Relate Fraction Objects With Read / Write Methods Used In Binary I/O

Apr 25, 2014

We're learning how to use Binary I/O commands...which equates to....

My issue is trying to relate the Fraction objects (which we are to create using a loop) with the read/write methods used in Binary I/O (input/output streams). I left a blank after the output.write(), so you can see where the issue exist.

Java Code:

public class FractionTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [] fraction = new int[3];
for(int i = 0; i <= fraction.length; i++){
Fraction numbers = new Fraction();

[Code] ....

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Creating Methods Using Arrays - Fraction Class

Sep 27, 2014

I am trying to get the average of 3 different fraction arrays. I made a fraction class and I made methods such as read() and average() in this new class.

package fractions;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class FractionArrays {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Fraction completeFraction = new Fraction(5,6);

[Code] ....

I was wondering if there was any way to use the arrays I created in the read method in the average method. If I find that out I should be able to do it on my own. Is there a way to make the arrays public to use in different methods?

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How To Write Binary Search Iteratively

Apr 11, 2015

I am writing binary search method. I don't want to use recursive way, I want to write this method iteratively

Java Code:

public boolean binarySearch(int[] T, int min, int max, int target)
int mid=(min+max)/2;
boolean found = false;
int index=0;
while (!found && T.length <= 0 )
if (target == mid)
found = true;

[Code] ....

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Write A Program For Converting Positive Binary Inputs Into Hex

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to write a program for converting positive binary inputs into hex.Why am i getting this errors while compiling my binary to hex converter..

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "148.0"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(Num
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(
at BinToHex.convertbintohex(
at Test.main(

Here is my BinToHex class

public class BinToHex {
double tempDec,fractionpart;
long longofintpart,templongDec;
String inpu ="1001.01";
String hexOutput,intpart,tempDecString,hex = null;


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I/O / Streams :: How To Read In A Binary File Correctly

Nov 8, 2014

I have a binary file that has identifiers for the start of each record

You can see here that the record starts with 00 00 and the next record starts with 00 00 etc...

How do I read between these two points throughout the file?

RandomAccessFile database = new RandomAccessFile(databasePath, "r");
int start = 0;
int end = 0;

The first start would be the start of the file, the next start would be the end of the first start and so on..

I'm just not sure how to put that into a loop.

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Read Binary Unix File With Java?

Jan 24, 2014

I have a unix program that simulates an accident evolving as a function of time and produces two files. I will focus on the first file before getting to the second. This first file has five output variables/vectors (velocity vs time, pressure vs time, etc), which are selected as part of the simulation input. These are the variables I have to put into Excel if I want to view the transient graphically. Where it gets tedious is that, if I want to view a different set of five variables, I have to rerun, extract, put these in Excel to plot. There can be lots of variables needed to properly characterize the accident.

The second file produced is a really large binary file. This file contains all the information that I'd need, precluding the need to rerun to view a different set of output variables. This is the file that seems tailor-made for a Java or something to be able to extract the information. That is, it seems like Java could be used to do this work: extract variable information from the large binary file. Eventually, I would like to plot it too and I know I could use Java there.

I think my steps are:

1) understand the format of my binary file
2) reconfigure the binary file for use with java (is this demuxing?)
3) learn java programming for this application: extracting information to produce something like a .csv file with time on the leftmost column and variable information populating the rest of the columns.

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How To Relate A Progressbar To A Method In JFrame

May 2, 2014

JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar();
progressBar.setBounds(135, 115, 462, 40);

how do I call a method (in another class) so that the progress bar changes when buttons are pressed?

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How To Implement Collections Binary Search Method On ArrayList Of Custom Objects

May 11, 2012

I'm doubted regarding the implementation of Collections.binarySearch() method on an ArrayList of objects of a custom class Movie.

Here is the movie class :

public class Movie implements Comparable<Movie> {
String movieName;
String rating;
String director;
String theme;

[Code] .....

The sort/binarySearch in searchByMovieName function is done with natural sorting (and Comparable Interface in Movie class). I mean no comparators involved here. And the comparator that I used for sorting/binarySearching on Movies Director attribute in searchByMovieDirector function is :

public class MovieDirectorComparator implements Comparator<Movie> {
public int compare(Movie movie1, Movie movie2) {
return movie1.getDirector().compareToIgnoreCase(movie2.getDirector());

But I was not able to implement binarySearch ?? How to implement the binarySearch here. I have google to see only binarySearch working on Arrays or probably ArrayList of String only, but not on ArrayList of custom objects.

