Store The Image Into Database In Netbeans?

Jan 28, 2014

I have a image package consisting of images and they are displayed in a jlabel.I used the code below for that

private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
Image im=new ImageIcon(this.getClass()
.getResource("/images/" + imageNames[index])).getImage();
ImageIcon iconLogo = new ImageIcon(im);

Now I want to store the image displayed in the jlabel into the database(oracle).From the above code I dont know how to get the absolute path of the images.

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JSP :: Store A File / Image Into Oracle Database And Display On Browser?

Nov 2, 2014

I want to store an image/file into oracle database using jsp.

I have written code to store data when am running in my machine it is working fine, but not working in server throwing an error saying that "The system cannot find the file specified."

I am attaching the code what am written.

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Create A Grocery Store Calculator In Netbeans GUI

Nov 7, 2014

I need to create a grocery store calculator in Netbeans GUI. It should function as follows:

1. Click "Checkout"
2. Enter item price screen pops up.
3. Input item price, and store price in Item price, subtotal and display in those text fields. Also store item number in number of items and display in text field, all after you click "Ok".
4. Enter item price screen should automatically pop back up. (Loop)
5. Once you are finished with all items, when you click "Ok" or "Cancel" with nothing in the text field. It should calculate sales tax/ total sale and display both.
6. Rest button should reset to the beginning and Exit button should exit program.

GUI 1.jpgGUI 2.jpg

The good news is my program works right now. Although I do not believe I am using the setter/getter methods correctly. More importantly I do not fully understand them. I left out the Generated code due to the length.

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class Assignment4 extends javax.swing.JFrame {
NumberFormat nF = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
private Object JoptionPane;
private double purchase; //private instance variables
private int numItems; //private instance variables


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JSP :: String URL For Image In Database And Show Image In File

Dec 24, 2014

I had string url for image in mysql database and I want show image in mu jsp file bu I can't.

<c:forEach var="urun" items="${listUrun.rows}">
<td><c:out value="${urun.kitapresim}" /></td>
<img src="<c:url value="${urun.kitapresim}" /> " width="270" height="190"/>


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How To Add Database To NetBeans Project When Making Setup

Aug 21, 2014

I have completed an assignment for my university in which I had to make a Java NetBeans project. My project is now completed but now I have to make a setup of my NetBeans project and give the university the setup file, only.

My question is, the software I made has a database attached to it, meaning the purpose of the software is to be used with the database. Values must be saved in the database, deleted from the database etc.. I have used MySQL database connections with the JDBC driver

I have used exe4j to make the .exe file and Setup Factory to make the exe file and setup file respectively. Once I make the setup and run the setup, the application works, ON MY COMPUTER. The computer which made the software. But once I take it to a computer in which MySQL was not installed, the setup installed, but the software did not work.

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How To Store Parse Tree In Database

Jan 23, 2014

I am new to java. is there any possibility to store parse tree in database such as mqsql, oracle, etc. My requirement is [URL] ..... I found some code about generating parse tree. my next step is store that tree in database.

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How To Get Pixel Values Of Image And Store It Into Array

Nov 13, 2014

So i wanted to try something new like find an image within an image. So for my "find" method I would like to take an image and use it to scan and compare sum of absolute differences with the bigger image. So that the smallest SAD would be the exact image that I am using to scan. What I am thinking is to put each pixel value of both images into two separate arrays and compare them via Math.abs(image1[i][j]-image2[i][j]); . My only problem is that I do not know how to put each pixel value into an array.

Also, If I only want to compare just the green in the picture. I saw that the Pixel class has a getGreen(); method. If I want to find the SAD of the green, would Math.abs(image1.getGreen()-image2.getGreen()); work? I was planning to have 2 nested loops running through each column and row for each image and just find the SAD of the green value.

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JDBC :: How To Add Database To NetBeans Project When Making Setup

Aug 21, 2014

I have completed an assignment for my university in which I had to make a Java NetBeans project. My project is now completed but now I have to make a setup of my NetBeans project and give the university the setup file, only.

