Text From The Class Game Doesn't Update

May 3, 2014

I have a main class that hold the frame and paints, a class for drawing my game, and an image that is drawn too.
I want to count the amount of times I click on this "android" (right now it counts if i click the screen) but the text from the class Game doesn't update.

androidX = Main.width - android.getWidth();

doesn't work. In my head the image should be inside the borders but it isn't. Have I calculated the pixels wrong or am I missing something?

public class Main extends JPanel{
public static final int width = 600;
public static final int height = 600;
Game game = new Game();
Android android = new Android();
public void paint(Graphics g) {


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Android TextView Doesn't Update

Jul 17, 2014

I am trying to present the user with a response of 'correct' or 'incorrect'. I do the following, but mResultTextView never updates.


I think the problem is that my view needs to be re-drawn.

package com.example.quiz;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
import android.graphics.Color;


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JavaFX 2.0 :: Modifying Item In Observable List Doesn't Update ListView

Oct 3, 2014

I am using:

Java:..... 1.8.0_20JavaFX:... 8.0.20-b26 

I have this class:
public class Person {
    private SimpleStringProperty name;
    public SimpleStringProperty nameProperty(){
            this.name=new SimpleStringProperty();

[Code] .....

I have this:

lista = FXCollections.<Person>observableArrayList();
lista.addAll(new Person("uno"),new Person("due"),new Person("tre"));

The problem is if I add /remove an item all is fine, the listView refreshes correctly:

Person p = new Person(tfld_textAdd.getText());
lista.add(0, p);
But if I change a value on an item into the observable list it doesn't:

lista.get(0).setName("new value");
I also have a table linked in the same way and the table workd correctly after I updated my Java version...

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Reading From HTMLEditorKit Doesn't Display Text While In Text / HTML Content Type?

Apr 24, 2015

I'm working on a simple text editor, and I'm currently saving the contents of my JTextPane in a file using an HTMLEditorKit (text is a JTextPane):

private void save() throws IOException {
int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(window);
if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
StyledDocument doc = (StyledDocument)text.getDocument();
HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
BufferedOutputStream out;

[Code] ....

The problem I'm having is that after opening a file that I saved, it does not display (if I disable text/html, it displays the entire html code, but when I re-enable it, nothing displays at all.) Am I loading it wrong, or am I setting the JTextPane's text incorrectly? Or is it, perhaps, another error that I didn't catch?

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Pong Game Won't Update

Apr 19, 2014

I'm a beginner at java and am trying to code a basic pong game java applet. The code has no errors in it but when i run it the .png's do not come up in the window until its moved off screen. when the .png's are shown they do not update whatsoever. I thought the problem could be with the key-listener but even the ball (which moves independently of user input) does not move.

I've placed all the code from the 5 classes below. There's some unnecessary code in the background class but that's because I'm thinking of making the background scroll later on.

package main;
 import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.net.URL;

[Code] ....

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How To Modify Text So That It Doesn't Contain Two Equal Numbers

May 3, 2014

I would like to create a program that takes some files and modifies them in this way: The files should contain text formatted in this way:

#various comments#
//and so on...
}//I need only this
#Comments are sometimes made this way
#comments that explains what's below them
I:dentifier:something, I, do, not, need
#see ^that
//and so on..

And I have to make so that the numbers contained in something{} in all the files don't match. I could ask to make so that the input file is only one, and it is formatted this way:

//and so on...

but I don't know how to do the rest of the program... That's what I've done (the names of the classes, package etc. are in Italian and there's some useless code that NetBeans prevents me from deleting):

package confronto;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class confrontoTesti extends javax.swing.JFrame {
[Code] ....

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Non-Public Class In A Source File Doesn't Matching Its Name

Oct 20, 2014

I have a question about the following snippet concerning the steps the javac compiler follows to compile a program:

[...]at first, searching a class within a package is discussed if the latter doesn't contain a full package name[...]

It is a compile-time error if more than one class is found. (Classes must be unique, so the order of the import statements doesn't matter.)

The compiler goes one step further. It looks at the source files to see if the source is newer than the class file. If so, the source file is recompiled automatically. Recall that you can import only public classes from other packages. A source file can only contain one public class, and the names of the file and the public class must match. Therefore, the compiler can easily locate source files for public classes.

