Subtracting A Negative Fraction?

Mar 10, 2014

For some reason, I'm getting the correct result, but my negative sign is having issues. For example, if I do 1/4 - (-2/4), I get (-3/4).

Here is my minus method for subtracting fractions.

Subtracts a fraction from another fraction.
@param toUse, the fraction to subtract.
@return minusFraction, the result after subtraction.
public Fraction minus(Fraction toUse)

[Code] .....

Here is my reduce() method, just in case...

Reduces the fraction, if possible, to it's simplest form.
Converts negative fractions to the form -x/y, or if -x/-y --> x/y
private void reduce() {
int lowest = Math.abs(numerator);
int highest = Math.abs(denominator);


I only switched an operator from my previous addition method, given here as well. I think only switching the + to a - may have caused my issue.

Adds two fractions together.
@param toUse, the fraction to be added.
@return plusFraction, the sum of the two fractions.
public Fraction plus(Fraction toUse) {

[Code] .....

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Adding And Subtracting Positive Or Negative Two Numbers Of Any Length With Strings?

Feb 3, 2014

You are to design a Java application to carry out additions and subtractions for numbers of any length. A number is represented as an object which includes a sign and two strings for the whole and decimal parts of the number. And, the operations must be done by adding or subtracting characters directly. You are not allowed to convert these strings to numbers before the operation.

The program must use a "Number" class which includes at least the following methods:

Number ( );
Number (double n);
Number add (Number RHS);
Number subtract (Number RHS);
String toString ( );

This is what i have but it only adds positive numbers and it doesn't subtract problems like 7.05-8.96. Also some of it was what our teacher gave us like alignwhole method

import java.util.Scanner; 
public class Number{
private String whole;
private String decimal;
private String sign;
  public static void main (String[] args){
 System.out.println("Enter two numbers");


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Adding And Subtracting Positive Or Negative Two Numbers Of Any Length With Strings

Feb 5, 2014

You are to design a Java application to carry out additions and subtractions for numbers of any length. A number is represented as an object which includes a sign and two strings for the whole and decimal parts of the number. And, the operations must be done by adding or subtracting characters directly. You are not allowed to convert these strings to numbers before the operation.

The program must use a "Number" class which includes at least the following methods:

Number ( );
Number (double n);
Number add (Number RHS);
Number subtract (Number RHS);
String toString ( );

The below code is what our teacher gave us to start with, but it needs to add and subtract positive or negative numbers of any length. This code only adds positive numbers. Need to write code for subtraction .

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Number{
private String whole;
private String decimal;
private String sign;

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Fraction Class - Calculating Less Than Percentage GCD On Negative Numbers

Feb 15, 2014

I've been writing a fraction class code below that does a number of arithmetic calcs and when I run it these are the results I get. My gcd doesn't work when it comes to negative fractions and I'm not quite sure how to print.out the boolean methods ((greaterthan)), ((equals))and ((negative)). I'm also not sure if I have implemented those 3 methods properly. I'm still learning how to do unit testing.

Enter numerator; then denominator.
Enter numerator; then denominator.


import java.util.Scanner;
public class Fraction
private int numerator; //numerator
private int denominator; //denominator

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Subtracting Strings - Parsing Two Values To Ints

Nov 5, 2014

I have started learning Java and have some across some difficulties. I'm trying to subtract two strings.

for example, with these strings;"032"&&"100". I want to be able to subtract each number individually so that the answer would be "032". 0-1;3-0;2-0;. if i get a negative number, the number would be zero. hence, the 0-1 staying zero in the answer.

I have tried using substring, and parsing the two values to ints, but don't know what to do next. I have also tries using a for loop, to go through each arrays of the strings. I am not allowed to use StringBuilder and I need to return "032".

Here's what i've done so far:
public static String appliquerCoup( String combination, String coup ) {
String nouveauCoup=""; 
for(int i=0;i>combinaison.length();i++){

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Adding And Subtracting In Budget Program - Display Table Showing Transactions

Mar 15, 2014

Budget program. Here is my situation, I have 2 tabs in a GUI, one tab adds a transactions when the add button is clicked, and in the other tab displays a table showing all the transactions. In my code, I want it so that when the user chooses a deposit(combo box variable name = cbType, indexnumber for deposit is 0) it will add to the total and when the user chooses withdraw(index number is 1) then it will subtract it from the total. Here is the code.... (note as well, the code also adds a new row to the table)

//add button clicked
private class BtnAddActionListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
((DefaultTableModel)table.getModel()).addRow(new Object[]{
cbMonth.getSelectedItem() + "/" + txtDay.getText() + "/" + cbYear.getSelectedItem(),

[Code] .....

