Initial Template Which Converts Fahrenheit To Celsius

Oct 20, 2014

I am new to Java, programming, and intelliJ. I am trying to make a BMI Calculator using this code as my initial template which converts Fahrenheit to Celsius.

import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Fahrenheit
// Creates and displays the temperature converter GUI.


I created a local field within BMIButtonListener for weight, height, resultLabel, and was able to compile but it did not calculate and listed exceptions.

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Simple Program In Java (Eclipse) That Converts Fahrenheit To Celsius

Apr 10, 2014

I've made a simple program in Java (Eclipse) that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius.The class is:

Java Code: package ehu.student;
public class ConversorTemperaturas {
/*Clase que dado una temperatura en Fahrenheit la canvierte en C*/
public float farenheit2celsius (float d){
float celsius, aux;


When I write t.farenheit2celsius(25.6), appears the following error: "The method farenheit2celsisus(float) in the type ConversorTemperaturas is not applicable for the arguments (double)"If i change in the class the type float for double there is not problem. Why can't i use the type float?

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Celsius To Fahrenheit Java GUI

Aug 4, 2014

Write a CiUI application that converts Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit temperatures. The user should be able to enter a Celsius temperature, click a button, and then sec the equivalent Flhnfflhelt temperature. Use the following formula to make the conversion: F - - y C + 32..F is the Fahrenheit temperature and C is the Celsius temperature.

Now the program runs (In Jgrasp) But when I Enter a number in the fahrenheit box and hit "COnvert' NOTHING happens. I went over my code and I can't find what seems to be the problem...I tried changing

ActionListener Listener = new ConvertListener();
convertBtn.addActionListener(ConvertListener); <----- I tried changing ConvertListener to just Listener but it gives me more problems
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JTextField;


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Converting Fahrenheit To Celsius

Oct 1, 2014

I'm new to coding and we have an assignment for class to convert fahrenheit to celsius so far this is what i have:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Lab5 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//variable dec
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
double input;


This is what he wants us to do "Write a method name celsius that accepts a Fahrenheit temperature as an argument. The method should return the temperature, converted to Celsius. Demonstrate the method by asking the user a temperature value to convert. Then below the result, call a loop that displays a table of the Fahrenheit temperatures 0 through 20 and their Celsius equivalents."

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GUI Converter Button - Fahrenheit To Celsius

Nov 13, 2014

I am new to java and I am trying to learn a little about GUI. I found this problem of creating a converter for temp from farenheit to celcius. I have everything working, except for when I hit the converter button... it does not convert.

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;

[Code] .....

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Fahrenheit To Celsius Converter - Output Box

Sep 23, 2014

The assignment reads: Develop a Java program ( for converting a temperature from the Fahrenheit to the Celsius scale. The program will read the temperature graphically using an input dialog box

(JOptionPane.showInputDialog) and will show also the result graphically on a message dialog box (JOptionPane.showMessageDialog).

I can get my input box to show, but I am unable to get to the output box

What I have came up with:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class F2C {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Enter Farenheit
String Fahrenheit = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(

[Code] .....

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Temperature Conversion Celsius To Fahrenheit

Jun 16, 2014

I have followed the instructions carefully but the conversion values are not correct.

Write a program that displays a table of the Celsius temperatures 0 through 20 and their Fahrenheit equivalents. The formula for converting a temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit is
F - | C + 32
where ¥ is the Fahrenheit temperature and C is the Celsius temperature. Your program must use a loop to display the table.


public class TempConversion
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(double i = 0; i <= 20.0; i++) {

[Code] ....

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Store Celsius And Fahrenheit Values Equal To One Another Using Loop

Sep 29, 2014

Write java program using table that stores celsius and farenheit values that are equal to one another using a loop. use C 0-20 and convert to farenheit.

