List Of Files Is Different Between System Where It Supposed To Be Same

May 18, 2015

I am running short code which will list files in specific directory on few systems which supposed to be look-alike (files cksum is the same).I would expect to have the next order:

1. CustomizationMapping.xml

2. CustomizationMapping.VVM.xml

3. CustomizationMapping.VW.xml


system A:

# /usr/java/jre1.6/bin/java -classpath /var/tmp/findFiles.jar main



system B:

# /usr/java/jre1.6/bin/java -classpath /var/tmp/findFiles.jar main



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JavaWs - Importing Two JNLP Files Into System Cache

May 8, 2014

Have an issue with deploying our application, which comes in two parts, with javaws . In our installer (which is coded in NSIS) we call javaws twice, each time referencing a different jnlp file. It looks like this:

javaws -wait -shortcut -import -system[params]

javaws -wait -shortcut -import -system[slightly different params]

Whichever jnlp file is second gets imported into System Applications. My guess is that it is overwriting the first imported application.

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Program Is Supposed To Operate On Decimals

Mar 31, 2015

My program is supposed to operate on decimals because it concerns volume of packagings. I learnt that what normally is simple arithmetic (100 cm × 75 cm × 60 cm = 0.45 m³) in Java gives only approximate value (something like 0.44(9) m³ in this case). That's close enough so I probably shouldn't worry, but the thing is that although for one packaging the difference is barely visible—if at all—for thousands of packagings it'll make a difference. It'll be worse when I get to counting money.

I found two solutions:
1) Using integers and so-called decorative decimal point on display. I have a bad feeling about this, though.
2) Using BigDecimal.

Now, BigDecimal seems like a nice solution. I tried it and so far it looks okay. But just look at an excerpt from my program that I had to re-write (previously it looked perfectly fine as a single line):

volume = dimensions
.divide(new BigDecimal("1000000"));

I'm using a HashMap to store dimensions. I figured it'd make it easy for me to manage and display data later on.

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User Input In Miles And It Is Supposed To Multiply With Feet

Sep 21, 2014

I have a program where the user enters in the miles and then it is supposed to get multiplied by feet but I keep getting this error. error: bad operand types for binary operator '*'
int total = name * feet;
first type: String
second type: int

1 error

This is my code so far :

import java.util.Scanner;
public class GetUserInfo
public static void main(String[] args) {
String name;
int miles;

[Code] ....

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Get List / Map Or Array Of A Specific File Type Files In A Directory?

Sep 18, 2014

If I specify the directory in file type or path string type how can I get a list of files that are file type .yml in that folder, so I can loop through and do something with each single file.yml in that specified directory.

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How To Create Java Files Into Windows Applications (Exe Files)

Oct 26, 2014

What step to know to develop software..

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How To Attach External Files To Executable Jar Or Exe Files

Apr 13, 2015

In a program I created, I'm using a text file that contains some texts needed for the program. The method relevant to this is something like the following.

private String wordgen(){
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("src/Resources/adjectives.txt"));
Random rand = new Random();
int low = rand.nextInt(400);
String fil="";
int i=0;


The program runs fine in netbeans project but once the jar is created it does not corporate with the text file. ("null" is returned) How can I attach text files to jar and exe?

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How To Use JAXB - Transform TXT Files Into XML Files

Mar 10, 2015

I need to transformation the txt files into xml files, but each row txt files don't have same elements, for example the first book is composite one author


but the second book is composite two author


I would have the xml files with the number of authors variables, I can use JAXB for my problem?or not?

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Sort Linked List Through The Nodes Of List - Data Of Calling Object

Feb 14, 2014

I have some class called sorted to sort the linked list through the nodes of the list. and other class to test this ability, i made object of the sort class called "list1" and insert the values to the linked list.

If i make other object called "list2" and want to merge those two lists by using method merge in sort class. And wrote code of


How can the merge method in sort class know the values of list1 that called it as this object is created in other class.

