Package Not Recognized On Import

Oct 16, 2014

This code doesn't recognise the package ( and therefore class ) timetest3, when I try to import it. The package I try to reference/call, follows, and works fine.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import timetest3.TimeTest3;
public class timetest4 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
TimeTest3 time = new TimeTest3();

[Code] ......

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How To Import / Access Classes Created In One Package In Another Package

Apr 30, 2014

My working directory is e:ajava. in package p1 i create two classes c1 and c2. net beans creates three files e:ajavap1srcp1, e:ajavap1srcc1, e:ajavap1srcc2. package runs without a hitch. i create another package p2 under e:ajava. i want to use class c1 in p2. pray what on earth should be my import statement in the p2 source code after the first statement 'package p2'. another related querry what should i include in my class path so as to gain access to c1 and c2 in source code of p2.

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Java Import Not Working In Package?

May 20, 2015

I am trying to understand the package and import functions.

The path to access the file "" is

C:UsersKameshDesktopJava SessionJAVAOCA7ooklibrary

and i can see 3 txt files


while compiling i am getting <identifier>expected error.

Here is the code :

package library;
public class Book {
public String isbn;
public void printBook() {}
package building;

[Code] .....

The error i get is <identifier>expected.

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Import And Package Inside Class Definition

Feb 17, 2014

I am puzzled by a note in the book I am reading (by Mala Gupta). Page 55 says "All java components you've heard of can be defined within a java class: import and package statements, variables.....". But the online oracle doc (tutorial) clearly says the following 2 statments:

"If present, package statement must be the very first line in a file"

"To import a specific member into the current file, put an import statement at the beginning of the file before any type definitions but after the package statement, if there is one. " (Here).

So, how can import and package be present inside a class ? (This seems to go against the 2 statements from oracle online tutorial).

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Package Import Javax Servlet Does Not Exist

Jan 7, 2015

I'm using jdk1.5.0 and Tomcat 5.5. I recently edited my class path to

javac -classpath = "C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationTomcat 5.5libservlet-api.jar;."

But i still get errors at compile time

Package import javax.servlet does not exist

Package import.javax.servlet.http does not exist

What might i be doing wrong?

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File Import Which Is Not Standard Import

Apr 5, 2014

Usually, most of the time, I import the standard java stuff.But what happens when I find a code with a list of those com. imports:

import com.itseasy.rtf.RTFDocument;
import com.itseasy.rtf.text.Border;
import com.itseasy.rtf.text.Field;

Where are these imports and how do I "get" them?

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Does Importing Whole Package Use More Memory Than Only Importing Specific Package Parts?

May 22, 2014

Let's say hypothetically you're making a huge program and use a lot of imports (ex import java.util). If you only need a few specific things from java.util, will it use more memory importing java.util.* compared to only importing lets say java.util.Scanner, java.util.ArrayList, etc. Basically does importing a whole package use more (if any at all) memory than only importing specific package parts?

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Functions Are Not Recognized

Oct 29, 2014

// set up the generator
CMSSignedDataGenerator gen = new CMSSignedDataGenerator();
gen.addSigner(key, cert, CMSSignedDataGenerator.DIGEST_SHA224);
addsigner and addCertificatesAndCRLs are not found in netbeans.

Which version of Bouncy Castle and JDK version this supports?

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Calendar Method Not Recognized

Mar 21, 2014

I am currently using notepad to create a Java program and using the command box to compile it and execute it and it has been working fine. I have the JDK version 7 so java.lang works which I know does not need to be imported. The Calendar method which should be recognized is not.

Here is the program. Cut this program and compile it in the command box. It will not recognize the Calendar method.

import java.util.*;
class Practice4_2
public static void main (String args[])
Calendar cal = Calender.getInstance(); = new Date();

[Code] ....

Here is my path if needed:

C:Program Files (x86)InteliCLS Client;
C:Program FilesInteliCLS Client;%SystemRoot%system32;
%SystemRoot%;%System Root%System32Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%System32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;

[Code] ....

