Importing Excel Data Into MySQL Database Through Java?

Aug 3, 2014

import data from excel sheet into mysql database through a java program. How coding will be done in Core Java.

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Transferring Data To MySQL Database

Jul 27, 2014

try {
is = new FileInputStream(file);
data = new byte[(int) file.length()];;
String extension = "";
int i = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.');

[Code] ....

Everything works except transferring the image file.

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JSP :: Reading Data From MySQL Database And Displaying Results On Webpage - HTTP Status 500 Error

Feb 13, 2014

I have created a jsp file which does the simple task of reading data from a mysql database and displaying the results on a web page. Please see below:

<%@ page import="*,java.util.*,java.sql.*"%>
<%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*,javax.servlet.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="sql"%>

[Code] ....

However, each time I run the jsp file in the browser with my localhost as server, I get an HTTP Status 500 error.

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Recreating Excel Type Database In Java

Jun 25, 2014

Ive recently been given a task of recreating an Excel type database in Java.

I need some way of recreating this with a Java form and SQL database.

What the company is doing now is simply opening up the Excel file and filling in the boxes then saving it again.

Here's a sample of a Months entries. Basically just this copy and pasted month after month with Dates changed.

[URL] ....

What I am doing is creating a form that they can input info into daily

[URL] ....

However im not sure how to create a way of presenting the month to month figures continually for years to come.

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How To Connect MySQL Database For Java Desktop Application

Jan 21, 2015

I want to develop desktop application with mysql . How to connect mysql . Any sample project or examples to learn .

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How To Use Single Button To Insert And Update In Java While Using MySQL Database

Oct 29, 2014

I am developing my first Java application and the database I use is MySQL. I have created two separate buttons; one to insert new data into my database and the other to update the database when changes are made.

Each button is working perfectly, but I now want to combine both functions into just the save button. Thus, whether I am entering new data or modifying existing data, the save button should use an IF ELSE condition to decide whether to use the INSERT or UPDATE command.

My problem is, how do I write this IF ELSE statement? What should be the condition? For example;

IF(what? ){
  String sql ="Insert into Table1 (classID,className,counselorID,startDate,endDate) values (?,?,?,?,?)";
  String sql2 = "update Table1 set classID = '"+value1+"',className='"+value2+"',counselorID='"+value3+"',startDate='"+value4+"',endDate='"+value5+"'
where classID = '"+value1+"'";

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MySQL DB Export To Excel Using JXL?

May 2, 2015

I am trying to export a DB record to an excel sheet. Below is the code which I tried. I am not getting any error but still only the first record of the table is getting inserted into the excel sheet. But when I try printing, I prints all the records. Below is the code I did to insert records.

for (int i=0;i<ColumnCount;i++) {
System.out.println("Inside for");
Label label=new Label(i,0,rsmd.getColumnName(i+1),cellFormat);
WritableCell cell = sheet.getWritableCell(i+1, 0);
System.out.println("Column " + rsmd.getColumnName(i+1)+ " inserted");


I hope i am making a logical mi stake in the for loop. But still i am unable to locate that.

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How To Read Excel Sheet And Validate Then Save Into Database Through Java

May 18, 2014

How to read the excel sheet data and validate that null values are inserted or columns data exceeded with respected to header.and these validated data should be stored into 3 different tables... My requirement is college data excel sheet with combination of all groups like mba,mca,and etc...then re ad the data and find the groups then

1. give entry in the UP_LOAD_DATA_HIST table with this excel data uploading with this user and this date,
2. find the group of the department and save data into CATAGIRY_TBL.
3. Finally save the All data into the students table.

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Java Servlet :: Storing Images In Folder And Their Relative Paths In MySQL Database

Nov 16, 2012

I am developing an web application with servlets and jsp. I have an issue to store images. I am storing images in folder and their relative path's in mysql database.

When I retrieve path from database then using <IMG> tag i have displayed image like:

     out.println("<td><img src="+user.getPlaceImage()+" width='70' height='50' /></td>");

It is working fine with internet explorer but not working (that is Not displaying image) in chrome/mozilla.

How to display that image in all browsers....

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Importing PDF Attachment From Email Into A Database?

Aug 28, 2014

I want to import a PDF file into a database, The PDF will be pulled from an email.

The PDF file must be imported into a specific user's profile.

When the user logs into his profile the file must be visible to that person only.

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Excel Spreadsheet Data Conversion To Java

Apr 23, 2015

I am trying to get the excel spreadsheet data and converting it in someway to java. I'm looking for something that will print out the java code itself that way I can embed it into future projects.

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Value Format While Reading Excel Data Into Java

Jan 20, 2015

I am reading Excel data using java apache. I got format issue while reading double value such as 869.87929 (in excel) into 869.8792899999999 (in java).

I'm using following files to read excel data.

1. Schema.csv: SheetName,2-int-Double
2. File.xls:

col1 | col2
123 | 869.87929

Sample code:

String str = content[i-1];
BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal(str);

Note: type from schema.csv & content [] value from file.xls
If I print **str**, it shows value as 869.8792899999999.
But i need to get **str** value as 869.87929. How can I get it?

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Append Data In Excel Sheet Through Java?

Nov 5, 2014

How to we append data in an excel sheet through Java ?