I have to use doubles for Celsius and Fahrenheit and in the formula. I get a runtime error with the following displayed:

I will display a table of temperatures in their Celsius and Farenheit equivalents.


import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class TemperatureConversion {
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception {
double celsius;// Temperature in degrees Celsius minimum
double farenheit;// Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit

[Code] ....

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Program Converting Fahrenheit To Celsius Using For Loop (will Not Convert)

Sep 13, 2014

I am trying to write a program converting Fahrenheit to Celsius using a for loop. I get it to run and Fahrenheit goes to a hundred. My issue is that the Celsius just says 100 down the column and is not converting. I have tried messing with it, and can not figure what is wrong with it.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Controlstatement {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double F = 1.0;
double Celcius = 100;
System.out.printf("%s%20s", "Farenheit", "Celcius" );
for (int Farenheit = 0; Farenheit <= 100; Farenheit++) {
F = Celcius * (Farenheit - 32 * 5.0/9.0);
System.out.printf("%4d%,20.2f", Farenheit, Celcius);

The output looks like this all the way to 100:

Farenheit Celcius
0 100.00
1 100.00
2 100.00
3 100.00

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Confirming Conversion To Compute - Calculate Fahrenheit Or Celsius Value

Sep 28, 2014

<import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class TempCalc {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Confirming which conversion to compute.
String FarOrCel = (JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to calculate a Farenheit value or a Celsius value? (Enter Farenheit or Celsius)");

[Code] ....

So I've been trying to come up with a Farenheit to Celsius converter and back. However, whenever I run the program in JCreator it never recognizes the string "Farenheit". Even if I put that exact thing (I copy/pasted from the if (FarOrCel == "Farenheit")) it keeps asking me for a Celsius value.

[quote name='INNOCENTREAPER##!' date='28 September 2014 - 07:40 PM' timestamp='1411958437' post='2057072']

<import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class TempCalc {
public static void main(String[] args) {

//Confirming which conversion to compute.
String FarOrCel = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Would you like to calculate a Farenheit value or a Celsius value? (Enter Farenheit or Celsius)";

[Code] ....

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Take Input Of Temperature In Fahrenheit And Convert It To Celsius And Kelvin

Oct 28, 2014

I’m trying to write a program in Java that will take the input of a temperature in Fahrenheit and convert it to Celsius and Kelvin. This is what I have so far but when I run the program on Eclipse it says the temp. in Celsius is infinity and the same for kelvin. Why is it not preforming the operation and spiting out the correct numbers?

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Temperature {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// This program converts temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius to Kelvin.
double temperature1;// operands
double temperature2;
double temperature3;

[Code] ....

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Write A Program To Print Out Fahrenheit-Celsius Conversion Table?

Oct 14, 2014

This is my program

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
public class Lab6 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int F;
double C = 0;

[Code] ......


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
1 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
2 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
3 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
4 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
5 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
6 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
7 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
8 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius
9 degree Fahrenheit equal to :-00.00 degree Celsius

I don't know why the program is not calculating the C degree ?

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Converting Celsius To Fahrenheit And Vice Versa Using Methods And Loop

Oct 13, 2014

I need to do a conversion of Celsius to Fahrenheit and viceversa using methods and a for loop. The methods are public static double celsiustoFahrenheit (double celsius) and public static double Fahrenheittocelsius (double fahrenheit). It gives me weird numbers and i have to have some format that you can see attached ....

package temperatureconverter;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TemperatureConverter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner corvette = new Scanner(;

[Code] .....

Attached image(s)

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Applets :: Initial Painting - Content Overlap?

Feb 10, 2014

I have 4 small applets on a page that simply prints out the quadratic equation for values passed in. There are 4 applets on a page that have different values assigned. They display fine.... sometimes.... if I refresh or generate new numbers sometimes one applet looks as though it has numbers overlapping the new values. If I resize or drag the browser everything displays fine again - no need to refresh the browser or anything. It's as though old values or something are being overwritten by the new or something similar is happening. What should I include in the paint method of the JPanel that might clear the applet before initial painting happens..... if anything?