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Do While Loop / Symbol Not Recognized

Mar 26, 2014

The compiler tells me that the variable after the while is not recognized.

What I especially don't understand is that the variable is defined and accepted in the character input and the swicth but later on is not recognized. I'm sure of this because I wrote the entire program, and then compiled it afterwards. I was therefore able to see the compiler advancing as the code was corrected

The error message is "cannot find symbol - variable choix"

do {
System.out.println ("1); Acheter Patons ");
System.out.println (" 2); Fabriquer baguettes ");
System.out.println (" 3); Vendre baguette ");
System.out.println (" q ou Q); Quitter ");
char choix = Clavier.lireChar();
  switch (choix) {

[Code] ....

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LWJGL Keyboard Inputs Not Recognized

May 10, 2014

I wanted to create a simple window with the LWJGL and a key input request which closes the window.I also wanted to create the classes in seperated packages, so it's more organized.The window displays but if I press that certain key nothing happens.Here is the Main class:

package bb.main;
import bb.input.Input;
import bb.main.render.SimpleRenderer;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args){
SimpleRenderer createWindow = new SimpleRenderer();
Inputinput= new Input();


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Why Enum Types Not Being Recognized By Methods

Mar 17, 2014

Attempting to write a custom comparator for sorting songs, but I keep getting errors saying that the types cannot be resolved.

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.*;
public class SongCollection {

[Code] .....

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Integer Values To Display In JFrame - RegEx Not Being Recognized

Jan 27, 2014

I have a program in which I am prompting users for integer values to display in a JFrame. I call the method below to load an array with their input:

Java Code:

public String inputAssembly(){
if (!jtfInput.getText().matches("d")){
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Input must be of integer value.");
} if (jrbFar.isSelected()){
return jtfInput.getText() + jrbFar.getText();

[Code] ....

Regardless of the input, both messages display (invalid input / got it). I've tried debugging so I know that the values are getting entered and read correct, at least to my knowledge. It is a very simple regular expression, only checking to be sure an integer was entered.

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Compiling Javac Is Not Recognized As Internal Or External Command

Oct 12, 2014

compiling javac is nt recognized as internal or external command

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Javac Is Not Recognized As Internal Or External Command Error

Aug 25, 2014

I've installed the Java JDK onto my Windows 8 laptop and the first thing I need to do is run the compiler from the Command Prompt. The first prompt I enter is C:java -version. This worked fine, however when I try to enter the next prompt C:javac -version, I am getting the following screen and messages:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:UsersMary>java -version
java version "1.8.0_20"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_20-b26)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.20-b23, mixed mode)

C:UsersMary>javac -version
'javac' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

operable program or batch file.

I have entered the path into the environment variables area within my control panel. Not too sure why the first prompt works, but the second doesn't...

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Custom ComboBox Implementation Not Recognized By Scene Builder 2.0

Jun 3, 2015

I did an implementation which is an extension of javafx.scene.control.ComboBox

Inside I imported the Class ComboBoxListViewSkin

I think this might be the reason as this comboBox is not recognized at the import to the scene builder library. I can show up the import dialog of custom controls, but my custom ComboBox is not showing up. All other implementations are there correctly as they are loaded from my customControl.jar file
I use the ComboBoxListViewSkin for the functionality to scroll to an item in the combo as a user types a letter on the keyboard.

I do this by:

     * This method scrolls the itemView of the items to the first item starting
     * with the given char or string
     * @param pressedKey
    public void scrollToChar(String pressedKey) {
        String value = pressedKey.toUpperCase(); 
        for (Object userEntry : getItems()) {

[Code] ....
I really need to show up my custom Combo in the scenebuilder, as otherwise the rest of my fxml is not editable in sceneBuilder 2.0 ....

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Netbeans 7.3 - When Adding Print Code Main Method Is Not Recognized

May 13, 2013

I am writing a program in the GUI Builder and found that when I add code to print user input from text fields to a text file, the main method is no longer recognized. It throws all kinds of errors.

I have been able to get the code to work separately in a project file. Also, have been able to print to the console.

