Populate Array From Text File Or Scanner

May 26, 2014

I have a simple txt file, each line simply containing 1 word.I would like each work to represent an index of the array..im having some difficulty populating an array from either a txt file or a scanner.i seem to be able to fill the scanner so to speak with the contents of the text file but not the array. I don't know how to syntax it

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class ReadFile
public static void main(String[] args) {


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JSP :: Iterate And Populate Values Of TXT File Into Text Area

May 15, 2014

How can I read a text file present in my local directory say (C://test.txt) , iterate and populate the values of test.txt into a text area of the JSP page?

Contents in the test.txt file:

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Populate ArrayList Of Different Data Types From Text File With Java

Aug 25, 2014

I would like to create an ArrayList from data types stored in a text file.The ArrayList would be multidimensional with two data types; int, String.

Example text file could be:

4 cahiers grand format
3 stylots bic bleu
5 gommes

I find it very difficult for multiple data types i don't see how its possible.

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Scanner Only Reading First Line Of Text File?

Feb 6, 2015

I have a code that imports a text file [URL] .... and has a variety of methods for sorting through it. The file is structured differently when loaded into the environment, as each line begins with a movie and lists all of its actors. Each line has a movie title, then its release date in parentheses, and then the actors in the movie all listed and separated by slashes (Ex: /lastname 1, firstname 1/lastname 2, firstname 2/etc.....

Well I tried to create a method to search all the actors in the file for an inputted word and return the ones that have that word somewhere in their names. I managed to get it to work, but the code only runs for one line of it. How should I get this to do what its doing, but for EVERY line?

Code is here: [URL] ....

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Populate Array Using Nested Loops With Letter From A Until Y And Display Array To Screen

Nov 15, 2014

We were given a class lab that asks us to write a program that create a multidimensional array ( 5 x 5 ), populates the array using nested loops with letter from A until Y, and displays the array to the screen. and the result should look like this:


How to write this program.. I have tried all my best but the results are not coming like this..

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Read Text File Into Object Array And Creating Random Access File

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data.

Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;

[Code] .....

And then here is the data from the text file that i must extract to use to create product objects.

Dill Seed,938,34
Mustard Seed,100,64
Coriander Powder,924,18
Cinnamon (Ground Korintje),951,10
Cinnamon (Ground) Xtra Hi Oil (2x),614,31
Cinnamon (Ground) High Oil (1X),682,19

These continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not separated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name separated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quantity after the second comma.....

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Create Random Access File

Dec 9, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data. Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;


these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not seperated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name seperated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Creating Random Access File?

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data.

Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;
public Product( String pName, double price, int quanity )


and then here is the data from the text file that i must extract to use to create product objects.

Dill Seed,938,34

Mustard Seed,100,64

Coriander Powder,924,18


Cinnamon (Ground Korintje),951,10

Cinnamon (Ground) Xtra Hi Oil (2x),614,31

Cinnamon (Ground) High Oil (1X),682,19

these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not separated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name separated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Read Text File Into Array Ask User To Save File And Print Data

Jul 14, 2014

New to programming. Am supposed to create a program that reads a text file (of integers) and computes a series of computations on these integers. I don't have the code for the integers in my code yet, (i know how to do those), but am struggling getting the array to simply print in the print writer. I have the user select a text file, read the file with a scanner, and then save the computations done from my code into another file. specifically, the problem is as follows: Write a program that uses a file chooser dialog to select a file containing some integers. The file contains an integer N followed by N integers. The program then uses a file chooser dialog to let the user specify the name and location of an output file to write results to.The data written to the output file will be as follows

(1) The original list of N numbers from the input file,
(2) The original list of N numbers printed in reverse order of how they appear
in the input file.
(3) The sum and average of these numbers,
(4) The minimum of all the numbers,
(5) The maximum of all the numbers.

