Java Communication With Hardware - Show Output In Numbers And Letters

May 29, 2014

I want to make project about java communication with hardware (wiz110sr) via LAN (Rj45). And for example, my hardware have ip address ; port: 1202, connected with my PC(via lan/Rj45). I want show the output (such as numbers and letters) from my hardware in console netbeans.

When I running my code, appear :

" Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code
at mypkg.startListenForTCP$ va:48)
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second) "

Here's the code :

import sun.rmi.runtime.Log;
[Code] .....

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Division Of Two Numbers In Java And Show Reminder

Jun 11, 2014

This is my code so far, how can I improve to show the reminder of the operation as well.

package calculator4;
public class divide
public int num2;
public int num1;
public static void main(String args[])

[Code] ....

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Turning Numbers Into Letters

Jan 22, 2014

How to write a code that allows the computer to read a number from the keyboard, from 0-26 and print out that much of the alphabet

*For example

input = 3 output = ABC
input = 7 output = ABCDEFG
input = 0 output =

I tried this but it only gives me one letter that corresponds to the number

package pkg2911homework.pkg1;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner keys = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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Long Type Output File - Print Prime Numbers Between Given Range Of Numbers

Aug 22, 2014

I tried to create file and write the output of my program in it in java when i use WriteLong then the file does not contain long value, how I create this file my program is to print prime numbers between 500000 to 10000000

public class primenumber {
public static void main(String[] args) {
long start = 5000000;
long end = 10000000;
System.out.println("List of prime numbers between " + start + " and " + end);
for (long i = start; i <= end; i++) {
if (isPrime(i)) {

[Code] ....

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How To Hide Or Not Show Output

Aug 8, 2014

My code is already running. But the problem is, i don't want to see 0 denomination. like for example if i input 3.86 in (dollars).

dollars: 3
quarters: 3
dimes: 1
pennies: 1

so my problem is. it still showing 0 denomination like this:

dollars: 3
quarters: 3
dimes: 1
nickels: 0
pennies: 1

Currently using latest netbeans and if im correct we are using methods and class runner?.. Anyways here's the code..

for method:

package MyPrograms;
public class Mp3Method {
public int dollars(int dollars,int remainingAmount){
return dollars = remainingAmount / 100;
public int quarters(int quarters, int remainingAmount){
return quarters = remainingAmount / 25;

[Code] .....

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Java Applications Communication On Different Systems

Nov 1, 2014

I'm new to java and haven't develop any application before that... I need to develop an application through which i can send data from 1 computer to another computer. These communication in between the computers are those are under one router connection. Means they can connect even without internet access

Main concept is as follow

1. Java application on computer A [server side application]
2. Java application on Computer B [Client side application]
3. Java application on computer C [Client side application]

Now computer B and C communicate with computer A. but they don't know about presence of each other

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Communication Between JFrame And Java Class?

Apr 19, 2014

I have a jFrame and a Java Class. Now i have a path of image in my jFrame which I want to display in java class(Crop2). I created an object in jFrame

Crop2 d=new Crop2();

and then I'm trying to send the data to the class file but it is not working.

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Communication Between Two Separate Java Program In Same Computer

Sep 20, 2012

I have two separate java Program that run on the same
computer : Program -1 & Program-2 .

Explain Program-1 :

Name of Program -1 is “InputFrame” that is a simple frame that contain a JTextField and a Button and a JTextArea .

Explain Program 2 : Name of Program-2 is “OutputFrame” that is a simple frame that contain a simple JTextArea that this JTextArea is a Instance object from a class with name of “DisplayFrame” .

This instance object from class of “DisplayFrame” added to frame of “OutputFrame”.Now I want run both Program 1 & 2 simultaneously in the same computer and when I enter a text in JTextField in Program-1 and after click on the Button “OK” that Text Entered in this JTextField In addition to JTextArea in Program-1 display In JTextArea in Program-2 .

I do not want use a share file between two Program-1 and -2 Or DataBase .I want if Program-1 run but Program-2 is not running and i enter a text in JTextFeild in Program-1 , after running Program-2 that Entered Text Displaye in JTextArea in Frame of Program-2 .(Offline Message) .Both Source code of Program-1 and Program-2 is Attached .

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Servlets :: Java Standalone Program To JSP Communication

Aug 4, 2014

The following programs exist:

1. I have a java application which accepts bio potential data every second or two and stores it in the database. This is a socket server which accepts this data from multiple clients and spawns a new thread for processing it to store in the db.

2. I have a jsp page on tomcat server which reads historic client data from database (stored by application 1) and displays it on the page.

The socket server program in 1.) above is not running inside of tomcat server.The new requirement now is : Display all of the human data coming in live on the jsp page.Now the problem: I will now need to pass the live data from socket server (which is stand alone) to the jsp which is running on a tomcat server.