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Read / Write Int Property

Feb 4, 2014

I am trying to do a read/write int property called currentQuestionIndex. This property is the index of the question currently selected, and the value of the property is 0 when a DrivingTest object is first created. I dont understand how to do this. I am not sure how to get the index of the current question. i was trying to use an iterator but i dont think i was doin it right. My question class that hold all my data
package cs320Labs.servlet;
 public class Question {
String description;
String answerA;
String answerB;
String answerC;
int correctAnswer;

[Code] ....

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Read Or Write In USB Using Java

Sep 30, 2014

How can i use java for usb device? I want to read or write in a usb device in java. I've looked for in the web and i didn't find anything!

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Creating Objects From Methods?

Mar 20, 2014

public class demo
Public class static void main(String[]args) {
//Creating a variable that will be a reference to the object
Peoples person_one;

[Code] ....

I have assembled this code below that has a void method which will creat a new object. Problem I encounter is that in


the person_one has an error saying not initialized. I'm jus trying to learn on my own ways here and practice so may know what's wrong with this? I know I can use a return object from methods but what about this approach?

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Creating New Objects Within Methods?

Sep 14, 2014

I want to make a program where users are prompted to enter a username and a password and have these two values create a new instance of the Object User. But I'm not sure where to start.

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {

[Code] ....

how to take username + password and put it into an object.

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Best Way To Read / Write Files In Java?

Mar 31, 2014

I have seen different methods of creating and reading files (specifically text files) in Java. The PrintWriter method or the Formatter with a Scanner to read the file, using a BufferedWriter with a BufferedReader, etc. They will all read/write text files, but from what I understand they do so in different ways. When would it be more beneficial to use a buffered writer than, say, PrintWriter, which is much simpler code-wise? Is there a "best" way to handle i/o in general in Java?

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Read / Write From Specific Line

Mar 17, 2014

I have a question for the read and write method in file.In my code for writing i m using PrintWriter and for reading Scanner.So i m saving data to file and when is need it i m reading from the file.but i also have to delete specific data from it.Is there a way to delete a specific line from the file?When i google my problem i found that is better to save your data to temporary file and then to the final.

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Read And Write Json To / From A File

Jun 4, 2014

I want to read and write json to/from a file. I read the following document:

JsonReader (Java(TM) EE 7 Specification APIs)

I try to define a JsonReader object in Eclipse:

JsonReader jr

But there appears to be no import for it. Where I am supposed to get the Json library?

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GUI Program - Read And Write To File

Oct 17, 2014

I'm rather new to programming and I'm trying to make a gui program that will allow the user to create text files. They will be prompted to enter what they'd like to save their file as and then they will be allowed to input text to that file . They will also be allowed to open their files to modify or view its contents. So to start things off, I'm making a prototype if you will.. I've been able to save to a file the problem occurs when I try to read/display it.

Main Class:

public class MainActivity {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Access to other classes
WriteFile writer = new WriteFile();
ReadFile reader = new ReadFile();

[Code] ....

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Read And Write To USB Device

Apr 15, 2015

To read or write to a USB device must use an external library?
Such as this?  usb4java - About

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Read XML Files And Write To TXT File

Jul 25, 2013

My background is mainframe and i'm new to java. We're moving from mainframe to the java world and I'm trying to achieve a task. I have a main folder and then bunch of sub folders and each sub folder has bunch of xml files, files size are varies some of them are 900kb. I need to read these xml files and send the output to the txt file (comma separated).

Some possible options or sample example... Please find below the sample xml file. I need to extract information's only where
FORM name="F00001".
   <FORM name="F00001" sequence="0">
      <FIELD sequence="1">02</FIELD>
      <FIELD sequence="2">00000</FIELD>
      <FIELD sequence="3">CAB100</FIELD>
      <FIELD sequence="4">TEFAP001</FIELD>
      <FIELD sequence="5">EMPTY FIELD</FIELD>
      <FIELD sequence="6">009.999.989</FIELD>

[Code] .....

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How To Write Test Cases For Void Methods

Mar 19, 2014

I'm trying to write test cases for void methods. Here is my sample code

public void objIntoFile() throws Exception {
file = new File("D:ExtractingDBexport.txt");
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));

[Code] .....

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How To Write Driver Class To Test Methods

Apr 13, 2015

I am to create a Array class then create a Driver class (TestArray) to test all the methods in the Array Class. Here's the code i've written for the Array Class. I just nee developing the TestArray class.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Array
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
private double[] array = new double[];
public void setArray(double[] arr) {

[Code] ...

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Calling Methods And Instantiating Objects

Dec 14, 2014

I have two classes, MonsterGame (shown below) and Monster. Monster has a public accessor method to get it's private character variable, which represents the first character of the name of the Monster in question.

