Receiving Wrong Minimum Value And Code Is Not Reading File Properly

Feb 11, 2015

My program is reading my file, but its printing out weird cryptic numbers instead of the 1-10 that is in the file. But it uses the numbers in the file to get the Max Value and Total. Also I am receiving 0 for my Minimum Value but, 0 isn't even in the file, my lowest value is 1.

Java Code: /*

* Student Name: Irrelavent
* Description: This program will read from a text file and display its contents in an array format as well as the average of the numbers and the minimum and maximum value within the array and it will display the total of all the numbers added together.
* Input Variables:
* Desired Output:
* Total: 55
Average: 5.5
Minimum Value: 1.0
Maximum Value: 10.0
The data being used is: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0]

[Code] ....


Numbers being used: [[I@55f96302]

Max Value: 10
Minimum Value: 0
Average: 0.0
Total: 55

I want 1 for my Minimum and I want 5.5 for my average, when I make 'average = total / numbers.length;' ---> 'average = total / (double)numbers.length;' I get 0.55. Also, as its obvious, my 'Numbers being used' section is messed up and I don't know whats causing this.

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Keep Receiving Unreachable Statement For Code

Nov 27, 2014

public String toString()
return questionText + "
char label = 'a';
for(int i= 0; i < answers.length; i++)
return "("+label+")"+" "+answers[i]+ "

I keep receiving the unreachable statement for line 4. I don't know why?

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Mail Reading Functionality Is Not Working Properly Using POP3 Protocol

Mar 17, 2014

My Mail reading functionality is not working properly using POP3 protocol. Actually I can read the mail but the status is not changed as read.

Java Code:

public static void main(String arg[]) throws MessagingException, IOException{
String host = "";
String user = "";
String password = "abc10";
String protocol = "pop3";


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Payroll Code - If Input Hours Greater Than 40 Cost To Employer Calculation Goes Wrong

Feb 28, 2014

I think I fixed the first error, but now I'm receiving another error in my Net Pay print statement at the end.

Here is what I'm supposed to receive:

Net Pay: 599.86

Here is my sample run:

Enter hourly rate in dollars and cents --> 27.16
Enter number of hours and tenths worked --> 37.9

Rate: 27.16
Hours: 37.9

Gross Pay: 1029.36
Federal Tax: 257.34
State Tax: 93.41
FICA: 78.75
Net Pay: 771.86

Employer's FICA contribution: 78.75
Employer's UEI and DI contribution: 20.59
Cost to Employer: 1128.70

Enter hourly rate in dollars and cents -->

Here is my updated code:

package assignmentproject1;
import java.util.*;
public class Project1 {
public static void main (String[] args)

[Code] ....

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JSF :: 2.2 - Not Working Properly With AJAX And File Uploads

Feb 27, 2014

I'm having problems with using the h:inputFile tag with JSF 2.2 and Glassfish 4.0 on Eclipse. The file uploads work when the enctype is set to "multipart/form-data" in the h:form tag, but AJAX will not work. When I leave out the encType (defaults to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") AJAX works but the uploads do not work, and in fact Glassfish crashes and generates the message:

The request content-type is not a multipart/form-data

Likewise I'm having the same problems with the PrimeFaces file upload tag p:fileUpload. In a JSF 2.0 it works correctly, but with JSF 2.2 it's giving the same problems and generates the message above.

When I start up Eclipse it tells me that Mojarra 2.2.0 is installed. Is this the source of the problem, and if so, how do I install a later version of Mojarra?

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Create Random Access File

Dec 9, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data. Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;


these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not seperated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name seperated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Reading Text File Into Object Array And Creating Random Access File?

Dec 8, 2014

I am working on a project that requires me to build a database with random access file, representing products, the base product contains a name (about 30 characters), a price (double), and a quantity (integer). I have worked on this project for probably 15+ hours and have tried so many things and feel like I've barley made any progress...

The part i am really struggling with is taking the data from the text file and creating an object array with it using the product class. Once ive accomplished that, i have to use that data to create a random access file with the data.

Here is the base Product class that must be used to create the objects for the array.

public class Product
public String pName;
public String stringName;
public double price;
public int quanity;
public Product( String pName, double price, int quanity )


and then here is the data from the text file that i must extract to use to create product objects.

Dill Seed,938,34

Mustard Seed,100,64

Coriander Powder,924,18


Cinnamon (Ground Korintje),951,10

Cinnamon (Ground) Xtra Hi Oil (2x),614,31

Cinnamon (Ground) High Oil (1X),682,19

these continue for about 40-50 entries, they are not separated by a blank line though i had to add those so it would display correctly, each entry is on its own line with name separated with spaces, then price after a comma, then quanity after the second comma.....

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Synchronize UDP Sending And Receiving

Apr 16, 2015

Say I was to make a computer game, the first person to play the game would have a joinable game and would then be the server, and anyone joining in would be the client and the server was updated with JSON data of the clients computer game, and the server would then update each client of each characters new data using JSON, I would need fast multi threaded connection handling with minimum overhead, Is there a specific way to do this? or are there many?

