13126.I am also getting a 'missing return statement' error on the very last line.

/* 12992: */ private int extractInterfaceValues(RSInterface class9, int j)
/* 12993: */ {
/* 12994:11712 */ if ((class9.valueIndexArray == null) || (j >= class9.valueIndexArray.length)) {
/* 12995:11713 */ return -2;
/* 12996: */ }
/* 12997: */ try
/* 12998: */ {
/* 12999:11716 */ int[] ai = class9.valueIndexArray[j];
/* 13000:11717 */ int k = 0;


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2D Array Addition - Not A Statement Error

Dec 19, 2014

I am new to java programming. I want to write a java program for 2D array addition. My code is:

Java Code:

class Matrixadd {
public static void main(String...s) {
int x[][]={

[Code] .....

I am getting a 'Not a statement' error at line 36.

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Error On Import Statement For Stacks

Apr 20, 2015

I'm getting errors on all the exceptions called EmptyCollectionException. I think this is because the import statement has a error on it but I'm not sure. I'm suppose to add methods for peek, isEmpty, size, and toString methods. I only started isEmpty also am wondering what I have to change from peek method if anything at all.

import jsjf.exceptions.*;//Error on jsjf
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ArrayStack<T> implements StackADT <T> { //Error on StackADT
private final static int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100;
private int top;
private T[] stack;
[Code] .....

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Editing Jar File - Not A Statement Error

Jun 22, 2014

So, I decompiled a jar file and went to edit some code, but this is the only error i get upon decompiling which I am unable to find a fix for.

int i3 = var32.read(abyte0, k2, exception4);
if(i3 < 0) {
"Length error: " + k2 + "/" + j2; //Not a statement
throw new IOException("EOF");

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Amount Of Money - Compile Error / Unreachable Statement

Feb 14, 2014

This method accepts 1 integer, amount (the amount of money). Output the minimum number of in quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies used to make up the amount. For example, an amount of 32 would require 1 quarter, 1 nickel and 2 pennies.

This is the question^

My codes are:

public static int change (int amount) {
int quarters = amount / 25 ;
int firstresult = amount % 25 ;
return quarters ;
int nickel = firstresult / 5 ;

[Code] .....

The codes were working when i used System.out.println instead of return, but our teacher required us to use return (functions).

I get the compile error: Unreachable statement.

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