[import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;


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Servlets :: Populate Text Fields Based On Dropdown

Nov 20, 2014

I have list of employees in my database and their associated information like employeeId,supervisor and process. I have class named EmployeeDetails having same properties. I am fetching details of all users using below code:

<%EmployeeDetails employeeList;
Requested For <select name="requestedForName" id="requestedForNameID">
<option selected="selected">--Select--</option>
<%int i=0;

[Code] .....

In employeeList, we have list of objects having data of employees. I donot know how to get which object is selected in dropdown and based on that rest of the text fields are populated. Example:

Name ID Supervisor
Pawan Kumar3033045Vimal Kumar
Vimal Kumar3040901Dinesh Hemrajani

If Pawan Kumar is selected from dropdown then '3033045' and 'Vimal Kumar' should get populated.

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Populate A Table With User Input Text And Selection From A Combo Box

Dec 4, 2014

I need to populate a table with user input text, and selection from a combo box.

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Use Scanner To Get Input And Distinguish Between Int And Text?

Sep 13, 2014

​Is there any way to use scanner to get input and distinguish between int and text? I'm trying to make a scanner method I can call whenever I need user input no matter if I need int or text. Using two methods (one for int, other for text) at the moment.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Person person1 = new Person();
System.out.println("What is your name?");

[Code] .....

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Populate Array From Database

Apr 14, 2015

I have this working manually, but need creating this from a DB Connection and populating the Array with the results. I just need populating "DestinationItem[]" from the SQL below
//  Manual Array works but I need this to be populated from DB using the below Query and DB Connection info.
    private DestinationItem[] destinationResults = new DestinationItem[]{
            new DestinationItem("58285", "Dodge Grand Caravan"),
            new DestinationItem("57605", "Dodge SX 2.0"),
            new DestinationItem("58265", "Chrysler 300 Touring")

[Code] .....

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How To Read Text File Into Array

Nov 17, 2014

I have to write a program for sorting an array of random numbers by the users choice. These random numbers are stored in a text file, which the user inputs, and is then stored into an array for sorting. I won't have a problem with the sorting algorithms, but I've never had to read a text file and store it into an array before

The text file has the numbers stored like so :

I gather that I'll probably have to user the Scanner for the user to input the text file name, but how do I store it to an array? So far I only have the bones of the program done, like so

import java.util.Scanner;
public class SortingAlgorithms {
public static void main(String[] args) {


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Read Text File And Put It In 2D Array

Oct 25, 2014

I am trying to read in lines of text from a file then prints out the text. I only need one 2D array and can't copy from one array to another.This how the file looks like:

4 4

I have been able to read the file but when I am trying to run my program I have blank spacing instead of an array.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
public class Array {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{


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Declare Array And Populate It With Log Formula

Feb 10, 2014

Still trying to get a handle on arrays! So, I declare an array to be a 46x1 and I am trying to populate it with a Log formula that I am using but I keep getting an ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException.

Code :

private double[][] LNValues = new double[46][1];
//Calculating y=LN(E-k) and Initializing the Array
for(int x=0; x<LNValues.length; x++)
double i = Math.log(eValues[x][1] - kValue);
if(i > 0)

[Code] ....

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Populate Array With Leading Zeros

Nov 18, 2014

why I need to populate an array with leading zeros. It sounds like it wants me to populate the entire array for one number (string). When I use next(), it separates the numbers so why do I need to go the leading zeros route?

This assignment will give you practice with external input files and arrays. You are going to write a program that adds together large integers. The built-in type int has a maximum value of 2,147,483,647. Anything larger will cause what is known as overflow. Java also has a type called long that has a larger range, but even values of type long can be at most 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.The approach you are to implement is to store each integer in an array of digits, with one digit per array element. We will be using arrays of length 50, so we will be able to store integers up to 50 digits long. We have to be careful in how we store these digits. Consider, for example, storing the numbers 38423 and 27. If we store these at the front of the array with the leading digit of each number in index 0 of the array, then when we go to add these numbers together, we're likely to add them like this:


To simulate this right-shifting of values, we will store each value as a sequence of exactly 50 digits, but we'll allow the number to have leading 0's. For example, the problem above is converted into:


Now the columns line up properly and we have plenty of space at the front in case we have even longer numbers to add to these.The data for your program will be stored in a file called sum.txt. Each line of the input file will have a different addition problem for you to solve. Each line will have one or more integers to be added together. Take a look at the input file at the end of this write-up and the output you are supposed to produce. Notice that you produce a line of output for each input line showing the addition problem you are solving and its answer. Your output should also indicate at the end how many lines of input were processed. You must exactly reproduce this output.

You should use the techniques described in chapter 6 to open a file, to read it line by line, and to process the contents of each line. In reading these numbers, you wont be able to read them as ints or longs because many of them are too large to be stored in an int or long. So youll have to read them as String values using calls on the method next(). Your first task, then, will be to convert a String of digits into an array of 50 digits. As described above, youll want to shift the number to the right and include leading 0s in front.

The String method charAt and the method Character.getNumericValue will be useful for solving this part of the problem.You are to add up each line of numbers, which means that youll have to write some code that allows you to add together two of these numbers or to add one of them to another. This is something you learned in Elementary School to add starting from the right, keeping track of whether there is a digit to carry from one column to the next. Your challenge here is to take a process that you are familiar with and to write code that performs the corresponding task.

Your program also must write out these numbers. In doing so, it should not print any leading 0s. Even though it is convenient to store the number internally with leading 0s, a person reading your output would rather see these numbers without any leading 0s.You can assume that the input file has numbers that have 50 or fewer digits and that the answer is always 50 digits or fewer. Notice, however, that you have to deal with the possibility that an individual number might be 0 or the answer might be 0. There will be no negative integers in the input file.You should solve this problem using arrays that are exactly 50 digits long. Certain bugs can be solved by stretching the array to something like 51 digits, but it shouldnt be necessary to do that and you would lose style points if your arrays require more than 50 digits.The choice of 50 for the number of digits is arbitrary (a magic number), so you should introduce a class constant that you use throughout that would make it easy to modify your code to operate with a different number of digits.

Consider the input file as an example of the kind of problems your program must solve. We might use a more complex input file for actual grading. The Java class libraries include classes called BigInteger and BigDecimal that use a strategy similar to what we are asking you to implement in this program. You are not allowed to solve this problem using BigInteger or BigDecimal. You must solve it using arrays of digits.Your program should be stored in a file called Sum.java.

Input file sum.txt
204 435
22 31 12
999 483
28350 28345 39823 95689 234856 3482 55328 934803
7849323789 22398496 8940 32489 859320
729348690234239 542890432323 534322343298
3948692348692348693486235 5834938349234856234863423
999999999999999999999999 432432 58903 34
82934 49802390432 8554389 4789432789 0 48372934287
0 0 0
7482343 0 4879023 0 8943242
3333333333 4723 3333333333 6642 3333333333

Output that should be produced
82384 = 82384
204 + 435 = 639
22 + 31 + 12 = 65
999 + 483 = 1482
28350 + 28345 + 39823 + 95689 + 234856 + 3482 + 55328 + 934803 = 1420676
7849323789 + 22398496 + 8940 + 32489 + 859320 = 7872623034
729348690234239 + 542890432323 + 534322343298 = 730425903009860


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Why Can't Populate Array Of Objects From Inside Constructor

Feb 21, 2015

The experiments will slowly converge towards one big experiment: a simple game. I have just a little interest in games (perhaps I should have more), but making one - even a simple one - should be self rewarding.

However, now to the point.

* The experiment creates an array of rectangle objects.
* The rectangles are painted inside a Frame object at random x,y coords generated by a random number generator
* The rectangles are stationary.
* The rectangles are each assigned their own random colour.
* The array of rectangle objects is created inside the constructor of the class.