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How To Append New Entry In A List Of 100,000 Names Without Iterating List Each Time

Apr 22, 2015

I have a list of 100,000 + names and I need to append to that list another 100,000 names. Each name must be unique. Currently I iterate through the entire list to be sure the name does not exist. As you can imagine this is very slow. I am new to Java and I am maintaining a 15+ year old product. Is there a better way to check for an existing name?

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Unable To Filter A List And Then Assign Results To New List

Dec 30, 2014

I receive a java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""DepDelayMinutes"" error when trying to filter a list and then assign the results to a new list.

I have edited the code so it is an int that throws the exception so it isn't the presence of a string that is causing the error - java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""0914"" .

I believe the issue is because of the two sets of double quotes but I do not understand how they came about. The original dataset does not have any quotes whatsoever.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

public class FilterObjects extends Thread{


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Iterating Over List And Inserting Each Element From List Into BST?

Jul 5, 2014

Suppose i have given a List<Intervals> list; I am iterating over list and inserting each element from list into BST, if time require to insert into BST is logn then what is the total time require to insert all the elements into tree ?

logn or nlogn ?

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Linked List Implementation Of List Interface?

Oct 5, 2013

So we have an assignment regarding a linked list implementation of a given list interface.

In my list interface, the method contains(T anEntry) is defined.

In the LList implementation, contains is already implemented as part of getting the core methods in.

Now I am being tasked with the following:

Provide a second implementation of the method contains2(T anEntry) that calls a private recursive method

Private boolean contains (T anEntry, Node startNode) that returns whether the list that starts at startNode contains the entry anEntry.

I've written the private recursive method already. That's not an issue (at least not right now).

But what I don't understand is how startNode is supposed to be populated when this private contains method is called from the public contains2 method? contains2 only takes one parameter: anEntry. the private method takes two parameters: anEntry and startNode. How am i supposed to provide startNode when I am calling contains2?

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Add To List With ID Makes List Upside Down

Feb 14, 2015

I saved the content of an ArrayList<SomeClass> to a file

I write each serialised object to the file by adding to each an id that is created with list.indexOf(object) (and saved before each object)

So I can repopulated the list with SomeClass objects in the same order as they were and once I reload the file, I do list.add(id,object)...

Well my list is populated upside down, I mean the first object is the last and the other way around, If i remove the id when I do the add(object)...

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List Interface Class That Has Operations For Linked List And LList Class

Oct 6, 2014

I have this ListInterface class that has operations for my linked list and a LList class. The Llist and ListInterface classes are perfect. My job is to create a driver, or a demo class that showcases these operations. That being said, heres the driver so far:

import java.util.*;
public abstract class DriverWilson implements ListInterface
public static void main(String[] args)

LList a = new LList();


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Building Linked List Whose Nodes Data Is The Sum Of Nodes Of Other List

May 1, 2014

public void add(int d){
listNode l = new listNode (d, null); = first;
first= l;

public list Sum2List (list l1, list l2){
int sum;

[Code] .....

But I have a problem in my first listNode where it ll be pointing to null, thus in the sum2List method the program checks the while condition into false and doesn't go through the loop.

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The System Cannot Find The Path Specified

Feb 25, 2015

I have the Java Development Kit downloaded in my C file and my book tells me to compile the program I need to open command windowand change the directory where the program is stored. I tried the command cd to change directory and received this message "The system cannot find the path specified."

I checked the Environment Variables on Windows 7 and the Path says: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_31in

This is after many tries and i still can't change directory and i keep getting the same message.

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Stock System In Java

Jan 6, 2015

I'm making a stock system for the heck of it,so everything was going great until I hit the loop I am trying to use a for loop to add stock to the stock system,any way the question is maily about loops.How come I cannot declare a variable outside a loop and assign a value to it,for example I can declare as follows and I will not get an error,

for(int i=0;i<10;i++){


but in my code(and yes its the only error I get I tested it) I get an error and can only declare and assign a value inside the loop,the reason for this is because I wanted to get the value from another class and use it in the loop ok so heres the code from both classes.

public class mainn{

public static void main(String [] args){
stock first = new stock();
int internal;
internal = first.wanted;


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Ordering System In Eclipse?

