Possible To Create Program With JAVA That Uses Algorithm To Summarize Data Input

Jan 23, 2015

So I was just wondering if it's possible to create a program with JAVA that uses an algorithm to summarize data inputed. I've never done something like this before, If this is not possible with Java is it possible with C++ or any other language??

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Create A Java Program That Can Read Specific Data Within Csv File To Work Out Averages

Aug 7, 2014

i am fairly new to java but have made a few projects so i do know most aspects that would allow me to complete the task its just i have been stuck at the same place now for 2 days.The project is to create a java program that can read specific data within a csv file to work out the averages etc. The csv file is a database of different weather stats . an example of the first 12 months of the csv file is below..


year ,month,average rainfall etc

1946 15.70.616108.131.5
1946 28.23.56111.871
1946 38.82932.9 102.9
1946 414.16.3029.2 150.5
1946 513.96060.7 143.6


I know that once the data is indexed i can than use a double to find the average of the 12 specific pieces of data and so on. once this is complete i should than be able to transfer the data to a simple graph.

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Create Program That Prompts Input And Creates File With That Input As Name

Jul 14, 2014

So I was going to try to create a program that prompts input and creates a file (That didn't exist before) with that input as name.Then, the program prompts inputs after stating questions such as 1 + 1, then if the user inputs an answer, put "Question # = Correct "or" Wrong.Code SO Far:

Java Code:

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
public class File_Read {
public File_Read() {//File_Read is the Interactive object


So that it puts the Correct or Wrong into the file.

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Cannot End Input Of Data On Program

Apr 25, 2014

Write a program that allows the user to enter students names followed by their test scores and outputs the following information(assume that the maximum nmber of students in the class is 50; if the number of students is less than 50, to indicate the end of input data, after entering the last students data, on a line by itself, hold the ctrl key/press z and then press the Enter key):

a) Class average

b) Names of all the students whose test scores are below the class average, with an appropriate message( youre below class average)

c) Highest test score and the names of all the students having the highest score.

Use methods.

Now I wrote the program but i cant figure out how to end the input by pressing ctrl key/press z and then press the Enter key...

Here is my code

import java.util.Scanner;
 public class ClassAverage {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String names[] = new String[50];


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Create A Program That Keeps Track Of Information Input By User

Sep 17, 2014

I am new to Java an have to Create a program that keeps track of the following information input by the user: First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, and Age. Now - let's store this in a multidimensional array that will hold 10 of these contacts. So our multidimensional array will need to be 10 rows and 4 columns.You should be able to add and remove contacts in the array.

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How To Create Genetic Algorithm

May 23, 2015

how to create a genetic algorithm.I made this class that Is supposed to Generate the chromes or Possible solutions of the program. Im pretty sure It doesn't have any syntax error and I went over the logic a couple time yet Im getting a NumberFormatException Exception Error. What this error means nor why am I getting it. Here's my code:

/* Contains the genes or possible solutions to the problem
public class Genes
/* Each element is a binary number that corresponds to index number they have been assigned to, these are the possible genes
* The last 4 elements in the array represent + - * / correspondingly
private String[] encodedNumbers = {"0000", "0001", "0010", "0011","0100", "0101", "0110","0111","1000","1001","1010","1011","1100","1101"};


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How To Create Sample Optical Mark Recognition To Extract Data In Java

Nov 10, 2014

my idea is auto recognize when i put image like survey and that survey has shape box and it random area location and some shape box also character and number and can generated data that recognize in csv file.

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Dijkstra's Algorithm - Array Full Of Null Data

May 6, 2014

I'm trying write a Dijkstra's implementation in java. First off, here is the algorithm:

package lab3;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Stack;
* Compute shortest paths in a graph.
* Your constructor should compute the actual shortest paths and maintain all the information needed to reconstruct them. The returnPath() function should use this information to return the appropriate path of edge ID's from the start to the given end.
* Note that the start and end ID's should be mapped to vertices using the graph's get() function.
class ShortestPaths {
Multigraph graph;
final int INF = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
PriorityQueue<Integer> Q;

[Code] ....

I followed someone else psuedocode very closely but for whatever reason, my edge[] array is just full of null data, which means I can't actually return the shortest path. Why that's happening/how to fix it? Maybe I'm not understanding dijstra's correctly.

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Create A Java Program That Accepts A String

Feb 19, 2014

So basically I have to create a java program that accepts a string and does the following:

1.) Insert a blank space before capital letters
2.) Convert any capital letters into lower case except the first letter(if it is capital).

So if the user enters "HiMyNameIsJohn", the result should be "Hi my name is john". I am having problems inside my changeMe method. Everything works fine including putting a blank space in between upper case words. So from the previous example, my code would show "Hi My Name Is John". I am having issues making the code to convert the upper case letters into lower case. Im pretty sure the code should be right after the str.insert(i, " "). But I do not how to code it. Ive thought about Character.toUpperCase(ch); but doesnt work.

Java Code:

import java.util.*;
public class WordSeparator
public static void main(String[] args)
String word1, word2;
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);


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Create And Write To A Excel File From A Java Program?