I have realized there are a few ways to send and receive data using UDP and while experimenting I have also found its quite hard to synchronise.

Do I have a connection listening until there is data to be sent and then switched back to listening?

Do I have the server listening for a microsecond and then checking to see of there's anything to send for a microsecond continuously?

Do I have multiple connections for sending and receiving

Do I create new connections for each new and individual packets to be sent and received dynamically on a thread?

What is the optimum most effective way and do my examples reflect much understanding at all? my resent attempts create new problems and rather than re invent the wheel I would like to know what is normally done.

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Receiving ParseException With String

Aug 28, 2014

Keep getting a ParseException when I try to parse a ISO 8601 formatted String into a Java Date type.

String myDateString = "2014-07-04T22:59:36Z";
TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'", Locale.US);
Date formattedDate = dateFormat.parse(myDateString);

Keeps returning a ParseException:

Unparseable date: "2014-07-04T22:59:36Z"

What am I possibly doing wrong?

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UDP Packet Not Receiving While Using Multicasting In Java

Jan 21, 2014

public class SendConfig {
InetAddress SYSTEM_IP;
int SYSTEM_PORT = 5000;
int PORT = 6000;

[Code] .....

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Reading CSV File

Jan 18, 2014

I have a CSV file with 16K entries of a data table. Does Java work well with CSV file? So I found this code. And it seems its quite easy to read in the data I need. Say for example if I wanted a loop to randomly pick the first field of a specific line in the CSV data table. How would i go about coding that??????

package cvs.test;

The CSV looks like the above. and I basically would like to read in the Hand to get it to show in a text box and then randomly have the program ask me to correctly identify the True/False return for one of the SB/BB/UG/MP/CO/BN columns.

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DatagramChannel - UDP Receiving OK / Unable To Send Data

Apr 29, 2014

I am trying to connect to a local service over UDP - the simulator works fine, but my code does not... The sender is a separate thread and I have tried blocking, non-blocking, connecting, not connection, reading and re-reading the Oracle docs,

Java Code:

package my.comm;

import my.myMethods;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;


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Not Receiving Correctly SMS Over Length Of More Than A Page Using AT Command

May 10, 2014

I am working on the SMS receiving using AT Commands using JAVA. i m getting the message of one page correctly using AT commands, but as i increase the size of SMS as 2, 3 or bigger pages the alphabets are converted to some thing like this

+CMGL: 0,"REC UNREAD","+923028910082",,"14/05/10,19:32:40+20"
4469616C202A3334352A393333232061757220536972662052 732E3230206D65696E20332064696E206B6120696E7465726E 65742028333030204D422920686173696C206B6172656E2120 7777772E776170747269636B2E636F6D2070657220736F6E67 73206175722067616D657320656E6A6F79206B6172656E2120 42616C616E636520636865636B206B206C7965202A39393923 206D69

Whats the problem I am not getting the right text which i have sent through my mobile function of receiving SMS is as follows :

public void send(String cmd) {
try {

} catch (IOException e) {


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Reading A File Header / Hex?

Mar 3, 2013

how to get the first few hex symbols of a file in java, for example if i input a pdf into my coding i want my program to output, e.g "25 46 44 38" ....

I have been able to print out the hex of a whole file but not managed to set a maximum read limit so that my code only takes a certain amount of values ....

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BNF Grammar And Reading From A Txt File?

Mar 21, 2014

I am implementing a recursive descent parser that recognizes strings in the language below. The input should be from a file "input.txt" and output should be to the console.

The grammar:

A -> I = E | E
E -> T + E | T - E | T
T -> F * T | F / T | F
F -> P ^ F | P
P -> I | L | UI | UL | (A)
U -> + | - | !
I -> C | CI
C -> a | b | ... | y | z
L -> D | DL
D -> 0 | 1 | ... | 8 | 9

An example session might look like this:

String read from file: a=a+b-c*d

The string "a=a+b-c*d" is in the language.

String read from file: a=a**b++c

The string "a=a**b++c" is not in the language.

Java Code: /**

* The Grammar
* A -> I = E | E
*E -> T + E | T - E | T
*T -> F * T | F / T | F
*F -> P ^ F | P
*P -> I | L | UI | UL | (A)
*U -> + | - | !


My current output looks like this:

Java Code: The string read from file: a=a+b-c*d

The string "" is not in the language. mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

So it seems to be reading the input file correctly. My error seems to be on this part

Java Code: s = args.length == 1 ? args[0] : ""; mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

When I put the string in that line such as: s = args.length == 1 ? args[0] : "a=a+b-c*d";

My output is:

Java Code: The string read from file: a=a+b-c*d

The string "a=a+b-c*d" is in the language. mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

How can I go about it reading the string from the input file though?

Also, I am not too sure my boolean functions for P, I and, L are correct. Mainly when two terms are together (UI, UL, CI, DL).

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Reading Content From FTP File?

