Increment Array And Got Unexpected Result

Aug 16, 2014

char array[] = new char[10];
int i = 0;
array[i++] = (char)('A' + i);
System.out.println("char for array is: " + array[0]);

However, the result for array[0] is B. Not A. from my understanding, the array[0] should be 'A'.

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Increment Array And Got Unexpected Result

Aug 16, 2014

Java Code:

char array[] = new char[10];
int i = 0;
array[i++] = (char)('A' + i);
System.out.println("char for array is: " + array[0]); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

However, the result for array[0] is B. Not A. from my understanding, the array[0] should be 'A'.

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Increment Array Values

Jul 5, 2014

I'm attempting to increment the values by 1 in an array of objects but I'm not able to increment with the increment operator.

for(int i=1;i<a.length;i++){
a[i].getHour(); hour = hour++;
a[i].getMin(); miinute = minute++;
a[i].getSec(); sec = sec++;

It just loops the value of hour without incrementing.

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Keep Track Of Result Of Each Roll Using Array

Mar 8, 2014

The code I have below asks the user how many times you want to roll the dice. It rolls dice 1 and dice 2 randomly and gives the total. Now, I'm trying to keep track of the result of each roll using an array that is indexed by the sum of the roll of the two dice. Then I want to output my result in a table that shows each value (from 2 - 12)) and the number of times that value was rolled. I would like to do this preferably with the JTextArea class, but it doesn't have to be. I keep getting errors.The code below works for the dice rolling in the 1st paragraph. I took out all the bad code I was trying to use for the 2nd paragraph.

package Part2pack;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
class Dice{
public static void main (String args[])
String input = " ";
int count = 0,dice1,dice2;


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How To Change Value In Array Through User Input And Print Out Result

Dec 14, 2014

I have to do a small program about parking. In the 2-d array (parking lot), contains different kinds of cars, the user have to :

1)enter which car he wanna move,
2)what direction (w,a,s,d) and after that,
3) how many moves( not out of bound) he wants to make, and finally
4) we print out the new parking lot for his next move

And i am stuck at how to move the car to corresponding position and then prompt user for the next move?

For example:

I want to move A to the right by 1 (d)

print result:

How do I do that? The code that i have right now

public class CarParkGame {
public static void main( String [] args) {
  String carPark[][] = new String [6][6] ;
carPark[0] = new String[] {"A","A","A","0","0","0"};
carPark[1] = new String[] {"b","0","0","0","0","c"};
carPark[2] = new String[] {"b","X","X","0","0","c","<exit>"};

[Code] .....

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Selection Sort Method - Sorting Array And Return Result Of Each Step

Nov 20, 2014

This time I am having difficulties with selection sort method, but not with the method itself (I think). So I need to sort an array and return the result of each step.

This is the main code:

public class Functionality {
public static int[][] selctionsort(int[] a) {
for (int i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
int least = i;
for (int j=i+1; j<a.length; j++)

[Code] ....

And this is the Test folder:

import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
 public class PublicTests {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] a = new int[] { 35, 7, 63, 42, 24, 21 };
int[][] b = new int[][] { new int[] { 7, 35, 63, 42, 24, 21 },

[Code] ....

Now I am not sure what should I write in return since the 2nd (test) project has int[][] and in my main project I am working with int [].

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Unexpected OpenGL Simple Movement

May 28, 2014

I am new to DreamInCode! I was creating a game using OpenGL (and slick for textures).

Using Vector3f, I make coordinates to where my camera is camera'ing (and rotation).

It was working... until I modified something. I only added shaders. When I took the shaders off I think I might of accidentally deleted something. Nonetheless the code looks perfect to me.

On the method "input()" everything runs. No errors are thrown anywhere. I have syso'd the hell outa my code. It shows no signs of breaks. I can, however, move elements I put into my program. I am 100% sure that no other class is breaking my game (soon to be).

What you should look out for: I am not really sure about the glLoadIdentity()'s and glMatrixMode(). I am, knowing a good part of, thinking it could be gluViewPort....

My problem: Can't move my camera even tho it was working before.

package com.Hydroque.OpenGlTest;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;
import static org.lwjgl.util.glu.GLU.gluPerspective;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;

[Code] ....

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Creating A Thread - Unexpected Output

Mar 18, 2014

Java Code:

package Threads;
public class Threads1 implements Runnable {
public void run(){
* * * * *
public static void main(String[] args) {


Java Code:

new Thread(new Threads1()).start(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

should execute the thread associated with the run() and then the control should return to the next statement in the calling thread (the thread from which the other thread (associated with run()) was called); isn't it?

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Unexpected Type - A Returned Variable Required

Apr 2, 2014

I'm making a Hangman program for Java, here's my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hangman {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
String answerWord = WordList.getWord();

[Code] .....

