Type Of Expression Must Be Array Type

Dec 30, 2014

The objective of the code is to add new records based on existing records with a partial change to the key. I'm getting "type of the expression must be an array type but it resolved to DstidArray" on dsTidRecTbl[i]

String stMajor = request.getParameter("stMajorVersion");
String stMinor = request.getParameter("stMinorVersion");
String stPatch = request.getParameter("stPatchVersion");
StringBuffer stKeySB = new StringBuffer(stMajor+stMinor+stPatch);
String stKey = new String(stKeySB.toString());
DstidArray dsTidRecTbl = new DstidArray(stKey);
request.setAttribute("dsTidRecTbl", dsTidRecTbl);


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Is Type Irrelevant As Long As Value Is Within Boundaries Of Type Of Switch Expression

Apr 30, 2014

If you have final int i = 1;
short s = 1;
switch(s) {
case i: System.out.println(i);

it runs fine. Note that the switch expression is of type short (2 bytes) and the case constant is of type int (4 bytes).My question is: Is the type irrelevant as long as the value is within the boundaries of the type of the switch expression?I have the feeling that this is true since:

byte b = 127;
final int i = 127;
switch(b) {
case i: System.out.println(i);

This runs fine again, but if I change the literal assigned to i to 128, which is out of range for type byte, then the compiler complains.Is it true that in the first example the short variable and in the second example the byte variable (the switch expressions) are first implicitly converted to an int and then compared with the case constants?

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How To Convert Input Array Of Type Strings To Class Type

Aug 14, 2014

class Passenger{
String name;
int age;
char gender;
int weight;
public Passenger(){

[Code] ....

This is showing error.....error it gives isthat it cannot change from string type to passenger type......... How to do it??????

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Getting Int Type Cast To Lower Precision Char Type In Parasoft JTEST

Mar 11, 2014

Below code I am using to typecast int to char.

char escapeValue = (char)0;
char cha = (char) 10;
escapeValue = (char)(escapeValue * cha); // Here am getting the above error.

I have 38 similar issues in my workspace.

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Addition Of Generic Type Parameter Causes Member Type Clash

Apr 22, 2014

Got a problem with generics, which I'm still pretty new at. Here's a program that compiles fine:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class Experiments {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ListHolder holder = new ListHolder();

[Code] ....

It's useless, but it compiles. If I change Line 14, however, to add a generic type parameter to the ListHolder class, Line 10 no longer compiles:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class Experiments {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ListHolder holder = new ListHolder();

[Code] ....

I get this error:

Uncompilable source code - incompatible types: java.lang.Object cannot be converted to javax.swing.JComponent
at experiments.Experiments.main(Experiments.java:10)

Apparently, the introduction of the type parameter leaves the compiler thinking that aList is of type Object. I can cast it, like this:

JComponent c = ((ArrayList<JComponent>)holder.aList).iterator().next();

That makes the compiler happy, but why is it necessary? How does adding the (unused) type parameter to the ListHolder class end up making the compiler think the aList member of an instance of ListHolder is of type Object?

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How To Convert String Type To Generic Class Type

Mar 22, 2015

I have a String repersentaion of some Object.I want that object convert back into some class type how can I do this?

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How To Convert ZipEntry Type To File Type

Dec 4, 2014

I'm trying to parse and compare the content of a zip file. However I'm stuck at what SHOULD be a very simple problem, however I can't seem to find a solution. I have done the following:

ZipInputStream zin1 = new ZipInputStream(fin);
ZipEntry ze1 = null;
fin2 = new FileInputStream(fileName2);
ZipInputStream zin2 = new ZipInputStream(fin2);
ZipEntry ze2 = null;
ze1 = zin1.getNextEntry();
ze2 = zin2.getNextEntry();

Which gives me the first entry of each zipfile as a ZipEntry type object. I have tried getting the path of the file (inside the zip file) and using this to create a File type object. This does not seem to work though I get:

Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: My DocumentsmetadatacoreProperties.xml (The system cannot find the file specified)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.io.FileReader.<init>(Unknown Source)

And this is because I get a null return from trying to create the File file1 = new File(correctLocation);

I guess I cannot access the file inside a zip file this way. So my question is how can I make a ZipEntry type object into a File type object?

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Null Is What Type Of Data Type

Sep 3, 2007

method passing null to the called function, compiler would take that parmer as what type of paramer???

