Randomly Generated Labyrinths

Dec 13, 2014

So i am making this game with randomly generated labyrinths and i get error in array. Here is the code:

import java.util.Random;
public class Labyrinth {
I've got lost in some things so my code might contain unnecessary code.

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Unable To Print Out Randomly Generated Array

Nov 19, 2014

i am trying to print out a randomly generated array, but i only get


i did some research and the "[" is for arrays, "I" is for the int and "@" is the hash. and the rest is some sort of hex. I need to override this in a way, but i can't seem to find out how.
this is my current code:

import java.util.Random;

public class Oppgave {
public static void main(String[] args){
int myint[] = fyll();
public static int[] fyll() {


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Passing Parameters - Randomly Generated Numbers Not Appearing

Dec 14, 2014

For some reason, when I test out my code, my randomly generated numbers don't appear. Here is a sample result:

> What do you want to generate, integer, double, or character?


>What is the upper limit and lower limit of the integers you want to generate?



>How many integers do you want to generate?


>BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 9 seconds)

Is this because my code is not passing my parameters correctly? I'm not sure how to fix this either.

Here is my code for reference (it's not completed at the moment)

import java.util.Scanner;
public class NewNumberCharacter {
/** Main method
* @param args */
public static void main(String[] args) {
int return_int;
double return_double;

[Code] ....

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Guessing Game GUI - Comparing Guess With Randomly Generated Number

Apr 13, 2014

package guess.the.numbers;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.Random;
import java.awt.event.*;
ublic class GuessTheNumbers extends JFrame{
private JButton guessBtn;
private JButton restartBtn;

[Code] ....

I am getting a strange error and it almost seems like its not comparing it to the random generated number just the guess that i entered before. Here are my error messages.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at guess.the.numbers.GuessTheNumbers$ButtonHandler.actionPerformed(GuessTheNumbers.java:119)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2018)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(AbstractButton.java:2341)

[Code] .....

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Identity Program - Check If Randomly Generated Number Match Index

Apr 14, 2015

I have this program where I'm supposed to fill an array with 1000 indices with 1000 randomly generated numbers between 1 and 1000. The program is supposed to check if any of the numbers match an index that is the same value (so for example, the number 4 is in index 4). How to check for that condition, especially using a binary search (I'm also told to use a binary search).

Right now the variable index isn't initialized because I don't know what to initialize it to exactly. How do I check to see if any numbers match the value of the same index?

import java.util.*;
public class Identity {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [] integers = new int [1000];
// Fill array with randomly generated numbers
int [] display = GenerateRandom(integers);

[Code] ....

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Random Array - Only 2 Of 10 Possible Numbers Are Generated

Nov 21, 2014

I am writing a program that creates an array with random numbers. Then the user can choose what number of the array he/she wants to check the occurance of. This works fine, but the numbers generated seems very weird, only 2 of the 10 possible numbers are generated. 0 and one of the other 9 numbers, the 0 is always 10100 and the other one is always 101.

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class OppgaveC {
public static void sjekk() {
int randomArray[]=new int[101];
int countArray[]=new int[10];
Random rand = new Random();

[Code] ....

it also says i have a memory leak on my scanner, ow can i close this?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Which Event Is Generated When Scrollbar Update

Jan 1, 2015

Which event is generated when a scrollbar is update?

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Web Services :: How To Set A Value In Java Class Generated In WSDL

Mar 1, 2015

I have a wsdl file and already generated a java class in it. However I can't find a setter method in it. I tried invoking the getter method but it returns a null. How can I set a value in that property?

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Web Services :: How To Enable WS-A Addressing On JAX-WS Generated Client Code

Feb 22, 2015

I would like to access a third party websevice using a Java client that I generated with JAX-WS wsimport, based on the WSDL provided (I am using a Maven plugin).

For quite a while I was unable to retrieve a useful response, not in the Java client and also not in SoapUI, until I found out that I had to enable WS-A on the request. In SoapUI this now results in the expected response, but what must I do to also 'enable' WS-A in the Java client? Do I maybe have to alter the WSDL, or add a parameter to wsimport?

I found some documentation on WS-A online, but so far could not find an answer.