Jan 27, 2013

I am trying to read a content of file downloaded from ftp and return it as a String. This is what I use:

Java Code:

public class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException{
FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient();


The code does not work, although all the links are correct.

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Reading From A File - While Loop

Oct 22, 2014

I have to read from a file that is formatted like that :

.. etc

could be more than one line of friends, which where I have my problem. I can't get it to check if after the friend name the word "END"

I have tried to write a while loop inside the main while loop but it didn't work, and now I have tried to check that in a separate function which it also failed, thats my two while loops

BufferedReader br = null;
FileReader fr = null;
int getLine = 0;
try {
String line;
fr = new FileReader(fileName);
br = new BufferedReader(fr);

[Code] .....

Most of the time I got nullPointerException or missed up order for printing the file !!

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File Reading / Writing

Sep 9, 2014

I've looked at multiple sources and everyone is saying different stuff. Which one should I be using? FileWriter/FileReader, other people was saying PrintWriter, and one even said : "Formatter" which is the one I'm doubting mostly. My purposes for writing files is for like saving maps, saving high scores, etc.

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Not Reading Entire File

Mar 29, 2014

I'm new to Java and have not been able to figure this out. I'm reading a text file that contains this:

110001 commercial 500000.00 101
110223 residential 100000.00 101
110020 commercial 1000000.00 107
110333 land 30000.00 105
110442 farm 200000.00 106
110421 land 40000.00 107
112352 residential 250000.00 110

The output goes to a text file and should look like this:



101 600000.00
105 30000.00
106 200000.00
107 1040000.00
110 250000.00

I'm creating the output file, but it only contains the categories and not the details below them. Cant seem to figure out why.

Java Code:

package propertylistings;

[Code] ....

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Reading From A Txt File Using A Loop

Oct 6, 2014

I am trying to read from a text file that has that contains a list of stock tickers and pairs letting the user choose a ticker and provide analysis of stock. Given a ticker from the user provide

1) the max price, the min price and the avg price of the stock from all lines in the file.
2)Additionally the user should be able to find the stock with the highes price as well as the lowest price in the list.
3)lastly the user should be able to specify a different filename for the stock file.

Im trying to do part 1 and I am having trouble trying to read the whole text file and outputting the stock price with the max,min and avg. Am I heading towards the right track at least? Keep in mind I have just attempted trying to read the text file I have and not tried to find the max or min or avg Right now my code is crashing when I enter the stock ticker that is my primary concern.

package hw01b;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Hw01b
static Scanner in = new Scanner(;
static Scanner console = new Scanner(;

[Code] .....

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Reading The Name Of The File From The Keyboard

Feb 20, 2014

Write a program that extracts words from a file. For the purposes of this program, a word is defined as a series of adjacent letters. Only print words that are at least four and no more than 12 letters long. Print each word on a different line.

The program should read the name of the file from the keyboard.

************************************************** ************************************************** **************

I need to get the filename from the user for this particular program. Usually I would have the name of the file prewritten into the source code like this....

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("gettsy_burg.txt");

I tried different ways but I just can't seem to figure it out.... I guess what I'm really asking is how to rearrange Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("gettsy_burg.txt"); since I want the user to input the filename instead of the filename being prewritten by the programmer(me).

This is what I have so far to let the user for input....

Scanner keys = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the filename: ");
String fileName = keys.nextLine();
keys = new Scanner(new File(fileName));

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Reading Text File

Feb 28, 2014

I'm trying to read a .txt file and put each line in a array of strings but it's not working! What is wrong with this code?He stops in "while" loop.

import java.lang.Character;
import java.lang.String;


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Reading Name Of File From Keyboard

Feb 20, 2014

Write a program that extracts words from a file. For the purposes of this program, a word is defined as a series of adjacent letters. Only print words that are at least four and no more than 12 letters long. Print each word on a different line.

The program should read the name of the file from the keyboard.

************************************************** ************************************************** **************

I need to get the filename from the user for this particular program. Usually I would have the name of the file prewritten into the source code like this....

Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("gettsy_burg.txt");

I tried different ways but I just can't seem to figure it out....

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Reading And Writing To A File

Jan 10, 2014

I have accountsData.txt file in my default package, this is the file it should be writing to and reading from.

There is an ATM class, which has the main in it. From here the program is supposed to work like an atm, you type in your account number and can withdraw or deposit. It is supposed to then write the changes to the file.

//Read from a file.
public void loadAccounts(String inputFileName) throws IOException
Scanner fin = new Scanner(new File(inputFileName));
// Variables to store the values.[/color]
int account = 0;
double balance = 0.0;

[Code] .....

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Reading Off A Text File

Apr 26, 2010

What I am trying to use this code for is to scan the files for a match that was typed with the corresponding name. here is what i have:

import java.util.Scanner;


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Reading A File And Methods

Mar 18, 2015

package project3;
import java.util.Scanner;

method countMail!! Also the text file you are reading from is attached as ampo_uumail.txt and i also have a picture of the output.

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