Number Of Lines That Can Be Printed On A Paper Size

Jun 28, 2014

the number of lines that can be printed on a paper size, the point size of each character in a line, whether lines are double-spaced or single-spaced,the top and the bottom margins of the paper. assume that all characters are of the same point size, and all lines are either single-spaced or double-spaced. note that 1 inch = 72 points. make over, assume that the line are pointed along the width of the paper. for example, if the length of the paper is 11 inches and the width is 8.5 inches,then the maximum length of a line is 8.5 inches.write a program that calculates the number of characters in a line and the number of lines that can be printed on a paper based on following input from the user.

a.the length and width, in inches, of the paper.
b.the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
c.the point size of a line.
d. if the lines are double-spaced, then double the point size of each character

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How To Set Printer Paper Size To Same As Jframe

May 2, 2014

I am having trouble while printing out form. So far I have succeeded to print it out.But my question is that I want jpanel to print out in Landscape rather then portrait.

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How To Count Number Of Pages Printed

Jul 20, 2010

i want to create a program in java which counts the number of prints taken from a printer..

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User Enter 5 Digit Number And In Return List Each Number On Their Respective Lines

Sep 16, 2014

So I am currently writing my first assignment and have run into problems with my coding. The task was to have someone enter a 5 digit number and in return, I list each number on their respective lines. We also must create an error if a number other than 5 digits was entered. My problem is that when they enter a 1 or 2,3,4,6,7,8 digit number.. the error message occurs along with the rest of the messages (listing the numbers, etc). I want the program to end (or even re-ask to enter the numbers) if they incorrectly enter the data.

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Code That Reads In Lines Of Text And Returns Number Of Spaces

Nov 28, 2014

I am trying to make a java code that reads in lines of text and returns the number of spaces in each line.I think i have made it but i can not compile it..

Here is my code:

class Mainh {
public static void main( String args[] ) {
System.out.print( "#Enter text : " );
String text = BIO.getString();
while ( ! text.equals( "END" ) )

[Code] ....

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Create 2D Array Out Of CSV File And Find Number Of Elements To Determine Array Size

Mar 24, 2015

I am taking the Class Algorithms and Datastructures and got an assignment for Lab that really throws me off. The goal is to create an Array out of a given CSV file, implement several Methods that get the size of array, etc.

I am still stuck in the first part where the CSV has to be imported into the Array. My problem is that I need a mechanism that figures out the needed size for the Array, creates the array, and only then transfers the data from the CSV.

The list consists of the following wifi related values:

MAC-Adress, SSID, Timestamp, Signalstrength.

These are on the list, separated by comma. The Columns are each of these, and the rows are the four types of values making up the information on a certain wifi network.

The catch is, we are not allowed to use any of the following:

and any class out of java.util.Collection.

So far I used the BufferedReader to read in the file and tried to implement the array, but I get an arrayindexoutofboundsexception.

Below is my Code (Its still an active construction zone):

public class WhatsThere {
public WhatsThere(String wifiscan) throws IOException {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// WhatsThere Liste = new WhatsThere(String wifiscan);
String[][] arrayListe = new String[0][0];

[Code] ....

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Paper Referencing Program

Mar 31, 2014

I have created a program that will take in input of paper names and authors. The next step of the program is to make references from paper to paper, and be able to add as well as list those reference, and i am lost as to where to go.I currently hold my instances of my paper class (the different papers I have stored) in a hash map. With the title being the key.

Is there a method as to where I can link keys? Do i need to use a seperate data structure? Or maybe add a new attribute to the paper class? I have attached the program as a zip file, If you open the zip file then its the methods in the Research SupportApp class .

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Rock Paper Scissors Repeat Itself 10x

Feb 18, 2014

I was wondering how I could make this code for rock paper scissors repeat itself 10x
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class Rock {
public static void main (String [] args) {
[Code] .....

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Rock Paper Scissors Java

Jan 3, 2015

im trying to modify the class to include a playerName variable and methods named assignName and getName. The assignName() method has a String parameter name that is assigned to playerName. The getName() method has to return the value of playerName.the problem i have when i run it is that it says there is a problem in the

public static String getName(){
return getName();

but im not sure what it is, this is all of my code:

public class RPS1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RPSGame rps = new RPSGame();
RPSPlayer rpsOpponent = new RPSPlayer();
int playerThrow;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


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Error When Compiling Rock Paper Scissors

Nov 7, 2014

When I try to compile the code it says " method determineWinner in class RPS cannot be applied to given types;" I think there is something wrong with the way i called the determineWinner method but i'm not what exactly is wrong.

public class RPS
public static void main( String [] args )
String result;
String userName = getUserName();
String playerChoice, computerChoice;


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Applets :: Program A Game Of Rock Paper Scissors?

Jun 23, 2014

I am trying to program a game of RPS.

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Code Won't Output Rock Paper Scissor Results

Nov 7, 2014

When I try running the program it wont output the determineWinner method, I think there is something wrong with the way i called results. But I am not exactly sure?

public class rpsGame
public static void main( String [] args ) {
String userName = getUserName();
String playerChoice, computerChoice;
computerChoice = getComputerChoice();

[Code] ....

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How To Get Specified Width Of Integer Printed Output

Jul 21, 2014

If I code:

int num0=0,num1=1,num999=999;
System.out print(num0+","+num1);
System.out println(","+num999);

I believe I'll get: 0,1,999 but I want 0000,0001,0999 i.e. a width of 4 for small integers.