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JSF :: OutputText Value Unexpectedly Surrounded By Quotes In Generated HTML

Oct 8, 2014

why when i use the following outputText tag

<h:outputText value="Testone"/>

The generated HTML is

And when i use the next outputText tag the output is enclosed in quotes

<h:outputText value='<a href="http://some.site.com/login?URL=http://a.b.com/">Some sitelink</a>'/>
"<a href="http://some.site.com/login?URL=http://a.b.com/">Some sitelink</a>"

To temporarily fix something i need to generate an html tag using a param value. Here an example

<h:outputText value="<a href="http://some.domain.nl/login?URL={0}">Hi There</a>">
<f:param value="#{request.scheme}://#{request.serverName}:#{request.serverPort}#{request.contextPath}" />

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Instance Of Operator - No Output Generated Since If Condition Fails

Feb 2, 2014

As per my knowledge, the instance of operator compiles only if the reference type compared to class type are in the same inheritance tree. According to that, below code should not compile but it compiles FINE!!.

Output:No output generated since the if condition fails

public class InstanceOfTest implements Inter{ 
public static void main(String arg[]){
Inter iot = new InstanceOfTest();
if(iot instanceof Someone) //here Inter(interface) and Someone(class) are not in the same inheritance tree.
System.out.println("iot is a Someone");
interface Inter{}
class Someone{}

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JSP :: How Can Excel File Display Foreign Wordings When Generated From System

Apr 8, 2015

My system displayed fine with thailand wordings when show in screen, but problem when come to generate excel file, it shows "???" in excel file for thailand wordings. How can i solve this ??

From this jsp it will retrieved all details from database and store in arraylist
ArrayList alAll = new ArrayList();
ArrayList alHeader = new ArrayList();

[Code] ....

Here is my excel output. It shows "???" for client with thailand name.

System display for clients details

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Copying Random Generated Numbers To Selection Sort Method

Mar 19, 2015

Java Code:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
public class NumSorting {
public static int numOfComps = 0,
numOfSwaps = 0;
public static void main(String[] args)

[Code] ....

What is wrong with my code in this sorting program? It won't copy the random generated numbers to the sort method. How to get the random generated numbers to copy to the sort method. Below is what the program is displaying.

Original order : 3 2 5 4 1

Selection Sort

Original order:


Number of comps = 10

Number of swaps = 0

Sorted order : 0 0 0 0 0

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Heap Dump Generated With Read-write Permissions For Java Process Owner

Apr 14, 2014

I have a question regarding the permissions set for generated heap dumps.
I have some Jetty servers running on Linux (Java 6 64 bit / Java 7 64 bit) with the following Java arguments:
When there is a out-of-memory exception a heap dump is automatically generated by the JVM. But it seems that the heap dump permisions are set to read-write for owner only (600).

When I create files then they have by default read-write for owner and group/all read access (644).
$ ls -l
total 795432
-rw------- 1 bamboop bamboo 811322265 Apr 14 09:18 java_pid337.hprof
-rw-r--r-- 1 bamboop bamboo         6 Apr 14 12:57 test
Here the umask set for the server running the Java processes
$ umask 

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Does Either Of These Randomly Generate Both 0 And 1?

Nov 22, 2014

"which code is best for randomly generating integer 0 or 1". Haven't gotten my grade back yet but in reading these during the test I didn't think any of these would kick out both of those numbers, but there was no "none of the above" option on the test.This is exactly how it appeared on the test:

A) (int)Math.random() + 1
B) (int)(Math.random() + 0.2)
C) (int)Math.random()
D) (int)(Math.random() + 0.8)
E) (int)(Math.random() + 0.5)

I've tried all of them in the cs lab 100 times each and none of them generated both numbers. 'A' kicked out 1 every time. 'B,D and E' kicked out 0.2, 0.8 and 0.5 respectively each time, and 'C' kicked out 0. Did I just not run them enough times for the result to change or am I right in thinking there's a glitch on the test?

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Randomly Generating A 0 Or 1

Nov 4, 2014

My random integer always seems to be zero.. I am at the ends of my wit.

package Exercises;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

* Heads or tails?
* That is what this is.
public class num14 {

[Code] ....

Attached File(s) : New Text Document.txt (2.59K)

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Randomly Get Index Of Array

Jan 7, 2015

I created and an Array of integers how can I get randomly get/pick the index of each array element.