The Compiler gives me this only error: error: unexpected type
required: variable
found: value

I understand that charAt returns i as a value and not a variable. What do I use to return a variable as I intended?

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IWAB0014E Unexpected Exception Occurred In Web Service Sample Program

Apr 8, 2014

I first time tried Java web service sample example using eclipse with axis2. First i wrote the provider class. Then by clicking create Web Service from the provider class It will show the following error "IWAB0014E Unexpected exception occurred." I have attached the screenshot for reference.

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Converting Positive Binary Inputs Into Hex - Unexpected Output Java

Sep 30, 2014

I am trying to write a program for converting positive binary inputs into hex. in the hex output the point (".")is missing.

Suppose my expected output is e7.6 , but i am getting e76

only the "." is missing.

here is my BinToHex class..

public class BinToHex {
double tempDec,fractionpart;
long longofintpart,templongDec;
String input ="11100111.011";
String hexOutput=null,tempDecString,hex = null;
static int i = 1;

[Code] ....

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Program For Converting Positive Binary Inputs Into Hex - Unexpected Output Java

Sep 30, 2014

I am trying to write a program for converting positive binary inputs into hex. in the hex output the point (".")is missing.

Suppose my expected output is e7.6 , but i am getting e76.

Only the "." is missing.

Here is my BinToHex class..

public class BinToHex {
double tempDec,fractionpart;
long longofintpart,templongDec;
String inpu ="11100111.011";
String hexOutput=null,tempDecString,hex = null;
[Code] .....

Here is how decimal fraction is converted into hex or here too...

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Write Data For Three Products To Random Access File - Unexpected EOFException

Jul 11, 2014

I'm trying to write data for three products to a random access file, but I have a problem. Each product has a code and a price. After writing them to my file, I want to get to the second field or product. I do this by getting the length for each record, and multiplying it by the field number I want to go to. I use the result for the seek() method of the RandomAccessFile object. It is giving me an EOFException, but when I use 0 for the seek method i get the data for the first poduct or field.

Java Code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
final int RECORD_LENGTH = 16;
try(RandomAccessFile productsOutput = new RandomAccessFile("C:UsersalfonsoDesktopBinaryTestRandom.ran", "rw")) {
String[] codes = {"java", "jsps", "txtp"};
double[] prices = {49.5, 19.9, 29.9};
for(int i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {

[Code] .....

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Increment Counter By Recursion

Mar 22, 2015

I have a question related to the code below, that I do not understand. The aim is to count all files and subdirectories in an ArrayList full of files and subdirectories. So I have to count every file and every subdirectory.

The code concerning counting files is clear to me - every time d is of the type file I have to increment n by one. However I thought that I have to do the same thing in case d is a directory, so I would have written the same code for directories.

So what does "n += ((Directory) d).countAllFiles();" mean? In my understanding the method countAllFiles() is applied again on the object Directory ( as Directory is the class that contains this method), but how is n incremented by this? I thought n should be incremented by one as we did with files.

public int countAllFiles() {
int n = 0;
for(SystemFile d : content) {
if(d instanceof File) {

[Code] ....

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For Loop To Display And Increment?

Mar 1, 2015

I'm trying to display an columns and rows. The first column has integers and the rest are doubles. The initial calculations are correct, but I cannot figure out how to total last column, which is interest paid, and then start the iteration over.

int paymentNumber;
//print out the colum labels
System.out.printf("%7s %9s %10s %8s %15s %n", "Payment", "Interest"
, "Principal", "Balance", "Interest Paid");
System.out.print(" "); //put three blank spaces first
//Test For Loop Output:
for ( paymentNumber = 1; paymentNumber <= period*12; paymentNumber++) {

[Code] .....

Here's the output: It displays the payment number correctly. Am I supposed to write a for loop for each column?

Please enter the amount of the loan:
Please enter the interest rate:
Please enter the loan period in years.
Your Monthly Payment is:$83.79

[Code] ....

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How To Call Increment Method

May 26, 2015

I have the following:

public class HistoricalMoment{

private String eventName;
private ClockDisplay timeOfEvent;
public static final int MIDNIGHT_HOUR = 00;
public static final int MINUTE_ZERO = 00;

How can I create a method called public void addMinuteToTimeOfEvent() which calls the timeOfEvent's increment() method to add one minute to the timeOfEvent?

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How Does Post Increment Work

Mar 5, 2014

I have a code issue and I have a below question for the same.Assuming data[] is of type byte[], is the below statement in java -

while((data[p++] & 0x80) == 0x80);

same as -

while ( (data[p] & 0x80) == 0x80 ) { p++; }

I tried with do { p++; } while ( (data[p] & 0x80) == 0x80 ); That also doesn't seem to be the same thing. I am not putting code around this but essentially if I make this change for not using data[p++] code stops working!