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Changing Output - Each Row Printed Out On Single Line

Jan 19, 2014

I have the following code....................

double[][] cmMatrix = eval.confusionMatrix();
for(int row_i=0;row_i<cmMatrix.length; row_i++){
for(int col_i=0;col_i<cmMatrix.length;col_i++){

What do I need so that each row is printed out on a single line ?

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User To Select Item From Printed Out Array List

Jun 24, 2014

I am trying to have a user select from a printed out array list, instead of having the user type in the "bill type" each time there is a bill to avoid user error as much as possible. For example I would like to have it print out like this:

"Select bill type from list:

1. Rent
2. Car
3. etc..."

and I would like the user to choose a number and not type in the "bill type". I don't want to use "Switch case" because it would need to be an expanding and I don't think "switch case" can do that.

Here is the code:

package homebudget;
class Spending
//Do i need a totalAmount variable?
String type;
double amount;
int year, month, day;
public Spending()

[Code] ....

case 2:
//Give option to enter a new expense or pick from list.
//How to do this? If Statement that doesn't list duplicates, or a while search?

resp = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the type of expense:");
type = resp;
resp = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the amount of the expense:");
amount = Double.parseDouble(resp);

[Code] .....

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Char Program - Output Printed As Blank Space Instead Of 0

Nov 12, 2014

I am aware that the default value of char is 0. But in this program I am getting some unexpected output

public class TestClass12{
static int[] ia = new int[1];
static char ch;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
System.out.println("ch:"+ch+" ia[ch]:"+ia[ch]);

ch: ia[ch]:0

If you see the above output ch is printed as a blank space instead of 0, while the array default value is correctly printed by taking the char default value as index. Why is ch printed as blank space?

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Null Is Easily Printed As Value Of Variable Without Exception Being Thrown

May 27, 2014

Sometimes a nullpointerexception is thrown, in some cases null is easily printed as a value of a variable without an exception being thrown.

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True / False Result Cannot Be Printed Due To Variable Answer

Jun 30, 2014

Code in the book is written exactly like this:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class AdditionQuiz {
public static void main (String[] args){

//Generate random two integers using utility System.currentTimeMillis
int n1 = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() % 10);
int n2 = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() / 7 % 10);

[Code] ....

however the true/false result can not be printed due to the "answer" variable...

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Basic Grading Program - Output Should Be Printed With Suitable Labels

Oct 6, 2014

Write a program to request a student number and their marks in 4 subjects. The program must print the student number, total marks and average mark. All outputs should be printed with suitable labels

This is the error am getting

Scanner get = new Scanner ( - got a red line

int student number, total marks, average mark - got a yellow bulb with a red exclamation mark on it.

I just dont understand where the errors is where what the system dont have ... I am using netbeans ....

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Java Servlet :: Printed To Browser As Plain Text Instead Of Converting It To HTML?

Jul 23, 2012

I learning java an created the following servlet. The only problem is it printed to the browser as text instead of html..

It literally printed like this.

<HEAD><TITLE>Hellow World</TITLE></HEAD>
This STUFF IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is the servlet I created.

package sample;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {

[Code] ....

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Searching Through Lines Of Code

Jan 29, 2014

If you were given a problem to search for an error in a section of code but it is incredibly long, what are some ways you can go through the lines of code quickly?

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Skipping Lines During Debugging

Dec 19, 2008

I'm working or better say.. I'm trying to work :) with Maven projects (m2eclipse plug-in) and Eclipse IDE. The problem I have is that sometimes the debugger seems to skip some lines of the code without a reason.

Is there an issue of synchronisation with my .class files?

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Appending New Lines In A File

Jan 21, 2015

I have this part of the file.

class CreateFile implements ActionListener{ //
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
String getDestination = txtDestination.getText();
file = new File(getDestination); // needed for Creating and Displaying the file
currentTime = txtCurrentTime.getText();
try {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file);


What I wanted to do is that every time I press the button that will activate this part of the code, it will write to a .txt file defined in my txtDestination var (a JTextField). After the first time the file was created, it must append a new line every succeeding presses. However, everytime I do this, it just simply overwrites the contents of the .txt file. The example output would have been like this:

First time.

O R D E R D E T A I L S:
Time ordered: 01/21/2015 Wed 10:21:54 PM
Item number: 10
Item price: $4.59
Quantity ordered: 12,321
Total: $56,553.39


I've tried createDetails.write but to no avail.

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Reading Pairs Of Lines From A File?

Jul 19, 2014

This what the data file looks like -



The problem was to make code which will combine consecutive lines which contain some data into one line and print it. I made a solution that works.

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Filez {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File file = null;


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Program Won't Accept Command Lines?

Oct 24, 2014

A friend and I are working on a project in which we must test "super anagrams" (anagrams in which all characters in the first string are found in the second). We have a driver and definitions class pasted below:

class SuperAnagram{
String left = new String("");
String right = new String("");


In the driver class, we get "cannot find symbol" errors at the beginning of cleanStrings and isSuper, both inside and outside of the if statement.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Center Lines Using SpringLayout

Feb 10, 2014

I'm using the Spring Layout Manager to put a form in a JPanel and I'm trying to center the lines horizontally so they will stay centered when the window is resized. Nothing I've tried has worked, I can't find anything on the web, and even my fallback of seeing how Netbeans does it fails as Netbeans doesn't seem to support the Spring Layout.

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