Nth Square Root Of Any Number

May 14, 2009

This is a mathematical problem. I got one of the equations I need to compute down to


Or the 6th root of n.

Now the Java code I have for this is as follows, since Java has no nth root function I'm raising it to a power of a 1/6.

System.out.println(Math.pow(64.0, 1/6));

Now, the only thing it will print is 1.0

However the 6th root of 64 is 2!!!!

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How To Compare Square Of The Square Root Of Any Number

Feb 20, 2014

How would I compare the square of the square root of any number. The difference in these values is due to the rounding error in Java.

Example: Enter number 2

The answer I should get is: 2.000000000000004
Round off error: -4.440892

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Creating Method That Prints The Square Root Of A Number Up To A Certain Number?

Feb 27, 2015

I am trying to create a method that prints the square root of a number up to a certain number. It needs to take a single int parameter for example "n" , and then print all of the (positive) even perfect squares less than n, each on a separate line. I want the method to be called something like this:

public void Squares(int n) {

I need the output to look something like this:

Example: if n = 40, your code should print


So I have been working for a few hours now and am really stuck.

This is what I have so far:

int count = 0;
int n = 4;
int max = n;
while(count < max) {
n = n * n;

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Computing Square Root Of A Number Without Using Loops?

Sep 2, 2014

Some algorithm in computing the square root of a number without using any loops?

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Word Counter - Show Number In Square Box

Jan 3, 2015

My code compiles and runs just fine, i'd just like to get creating a small square box that shows number of words used next to the "word count = ". i'd wanto to press the count words button to count and show the number in the square box. here is my code.

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class wordCount extends JFrame implements ActionListener

[Code] .....

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Calculate Number Of Square Feet In A Tract Of Land With 3.5 Acres

Jan 27, 2014

1. Land Calculation

One acre of land is equivalent to 43,560 square feet. Write a program that calculates the number of square feet in a tract of land with 3.5 acres. Hint: Multiply the size of the tract of land (in acres) by the number of square feet in an acre to get the number of square feet in the tract.

a) You must have a variable called nrAcres where you will store the number of acres in the track.

b) Output must look as follows:

Size of land in acres: 3.5
Size of land in square feet: 152460

c) if the value of the variable nrAcres is changed the output should change accordingly. In other words: it would be wrong to have the following statement:

System.out.println("Size of land in square feet: 152460");

previous statement will print the correct output but will not change if you change the value of nrAcres.

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Calculate Number Of Square Feet In A Tract Of Land With 3.5 Acres

Jan 27, 2014

Land Calculation

One acre of land is equivalent to 43,560 square feet. Write a program that calculates the number of square feet in a tract of land with 3.5 acres. Hint: Multiply the size of the tract of land (in acres) by the number of square feet in an acre to get the number of square feet in the tract.

a) You must have a variable called nrAcres where you will store the number of acres in the track.
b) Output must look as follows:

Size of land in acres: 3.5 Size of land in square feet: 152460

c) if the value of the variable nrAcres is changed the output should change accordingly. In other words: it would be wrong to have the following statement:

System.out.println("Size of land in square feet: 152460");

previous statement will print the correct output but will not change if you change the value of nrAcres.

this is what i got so far

public class Land
public static void main(String[] args){
double nrAcres = 3.5;
int feetInAcre = 43560;
double feetInTract = nrAcres * feetInAcre;
System.out.println("Size of land in acres: " + nrAcres + "
Size of land in square feet: " + feetInTract);

i tried to compile it but it says

error: class names, Land, are only accepted if annotation is explicitly requested 1 error

what is wrong with my code

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Creating Cursor For A Game That Moves Square By Square - Removing Trailing Images

Aug 31, 2014

I'm trying to create a cursor for a game that moves square by square. While it will move to the next square, though, it leaves the image of the previous cursor on the last square it was on.

As a visual explanation, this is what the program looks like on launch:

This is what it's suppose to look like after you press the right arrow key once (made by forcibly changing launch coordinates):

And this is what it actually looks like after you press the right arrow key once:

Here is the code for the program:

package cursortest;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class CursorTest extends JPanel implements KeyListener{

[Code] ......

I'm fully aware that I could just use g.clearRect on the area and remove it for sure, but I know for a fact I shouldn't have to as I have another program I made a long time ago that tried to do something similar without needing to resort to that.