My question is, the software I made has a database attached to it, meaning the purpose of the software is to be used with the database. Values must be saved in the database, deleted from the database etc.. I have used MySQL database connections with the JDBC driver

I have used exe4j to make the .exe file and Setup Factory to make the exe file and setup file respectively. Once I make the setup and run the setup, the application works, ON MY COMPUTER. The computer which made the software. But once I take it to a computer in which MySQL was not installed, the setup installed, but the software did not work.

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JSP :: Store Selected Value From Dropdown List To Database?

Apr 6, 2014

I want to store the selected value from drop down list to mysql database...what should I do?

I have written the following code

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<%ResultSet resultset =null;%>
<TITLE>Assessment Questionnaire</TITLE>
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/city?user=root&password=");


what should i do to store the value selected from dropdown list...I have multiple dropdown list on a single page..

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JSP :: How To Read Contents Of Resume And Store In Database

Jul 23, 2014

Am doing a JSP project for maintaining the details of the interview candidates so now I want to know "How to read the contents of the resume and store in the database"

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Servlets :: How To Store List Of Data Of A Database In ServletContext

Feb 5, 2014

i am newbie to servlet and m working on a project like online shopping. I have list of data items in my database and i am able to fetch and display the data from database but i want to know that how can i store these data items in ServletContext so that i can use use it frequently in other pages.

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Web Application Which Takes In Data From Form And Store In Database

Jan 1, 2015

I am trying to develop a new web application which takes in data from a form and stores data in a database.I have included all the three files join.jsp(the form which takes in data), and JavaConncetDb(method which connects db and servlet). I get a 404 error when i try load the web application.

My file structure in eclipse

The error I am getting

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

[Code] .....

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Creating Feedback Form In JSP Which Will Store Data In Database Directly

Dec 24, 2014

I want to create few forms in our project. I searched in web, All are PHP form Generator only not for any JSP. I could see one JSP form Generator Site. But the Content will store it in their Server. How to create Feedback form in JSP which will store the Data in Database directly.

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Add Image To Database Using Java

Mar 17, 2014

I want to add this image to database how can i do.

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JSP / JSTL :: Image Gallery From Images In Database

Oct 30, 2012

I am developing image gallery from images stored in oracle database.

I am using JQuery ColorBox plugin [URL] ..... and I need to specify image in href for plugin.

My JSP page [URL] .... fetch image from database and show.

I can see image in browser when I run [URL] ......

But following not working when JSP page specify in href.

<h2>No Transition + fixed width and height (75% of screen size)</h2>

class="group3" href="http://localhost:8080/gallery/show_image.jsp?id=1">Grouped Photo 1</ a>
class="group3" href="http://localhost:8080/gallery/show_image.jsp?id=2">Grouped Photo 2</ a>
class="group3" href="http://localhost:8080/gallery/show_image.jsp?id=3">Grouped Photo 3</ a>
class="group3" href="http://localhost:8080/gallery/show_image.jsp?id=4">Grouped Photo 1</ a>
class="group3" href="http://localhost:8080/gallery/show_image.jsp?id=5">Grouped Photo 2</ a>
class="group3" href="http://localhost:8080/gallery/show_image.jsp?id=6">Grouped Photo 3</ a>
class="group3" href="http://localhost:8080/gallery/show_image.jsp?id=7">Grouped Photo 3</ a>

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JSP / JSTL :: Image Resize Stored In Database (ORD Format)

Dec 26, 2012

I am using Oracle Database. My images are stored in database in ORD Image format.

ORD Image = > [URL] .....

I am fetching image and displaying in JSP.

I want to resize image stored in database.

I found Java Advanced Imgaing API and Looking for JSP implementation example.

[URL] ....

OrdHttpUploadFile uploadPhoto = null;
OracleResultSet ors=null;      
OracleCallableStatement ocstmt = null;
OrdImage ordImage=null;
OrdImage image=null;

[Code] ....

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Write Image File From Database To Disk By Using Queue?

Jan 29, 2015

I want to write the image file from a database to disk by using a queue. I can write these images on disk from the result set. I am wrong in the following code? I get: "trying to write to disk: Closed Connection"

public class ExtractPicture implements Runnable{
 private BlockingQueue<InputStreamMessage> queue;
public ExtractPicture(BlockingQueue<InputStreamMessage> queue){


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Download Image (stored As Blob) From Database To Client Machine?