I'm just a bit confused as to why am I unable to cycle through the array of Monsters I have in the MonsterGame class and call

m.getCharacter(); (pretty much the last line of code)
public class MonsterGame{

private static final char EMPTY_SQUARE = ' ';
private char[][] gameBoard = new char[10][10];
private Monster[] monsters = new Monster[4];
private int maxXBoardSize = gameBoard.length -1;
private int maxYBoardSize = gameBoard[0].length -1;

[Code] ....

I understand that there need to be instances of objects to call methods, but is that not the case here? the Monster objects are have already been created, no? Do I need to create an index for the array? is the for loop not enough?

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Write And Read Via ArrayList With Text File?

Feb 6, 2015

I wanna learn to create a method where I use a scanner or any other way to input.The stuffs I input will be strings. The whole thing will be like a destination creator.So if I input the string USA, it will write this to a file:


When I go to the method again the ID will be added so if I input UK, the file will contain:


Now if I terminate the program, next time when I run it again it will be able to read the ArrayList, so if I wanna go to the method again and write: Norway the file will contain:


Later I also want to be able to use println to show all of these lines from the file, as well I would like to be able to delete an ID, so if I delete ID 2 the file would contain:


I'm quite new to Java, I'm in a Java course since soon 3 weeks back and I have sure learned a lot, all the loops and basic statements that exist in most languages, but now when it comes to this I just don't understand.

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Read Three Files Using MultiThreading And Write Into A New File

Apr 21, 2014

I got a question in my last interview, its all about multithreading, interviewer asked me to write a program, to write the contents of three files(F1,F2,F3) in to a new File F4, using multithreading , first thread should read the first file and second thread should read second file, so the File F4 should contain F1's contents in first then F2's contents after that etc. I tried to give my best shot, but i couldn't get a way to ensure that the first thread is reading the first file and write to F4 then second thread reading the second file and writing once first file is written completely into F4 and so on to do this?

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Read Excel File - Write To Wordpress

Jan 10, 2014

What i basically do is that i read the information of what course that needs to be updated with a new course date and then i log into the wordpress page and navigate to the course and add the date.

I need the java program to be able to do these following actions.

1. Open a webpage

2. write to a form

3. click a button

4. search for a text on screen

5. click on a specific place on the screen/click on a link

6. read from an excel file.

and so on...

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Using Task And Service To Read From And Write To GUI

Aug 8, 2014

I have a database of 100,000 research articles, all as full text. From a GUI I'm building ( w. Scene Builder and NetBeans) I would like to enter a journal name and have some of the articles read into memory, in a background thread.  Then I would analyze them, also in a background thread.  Then I would write various results, e.g., lists of authors or titles, wordlists, to the GUI for examination by a user. 

How to create background threads from my model that will read from and write to a GUI using Tasks and/or Services.

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Use TextIO Methods To Read File

Dec 2, 2014

For the unit 3 assignment, you must develop a program. that reads the file icecream.dat. This file is supplied in the Files for Unit 3 Assignment directory in Unit 3. You must use TextIO methods to read the file. As you read the file, count the total number of ice cream cones that were sold. (This is the same as the number of lines that you read from the file.) Also count the total number of "Strawberry" cones that were sold.

At the end of the program, print out the total number of cones, the number of Strawberry cones, and the percentage of cones that were Strawberry.To do this program, you have to know when to stop reading from the file. TextIO has a function named TextIO.eof() to check whether the entire file has been read. The value of this function is true if the entire file has been read. The value is false if there is more data in the file. You want to continue reading from the file as long as TextIO.eof() is false.

Note: Suppose that flavor is a variable of type String and you want to test whether its value is "Strawberry". To do this, test whether flavor.equals("Strawberry"). (Do not use == to test for equality of Strings.)

Each line of the file icecream.dat is an ice cream flavor such as "Vanilla" or "Strawberry." A line represents the sale of one ice cream cone of the given flavor.

You must complete your program, test, debug, and execute it. You must submit your java code file. The output of your program must be captured by either copying the content in the output window and pasting it into a text document that you submit along with your java code file, or by capturing the image of the screen which contains the output of your java program. In windows you can capture a screen shot with the Ctrl Alt and Print Screen key sequence. This image can then be pasted into a Word, WordPad, or OpenOffice document which can be submitted with your assignment.

For students using the programr service online. Make sure that you create both the and the icecream.dat files as java project files. I found it was easier to rename icecream.dat to icecream.txt for some reason. For students using Netbeans, use the same set of rules that were defined in Unit 2 to setup your project and incude the file as we did in unit 2. Also make sure that you copy the icecream.dat file into your project directory so that it can be found by your java program.

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