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Increment / Decrement Buttons

Nov 17, 2014

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
* and open the template in the editor.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class IncrementDecrementPanel extends JPanel {

[Code] ....

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How To Increment URLs In String

Apr 13, 2013

I need open a url every time I want to refresh system with an update. Each update has a number so my urls are url1, url2, url3, ... I know how to put it in a loop to increment the urls in a String. I do not know how to make it open and close the url in a browser.

public class Test {
public static void main( String args[]) {  
for (int i = 201; i < 300; i++){
System.out.println("http://url=" + i);


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How To Automatically Increment ID And Then Display Only One ID In Report

Jun 7, 2014

The program shall assign a new employee ID to the employee and display it on the screen.

The employee ID shall be generated by adding 1 to the largest employee ID already in the employee.txt data file.

You can see I've tried variations of identification++ but have not been successful. I've also tried to get the last or the highest identification in the arrayList but have not done that right.

public static void addEmployee() {
String firstName = Validator.getString(
sc, "Enter First Name: ");
String lastName = Validator.getString(
sc, "Enter Last Name: ");
int identification = 0;

[Code] ....

I also can display all of the employees their identifications and their punches but I cannot narrow it down to searching one employee and displaying information for just the one.

-If the selected value is ‘I’, prompt the user to enter the employee’s ID number.
-If ‘I’ is selected the display shall show the employee’s name and ID, list out each day worked in chronological order, the number of hours worked that day and a total number of hours worked in the two week period.

The report shall prompt the user to re-enter an employee ID of it does not exist in the employee file.

private static void displayReports() {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
String action = " ";
while (!action.equalsIgnoreCase("d"))

[Code] ....

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GUI Bars - Increment Height By About 10 Pixels

Nov 12, 2014

So I'm trying to make a bar graph, each bar will increment the height by about 10 pixels. To do this, I'm making an array of bars. For some reason, using fillrect I cannot not increase the size more than 10 by 10, if I do, it will only show the 10 by 10. I want the bars to increase in height by 10 each time.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
public class AssortedAssortmentsOfSorts extends JFrame

[Code] .....

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Print Range Of Integers From X To Y With Increment Of 5

May 6, 2015

Working on problem in my book in which I have to print a range of integers from x to y with an increment of 5. I thought I had the right idea when writing out this code, but apparently, it only gives a few of the numbers in the range, not all, what I am doing wrong?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Ranges
public static void main (String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner (;
System.out.print("Enter a value for x and y: ");
int x = input.nextInt();


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Ranges
public static void main (String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner (;
System.out.print("Enter a value for x and y: ");
int x = input.nextInt();


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JSP :: Increment Variable From JavaScript - Function Is Undefined

Nov 13, 2014

I've a simple logic Code to increment a variable from javascript and Send it back to jsp. I just writing simple code to explain the logic. My code will have scritplets. I know usage of scriptlets is inside jsp is oldest but for the sake of logic.

<!--Jsp Page -->
int i=0;
<input type="button" onclick="fun()"/>
<!-- Script as Follows-->
function fun(){

But My value of i is not incrementing its showing that function is undefined

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Increment Variable Each Time It Goes Through For Enhanced Loop

May 28, 2014

I am trying to increment a variable named counterVariable each time it goes through a for enhanced loop. It is stuck on 0.

Java Code:

for(String[] row : values) {
for(String col : row) {
int counterVariable = 0;
if(col == null)
break valuesProcessor;

[Code] .....

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Which Axis To Increment / Decrement With Inclusion Of Speed Variable

Jan 30, 2015

if I move object A to one area of the screen I want object B to to move to object A's location but I also want object B to move at a fixed speed (movement variable). How do I go about doing this? Both the x and y coordinates of object B would need to know the coordinates of object A to calculate the distance between the two and to determine how much of which axis to increment/decrement (if that makes sense?) with the inclusion of the speed variable.In other words I'm just trying to create a homing object.

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For Loop Program - Increment Hours By 12 And Double Population By 2 Each Time

Oct 3, 2014

So I need to make a for loop for this problem: A certain type of bacteria doubles its population every twelve hours. If you start with a population of 1000, how many hours will it take for the population to exceed 1,000,000? Output needs to be in table format, such as:

Hours: - Population:
0 ------- 1000
12 ----- 2000
24 ----- 4000

I've created the code, but don't understand how to increment hours by 12 and double the population by 2 each time.

public class Population
public static void main (String[] args) {
int hours = 0;
int population;

[Code] ....

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