Jul 10, 2007

I want to create and write to a excel file from a java program. I found a tutorial online and wrote a java file as under:

Java Code: import java.io.File;
import java.util.Date;
import jxl.*;
import jxl.write.*;
public class jExcel{
WriteableWorkbok workbook = Workbok.createWorkbook(new File("output.xls"));
public static void main(String args[]){
WriteableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("First Sheett",0);
Label label = new Label(0,2,"A label record");


But when I compile this file, I get errors telling that package jxl does not exists and so on. Do I need to download it ?

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Write A Java Program To Input 7 Integers?

Feb 21, 2015

Design, write a java program to input 7 integers and, for each integer, calculate and display its square and cube.

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Java Input / Output Program Using Threads

Feb 24, 2014

I am trying to write a program in Java that uses threads.Below is the program requirements:The goal of this assignment is to create a routine which creates multiple threads, has them do work in parallel, and terminates when the last thread has finished.

The Scenario: There are several groups of people in a bar watching the Olympics cheering for their country. Each group will cheer for their country some given number of times, with a random pause (between 2 and 5 seconds) between each cheer. There is enough room at the bar for up to ten different groups to sit (each would be cheering for a different country).

The Program: The task is to write a program that will simulate these cheers using threads. The program should be called cheer.X (X being the language of choice). You may use any language that supports threading. When the program is run it should ask for the number of countries and then the name and how many times it will be cheered for. The main function will then create a thread for each team and each thread is responsible for cheering the specified number of times for the correct team at the random interval. You will submit the proper source code file for me to open and compile myself, not an executable.

An example run would look something like this: How many countries are supported at the bar? 3 Enter the first: China How many cheers? 2 Enter the second: USA How many cheers? 4 Enter the third: Russia

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How To Exit A Java Program If User Input Nothing

Apr 17, 2014

How do i exit a java program is the user input is nothing "",This is my code

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class MyQueue<T> implements Queue<T> {
private T[] ringbuffer;
static int capacity = 0;
int mysize = 0;


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Java Program To Generate Data Along With Outliers

Mar 4, 2015

I am currently concentrating on Java programming skills. Right now developing a Energy usecase in Java with Spring framework. Have business requirement to generate data along with outliers. For example, have two parameters called as min and max (centigrates). Generate a file between min and max and store in a file. Atleast need to generate 10 outliers in each 100 records. Outliers should be < min and > max. How to write a java class with this business condition. The file should be like,

Java Code:

Public class DataGeneration(int min, int max)
where min = 30
max = 50

98938409384389384< >30
39083048938409384< >49
39583980398493840< >-30
90853948093849383< >100 mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

From above sample data file, it will be generating two outliers. How to create such kind of data generation in Java class?

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User Input All Of Data On A Single Line And Implement StringTokenizer To Assign That Data To File

Mar 21, 2015

By using FileReader, FileWriter and their constituents, I am creating a file to contain employee information ( name, age, hours, etc. ). The user is to input all of the data on a single line and we were asked to implement StringTokenizer to assign that data to the file. I have never used the StringTokenizer before, but I have a rough idea how it is to function. I used pw.println to test what I have so far, now I would like to let the user build the initial file with the "first employees" of the company, and then view the file, and then go back and append new employee data to that same file. My question is, how can I take the user input as a StringTokenizer and add that to the file?

In the for loop below, I thought I would see if it would work, but it does not. The loop only executes once and does not allow me to enter data.

public class Records {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("dbs3.java");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw);
System.out.println("NEW EMPLOYEE DATA SHEET");
System.out.print("Number of new employees: ");
int number = input.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Java Program - Display Up To 5 Pairings Of Data Types

Sep 7, 2014

I need to write a simple program that displays up to 5 pairings of data types (int, string) (string, long) ect. I need to have at least two classes, a Pair class (generic) and an PairTest class.

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Write A Java Program That Reads A Positive / Non-zero Integer As Input

Aug 1, 2011

Write a Java program that reads a positive, non-zero integer as input and checks if the integer is deficient, perfect, or abundant.

A positive, non-zero integer, N, is said to be perfect if the sum of its positive proper divisors (i.e., the positive integers, other than N itself, that divide N exactly) is equal to the number itself. If this sum is less than N, the number is said to be deficient. If the sum is greater than N, the number is said to be abundant.For example, the number 6 is perfect, since 6 = 1 + 2 + 3, the number 8 is deficient, since 8 > 1 + 2 + 4, while the number 12 is abundant, since 12 < 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6.


1.)Input N: 5

5 is deficient.

2.)Input N: 6

6 is perfect.

3.)Input N: 18

18 is abundant.