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Servlets :: Mapping Before Context Root

Dec 1, 2014

I have this mapping:


And this works fine: URL....The war file is deployed under the context root /bankconnect/ I want to make a servlet mapping, before the context root "i still want the context root bankconnect". URL....

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Maths Root Function Code

May 8, 2014

PET HG = (0.0023 * Ra * ( MTC + 17.8 ) * ...................? how to write formula/value under the root (maths) function ?

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Root Function In Java Applet

May 12, 2014

I like to know how to write root function in java applet. I know it in java function. Ex:

import java.lang.*;
public class Maths {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// get two double numbers numbers
double x = 9;
double y = 25;
// print the square root of these doubles
System.out.println("Math.sqrt(" + x + ")=" + Math.sqrt(x));
System.out.println("Math.sqrt(" + y + ")=" + Math.sqrt(y));

working fine. but If I tried in applet it's not working. Ex:

evap_trans = 0.0135 * SRAD * ( TMEAN + 17.78) * Math.sqrt(TMAX - TMIN);

If I execute above said formulae with out "Math.sqrt" results are ok. If I used then results shows ZERO.

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Entering CLASSPATH In Manifest File When Directory Is Not In Root?

Jul 1, 2014

I'm trying to add a CLASSPATH to a manifest file linking (not sure If that's the right word) to an sqljdbc4.jar file.

If I copy the file Into my root folder and use CLASSPATH: sqljdbc4.jar It works fine.

Class-Path: sqljdbc4.jar
Main-Class: com.ncntech.go

If I try CLASSPATH: C:Program FilesMicrosoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Serversqljdbc_4.0enusqljdbc4.jar I receive a "Could not find or load main class" error.

Class-Path: C:Program FilesMicrosoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL Serversqljdbc_4.0enusqljdbc4.jar
Main-Class: com.ncntech.go

Is the syntax correct for specifying a directory path ?

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Servlets :: ROOT Mapping Causes Static Files To Not Be Served

Mar 16, 2015

When I map my servlet to the ROOT of the site, the javascript, CSS and image files are not served. The conversation between the server and browser shows the files are being sent, but they are not rendered in the browser. This happens in both Firefox and Chrome.

If I change the mapping to anything other than the root, such as /x/, everything works as it should.

Here's my web.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd"

[Code] .....

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Servlets :: Save PDF And Images From Web Page - Root Directory When Deploying App

Feb 7, 2014

I have an app that saves pdfs and images from a web page. The web sections send info to the server elements running in Java. I have hardcoded the path to where the images and pdfs need to be saved but on the server, these paths will be different. I'd prefer to just save them to something like:


or something. How do I find out what my root directory is so that I can make the path relative instead of hard coded?

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Family Tree - Cannot Enter Anything When Text Box Pops Up And Ask To Start With Root Name

Apr 13, 2014

The problem I'm having is when the text box pops up and ask to start with a root name, I cannot enter anything and I am not sure what I have done wrong.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;
public class FamilyTreeDemo extends JFrame

[Code] ....

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Servlets :: File Is Located In Root Directory Of Project But System Cannot Find File Specified

Jan 10, 2015

I need to make some operations with a file. I struggle to understand why Apache is throwing this error:

(The system cannot find the file specified)

My file is located in the root directory of the project.

And here is how I indicate the path to it:

String filePath = "default.jpg";
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(filePath));

If I put the file in the Eclipse folder, it works... But I need it to work if I put it in my project's root folder.

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Magic Square Says No

Nov 25, 2014

I'm having a small issue with my output on my code. here is what my output is: The magic value for your square is 34, which means that every row, column and diagonal of your square must add up to that number.

Please enter the 4 values for row 0, separated by spaces: 1 2 15 16
Please enter the 4 values for row 1, separated by spaces: 13 14 3 4
Please enter the 4 values for row 2, separated by spaces: 12 7 10 5
Please enter the 4 values for row 3, separated by spaces: 8 11 6 9
Checking square for problems:

MAGIC should be YES. However i keep getting it saying no.This is the correct output..The magic value for your square is 34, which means that every row, column and diagonal of your square must add up to that number.