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What Is A Package

Sep 3, 2014

my new class had me download eclipse and for some reason it won't let me type anything until I create a document. creating a document creates a package and that lets me create a class which then it will let me start typing wtf is wrong with eclipse and why is it bulling me into having this "package" line in my code when I never had anything like that in other ide's?

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Add Only Some Classes To A Package?

Mar 28, 2015

I have a folder of classes that I am packaging together. Some classes are being packaged and compiling just fine. My other classes in the same package, however, are saying that they cannot find these classes.

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Putting Images In GUI / Images In Source File Don't Seem To Be Recognized

Jun 7, 2014

This is my class with the GUI:

import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;


Eclipse error message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at javax.swing.ImageIcon.<init>(
at GUI.<init>(
at Apples.main(

i think the problem is to do with my images not being recognised. I put them in my source in User>...>workspace>src which is correct as far as i know. From what i know the images should show up if i look at my src file in eclipse but they dont. I tried changing the file type from .png to .jpg but it makes no difference.

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JSP :: How To Import / Refer Css

Aug 7, 2014

accdg to this: [URL]....

we can use EL expression as follows:


but there's no instructions as to how I will set its value.

And also, what would happen in case I refer 2 css files in my jsp and both defines the following:

CSS 1 :
body { background-color: #fdf5e6;
font-size: 810px;

CSS 2:
body { background-color: #fdf5e6;
font-size: 50px;

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How To Import Certificates From One JVM To Another

Jul 1, 2015

i am migrating my web application from Server1 (Tomcat 5 and Java 1.5) to Server2 (Tomcat 7 wand Java 1.6).

In my web application, I have multiple adapters (web clients) that are connecting to external web services, https interfaces, sftp servers etc.

In order to connect with all these external interfaces, i have installed multiple certificates in my JRE keystore on Server1.
Now since the application is going to be migrated to Server2, i need to know if there is any way I can import all the existing certificates from Server1 JRE to Server2 JRE?
Since the application has been running on Server1 for a long time, I am not sure, what exactly is a complete list of certificates that I need to install on my Server2 JRE.
So i am kind of looking how can i generate the keystore file with certificates from the existing server1 JRE and then import it into Server2 JRE.
Does this command provide a list of all the installed certificates on my Server1 JRE?

server1:/webdienste/java/jdk/xxx/current/jre/lib/security> sudo /webdienste/java/jdk/xxx/current/bin/keytool -list -v -keystore cacerts | grep Eigner

The other solution i can think of is to manually download/save all the certificates by opening all the URLs in the browser and then import the .pfx files through keytool into my Server2 JRE.

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Creating A Package File

Aug 14, 2014

Though have been playing around with my ebook but finding it difficult to get along with the topic PACKAGE&INTERFACES, I find it challenging to write a package file despite the book I currently studying and online tutorial.. so I want a more explanatory format to comprehend the piece cos without knowing it.

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Error - Package Does Not Exist

Jan 25, 2014

I am trying to make a jar file in intelliJ. My directory that holds all the java classes is C:rafficProjectsrccege. In cege there is a package ui where there is a class GuiMain. And I have imported the GuiMain() in my Main() class.

I have this code lines:

package cege;
import cege.ui.GuiMain;

and when I use the terminal in the intelliJ and write the command:

C: rafficProjectsrccege>javac *.java

I get this message: error: package cege.ui does not exist

import cege.ui.GuiMain;

but actually, I have already put this line in my code. what could be the problem?

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Multiple Classes In One Package?

Jan 31, 2015

I'm having problems with this I've code like:

Java Code:

Public Class{
ActionListener Method(){}
Main Function()}


but I cannot declare variables in this method, how can I do this what can be the simplest method?

In addition: I've a marksheet class, a calculator class, & in main class I've 2 buttons one for marksheet & one for calculator, how can I make it so that if user clicks on marksheet button that class should be called & so?

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Inheritance Failure In Same Package

Feb 24, 2014

I've tried to write a package and two classes this way:

Java Code: package pack;
public class Aclass<T> {
private T t;
public void set(T t) {
this.t = t;


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