However, you can import nonpublic classes from the current package. These classes may be defined in source files with different names. If you import a class from the current package, the compiler searches all source files of the current package to see which one defines the class. I don't quite understand the red fragment. I wondered if the word "import" nonpublic classes from the current package weren't a synonym for the word "use", since why would we want to import a class from the same package when compiler searches the current package automatically anyway?

However I wanted to test nonpublic classes that are contained in source file which name doesn't match the class name:


Java Code:

package com.work.company;
class NonpublicClass
public void description() {
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

[Code] ....

Everything's fine when the source file names are the same as above. However, when I change NonpublicClass.java to a different name, there's an error "cannot find symbol" in:

Java Code: NonpublicClass v = new NonpublicClass(); mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

I noticed that the class file for NonpublicClass isn't even generated so that's probably the cause. If I change to the directory of the package the NonpublicClass is contained in and compile it directly, i.e. issue for example:

Java Code: javac NonpublicClass_different_name.java mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Then a proper class file is generated with the class name, that is NonpublicClass.class, and afterwards I can compile the main program in Start.java.

So the question is what am I missing regarding the cited quote that reads:

If you import a class from the current package, the compiler searches all source files of the current package to see which one defines the class.

? Because adding such an import to CompanyClass.java:

import com.work.company.NonpublicClass;

didn't work either...

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Java Array Update Without Using ArrayList - Add Values And Update Size?

Feb 9, 2015

I am trying to create an array list without using the built in arrayList class that java has. I need to start the array being empty with a length of 5. I then add objects to the array. I want to check if the array is full and if not add a value to the next empty space. Once the array is full I then need to create a second array that starts empty and with the length of the first array + 1.

The contents of the first array are then copied into the new array without using the built in copy classes java has and then the new array ends up containing 5 elements and one null space the first time round. The first array is then overwritten with the new array containing the 5 elements and the null space. The process then starts again adding values until the array is full which will be 1 more value then recreating the second array empty and the length of the first array + 1. This is my attempt at creating this but I have run into multiple problems where I get only the last value I added and the rest of the values are null:

public class MyArrayList {
public Object arrayList[];
public MyArrayList(Object[] arrayList) {
this.arrayList = arrayList;


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JSF :: Update Action Does Not Update Bean Attribute

May 14, 2014

I have a strange behaviour when trying to update a bean. Here is the edit page:

<h3>Edit Post</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="small-3 columns">
<label for="right-label" class="right inline">Title</label>

[Code] ....

Here is the bean class:

package com.airial.controllers;
import com.airial.domain.Post;
import com.airial.service.PostService;
import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMapping;
import com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.annotation.URLMappings;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;


postToUpdatet is always NULL. Why the title property is not binded ? What is wrong here ?

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Text Adventure Game

Jul 19, 2012

I'm creating a text adventure game, but there are some bugs in it that can get annoying such as restarting the program when it shouldn't be, going to the wrong piece of text, etc.

Java Code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Act_1 {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean again = true;
int option;
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("You are Paul Soares Jr, an expert survivalist who has been caught in the midst of a zombie apocalypse in the land of MineZ. You awaken in a dense forest with a lake nearby. In your backpack you have a wooden sword, a pack of matches, one torch, some snacks and meals, a H.A.M. radio, a full water bottle, and a bandage.");

System.out.println("");//the "" adds a space in the text
System.out.println("Do you: ");
System.out.println("<1> Head inland");
System.out.println("<2> Stick close to the water");
option = input.nextInt();


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How To Do Movement In Text Based Game

Feb 13, 2015

I'm relatively new to Java, I'm trying to create a text based game, like those old ones where you type "north" or "east" to move as such, and "look" to inspect the area. My only problem thus far has been trying to figure out just how I should... "structure?" the movement. As in, what's the best overall way to approach this? I've tried making a new method for every area and just passing a variable called "location," but along with passing the inventory and stat arrays, it's just become messy. Or is this a good way to do it? I have a separate method for when the player enters something, but then how will it know which description to give when the player types "look?"

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Text Based Game With A Window

Jun 4, 2014

I started a text based game, but I am dissatisfied with the console that PrintF prints to. How can I set up a window and have text output to that window, and have my player type responses in the window?

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Text-based Game Map Creation

Oct 25, 2014

So, I've been working on creating a text-based game engine that would create games similar to Achaea. It's been working pretty well so far. I just finished creating a great mapping system, but now I've run into a problem. I have a mapping system, but actually creating a map would prove to be quite a lot of work. Each location that the player can be inside of has a name, description, map symbol, and an array of the things inside of it. How can I make some sort of map creation program or something so that I can create my maps more easily?