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Create XML Based On XSD Template In Java?

Apr 17, 2015

I need to generate XML file based on XSD template in Java, I can parse the XSD file, but don’t know after parsing, how to generate XML file.

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Amount Of Spell User Uses - How To Increment Initial Randomized Output

Feb 16, 2015

I created my own class and it basically randomizes the amount of 'spells' [magic] a user uses (range 1-5). I can't figure out how to increment the initial randomized output to make something like this :

User X : uses 2 spell.
User Y : uses 3 spells.

User X : uses 3 spells. (Taking the randomized 2 and increment by 1)
User Y : uses 4 spells. (Taking the randomized 3 and increment by 1)

My current setup looks like this : First one is the class I created and the second one is just how the output would look like. (seperate by +++++...)

My goal is to create a METHOD to increment it.

public class Spell {
// Max number of spells
private final int MAX_FACE_VALUE = 5;
// Current face value
private int faceValue;
// New instance of Spell
public Spell() {
faceValue = 1;

[Code] ....


public class SpellOutput {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Object creation
Spell spellCasterOne = new Spell();
Spell spellCasterTwo = new Spell();
Spell spellCasterThree = new Spell();

[code] ....

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FileWriter - Print Initial Attributes And User Changed Inputs Into A File

Oct 10, 2014

I am having an issue with using FileWriter to print some text to a text file. In the following code, I am supposed to be able to print the initial attributes and the user changed inputs into a file but all I am getting is the memory locations of the objects I created in one long line.

package project3final;
import java.util.*;
public class Project3Final {
static class Instrument {
char [] stringNames = {'E', 'A', 'D', 'G', 'B', 'E'};
private final String instrumentName;

[Code] .....

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JSP :: Would Template Based Framework Generates A Lot Of Request Traffic?

Nov 29, 2014

If I have a web page with a lot of data to show, say a lot of tables and graphics, would using non JSP based frameworks result in a lot more individual AJAX requests? For example if the page have 5 tables, with JSP the whole page will be returned to the browser with data for all 5 tables already. But if this is a pure HTML / Javascript based view, then we need to have each of the 5 tables to make individual AJAX requests in order to render the page. Is this indeed the down side for not using JSP?

The reason I'm asking is because I'm considering moving away from JSP to a template based framework such as Thymeleaf or Freemarker.

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JSF :: Using JQuery In Template File With Single And Double Quotes

Jan 5, 2015

I'm learning jQuery to integrate into a JSF application but finding some confusion on the correct syntax especially when it comes to combining double and single quotes in the jQuery scripts. So for this particular page I want jQuery to traverse through a list of documents and put icons next to each document to state what type of document each is (ie: PDF, doc, xls). I can get this to work using normal html markup but I get a Syntax Error - Unexpected Token exception in the browser.

I'm confused about whether this means I need to use the right html references for the JSF element I wish to traverse or whether this is a problem with the way I'm using my quotes.

Also I'm not sure how to correctly reference jsf tags inside jQuery scripts. So for an ordinary html page I execute the following jQuery script:

<script type="text/javascript">
$("document").ready(function () {
$("li a[href = ' .pdf']").after("<img src='myImage'/>");


Then I have a JSF page with the following commandLink:

<p:commandLink class="downLoadLink" value="Download" ajax="false">
<p:fileDownload value="#{projectDocBean.downloadedFile}"

For this page I try to execute the following script:

<script type="text/javascript">
$("document").ready(function () {
$("#downLoadLink = ' .pdf']").after("<img src='myImage'/>");

I get the same syntax error no matter what I put into the script of the JSF page. How to correctly integrate jQuery with JSF.