Jul 2, 2014

We have web based application (Oracle DB, Weblogic middle tier) and a applet based application running on the browser.

We have a requirement to Load images from the database (stored as blob) to the client browser and the users can do the lookup on images when needed.

We need this to perform well, so there is no delay for the user experience. We have 2 options:

1. Load the images from the database to the Application Server and keep it. When the client request from the browser comes, download it from the application server.

2. Load the images (asynchronosly) when the user logs into the application and download them to the Client machine? Is this possible? Especially give that it is stored in the database as binary objects?
And then load for the user from the client box itself, upon request.

If 2nd option is possible, which once is recommended?

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Load Image From Database And Show In A Label (setting As Icon)

May 31, 2014

I've an image memorized into a databas in tinyblob form.

I call it in java in this mode:

Product p = new Product();

(p is a javabean, and imgByte is a byte format variable)

Once done that, what i've to do for show it into a swing label?

I've already setted an image retrieving it from an url in this mode

PHP Code: Image img = URL(a.getImmagine()));
Image resizedImage = img.getScaledInstance(imgContainer.getWidth(), imgContainer.getHeight(), Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
imgContainer.setIcon(new ImageIcon(resizedImage)); mh_sh_highlight_all('php');

But i don't know how to do the same thing with a byte format image inteasd of the url...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Image Manipulation - Create Application Where Image Is Displayed On One Label

Apr 7, 2014

Sir, I'am new to Swing Programming. I have to create an application where an image is displayed on one Label. The same image has to be split in parts and stored in database pert wise. Later the user has to retrieve the entire image by viewing a small part of the image. I have already displayed the full image on the Label, now i don't know how to split the image and store it part wise in the database.

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Retrieve Image From MySQL DB And Display In Jtable If Image Type Is Medium Blob Using Swings And Hibernate

Jan 5, 2015

I stored an image into MySQL database using swings and hibernate but I am struggling to retrieve that image from MySQL database and display same image in the jTable cell and same as on jLabel whatever I retrieve from the database using swings and hibernate .

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JButton Image Does Not Show On Background Image

Feb 23, 2014

I successfully added a background image on the Panel but I can't create my JButton image on top of my background image.

ImageIcon piano = new ImageIcon("src/img/piano_backgrd.png");
JLabel backlabel = new JLabel(piano);
panel.add(backlabel, new Integer(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
backlabel.setBounds(0, 0, piano.getIconWidth(), piano.getIconHeight()); 
JButton volup = new JButton(new ImageIcon("src/img/volup.png"));
volup.setLocation(10, 0);

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How To Turn Image Into Tiled Image

Nov 21, 2014

I'm trying to make a method that takes an image and turns it into a tile image. So if the original image looks like this:

[URL] ....

then the output image should look like this:

[URL] ....

Here's a method that's supposed to do that but for some reason the output image looks the same as the original:

public static int[][] tile(int[][] arr){
int[][] tile = new int[arr.length][arr[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
return tile;

I recently changed the method and the error message I'm getting is "bad operand types for binary operator '+'. Here's the method:

public static int[][] tile(int[][] arr){
int[][] tile = new int[arr.length][arr[0].length];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<arr[i].length;j++){
return tile;

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2D Array In NetBeans GUI

Aug 9, 2014

I am trying to create a program in NetBeans GUI builder and I am having trouble creating the 2D array. Here is what I have come up with so far:

private void enterButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
double time = 0;
time = Double.parseDouble(timeText.getText());

[Code] ....

Right now it is printing what i need but I need to separate columns, not rows.

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End Is Not Working In Netbeans

Jun 2, 2014

Currently the while near the end is not working in netbeans. It is saying illegal start of type. This whole section was working before when it was within the public static void method. I moved it to a separate class to try and clear up a, static variable problem. My question is can i fix it to keep it structured this way. Or do I have to put it back into the main method and try to work out the static variable problem a different way.

public class InventoryProgram {
double[] dvdprice; // defines variables
int[] dvdnum;
int[] dvdstock;
String[] dvdnames;
int count;
double total;


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How To Hide Image In Another Image

Mar 3, 2014

how to hide an image in another image in java

By using Steganography we can hide text in an image. But how it works for image.

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