The actual code contains various other variables and methods which would distract from a quick analysis, so below is code which has the same logical structure which also fails (instead of array of rectangles, I have used arrays of integers).

import java.util.Random;
* Experiment 14 - see if it works simply - (with integer arrays)
public class TestingArrays {
// instance variables
int N = 10; // the size of the array - 10 elements
int[] a;


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Java Program That Reads Array From Text File

Mar 19, 2015

I was wondering if it's possible to do this: I want to build a java program that reads a java array from a text file.

Then I want to read it, and output it in a different format.

The reading and out is easy - as text.

But how can I incorporate the read text in to a java valid array in my program, which I can use?

Is this even possible?

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Read Numeric Values From A Text File Into Array

Oct 28, 2014

I am trying to read numeric values from a text file into an array. This is what i have so far but when i compile it, it doesn't run and give me a result.

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class question2_17110538 {

[Code] ....

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Collection Sort When Getting Array Values From Text File?

Nov 27, 2014

I working on a bank program that gets a user id, name and balance from a text file. I need to be able to sort based on each field. I'm using Collection.sort and Comparator. I'm using String[] array = file.toFile().list(); to get the values for the array from the text file. I can't figure out how to make this into an arraylist. I understand the concept when hardcoding the data but having trouble doing it from a text file.

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How To Read Text File In Array And Show It To Textfield

May 30, 2014

I have a problem about read text file in array and show it to textfield :

Content the file:

I want read line 1 to textfield 1, line 2 to textfield 2,....

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How To Read Data From Text File And Place Into Array

Nov 15, 2014

I'm trying to figure out the necessary code for reading integers from a text file, then placing them withing the two-dimensional array I have created, and then finally printing the array using a nested for-loop. I have attached the file I would like to read from. I'm having trouble figuring out how to reference the text file with the integers, and also how to properly create a dynamic preface for each row of the array. I want the preface to display as "Week #: ", with # being the row number. I tried to create an integer to be used that way, but NetBeans tells me whatever integer I declare has already been defined in method main. I know I need to use scanner to read the file. I would like the output to display like this:

Temperature Data

Week 1: 73 71 68 69 75 77 78
Week 2: 76 73 72 72 75 79 76
Week 3: 79 82 84 84 81 78 78
Week 4: 75 72 68 69 65 63 65

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Split Text File Lines Into Pieces And Put Them In Different Array Lists?

Mar 14, 2015

For example, if I had a text file with one line such as "first, second, third", would there be a way to make it so I could make "first" go to the first array list, "second" to the second, and "third" to the third?

I haven't posted any of my code so far as it wouldn't be right to be handed the finished code on a platter and I should put the work into it, but I'd just need a loop to make it go through the rest of the lines in the text file to add all the first, second and third parts of each line, right?

(I already know how to input data from a file, but not how to split up a line into bits to put into different array lists).

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Reading From Text File - Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception

Oct 21, 2014

I need to read from a text file given to us that has a list of books with authors names and book titles separated by an @ symbol for our delimiter. Here is the code I have right now, but it throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at line 7...and I am unsure why?

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Driver(args[0]);

[Code] ....

I realize that it must have something to do with my command line argument...but I am unsure what. Am I not entering the file name correctly?

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Placing Randomly Chosen Words From Text File Into 2D Array

Apr 5, 2014

I have an assignment for college that involves placing randomly chosen words from a text file into a 2-d array. I have nearly completed ithowever I am having difficulty with a list of string type.What I have done so far is below,

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.Math;

when I try to run an instance of the program(using BlueJ) I get an error saying there is a null pointer exception at line 35 which is wordsForGrid. add (puzzleWords.get(pos));

I am thinking that this is related to the fact that at this line in the loadWordsFromFile method List <String>words=new ArrayList<String>(); I could not create an empty list of string type, i.e List<String>words = new List<String>();

Is this correct? Or am I looking in the wrong place. The textfile I am using contains over 6000 words on a separate line for each if that makes any difference.

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