Possible solutions:

APPROACH 1: Run the socket server in the tomcat instead of stand alone and store the frequently incoming data in a java object so the jsp can access this object every second and display it on a graph.

PROBLEM : The stand alone java application does not need to be included in a tomcat server except for the fact that the jsp needs access to the live data. Also, I have read that this is not the best way.

APPROACH 2: Expose the stand alone java application as a web service and communicate with the jsp using REST architecture.

PROBLEM : The complication of using this method is that it will not have the flexibility offered by websockets or server sent events (SSE) of auto updating the latest data. The jsp will have to keep polling for new data every one second which is also not a very good option.

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GUI Show ODD Numbers

Dec 3, 2014

I want to make app in netbeans. When i write numbers in JTextField like 1,2,3,4,5,6... it should show me in JOptionPane information window result of ODD numbers.

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Read Line Of Text And Output Text First In All Uppercase And Then In Lowercase Letters

May 29, 2014

Write a program that reads in a line of text and then outputs that line of text first in all uppercase letters and then in all lowercase letters.

INPUT and PROMPTS. The program prompts for a line of text as follows: "Enter the text: " and then reads in an entire line of text as a String .

OUTPUT . There are four lines of output . The first line is "The text in all upper case is: ". The second line is the line that was read in, displayed in all uppercase. The third line is "The text in all lower case is: " and the fourth line is the original line that was read in, displayed in all lowercase.

CLASS NAMES. Your program class should be called ShoutAndWhisper.

This is what I have so far:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class ShoutAndWhisper
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scannerObject = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Enter the text: ");;
System.out.println("The text in all upper case is: ");

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Java Servlet :: Two Servlets Communication With Post Method

Feb 22, 2013

We have two servlets application running on same server with Java EE 6 with below mention application URL.

Servlet1 Application URL: http://<severname>/*servlet1*
Servlet2 Application URL: http://<severname>/*servlet2*

My question is how to call Servlet2 from Servlet1 with Post method without using server name. May be something like this:


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GUI Program To Convert All Lowercase Letters In A String To Uppercase Letters

Mar 21, 2015

Write a GUI program to convert all lowercase letters in a string to uppercase letters, and vice versa.

For example, Alb34eRt will be converted to aLB34ErT.

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Java Socket - Client-server Communication Stuck With Multi-threading

Feb 6, 2015

Firstly, my code is just a demo of my multiplayer game (2 or more players can play simultaneously) to demonstrate my problem without any extra things. I have successfully implemented peer-to-peer (P2P) communication in my game. Later, I decided to add support for client-server communication (ie a central server which is also a player) in my game. It should be much easier than P2P. Now here is the problem:

Suppose, I have 1 server and some clients (may be 1 or more clients). They all should give the following output:


They all give the above output without using multi-thread. But using multi-threading, it gives the above output only when there're 1 server and 1 client. I'm using 2 threads (1 for sending, 1 for receiving) for each Socket. That means, each client has only 2 threads for communication but the server has (2 * totalClients) threads.

I've attached my full test project. So, here I'm only showing my 2 thread classes.

ReceiveThread class:
class ReceiveThread extends Thread {
private ObjectInputStream receiveStream;
private BlockingQueue<Character> queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Character>(Common.totalClients);

[Code] ....

Since I've attached my full test project, I'm not showing the other 3 classes. They are ServerMain, ClientMain and Common. If I've 2 clients to be connected, then I get the following output:

Server: (Runs first)

Client 1 (clientID is 1): (Runs after the server)

Client 2 (clientID is 2): (Runs after Client 1)


They are stuck at there, even no exception. Actually, the server and the clients are stuck at the line try { ch = queue.take(); } if more than 1 client are connected. It seems that all are trying to receive data. But without using the dedicated threads, they all work as expected even for more than 1 client. Why is this behaviour? How to solve it? Note that I have used the same SendThread and ReceiveThread classes by which I have succcessfully implemented P2P communication.

About my attached test project file:

It has 5 small .java files for the classes as stated above. It is currently faulty when using additional threads. You have to change clientID variable for each client (they are described inside). But it works as expected without additional threads. To test it without the additional threads:

Comment " TODO" linesUncomment the single lines just after " TODO" linesComment the additional thread construction lines (4 lines)

Currently, for a workaround, I'm not using the dedicated threads for sending and receiving data only for client-server communication in my multi-player game. But I'm still using these threads for P2P communication. I don't know why it is and how to solve it.This is the attached test project file as described above.

Attached File(s) : Test (4.11K)

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Print Only Top 15 Highest Numbers Of Occurrence From RNG Output

Oct 15, 2014

I created a random number generator for my course and it works perfectly. I now need to print only the top 15 highest numbers of occurrence from the RNG output. How i can do this?

