Prompts User To Enter 5 Test Scores And Their Names - Calculate And Display Average

Sep 24, 2014

Using Bluejay. Need code that prompts user to enter 5 test scores and their names. Calculate the average and display.

First initial and last name , 5 test scores, and average

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Validate Names And Test Scores - Logical Error

Oct 14, 2014

I am working in the field of validating data. I need to validate names and test scores and i keeping getting errors in my code. I keep tracing back all the errors and now I am stuck at a logic error. It is giving me a the validate sentence over and over even when i type stuff in. I have searched up how to do the .equals to a string but it doesn't give me a accurate enough to my problem.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class P5A
public static void main (String args[]) {
System.out.println( "Always Show" );
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;

[Code] .....

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Find Weighted Average Of Four Test Scores

Apr 17, 2015

Write a program in JAVA in response to the following prompt:

Design a GUI program to find the weighted average of four test scores. The four test scores and their respective weights are given in the following format:

testscore1 weight1

For example, the sample data is as follows:

75 0.20
95 0.35
85 0.15
65 0.30

The user is supposed to enter the data and press a Calculate button. The program must display the weighted average.

Here is what I have written:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class weightedaverage2 extends JFrame {
private JLabel Score1L,Score2L,Score3L,Score4L;

[Code] .....

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Trying To Create A Program That Provides Average Test Scores

Apr 13, 2014

I keep getting an error that says variable can't be found, what am I missing?

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class testscores extends JFrame


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ProductCatalog That Prompts User To Enter Number Of Products

Feb 11, 2015

Write a program called ProductCatalog that prompts the user to enter the number of products in the product catalog. The program should then prompt the user for the name and the price of each product in the product catalog. Once all of the products have been entered, the program should output the product information (name and price) of the most expensive product in the catalog. Your solution must use a for loop repetition structure and should use the Product class included in to keep track of the product with the highest price. Here is sample output:

Enter the number of products: 3
Enter the name of product 1: iPod
Enter the price of product 1: 158.99Enter the name of product 2: iPad
Enter the price of product 2: 518.99
Enter the name of product 3: iPadMini
Enter the price of product 3: 304.49
Most Expensive: Product [name=iPad, price=518.99]

Your solution should not use an array to keep track of all the product information entered.

I am having trouble with my code, with the For loop and then calling the methods from the Product class into the ProductCatalog. How should I approach this program.

Here is the Product program.

public class Product
private String name;
private double price;
public Product(String theName, double thePrice) {
name = theName;
price = thePrice;


Here is the ProductCatalog class where I call the methods from Product class. The For loop is what I am having trouble with as well.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ProductCatalog
public static void main(String[] args) {
double number;
String product = " ";
double productCount = 0;


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Application That Prompts User To Enter Personal Details

Feb 18, 2014

Create a Java application that prompts the user to enter their personal details: First name, last name, gender, address, suburb, postcode, and phone number. Then the program displays all of your personal details to the screen as illustrated. Name the file PersonDetails.jav

package exe
import java.util.*;
public class Review2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter your full name: ");
String name =;


If you cant tell straight away how i have stuffed up, what is happening is this;

When i am promoted to enter my name, 'John Smith'. The word 'John' would be stored in the name variable, while 'Smith' is stored under gender, so the next prompt is then 'Whats your address?'

So its only assigning one word per variable, now as far i understand, a string should not work that way. So where is my mistake?

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Write A Program Which Prompts User To Enter 4 Grades Between 0 And 100

Sep 2, 2014

I'm using Jgrasp and my prompt is asking me to write a program where the program prompts the user to enter 4 grades between 0 and 100. And you have to display the grades, and the program has to calculate the minimum grade, the maximum grade and the average.I'm just having problems with the max?

// Import Java Scanner.
import java.util.Scanner;
// Name Class.
public class Practice_4_1


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Program That Prompts The User To Enter Loan Amount And Years

Oct 21, 2014

so I had to make a program that prompts the user to enter a loan amount and the years for the loan and I have the conversions and everything my only issue is that when the chart pops up it just looks like a bunch of numbers and its missing the column headers

for example

Interest Rate Monthly Payment Total Payment

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class InterestRate { 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
double monthlypayment = 0; 
double totalpayment = 0; 
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter Loan Amount");


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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter Two Positive Integers And Prints Their Sum

Jan 9, 2015

Write a program ( that prompts the user to enter two positive integers and prints their sum (by addition), product (by multiplication), difference (by subtraction), quotient (by division), and remainder (by modulation). When the user enters 5 and 3, the output from your program should look exactly like the following:

Enter two positive integers: 5 3
The sum is 8.
The product is 15.
The difference is 2.
The quotient is 1.
The remainder is 2.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class TwoIntegers {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Enter two positive integers: ");
Scanner userInput = new Scanner("");
int integer1 = userInput.nextInt();
int integer2 = userInput.nextInt();


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PhoneBook Application - Allow User To Enter Names / Numbers Of Up To 20 Friends

Apr 13, 2014

This application is supposed to allow a user to enter the names an phone numbers of up to 20 friends, until the user enters "zzz" or 20 names. Then the console is supposed to display the names and have the user enter a name to get the phone number. Here's my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PhoneBook{
public static void main(String[] args){
String name;
int phoneNumber;
final int nameAmount=20;

[Code] ....

I can't seem to get it correct, every time I correct a compiler error, another set of them appear.

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Write A Program That Prompts User To Enter A Password And Displays Valid Password

Dec 3, 2014

My homework is asking me to write a program that prompts the user to enter a password and displays "valid password" if the rule is followed or "invalid password"

enter a string for password: wewewx
valid password

It's being graded on
Design of my GUI
Dialog box
User friendliness

My current issues with the current code I have written is simply the password doesn't work unless it starts with 2 digits, the other order it displays as wrong. and I have no idea how to add a GUI.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.Character;


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Test Program That Prompt User To Enter N And Displays N-by-b Matrix

Nov 25, 2014

I did a problem from my book which is "Write a method that displays an n-by-n matrix. Each element is 0 or 1, which is generate randomly. Write a test program that prompts the user to enter n and displays the n-by-b matrix".

So if a user would enter 3, and output could be 0 1 1
0 1 0
1 0 1

So here's my question... I was able to get the program to work in the way my book describes (by just writing the code in the class with the main), but for practice, I want to learn how to do this OOP-style...

I'm not sure how to do this, though, since the method is a void method, so I can't seem to call it within a toString method.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class MatrixTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter an int");
int number = input.nextInt();
MatrixClass mc = new MatrixClass(number);

[Code] .....

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Java Program Using Nested Loop To Compute / Display Average Of Test Results For Each Experiment

Apr 2, 2015

Four experiments are performed, each consisting of six tests. The number of test results for each experiment is entered by the user. Write a Java program using a nested loop to compute and display the average of the test results for each experiment.

You can run the program by entering the following test results:

Experiment 1 results:23.231.516.927.525.428.6
Experiment 2 results:34.845.227.936.833.439.4
Experiment 3 results:19.416.810.220.818.913.4
Experiment 4 results:36.939.549.245.142.750.6

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User Enter A Number For Width And Length - Calculate Area And Perimeter

Apr 27, 2014

I am trying to make a program so that the user has to enter a number for the width and length and it will give the area and perimeter:

import java.util.* ;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

public class jframe extends JFrame {
private static final int WIDTH = 400;
private static final int HEIGHT = 300;

[Code] ....

It is giving me an error saying that the ExitButtonHandler and ebHandler do not have classes but I don't understand why.

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Java Lotto - Randomly Generate Five-digit Number And Prompts User To Enter Five-digit Number

Sep 25, 2014

1. Write a Java program that randomly generates a five-digit lottery number and prompts the user to enter a five-digit number. Each digit in the number is in the range between 0~9. The program should determine which prize the user wins according to the following rule:

- The user wins the first prize if the user input matches all five digits in the lottery number in exact order.
-The user wins the second prize if the user input matches any four digits in the lottery number in exact positions.
-The user wins the third prize if the user input matches any three digits in the lottery number in its exact position.
-The user wins the fourth prize if the user input matches any two digits in the lottery number in its exact position.

- The user wins the fifth prize if the user input matches any one digit in the lottery number in its exact is my code. I have tried replacing the && statements with || and it always returns either case 1 or case default.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
class Hw5 {
static int getPrize(int g1, int g2, int g3, int g4, int g5,
int u1, int u2, int u3, int u4, int u5) {


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Power Of Math - Calculate Volume Of A Cylinder By Asking User To Enter Height And Radius

Jan 29, 2015

How do you use power of math. I'm trying to write a calculator to calculate the volume of a cylinder by asking the user to enter the height and radius but when I use pow(2) it doesn't work. I imported java.lang.math class so i dont have to keep using math. for now my code runs just fine since I'm using radius * radius but I would really luv to use the power instead times each other when i have to use higher powers.

import java.util.Scanner;
import static java.lang.Math.*;
 public class Lab2 {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
[Code] .....