So when I tested the program with 2 transactions, the first transaction was a deposit and the 2nd transaction was a withdraw. The end product was that both amounts were subtracted from the total. When I did a withdraw first and a deposit second, the amounts were both added together.

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Changing Double To Fraction

Jan 6, 2015

I was wondering how you would change a double to a fraction.

For Example:
double x = .5

From this we know that the fraction is obviously 1/2 (simple form of course), but what are the steps necessary to convert the double to the fraction 1/2?

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Creating Methods Using Arrays - Fraction Class

Sep 27, 2014

I am trying to get the average of 3 different fraction arrays. I made a fraction class and I made methods such as read() and average() in this new class.

package fractions;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class FractionArrays {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Fraction completeFraction = new Fraction(5,6);

[Code] ....

I was wondering if there was any way to use the arrays I created in the read method in the average method. If I find that out I should be able to do it on my own. Is there a way to make the arrays public to use in different methods?

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Handling Fraction As Calculator In Specific Form?

Nov 6, 2014

I am supposed to make a code which can handle fractions as a calculator in the form of 1_1/2 + 1 = 2_1/2

This is what I've done so far and now im just lost.

Heres my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class FracCalc {
public static void main(String[] args ){
// read in the first expression

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Fraction Calculator Prints Correct Answer But Not In Decimal

Feb 23, 2015

package FracCalc;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class FracCalc {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int n1 = 0; //n1 = first numerator user have to enter
int d1 = 0; //d1 = first denominator user have to enter
int n2 = 0; //n2 = second numerator user have to enter
int d2 = 0; //d2 = second denominator user have to enter
int numeratorAnswer = 0; //calculates numerator of an equation
int denominatorAnswer = 0; //calculates denominator of an equation

I mean its not that important but i figure it will be better if I could print out the answer both in fraction format and decimal format. while my answer prints in fraction just fine how do i show it in decimal?

System.out.print("And ");
System.out.print("answer in Decimal is: ");
decimalAnswer = ((double)numeratorAnswer/denominatorAnswer);

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Java Fraction Calculation Compiles But Output Is Wrong

May 9, 2014

So all the errors in the code is fixed but its now got the wrong output

what I get:

Enter numerator; then denominator.
Enter numerator; then denominator.

it should be:

Enter numerator; then denominator.
Enter numerator; then denominator.
Sum: 82/80 1.025
Product: 20/80 0.25
Enter numerator; then denominator.
6 0

here is the code
public class Fraction { //declares that it's a class that can be intantiated
private int numer; // private intager for numerator
private int denom; // private intager for denominator

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Relate Fraction Objects With Read / Write Methods Used In Binary I/O

Apr 25, 2014

We're learning how to use Binary I/O commands...which equates to....

My issue is trying to relate the Fraction objects (which we are to create using a loop) with the read/write methods used in Binary I/O (input/output streams). I left a blank after the output.write(), so you can see where the issue exist.

Java Code:

public class FractionTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [] fraction = new int[3];
for(int i = 0; i <= fraction.length; i++){
Fraction numbers = new Fraction();

[Code] ....

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Can't Get Negative Values Working

Nov 11, 2014

when i input a positive integer it works but when i input a negative number it doesn't work

my pseudo code:

READ input
DECLARE array arr[input]
FOR(i=0 to input-1)
arr[i]= Random number from 0 to 100;

error message when i input -5 : Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException atPosNeg.main<>
import java.util.*;
class PosNeg{
 public static void main(String args[]) {
  Random generator = new Random();
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;


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Replace Negative Zero With Zero When Printing?

Mar 2, 2015

How do you replace negative zero value with a zero value when Printing results:

I want to remove the minus sign in -0.0000 and instead have 0.0000.

I am Printing coordinates and I do not want to have negative zero.

the coordinates are defined as double.

System.out.format(java.util.Locale.US," %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f%n"xCur ,yCur,xNext,yNext);

0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000

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Negative Numbers In Binary

Mar 7, 2014

I need understanding why

1111 1101 = -3

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Negative Character Literal?

