Remove Icon On Jdialog Which Has Owner?

May 21, 2013

JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JDilaog dialog = new JDialg(frame, "dialog" , true);

so the dialog has its owner frame, which is neccessary but i want the dialog has another icon ,or remove the icon on the dialog how may i do ?

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Heap Dump Generated With Read-write Permissions For Java Process Owner

Apr 14, 2014

I have a question regarding the permissions set for generated heap dumps.
I have some Jetty servers running on Linux (Java 6 64 bit / Java 7 64 bit) with the following Java arguments:
When there is a out-of-memory exception a heap dump is automatically generated by the JVM. But it seems that the heap dump permisions are set to read-write for owner only (600).

When I create files then they have by default read-write for owner and group/all read access (644).
$ ls -l
total 795432
-rw------- 1 bamboop bamboo 811322265 Apr 14 09:18 java_pid337.hprof
-rw-r--r-- 1 bamboop bamboo         6 Apr 14 12:57 test
Here the umask set for the server running the Java processes
$ umask 

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Create JDialog Showing Database?

Jan 30, 2015

We are asked to create a JDialog showing our database. I am able to show the database but i can't seem to position the heading panel, table and back button. My back button is also not showing up. Here is part of my code...

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.sql.*;
import javax.swing.*;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Return 2 Values For A JDialog

May 10, 2014

All the samples I found use JOptionPane to return a single value. I am looking to return two values from two Text fields.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: JDialog Close Operation

Mar 4, 2011

how the entire application could be close when you click on X in a JDialog Box. I have tried

System.Exit (0)

but it only close the Dialog box

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JDialog - How To Position Two Lables Replace Each Other

Jul 14, 2014

This is my code:

JDialog dialog = new JDialog();
dialog.setSize(400, 150);
dialog.setTitle("Input dialog");
dialog.add( new JLabel("simtime(min)") );
dialog.add( new JLabel("interval(sec)") );

The problem is that the two lables replace each other.How to position them where we want?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Allow JDialog To Resize Larger But Not Smaller

May 16, 2014

Lets say the JDialog opens 5x5. The user is allowed to modify its size to be any size larger than 5x5 but is not allowed to make it smaller. Is there such a property or will this have to be regulated via code?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Program Doesn't Close Through JDialog Box

Mar 30, 2014

I have a practice exercise here wherein I will add a JOptionPane to a program. When the close button is clicked, the JOptionPane will appear asking the user to exit the program. If the user clicks "Yes," it'll, of course, close the entire program and not just the JOptionPane, but if the user clicks "No," it will return to the program. Please refer to my code below:

output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("ProjSixExe4.dat"));
catch(IOException ex) {
this.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(this, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING))
final JOptionPane optionpane = new JOptionPane("Are you sure you want to quit
this program?", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

The exercise said it must be placed before the EXIT_ON_CLOSE portion.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Refresh JFrame When Close JDialog

Jun 5, 2014

I have JFrame and when I click a button which is in frame JDialog is opened. Now,how can I refresh JFrame when close JDoalog?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Have JDialog Dispose When Focus Is Lost?

Jan 21, 2014

This code will not dismiss the MemoryDateDialog when it loses focus, while it is what it is intended to do.

btnMemoryReason.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
List<MemoryDates> lMemoryDates = db.getMemoryDates(custID);
final MemoryDateDialog mdd = new MemoryDateDialog(lMemoryDates);

[URL] .....

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Closing JDialog Window When Press A JButton

Apr 11, 2015

I show a JDialog window and this window has 3 buttons when I press one of them it should close the window, how do I do that?

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JDialog - Assigning ActionListener To Buttons And Fields

Apr 27, 2014

I have a program that using one JFrame which opens one of two JDialog windows depending on which button is pressed.

How do I assign listeners to the buttons and fields on the JDialog window? I added listeners on the View end, but how do I process them? I tried adding the '..implements ActionListener" class in the main Controller but it does not recognize/hear anything.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Put A JButton At Lower Right Corner Of JDialog With MigLayout

Jan 26, 2014

With the MigLayout for Swing, I'd like to see the JDialog looking like the standard windows Dialog,where to have the OK and cancel buttons at the lower right corner.

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Set Icon Of File Depending On What Is In It - Like PNG

Feb 15, 2014

So I'm in the middle of creating a model program with voxels. I want to be able to see how the model looks like when I'm in for example my documents (not inside the real program). I want it to show an image of the model, just like a png file shows its image. I've tried looking around, but I've only found threads about changing exe files icon.

Image example:

So, is this possible in Java or do I need to use c/c++ (with JNA) to make this possible?

Or is it not possible at all?