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Randomly Shuffling Cards

Apr 8, 2015

i'm trying to make a random card shuffler but the output would sometimes have same value multiple times. For example it might print out A5 at the fifth index then print out A5 again as the 32 index.

public class randomGenerateCards {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String temp;
String[] cards = new String[]
{ "A1", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A8", "A9", "A10", "A11",
"A12", "A13", "S1", "S2", "S3", "S4", "S5", "S6", "S7", "S8",
"S9", "S10", "S11", "S12", "S13", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5",
"H6", "H7", "H8", "H9", "H10", "H11", "H12", "H13", "D1", "D2",
"D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "D10", "D11", "D12",


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Randomly Filling Tic Tac Toe Board

Oct 19, 2014

So I an assignment in Java to write a code which will randomly populate squares in a Tic Tac Toe Board. I pretty much have it I think, but I cannot get the 'O' to appear on the board, some squares will be blank. We were told to use the Random utility to generate the squares. I am attaching the .gif's which are used. Here is my code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Random;
public class LandryTicTacToe extends JFrame
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8781512780135301721L;
private final int HEIGHT = 450;//Set value for Height
private final int WIDTH = 500;//Set value for Width
private static JButton [] button = new JButton[9];//Declare array of Buttons

[Code] .....


Instructions Given to me:

Display a frame that contains nine labels, arranged like a Tic Tac Toe board. A label may display an image icon for X, an image icon for O, or nothing. Display images randomly in each label. Use the Random class to generate 0, 1, or 2, which corresponds to displaying an X image, an O image, or nothing.

Attached image(s)

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How To Fill A String With Characters Randomly

Jul 5, 2014

I need to make a string filled with naughts and crosses like this one : "xxx ooo xox". There are 3 groups separated with a space. how to fill the string randomly ?

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Randomly Distribute People In Groups

Jan 18, 2014

I want to create a program that takes n number of people (String vector) and assigns them a random group number (int) the range from 1 to k. The number n is evenly divided by k.

I have created a program that associates every String with a random int number. There is however the problem that the random generator just gives a random number, but doesn't make an equal number of people for each group. Which means even if the numbers are random, some of the numbers happen to come up more times than others.

How can I write, to make sure that each number is generated the same amount of times?

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Getting Enemies To Spawn Off Screen Randomly

Sep 22, 2014

I am making a game and i am trying to have enemies spawn slight off the screen and randomly each time the game is run. I can get them to spawn randomly but i cant seem to get them off the screen properly ( when i do they take too long to enter the screen).
here is the code

for(int b = 0; b < GamePanel.enemy_amount; b++){
GamePanel.enemy.add(new Enemy((int)(Math.random() * 4000),(int)(Math.random() * 200)));

here is the width and height of the JFrame

setSize(1200, 800);

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How To Make Animation Stop Randomly

Dec 28, 2014

I am trying to program a slot machine and as of now, I am trying to make my slots spin and randomly stop on one of the graphics. Right now, I am having difficultly making the animation/slot stop randomly.

Previously, I tried using a randomly set timer that would cancel the execution, but the image did not appear/stop on the screen.Right now, I am using a random generator and a while to say that if it is a certain number, then stop the image.Here's what I tried:

import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import hsa.*;
import java.util.Random;

public class SlotGraphics
Console c;
int x = 200;
int y = -100;


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Randomly Fill 2D Array In Constructor

Dec 7, 2014

I must fill a 2d array randomly and then apply methods to the array. However i keep getting an out of bounds exception no matter what dimensions i use. I have a test and a class program.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
class SummerStats {
Random rand = new Random();

[Code] .....

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Images Changed Randomly Regulations

Sep 1, 2014

In my program I want to 2 images changed randomly regulations, but on frame appear only img4. What is wrong?

public class Yes extends JPanel {
Image img3 = new ImageIcon("Yes/Untitled3.png").getImage();
Image img4 = new ImageIcon("Yes/Untitled4.png").getImage();
Random rand = new Random();
int randomNum = rand.nextInt();

[Code] ....

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Boolean Value (true Or False) Randomly Set?

Jun 15, 2014

I have the code and it works very well, but my professor wants us to use Junit testing to test our code. I've never used JUnit before, how it works. Is it possible to have a boolean value (true or false) randomly set?

Here is the code I need to test:

package musicalinstruments;
class MusicalInstrument {
public String name;
public boolean isPlaying;
public boolean isTuned;
public MusicalInstrument(){
isPlaying = false;
isTuned = false;


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