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Ask User To Enter Number From 1 To 10 And Program Will Display Roman Numeral

Feb 6, 2014

I am trying to write a program that asks the user to enter a number from 1 through 10 and then the program will display the roman numeral for that number.

I am also adding a error message in which i haven't yet because im still trying to figure out how to the program will do the roman numeral.'

I have used the if and else if. but when i input a number it just repeats the number back to me.

The program cimpiles but it doesn't do what i want. here is what i have so far. how can i get the program to display the roman numeral after the number is entered.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Romannumeral
public static void main(String[] args)
double number;
[Code] .....

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Generate Set Of Test Scores Between 0-100 Inconclusive

Dec 8, 2014

Design and write a Java program that will generate a set of test scores between 0-100, inconclusive. The exact umber of scores is determined either randomly or by the user input. There should be a minimum of 5 test scores. The program calculates the average of all test score in this data set. Then it asks the user how many scores are to be dropped and drops that number of low scores. The average is recalculated.

Output of this program:

The original test scores printed in rows of 10 scores
The average before low scores are dropped
The number of low scores to be dropped
The list of low scores dropped
The new average

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Read Unspecified Numbers Of Scores And Output Average

Sep 5, 2014

Write a program that will read unspecified numbers of scores . The program will output the average of these scores and the scores that are below and above the average.

Average is 3
Below 1

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Creates A Single Linked List That Stores Names And High Scores And Prints Them

Sep 29, 2014

a project I am working on. Its a program that creates a singly linked list that stores names and high scores and prints them. For some reason it is printing an entry extra times. Also my remove function is not working properly

GameEntry class:
package project;
public class GameEntry implements Comparable<GameEntry> {
private String name;
private int score;  
public GameEntry(String n, int s) {
name = n;


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Write A Program That Asks Users To Input 5 Test Scores

Apr 22, 2015

Write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores. The program should display a letter grade for each score and the average test score. Write the following methods in the program:

calculateAverage This method should accept five test scores as arguments and return the average of the scores. determineGrade This method should accept a test score as an argument and return a letter grade for the score, based on the following grading scale

Score Letter Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F

double test1,test2,test3,test4,test5;
double average;
char grade;

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter the first score");
test1 = keyboard.nextDouble();
System.out.println("Enter the second score");
test2 = keyboard.nextDouble();


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User Enter A File On Text Field And Display Its Hex Representation In Text Area

Apr 17, 2015

I'm supposed to write a GUI application letting the user enter a file on the text field and display its hex representation in a text area and vice versa.

Here's my code:

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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* and open the template in the editor.
package hexconvertor;
import java.util.*;
public class HexConvertor extends javax.swing.JFrame {

[Code] .....

It's not doing anything, I don't understand why.

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Test Score Average Program In Java

Jun 16, 2014

I'm working on a homework assignment and I keep getting a compiler message this is the message error: variable totalgrade might not have been initialized
System.out.println("Over all you have " + totalgrade);
1 error

The homework is this Write a program that has variables to hold three test scores. The program should ask the user to enter three test scores and then assign the values entered to the variables. The program should display the average of the test stores and the letter grade that is assigned for the test score average. Use the grading scheme in the following table:

Test Score Average Letter Grade
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Below 60 F

This is my code

import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // Needed for JOptionPane class
import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for the scanner class
public class GradesAverage
public static void main (String[] args)


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Create A Program That Shows Three Test Grades And Average

Jan 28, 2015

package Program1;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Source1 {


using netbeans to debug the program but i'm not sure what I did wrong as it doesnt go past test 1

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Write A Program That Prompts User For 3 Double Numbers

Feb 15, 2015

So i need to write a program that prompts the user for 3 double numbers x, y, z that outputs 2x^3 + 3y^5 + 3x^3y^2 +xyz with

(1) 4 digits precision
(2) with a ',' to separate thousands
(3) all digits of the result including the precision are put to 20 positions (from right to left)

I am not really sure what it is suppose to look like or how to start to mix Math.pow with multivariable and printf.

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Cannot Get Average Program To Calculate Properly

May 9, 2010

I am having a problem with my program. I can't get my program to calculate properly. Everything compiles and run but its just giving me a wrong answer. I am suposse to get 115.50 but instead I am getting .30...
public class Order
double salesTaxRate; //initializing a variable for the sales tax rate.
double subTotal; //initializing a varliable for the sub total.
double shippingCost; //initializing a variable for shipping cost.
double salesTax; //initializing a variable for sales tax.
double totalCost; // initializing a variable for totale cost.

[Code] ....

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