I thought perhaps making a constructor that accepts a list of files, the first containing a table of strings for the names, the second containing a table of strings for the descriptions, etc.; but it seems that would be quite tedious and may be more complex than actually just hard-programming maps.

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Text Based Game Adding Items

Apr 11, 2014

I am trying to make a text based game. the game has been working perfectly setting up the rooms, first couple of commands, and running it. I am now trying to add items to it but every time it try to run the game it returns :

at Room.addItem(Room.java:107)
at Game.createRooms(Game.java:133)
at Game.<init>(Game.java:28)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

[Code] .....

Here are the classes that matter for this particular situation

import java.util.HashMap;
public class Item
private HashMap<String, Item> itemList;
private String name;
private String itemDescription;

[Code] ....

I know that it is the line

itemList.put(item.getItemName(), new Item(item.getItemName(), item.getItemDescription()));

In the game class that is causing the nullpointer exception i just really cant figure out why that keeps happening and how to add the values correctly....

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How To Implement Basic Text-based Rpg Game In A Website

Jan 13, 2015

I started programming some time ago and i recently finished a game i've been programming in Java just to get used to the code. The game is a simple text-based RPG where almost everything is random except the character movement.

I've been thinking about learning HTML and CSS because i'm really interested in building webpages. I have no one to ask this question so here i am.

Is there a way to implement my game in a webpage?

I imagine a black window exactly like a classic OS terminal where the text is streamed and the user can play the game with keyboard inputs. I made the game with 5 different classes, i used Eclipse and i have my project there. Should i use a service like Github to share works like this one?

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Making A Window For Java Text Based Game

Jan 10, 2015

So, Iv'e been trying to make a simple Text Based RPG with Java, and it is going quite well, and my friends want to play it too but they aren't very tech savvy, so it's hard to tell them to get an IDE or use the CMD, so I wanted to know if there was a way to make my text-based game into a window, like using JFrame or something. All i need is a window that displays the text, and a bar on the bottom that lets the user input what they want (Kind of like a CMD).

I want it sort of like this window: This Pic

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Java Text Adventure Game - Adding Characters

Apr 14, 2014

I am making a java text adventure and i am trying to add characters to it. I wrote it exactly the same as i wrote the items class (which works fine) but for some reason the character class keeps getting a null pointer exception when it gets to line 140 in the room class

game class
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
* Game class for Free Willy Five: an exciting text based adventure game.

[Code] ....

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Text Based RPG Game - Working With Multiple ArrayLists

Feb 22, 2014

I have come across an issue with arraylists. I am writing a text based RPG game as something to start with ...

Initially I had a single zone which was all stored in an arraylist and everything was working in regards to the player moving around. The problem I now have is how to add further zones to my game. Ideally I would like an arraylist for each zone, and would use the below to create each arraylist

public static ArrayList<RoomsClass> castleMap = new ArrayList<>();

The problem I now have is how to handle the player moving, initially with a single zone/arraylist I could reference that arraylist directly

public void findRoomCoords(int ID) {
for (int i = 0; i < castleMap.size(); i++) {
if (castleMap.get(i).roomID.equals(ID)) {

My initial thought was to use a getter/setter to remove the reference of castleMap from my movement code in order to access different arraylists, however this is where things have fallen over, I can't seem to work out how to get the arraylist name to change, depending on the outcome of the setZoneMap() method.

public void setZoneMap() {
switch (PLAYER.getCurrentRoomZone()) {
case 0: {
zoneMap = Castle.castleMap;

[Code] ....

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Game Class - Nothing Will Print Into Console

May 7, 2014

I'm new to java, and i'm trying to make a gaming, but for some reason nothing will print into the console. I want it to have the system to print out the frames, and ticks, but nothing will happen.

package ca.trey.game; 
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Canvas;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Game extends Canvas implements Runnable {
[Code] .....

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Video Game - Collision Detection Class?

Apr 30, 2014

I use eclipse as my IDE. I have decided to make my own video game and somebody had sent me a class that could be used for collision detection. The problem with the collision detection class was that it made a box around an object and if something else had touched the object, the collision detection would work. My problem with this class is what happens when i want to use circles? I cant have a box drawn around it. Then it wouldn't work as i would want. Is there a pixel perfect collision detection class out there I can use? It'll be useful in my journey to become successful in computer science! By the way this is in the java language.