Jul 22, 2014

it gives me an error at the end class part some syntax error insert "}"..

* Course: IT110 - Introduction to Programming
* Filename:
* Purpose: Created a simple online ordering system for My Custom Shirts customers
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;


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System Cannot Find Path Specified

Feb 24, 2015

I have the Java Development Kit downloaded in my C file and my book tells me to compile the program I need to open command windowand change the directory where the program is stored. I tried the command cd to change directory and received this message "The system cannot find the path specified." I checked the Environment Variables on Windows 7 and the Path says: C:Program Files (x86)Javajre1.8.0_31in

This is after many tries and i still can't change directory and i keep getting the same message.The book I am using to learn Java is "Java How to Program: Tenth Edition" from Paul and Harvey Deitel.

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Building A Registration System

Jan 18, 2015

I'm assigned along with two others to make this program for a project.

We need to store data to the program by adding them such as user_id among the 5 criterias that are needed. Lets say I want a new user, I need the program to give me that option and then I would type in the user id and the program would store that data information

As far as I'm aware, boolean, screentokenizer and scanner is involved in the making of this program.

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How To Find IP Address Of System

Dec 5, 2013

In my java program I'm changing my IP(using proxy) and sending the request to some sites. Later some point of time, I want to know my current IP address through java program itself. How to get hold of my current IP address? Also which IP address will it show? The proxy one or the original IP ?

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Banking System Using Access DB

Mar 13, 2015

I have designed a code that is aimed at simulating a banking environment using access database. However, there are errors and i am not able to create a new account.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Bank extends JFrame implements ActionListener

[Code] ......

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How To Get System Time In Java

Jun 1, 2014

I just want to calculate search time for my algorithm . How to get system time in java other than System.nanotime() and System.currenttimemillis() as these methods does not returns consistent time for same input is their another option to get system time???

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Number System Converter

Feb 15, 2013

This program requires knowledge of manipulation of Java String objects and methods. It also requires knowledge of Number System Conversions.

// The Number System Converter
// This is the student, starting version of the Lab16MATH05 assignment.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Lab16MATH05st
public static void main (String args[])
System.out.println("Lab16MATH05 - Number Conversion Program


90-Point Version Specifics: The 90-point version requires that you write both the fromHexToBin and fromBinToDec methods.

90-Point Version Output

95-Point Version Specifics {The 95-point version requires everything from the 90-point version and adds the fromBinToHex method. For this version, you may assume that the binary number will have a multiple of 4 bits.

95-Point Version Output

100-Point Version Specifics: The 100-point version requires the same methods as the 95-point version; however, the fromBinToHex method needs to be improved so it can convert regardless of the number of bits.

100-Point Version Output

105-Point Version Specifics: The 105-point version requires everything from the 100-point version and adds the fromDecToAny method. For this version, the method needs to be able to convert from decimal to any base between 2 and 10. Base 16 is not required for this version.

105-Point Version Output

110-Point Version Specifics: The 110-point version requires the same methods as the 105-point version; however, the fromDecToAny method needs to be improved so it can also convert to base-16.

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Time Management System

Oct 27, 2014

I'm in the middle of building A time management system for myself.I'm currently using JodaTime for timing in java. I just can't figure out who to save my data like, the starttime, stoptime and day time.

public void save() throws SQLException {
String checkSql = "select count(*) as count from Time where id=?";
PreparedStatement checkStmt = con.prepareStatement(checkSql);
String insertSql = "insert into Time (id, day, starttime, stoptime, overtime, exception, hours) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
PreparedStatement insertStatement = con.prepareStatement(insertSql);

String updateSql = "update Time set day=?, starttime=?, stoptime=?, overtime=?, exception=?, hours=? where id=?";
PreparedStatement updateStatement = con.prepareStatement(updateSql);


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