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Cannot Assign Cloned String Array To Generic Type Array

Jun 21, 2014

I have the following code in which I am looping through the rows of one array (composed of Strings) and copying it to another array. I am using .clone() to achieve this and it seems work as it changes the memory location of the rows themselves. I did notice that the String objects are still pointing to the same location in memory in both arrays but I won't worry about that for now, at the moment I just want to understand why the array I am cloning is not successfully assigning to the other array.

This is the incorrect line: ar[r] = maze[r].clone();

My code:

private String[][] maze = {{"*","*","*"," ","*","*","*","*","*","*"},
{"*"," ", "*"," "," "," ","*"," ","*","*"},
{"*"," ","*","*","*"," ","*"," ","*","*"},
{"*"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," ","*"},
{"*","*","*","*","*"," ","*","*","*","*"},
{"*","*","*","*","*"," ","*","*","*","*"}};
//private String[][] mazeCopy = copyMaze(new String[6][10]);
private <T> T[][] copyMaze(T[][] ar){
for (int r = 0; r < ar.length; r++){
ar[r] = maze[r].clone();
return ar;

My compiler says: Required: T[]. Found: java.lang.String[]

Since ar[r] is an array and .clone() also returns an array why is this line incorrect.

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Enum Type And Array List

Feb 10, 2015

Here I have an enum class

public enum Money{


private int coin;
Money(int c) {
coin = c;
int showCoin() {
return coin;

and for a test class, I need an array list with a couple of coins in it (i.e. ONE_POUND, TWO_POUNDS) and a loop that adds together the values of the coins in the list and prints the result. How can I do this?

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Parametrized Array Type As Method Parameter?

Jul 31, 2014

I have the following method:

public static void doSomething(List<? extends GenericClass> input)
// op


This compiles and works, ensuring I can only pass in a List of a type extending GenericClass.But now I want it to accept an Array instead of List. This is where I'm stuck:

public static void doSomething(<? extends GenericClass>[] input)
// op


A wrong guess at the syntax which does not compile. One solution is to convert Array into ArrayList before calling the 1st method above, but I'd rather bypass this if possible.

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Creating Array With Multiple Data Type?

Oct 10, 2014

i need to create an array with attributes name, gender, phone, age.and then sort acording to age in ascending order.

i created like this,

public class Array{
private String[] name={"ram", "katy", "priti", "john"};
private String[] gender={"male","female","female","male"};
private int[] phone={989898089,89898989,8982989089,898908989};
private int[] age={45,24,30,28};
  public void printarray(){


This code sorts the age attribute alone and when printing ouput it swaps one person's age to other person, how to make it correct

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How Can One Create Array Of Objects Of Class Type

Feb 10, 2015

I'm really new to object/class concepts and already having difficulties with applying them. How to create and return an array of Exam objects? I need to get a data from a textfile which is passed to the method.

Java Code:

public Exam(String firstName, String lastName, int ID, String examType, int score) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.ID = ID;
this.examType = examType;
this.score = score;

[Code] ....

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How To Create Array Of Objects Of Class Type

Feb 10, 2015

I'm really new to object/class concepts and already having difficulties with applying them. how to create and return an array of Exam objects? I need to get a data from a textfile which is passed to the method.

public Exam(String firstName, String lastName, int ID, String examType, int score)

this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.ID = ID;
this.examType = examType;
this.score = score;


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String Type Array As Argument Of Main

Sep 29, 2014

I have learn that every function in java is treated as a normal function including main() except that execution of a program starts here. I tried to overload it.

But I am getting error while doing so via String type array as an argument of main.

class Hello
public static void main()
public static void main(String... s)
System.out.println("main from Hello");

[Code] .....

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Store Data From A File Into Array Of Type Product?

Mar 17, 2015

public class InputFileData {
* @param inputFile a file giving the data for an electronic
* equipment supplier’s product range
* @return an array of product details
* @throws IOException
public static Product [] readProductDataFile(File inputFile)
throws IOException{

This code is meant to be used to read a text file and store the data in an array of type Product[]. I know how to read in a text file and have it sort it into an array, but I've never seen code laid out in this fashion before (specifically "public static Product[]", and I'm unsure how to work with "(File inputfile)". I've looked all over the place but can't find any examples of anything like this.

Also, the code given cannot be changed, as it's that code I have to work with.