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Design Class - How To Organize Classes For UNO Card Game

Mar 20, 2014

I'm currently taking a computer program design class which has done a lot for my understanding of how to organize classes, but isn't giving me challenging enough assignments and I don't believe it's going to be covering interfaces and abstract classes, which is a shame. So I've been digging into these topics myself and decided to work on my own program (an Uno game program) that would utilize everything we've been learning and give me some practice with GUIs.

My current plan:

Have an abstract UnoCard class that determines the basic properties/methods common to all cards. Create a class for each card type extending from UnoCard, which would be - the generic card (number and color), action cards (skip, reverse, draw two), and special cards (wild, wild draw four, and blank).

Two enums, one for color, one for rank (which includes the numbers, as well as the action and special card ranks (reverse, wild, exc.) ).

A deck class would have an ArrayList <UnoCard> property and it's constructor would initialize a fresh deck.

A hand class that also has an ArrayList <UnoCards> where it gets said cards from the deck class.

A discard pile class, which contains the cards discarded and the current card in play.

A "board" class (haven't figured out a better name for it yet) which would determine/keep track of the number of players/hands, the turn order, the locations of the cards, and the winning condition.

Area of confusion and concern I'm having:

From what I've read, I want to avoid circular dependency. So if that's the case, when a card type effects the state of a "hand" or the turn order or really anything else, then in what class do I place the method(s) that effect that? If I place it in the specific card class, wouldn't that create a circular dependency? So would it be better then to have the hand class figure out what can be done with a specific card and what that specific card effects (which wouldn't that hinder the cohesion of the class?)?

I was also thinking a possible solution might be to have the non-generic card types contain methods that return values as apposed to manipulating higher level classes, such as a boolean drawCards which returns true if cards need to be drawn, false otherwise (same for skip, reverse, exc.).Then maybe the board class can determine what to do if those values are true or false (which actually seems more convoluted since only one value would be allowed to be true at any given time).

The other solution I was considering is to have a single UnoCardRules class, which serves the sole function of providing methods to determine the effects of each card, that way each card class can only worry about defining the card's state.

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Hangman Game Using Class - It Keeps On Bringing Up Exception Error

Apr 23, 2015

I wrote a program that would play a game of Hangman. It plays the game but it keeps on bringing up a exception error. This is my class code

import java.util.ArrayList;
class Assignment2Q4
private final ArrayList<Character> guessList = new ArrayList<>();
private final char[] charArray;
private final String secretWord;
private int guesses;

[Code] ....

This is the output that is given:

Enter the secret word:
Guess a letter:
Guess a letter:

[Code] .....

Also when I guess the first letter of the word correctly it stops the program without going further on with the guessing.

Like for ex. P????

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Adding Text To JTextArea From Second Class?

Feb 4, 2015

Basically , I'm trying to make a program that makes the Finch follow the object. I have made two classes :

NewOption52 and FollowClass.

Class NewOption52 contains a method which determines the properties of the GUI. Class FollowClass contains a main method which calls GUI method from class NewOption52 and it also contains several methods which dictates the Finch's behavior alongside with appending text to JTextArea feed.

When I connect the Finch and run the program , a GUI should appear and inside JTextArea should have text which says ""Please Place An Object in front of Finch And Then Tap Finch to Activate!". It didn't happen when I run the program.

Class NewOption52 :

import edu.cmu.ri.createlab.terk.robot.finch.Finch;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.*;
public class NewOption52


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Changing JButton Text Outside Of GUI Class

Jun 6, 2014

So, Once again I'm attempting to make a Who Wants to Be a Millionaire GUI game. This is the actual game screen code

package WWTBAM;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
public class GUIGame extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
public static int moves = 0;
public static boolean finished = false;
public static boolean correct = true;

[Code] ....

When ever try and change the buttons text outside of the actual GUIGame constructor i can't. Like in the main method or the action listener.

The code won't work if you copy paste because it's a part of a larger package.

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JSoup - How To Get Text From Specific Class

May 14, 2014

I'm trying to get some text from a class but there are more then one classes with the same name and it gives me the text from all the classes... how do I get text from a specific class?

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Swing/AWT/SWT :: Append Text To Textarea From Another Class

Aug 2, 2014

Class 1 open main frame

Class2 add panel for main frame

Class3 append text to Jtextarea (of panel class2)

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