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How To Get Date Data Type From MySQL To Java Format

May 22, 2012

In my project i am facing an problem, The My SQL Data base will accept the date format of yyyy/mm/dd only as "Date" data type but in my program i wants to use dd/mm/yyyy format. (i have this same format now) that's why I am unable to insert / retrieve it..

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Java Servlet :: Read Data From Excel File To Table

Oct 19, 2014

If I want to load data in excel file into table. what is the best way to do it?

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Java Heap Memory Error While Writing Large Data To Excel

Mar 6, 2014

i have to write more than 100000 rows in a excel sheet (file size more than 20 MB) via java.

when i use XSSF, i am getting below Error.

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


when i use HSSF , i am getting the below Error.
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I have tried increasing the java heap size , by giving upto -Xms1500m -Xmx2048m

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Importing CSV / Reading Data And Have A Count Using Queries

Oct 11, 2014

Ok so I know how to import a csv using java. What I'm curious about doing is importing a csv using file chooser, reading the data, sorting the data out by certain parameters, and then outputting a count of each parameter I chose. Say for example I have columns 1,2 and 3. Column 1 has the name, column 2 has the percentage, column 3 has an o'clock time. I want to use queries to sort through the parameters and have a count of each parameter I choose...

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Swing GUI With MySql Database?

Mar 10, 2014

I've got another project for a course and am stuck. I've debugged and tried to figure out where it is breaking, but I just can't find it. I've used this connection code block as well as the contstructors before, but this just won't work. I've got a tab that should send all of the information to a MySql database upon the click of 'Add Employee'. I've given my connection string, the addEmployee(); code, and if needed I can include the subclass code. I've got a superclass 'Employee' and a subclass 'Salaried' that uses four attributes from 'Employee'.

private void btnAddActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
public void addEmployee() {
int socialSecurity = 0;
boolean error = false;


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Connect Exe File To MySQL Database

Jul 22, 2014

I am having a problem to connect my .exe file to the database(mysql). I used launch4j to convert the jar file to .exe but the jar file can connect to the database when running inside the dist folder. When I run the .exe I am getting this error: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql.

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JDBC Connectivity With MySQL Database

Apr 24, 2014

I created a database in mysql, but I have problems communicating with the DB in java.

Here is the error :

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/books
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at displayauthors.DisplayAuthors.main(

[Code] ....

public class DisplayAuthors {   
// database URL                             
   static final String DATABASE_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/books";
   // launch the application
   public static void main( String args[] )

[Code] ....

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Display PDF File Which Is Stored In MySQL Database?

Apr 2, 2015

How to display pdf file which is stored in mysql database by using jsp and servlet ....

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JDBC :: Storing Images To MySQL Database?

Mar 13, 2015

This question is not about syntax but a best way to handle something. What is the best way to store a image into a database? For example converting it into binary etc. I just wanted to get some opinions.

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Greek Characters Are Stored In MySQL Database

Oct 25, 2013

I did an application with jframe which i store member personal info like name, surname etc.But when i save it to Mysql database the values are ??????.I have changed database and table and columns collation to utf8, i checked java encoding it's utf-8 but the problem remains.i have spent hours in google search but nothing that works.

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Unable To Get Values From JTable And Insert Them In MySQL Database

Feb 7, 2014

i have a problem, im trying to get some values from a jtable (tabla) and insert them in a mysql database, so i scan the table for some values to know which of the rows i must insert ("s" or "n").

I'm able to insert few rows, but when the last row with "s" or "n" is inserted it launch me a NullPointerException and I dont know why.

public void insertar(JTable tabla, int rowt, int colt) throws ParseException{
String documento=null, cve_clie=null, fechaE=null, fechaR=null, check=null;
char d=' ',dd=' ',m=' ',mm=' ',y1=' ',y2=' ',y3=' ',y4=' ';
String chck = null;
conexion = connMysql.mysql();
String squery="insert into consefact3 values (?,?,?,?,?)";
PreparedStatement pst = conexion.prepareStatement(squery);


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Servlets :: Error Loading MySQL Database Table From JSP

Nov 5, 2014

I m new to programming and am working on the college project. I have MySQL 5.6.20, Eclipse Kepler and Apache Tomcat 7.0.54. I m trying to retrieve the whole table from MySQL schema into a jsp. All the possible things i can do, i have already tried, but none of them are working.

The following attachment contains the whole project. I have my sql connection code in file, which i want to get working in Fetch.jsp on the Submit button click. But it shows the tomcat error as localhost:8080/Sample HTTP Status 404-/Sample ; type Status report; message /Sample; Description The requested resource is not available.

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

[Code] ....

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Connect To MySQL Database And Print Out Some Fields - Cannot Find JDBC Driver

Aug 17, 2014

I am trying to run a simple program that connects to a mysql database and prints out some fields. I am using Eclipse.

THe problem I am having is on the following line of code.


I get an error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
at$ Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)

[Code] ....

I have done some research and from what I have found is that I need to alter the class path to pick up the driver. When I downloaded the .msi I ran it and then the program closed. Where the files are ??? How to locate and import the file so I need to get my program to run?

I have included all the of the source code below.

package mySQLConnect;
import java.sql.*;
public class Connect {
// JDBC Driver name and database URL
static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
static final String BD_URL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/sstbde";

[Code] .....

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