Here is my block of code.

package section4;
import java.util.Random;
public class Lottery {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Random rand = new Random();
int freq[] = new int[51];

[Code] ....

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Output Min And Max Numbers The User Enters - Storing Value

Jul 17, 2014

I need to receive input from the user, as many times as he wants. tha is done with the while loop. I also need to output the min and the max numbers the user enters, therefore i have the if statememnts. also if the user enters only one value i need to output that one value as the min and the max.

int min =0;
int max = 0;
int option = JOptionPane.YES_OPTION;
while ( option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){
String dataString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter an integer");
int data = Integer.parseInt(dataString);

[Code] ....

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Read Unspecified Numbers Of Scores And Output Average

Sep 5, 2014

Write a program that will read unspecified numbers of scores . The program will output the average of these scores and the scores that are below and above the average.

Average is 3
Below 1

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Java Program To Count Each Repeated Letters In Given String?

Jan 12, 2014

for example if the given string is: The world is running java technology?

T is =2
h is=2
e is=2
w is=1
n= 4

like wise i need out put of the program?

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Write A String Name Variable To Store Letters / Dotes And Spaces Only In Java?

Apr 5, 2014

I am trying to write a program and the name variable can only store letters,dotes and spaces. But whenever I enter a space, the program doesn't work. Following is my code.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
public class Space {
public static void main(String []args) {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

[Code] ....

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New Lines Don't Show Up In File But They Do Show Up On Console

Apr 30, 2015

I have the following code.

class A {
List<StringBuilder> list;
public void output(List<StringBuilder> objectToOutput){
try(BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("temp.txt"))){
for(StringBuilder row:objectToOutput) bw.write(row.toString());
}catch(IOException e){}


Why don't the a's show up on the console? I put them in as part of the debugging process and now I don't understand why they don't show up in both places.

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Network Communication Using Sockets?

Dec 6, 2014

I have all of my code written, but it is not producing any output and i'm not sure why.



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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Communication Between JFrames

May 23, 2014

I'm writing a small program in Java to simulate a shopping cart. A shopping cart has an array og objects Item. As a console application, my program runs.But, in the GUI version, I have some issues. In class MainMenu I create a ShoppingCart object, named "cart"(line 103)In class AddItemMenu I create an Item object, and I want to add it in my ShoppingCart object "cart".BUT, AddItemMenu cannot "see" variable "cart".

package shoppingcartgui;
public class MainMenu extends javax.swing.JFrame {
public MainMenu() {


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Servlets :: Communication Sessions Between Two Applications?

Jul 22, 2014

I'm deployed application A and application B in TOMCAT server applications, the U1 user enters into the application A, he authenticates and generates a call to a page of the app B. As I was able to access the session of user U1 en A from B, it could have a single session.

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Current Options For Applet To Servlet Communication

Feb 12, 2014

My primary question is about which method is the best for having an applet of mine communication with a backend database of mine. In other words, I don't want to try learning a technology that is out of date or not a good fit for my goal. I purchased the O'Reilly title "Java Servlet Programming", but it seems to be very old and out of date (referencing Netscape 4, etc.) and I see a Java RMI O'Reilly title on Amazon, but it was written in 2001.

My basic goal is to allow my applet to have access to a back-end database for reading and writing. I understand that direct Applet to DB (via JDBC) access is a bad idea so my thought is to create a servlet (much like web service for lack of a better term) or an actual web service (RESTful would be my first guess) to broker the requests. I already have a very basic servlet running that has access to my database server so now I want to focus on the best method for making calls from the applet to the servlet but having said that I don't want to go down this road too far if a servlet is not the right tool for the job.

My reading has been leading me to RMI, but as I said, I don't want to focus on that if there is a better option. In a non-Java environment, I'd use a web service (REST, SOAP, etc.) and perhaps that's what I should do here as well and not even bother with a servlet per se and just go with a web service.I know there can be some subjectivity with regard to these choices and I don't need to know what the "best" one is.I don't want to use RMI if it's dead or has been surpassed by something else, for example.

Should I use a servlet? Should I use a web service? My needs are rather modest; query the database, send updates to the database, etc. Nothing too crazy.

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How To Show AEST / AEDT In Java Timezone

Dec 10, 2014

In my application I need to print timezone abbreviation based on location. But fot Australia it is showing EST, even though my time zone data file version is tzdata2014i. I read that from version tzdata2014f, java supports AEST/AEDT but I don't see this in tzdata2014i.
How to get AEST/AEDT timezones.

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Show System Tray Or Desktop Notification From Web Application Based On Java

Nov 23, 2014

The explanation is a bit lengthy because I just tried to explain everything in one shot.

Link to the question

java - Show a System Tray notification or Desktop notification from the web application

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