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JDBC :: Uploading Template File Into Database Using SetBlob Or SetBinaryStream

Jun 1, 2015

I have a template file which I'm tring to upload into a database using setBlob or setBinaryStream but I'm getting the following error:
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: setBlob
  at weblogic.jdbc.wrapper.PreparedStatement.setBlob(
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

[Code] .....
I'm using :

Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Weblogic Server Versions: with Java 1.6.0_05

The driver class name for the weblogic datasource:
Initially, I tried:
           sqlQuery = new StringBuffer();
                ps = null;
                sqlQuery.append("insert into KATET_REPORTS (FILE_DATA)");

[Code] ....
This failed, so I changed ps.setBlob(1,is)
ps.setBinaryStream(1,is). This failed as well with teh same error, just for setBinaryStream instead of setBlob.
Is there a known inconsistency between that driver and this Weblogic version? Is there something else going on? If I haven't given enough data to debug the issue here, what other data should I gather?

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Code Converts A String That Has All Numbers Into Integer

May 8, 2015

I am trying to code using error handling and I am a bit confused on how to go about doing it correctly. My code converts a string that has all numbers into an integer and the error handling should recognize that if it isn't a proper number and ask the user to try again or enter 'q' to quit.Do I place a throw new exception in the try block and put conditionals like if charAt(i) is some letter or a symbol then throw new exception?

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class practice {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer finalValue = null;
boolean validValue = false;
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int result = 0;


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Writing A Program That Converts TXT File To HTML

Nov 26, 2014

I need to convert a .txt file to html text, where the first line is changed to have < h1 > < /h1 > around it and the rest is wrapped in < p > < /p > so for example I read a .txt file that says:

chapter 1

this is a sentence

it would output:

<h1>chapter 1</h1>

<p>this is a sentence</p>

here is what I have so far and I cannot get anything to output.

FileInputStream filestream;
BufferedReader reader;
FileOutputStream output;
String firstline;
String body = "<p>";
String line;

[Code] ......

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Java Program That Converts Number Grades To Letter?

Aug 3, 2014

I wrote a java application that coverts number grades to letter grades. Here is what it looks like:

/java application to That corresponds the letter grade with the number grade
import java.util.Scanner; //program uses the class scanner
public class gradescore{


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Business Application - Get Input From User And Converts It Into A String

Apr 24, 2014

So this application gets input from the user and converts it into a string. It then uses various methods to set instance variables of this class and ends up printing those classes to display information to the user about that products.

package javaapplication5;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
 public class Product
private String product;
private String description;
private double price;
[Code] ....

I am getting a logical error. My output is this:

Enter a product for information. Choose either Java or C++
Prduct: null Description: null Price 0.0

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Display Two Types Of Table One With Initial Cost And Another With New Cost

Mar 16, 2015

HTML Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class BellmanFord {
private int distances[];
private int numberofvertices;
public static final int MAX_VALUE = 999;

[Code] ....

I am trying to display two types of table one with initial cost and another one with new cost. Based on the java code here i already have one table but don't know how to display another table.

Attached is the sample output that i am aiming for. The output table for the above code is:

Enter the number of vertices

Enter the adjacency matrix
0 4 0 0 -1 0
0 0 -1 0 -2 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 -5 0 3
0 0 0 0 0 0

Enter the source vertex

distance of source 1 to 1 is 0
distance of source 1 to 2 is 4
distance of source 1 to 3 is 3
distance of source 1 to 4 is -6
distance of source 1 to 5 is -1
distance of source 1 to 6 is 2

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I/O / Streams :: How To Use Java To Generate Word Document From A Word Template

Aug 19, 2014

I am looking for java codes to generate a word document based on a word template, basically, I have a word template created and in my local path, the template has a proper format with some fields which will be filled in after java codes ran. The java codes will fetch one record from a table, and open the word template and then fill the fields in the word template, and created a new word document and save it in another folder.

I found this example: [URL] which is similar except it uses xml template instead of word template, how to make it work to change the template from xml to word (docx) template?

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