Please enter the 4 values for row 0, separated by spaces: 1 2 15 16
Please enter the 4 values for row 1, separated by spaces: 13 14 3 4
Please enter the 4 values for row 2, separated by spaces: 12 7 10 5
Please enter the 4 values for row 3, separated by spaces: 8 11 6 9

Checking square for problems:

Here is my code..

import java.util.Scanner;
public class pdonahue_Magic {
public static void main(String args[]) {
int[][] theSquare = new int[4][4];
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);

("The magic value for your square is 34, which means that every row, column and diagonal of your square must add up to that number.");

System.out.print("Please enter the 4 values for row 0, separated by spaces: ");
theSquare[0][0] = s.nextInt();
theSquare[1][0] = s.nextInt();
theSquare[2][0] = s.nextInt();
theSquare[3][0] = s.nextInt();


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How To Make Square Which Is Filled With (dot)

Oct 17, 2014

Do I want to make something like this:


I am stuck, I have made a code that creates this and don't know how to complete it.

* *
* *
* *


class Main {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
System.out.print("#Enter number of stars :");
int stars = BIO.getInt();

[Code] ....

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How To Find If BigInteger Is Square

Jul 3, 2014

I have a program i m not sure how to implement :

(Square numbers) Find the first ten square numbers that are greater than Long.MAX_VALUE . A square number is a number in the form of n 2 . For example, 4, 9, and 16 are square numbers. Find an efficient approach to run your program fast.

I found two ways of solving this but i think both are way inefficient :

-A square number can be divided in lesser square numbers :

what's the square of 36 ? 36 is 2 * 3 * 2 * 3 => 4 * 9 => square is 2 * 3

-second option is to estimate a number and increase it or decrease it based on how close that number * number is to the BigInteger starting number , as as it gets closer the delta gets smaller until it gets to 1

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Create Square Matrix That Has Min And Max Value

May 10, 2015

I have to create a square matrix that has a min and max value as well as a size value which is given a integer value in the main method. The matrix has to be filled with random values. Also I have to add that matrix to another one in an addMatrix method and I have to subtract both in a subMatrix method. These are the requirements:

Constructor() - receives the row and col size for myMatrix and a max and min values for range of random fill values for the matrix.
RandFill() - fills matrices with random numbers
addMatrix() - receives a matrix object. adds its myMatrix with the received object's myMatrix. The result is placed in this object's myResultMatrix.
subMatrix() - subtracts both matrices

I typed up this code but I'm not sure about some parts of it and I would creating min and max values in the Random method and in the main printing the separate 2 matrices and adding and subtracting them:

import java.util.*;
public class SquareMatrix2 {
public int size;
public int myMatrix [][];
public int myResultMatrix;
public int [][] ResultStatus;

[Code] ....

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Timer - Why Does Square Not Moving

Sep 7, 2014

Why does my program write that i have problem in Timer?

public class Ball extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
Timer timer = new Timer (3, this);
int x = 0, y = 0, aX = 2, aY = 2;
public void PaintComponent(Graphics g){
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;

[Code] ....

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Creating Solid Square

May 3, 2014

I aim to create a solid square using this:

public class asteriskSquare {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for (int x = 1; x <= 4; x++){
for (int y = 1; y <= 4; y++){

All I'm getting is a single column of "+".

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Multidimensional Array With Size Only In The First Square

Jan 14, 2014

I come to the point: I just started to learn java through various manuals and in one of them I came across a declaration of an array that I do not understand:

int[][] multiArr = new int[2][];

the manual says that you can allocate the multidimensional array multiArr by defining size in only the first square bracket but I can't undestand how you can use this array. Seems to be no way to store data with it!

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Magic Square Won't Pass The Tests

Feb 11, 2015

public class MagicSquare {
public boolean isSquare(int[][] arr) {
if(arr.length == arr[0].length)
return true;
return false;

[Code] ....

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Diamond In A Square Grid Of Dots

Nov 14, 2014

I am new to java and i am trying to make a Java application which prints a diamond in a square grid of dots whose side length is input to the application.When you run the code is should be like this:


My java code print this:


Here is my code:

class Main {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("#Enter size of Diamond :");
int longestRow = BIO.getInt();
for(int row=1 ; row<=longestRow ; ++row)

[Code] .....

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Draw Square With Asterisks (for Loops)

Apr 21, 2015

So currently I'm trying to learn how to draw a square with asterisks based on the input I give for it's sideLength.

So if I have a Square(5) it should draw a 5x5 looking like this:


but then in the main method, it should draw multiple squares of given sizes, so say 5, 6, and 7. Making a square for each of the given numbers. This is what I currently have so far ....

class Square {
int sideLength; Square( int size ) {
sideLength= size;
} int getArea() {
return sideLength * sideLength;

[Code] ....

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