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How To Resize Icon Of Button

Jan 30, 2015

So I have got a button and there is this property assigned to it:

button.setIcon(new ImageIcon("srcimage.jpg"));

The icon is not displayed in full, as it is larger than the button. What property can I use to resize the icon? I have tried few and it did not work.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Setting Icon On JButton

Feb 23, 2014

Recently I have been working on an executable launcher. I tried to get the executable icons and set them on the JButtons. Still there are some problems. Here is a part of the code:

try {
button[i].setIcon(FileSystemView.getFileSystemView().getSystemIcon(new File(getConfig("path." + (i+1)))));
catch (NullPointerException ex) {

Here the getConfig() method is already defined to get a string in a "properties" file. However, the icons are very small and they don't fill the entire button.

How can the icon fill the entire button (for example, having a custom size of 48x48, or automatically filled the button)? The frame will not be resized.

Here is the whole code...

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;

[Code] ....

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: How To Resize Image Icon

Aug 15, 2001

Any way to resize an ImageIcon when placing it on a Button so that I don't have to physically rezize the image file?? I am writing an Application, not an applet, so the getImage method won't work.

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Java GUI Displaying Image Icon

Dec 2, 2014

how to display a jpg image on a through a Jlabel. I am sure it is a simple error but I am still new to GUI's. line 31 to 35 you can see the ImageIcon and file wrapped in the JLabel. I verified its in the correct location and file name, but usually fails (i thought) when it is not correct.

Java Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;


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How To Change Jar File Icon With Image

Sep 8, 2014

how to change my jar file's icon with an image?

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Change Jbutton Icon When Clicked

Oct 20, 2014

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
[Code] .....

I want the Jbutton Button1 icon to change when i click it howerer i am getting the error can not find symbol for the code in the actionPerformrd method.

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JTree Branch Icon Rendering

Nov 12, 2014

I have a problem I must solve and could not find an answer after a couple weeks of research, so here I am. I have created a custom Table Cell Renderer than extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer. The mission of this renderer is to set the branch icons depending on conditional statements. There are 3 conditions, and each one should render a different icon. These conditions must be tested against all branches in the tree. This means that using something like setOpenIcon() and setClosedIcon() will not work since it seems as though these methods set all branches to a specific icon (I could be wrong about that though). Below is the code for my custom. I made comments so it is easier to understand what I want to happen and what is not happening.

/**Custom Cell Render that will set the icons for the tree branches and the leafs*/
private TreeIconCellRenderer extends DefaultTreeCellRenderer{
public Component.getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree tree, Object value,boolean selected,boolean expanded, boolean leaf, boolean row, boolean hasFocus){
//Get defaults in case there is no need to renderer

[Code] ...

What I really need to know is why the renderer is not differentiating between the leaves and branches. The logging statements I have added confirm that the branch block of code does not execute.

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Why Won't JLabel Show Image Icon

Feb 12, 2015

Why the label wont show the file. The file is located within the project.

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Where To Get Archive For All Kind Of GIF Icon

Apr 27, 2014

Need to know where can I get archive for all kind of .gif icon.

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Matrix Icon / Button Movement

Apr 30, 2015

I'm working on making a game in JAVA. To be brief, the game is on a 6x6 matrix called "blocks[][]". The game has two players and the objective is to capture the enemies pieces by moving your piece onto there's. The players do this by moving one piece per turn either forward/backward (Vertically) or right/left (horizontal) movements. Essentially checkers without jumps.I'm not very far into the development process here. So far I have the game board created and the pieces load by clicking the "Start" button (handled by the refresh function). However I'm having a few problems... Namely moving the pieces effectively at the moment.

Right now there's a lot to do:

(1) - Implement a turn system,
(2) - Only allow a player to click their pieces (I've a validation function already in place to only permit valid moves [horizontal/vertical only]),
(3) - getting the pieces to actually "move" what I mean by this is a player selects the piece they want to move, then they select the spot they want to move to and the icon I have placed on the button is supposed to be added to the new square and the icon for its previous position is to be made null.

Please see the "actionPerformed" section to see exactly what I'm trying to do and hopefully as well see what I'm missing as to why it is not working at the moment... Also see under the Refresh function where I commented out the for loops to add the pieces. I did this because it was resulting in an ArrayOutofBounds error so I just wrote each spot out manually where I wanted them to start.

/* Ghosts *
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.border.*;


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Setting Image Icon And Closing Up A Game

Jan 23, 2014

I recently made a game. But, I want to package it and give it to my friends. I know that I can create a jar of it and add the images to the folder, but what I would absolutely love is for it to just be a picture with the game name and click to run. The second thing is to replace that java icon to an icon of my preference, which I have been told numerous times to do with

frame.setIconImage(Image image)

which does not work for me.

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Launching In Eclipse To Launch From Desktop Icon?

Feb 24, 2014

how do you get from launching some java code in eclipse to launching a java program from your desktop.Does one somehow wrap the code in C+ to make it a .exe? take for example Mine-Craft.Its build in Java however launches as a .exe.

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