Jun 3, 2014

char c=(char)-65;

This is legal but how ?? what is the value actually being stored in c ? The output is shown as ﾿.

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Finding Binary Of Negative Numbers?

Mar 22, 2014

How do u find the binary of negative numbers? I already did it for positive numbers,?

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How To Avoid Getting Negative Numbers Of Coins

Oct 18, 2014

how to avoid getting negative numbers of coins, use casting and mod to show how many quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies there are?

import java.util.Scanner;

public class VM
public static void main(String[] args)
//money deposit
Scanner input = new Scanner(;


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Byte Array Negative Values

Mar 30, 2015

I am new to Android. I have byte array of size 10. I am passing the Decimal values (131 - 140) to byte array. But while printing I get Negative (-) values with decreasing order .

How can I get same value as positive values?

Or How can I store positive value e.g. 131 as byte array element.

Please not my requirement is array must be ByteArray only

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Getting Negative Number For Product Of Odd Integers

Sep 18, 2014

I am not sure what is happening with my code, but it is giving me a negative number. I am trying to write a program that calculates the product of the odd integers between 1 and 25. I messed with the program and as soon as you enter a number over 22, the end result is a negative number.

int total = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 25; i += 2){
total *= i;
System.out.println("Product:" + total);

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Raising A Real Number To Negative Value

Jan 21, 2014

I am trying to raise a real number to a negative value e.g x-y(x raised to power -y) which can also be written like 1/xk . I am trying to run th program each time bt it doesnt give me the desired result.

Here is the code

public class RaiseRealPower {
public void run(){
double value =readInt("Enter value ");
double power =readInt("Enter power ");
System.out.println("Answer is " +raiseIntToPower(value,power));

[Code] ....

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Input Validation For Negative Numbers

Feb 20, 2014

I am very new to Java. I have been working for a couple months on a program for school. It has not gone well. I finally was able to scrap together a working program, but i left something out that needs to be. I have to include input validation to check for negative values, prompting users to re-enter values if negative. I have included my current code, the program works perfectly, but what to do about the negative numbers.

Java Code:

package gradplanner;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GradPlanner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int numofclasses = 0;
int totalCUs = 0;

[Code] ....

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Removing Negative Number From Array

Jul 20, 2014

Ask the user to enter a sequence of at most 20 nonnegative integers. Your program should have a loop that reads the integers into an array and stops when a negative is entered (the negative number should not be stored). Invoke the average method to find the average of the integers in the array (send the array as the parameter).

how can I remove the negative number from the array and calculate the average of the posive elements without the negative ones? This is my code so far...

import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
public class Parameters
//Calls the average and minimum methods
//with different numbers of parameters


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Input Validation For Negative Numbers

Feb 20, 2014

I am very new to Java. I have been working on a program. It has not gone well. I finally was able to scrap together a working program, but i left something out that needs to be. I have to include input validation to check for negative values, prompting users to re-enter values if negative.I have included my current code, the program works perfectly, but what to do about the negative numbers.

package gradplanner;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class GradPlanner {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
int numofclasses = 0;

[Code] ....

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Code Allows To Enter Negative Numbers -1

Apr 4, 2015

double CashInsert = Double.parseDouble(CashAmounttxt.getText());
System.out.println("Cash Received: " + "£" + CashInsert);
if (CashInsert<=0 &&(CashInsert <TotalPrice)){
ChangeLeft = CashInsert - TotalPrice;
System.out.println("Total: £" + TotalPrice);
System.out.println("Change Due: " + "£" + ChangeLeft);}
else {
System.out.println("Insuffient funds, please enter £"+ TotalPrice +" or More");}


Cash Received: £-1.0
Total: £4.85
Change Due: £-5.85

It allows me to enter -1 I've already coded it so the person cannot enter less but -1 works.

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MaxSum Algorithm With Negative Values In Array

Apr 2, 2014

How would I go about inputting the negative values in the array in case 1 the array comes from the user, case 2 from the text file? The sum prints perfectly fine with positive values but if I input negative values it just completely ignores them.

case 1:
int sum;
System.out.print("Enter list of comma-delimeted integers: ");
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
String[] num = input2.split(",");
int[] a= new int[num.length];

[Code] ....

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