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Write A Java Program Which Display To Get GPA Of A Student As Keyboard Input

Feb 15, 2015

I want to write a java program which displays to get the GPA of a student as a keyboard input. Then display the class of the degree according to the following criteria using a switch-case statement (if-else statements cannot be used). If the user insert an invalid gpa you should display a message Invalid GPA.

gpa ≥ 3.50 First Class Hons
3.49 ≥ gpa ≥ 3.00 Upper Second Class Hons
2.99 ≥ gpa ≥ 2.50 Lower Second Class Hons
2.49 ≥ gpa ≥ 2.00 Pass
2.00 ≥ gpa Fail

Here is my code:

import java.io.*;
public class q7
public static void main(String[] args)
InputStreamReader ISR=new InputStreamReader(System.in);
BufferedReader BR=new BufferedReader(ISR);

.But when I use Command console to run this it says: 1111.jpg. I also wanna know is there another way to do this with switch- case statements.

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Java Program To Search Data From Database On Website - IE Cannot Load URL

Jun 23, 2014

I am writing a java program which searchs data from a database on a website , my problem is that the url does not works on IE but works fine in other browsers..

private URL getURL(String selection) {
URL exampleURL = null;
String url = "http://www.example.com/list?keyphrase=";
if (selection.equals("mfcCode")) {
url += getURLcriteria(EditList.get(CurrentListIndex)

[Code] .....

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Program A Star Algorithm Using JButtons - Null Pointer Error

May 30, 2014

I am trying to program the A star algorithm using JButtons. Now I have some tweaking to do but I have to get past the errors first.

I am getting the following errors:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at AStar.findEndButton(AStar.java:40)
at Screen$1.actionPerformed(Screen.java:59)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2018)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2341)

[Code] ....

In my AStar class you will see these buttons which is an instance of matrixButtons

MatrixButtons[][] current;
MatrixButtons[][] endButton;
MatrixButtons[][] startButton;
MatrixButtons[][] nextCurrent;
MatrixButtons[][] temp;
MatrixButtons bestNextMove;

I really need them to handle several different methods. A full example of the full program is below.

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Screen

[Code] ....

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Hurricane Java Project - Read Information From Data File And Run It Through But Program

Dec 2, 2014

I am now stuck. I am writing a program that reads information from a data file and runs it through but program. However, I am almost finished with the program, but cannot figure out the last few parts.

public class Storm {
private final double KnotsToMPH = 1.15;
// global user-defined types:
private int beginDate;
private int duration;
private String name;

[Code] .....

I have not attached the data file because it contains a total of 360 lines of hurricane information.

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Create Class Called Factorial Algorithm Which Will Compute / Print Factorial Of Integer Number On Screen

Dec 27, 2014

1)A factorial of a number X is equal to X*(X-1)*(X-2)*...*1.For example,3! is equal 3*2*1=6.Create a class called Factorial Algorithm which will compute and print the factorial of an integer number on the screen

2)Write a Java program to accept eight integers and a search element from the user and display whether the element is found or not.(Hint:use bubble sorting and binary search)

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Design And Develop Program To Implement Lazy Buddy System Algorithm

Jul 19, 2014

I want to know the java code for lazy buddy system algorithm which can be run in eclipse or netbeans

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Write A JAVA Program That Will Input 10 Scores And Output Highest And Lowest Score

Jan 9, 2015

1.Write a JAVA program that will input 10 scores and output the Highest and Lowest score.

2.Write a JAVA program that will input the base and power and display the result: Example: Base is 4 Power is 2 the answer is 16 (Note: Math.pow( ) method is not allowed)

3.Write a JAVA program that will input an integer number, and then will output the sum of all inputted numbers. The program will stop in accepting inputs if the user entered 0.

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Java Program That Randomly Generates Five-digit Lottery Number And Prompts User For Input

Sep 25, 2014

Write a Java program that randomly generates a five-digit lottery number and prompts the user to enter a five-digit number. Each digit in the number is in the range between 0~9. The program should determine which prize the user wins according to the following rule:

• The user wins the first prize if the user input matches all five digits in the lottery number in exact order.
• The user wins the second prize if the user input matches any four digits in the lottery number in exact positions.
• The user wins the third prize if the user input matches any three digits in the lottery number in its exact position.
• The user wins the fourth prize if the user input matches any two digits in the lottery number in its exact position.
• The user wins the fifth prize if the user input matches any one digit in the lottery number in its exact position.

and here is my code. I cant get it to print the right statements.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
class Hw5 {
static int getPrize(int g1, int g2, int g3, int g4, int g5,
int u1, int u2, int u3, int u4, int u5) {
//code for determining the prize comparing (g1, g2, g3, g4, g5) to (u1, u2, u3, u4, u5)
if (u1 == g1 && u2 == g2 && u3 == g3 && u4 == g4 && u5 == g5)


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Java Radix Sort Algorithm

Apr 19, 2014

I got this code from wikipedia when trying to learn about the radix sort algorithm now I understand that the algorithm sorts by significant digits but it's the code that I'm not too sure about for instance the series of for loops at the bottom what exactly is going on there and why is it mod by 10? Also why are there three different integer arrays a, b, and bucket?

public static void radixsort( int[] a, int n) {
int i;
int digit = 1;
int[] b = new int[n+1];
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (a[i] > a[0])
a[0] = a[i];

[Code] ....

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