I still don't understand how to use it as a whole. For example, do I read the file in the main and have this method read that in and output to the Product class? Do I read the file in this method? I can't work out how to make this work when I have to use this method.

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Multidimensional Array - Print Out 5 Names With Gender Type

Apr 19, 2013

I just started in java programming and into Arrays multidimensional. I started a simple 2 dimensional array with 5 names with genders. I 'm having issues because it does not want to print out the names with correct genders Male/ Female. The simple program should print out the 5 names with gender type.


Jack - Male
Sally - Female
Dave - Male
Sue - Female
Brian - Male

Here is what I came up with so far:

public class Multiname
     public static void main(String[] args)
          //String[][] multiname;
          String [][] multiname =

[Code] .....

This is the result:

multiname : Jack
multiname : sally
multiname : Dave
multiname : Brian
multiname : Sue

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 1
     at MultiD.main(MultiD.java:29)

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Get List / Map Or Array Of A Specific File Type Files In A Directory?

Sep 18, 2014

If I specify the directory in file type or path string type how can I get a list of files that are file type .yml in that folder, so I can loop through and do something with each single file.yml in that specified directory.

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Public Method That Takes Array Of Type Object To Load Strings Into Linked List

Oct 13, 2014

I am having a little trouble with a part of my Java assignment that needs to have linked lists in it.

I need to write a public method that takes an array of type object to load strings into a linked list.

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Declare Array Of 50 Elements Of Type Double - Print Output 10 Elements Per Line

Feb 5, 2015

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class array
public static void main(String[] args)

[Code] ...

Is there a way to write this, where, alpha is one array.

Write a program that declares an array "alpha" of 50 elements of type "double". Initialize the array so that the first 25 elements are equal to the square of the index variable and the last 25 elements are equal to three times the index variable. Output the array so that 10 elements per line are printed.

If I have an array of 50 integers, can I break that to read in lines of 10?

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Cannot Instantiate Type

Aug 30, 2014

I am trying to write thist method for my project and on line 10 i get the following error : "Cannot instantiate the type Speaker"

public static ArrayList<Speaker> getAllSpeakers() {
ArrayList<Speaker> speakers = new ArrayList<Speaker>();
try {
File file = new File(Resources.SPEAKERS_TXT);
Scanner fileReader = new Scanner(file, "utf-8");


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Int Is Not A Reference Type

Jan 24, 2015

I don't really know what this means and it is sending an error when I try to run my program I am trying to set the x and y value (Int x and int y) to setVisible false at a specific time in my game but it keeps sending the error that int is not a reference type.

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Method Is Undefined For The Type

May 26, 2015

I have a problem with my code with Junit:

"The method infinityNorm(double[) is undefined for the Type Vektor."

This error pops up for both the euclidian norm and the manhattan norm.

Here is the code:

package de.ostfalia.gdp.ss15;
public class Vektor {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double[] array = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
System.out.println("Euclidian Norm: " + euclidianNorm(array));
System.out.println("Manhattan Norm: " + manhattanNorm(array));


What is the problem here?

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Variable Out Of Type PrintStream

Jul 27, 2014

I am trying to understand Life time of a variable by writing a below program. But unable to compile it as it is throwing some error. Code snippet and error as follows,

// Understanding Lifetime of a variable.
 class LifeTime {
 public static void main(String args[]) {
int x;
for(x = 0; x <3 ; x++) {
int y = -1; // y is initialized each time block is entered
[Code] .....

Please refer to the print screen attached 'LifeTime.jpeg' to this thread to know more about error.

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JSF :: Set Attribute Type Dynamically

Oct 22, 2014

context.getELContext().getELResolver().getType(context.getELContext(), null, "value")

Here "value" is an attribute name. By this we can get data type of the attribute.

By somehow can we set the type also?

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Implement Type Of Container

Mar 15, 2014

I want to implement a kind of "container" in which to store objects (instances) of different types. Then with an iterator I'd call common methods. This is what I have in mind:

Java Code:
translate(2, 0, 4);
} mh_sh_highlight_all('java');

Where translate(x, y, z) is a method common for objects in Positionables which objects are of different types (Sphere, Box etc.).

Now I was thinking Positionables could be a List<Positionable> and Positionable is an abstract class and Sphere and Box extends from it. But I don't know how to propagate the call of translate() to the subclasses.

What are the best approaches for this matter? It would be perfect if I could make it so I could somehow use the "with" construction like in the example above.

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