Unable To Prevent Data From Overwritten

Jun 29, 2014

I am trying to prevent data from being overwritten and appended instead when I save it to a file. I already set the append boolean to true on the FileOutputStream, but the data is still being overwritten. My code is below:

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
LinkedHashMultimap<String, Integer> testMap = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
//ListMultimap<String, Integer> test = ArrayListMultimap.create();
OutputStreamWriter outputStream;
testMap.put("NumberA", 33);


I performed a print statement to verify that the LinkedHashMultiMap is not replacing values with the same key (which it was not) and realized that the overwriting was occurring when I wrote the data to a file.

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Array Not Being Overwritten

Apr 3, 2014

I'm making a program for school that reads a text file with answers to a personality test and prints the temperament to an output file. Problem is, it sets the temperament for the first person to INFJ and then prints INFJ for the rest of the people too. My code is below, and the input file 'personality.txt' goes like this:

Betty Boop
Bugs Bunny
Daffy Duck
The frumious bandersnatch


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Unable To Find Data Record

Feb 7, 2014

I am running this method but for some reason I am not able to find the data record, it keeps going to the catch. I have the data.txt file in the same directory as the java file.

public static Games[] gamesRecord(){
Games[] game = new Games[50];
Scanner dataFile = new Scanner(new File("data.txt"));
for(int i = 0; i > 50; i++){
game[i].title = dataFile.next();
game[i].releaseDate = dataFile.nextInt();
game[i].redistributions = dataFile.nextInt();
game[i].platformRelease = dataFile.next();


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Adding User Input To File - Information Overwritten?

Dec 8, 2014

I need to write a program that will let a user input name, age, email, and cell phone number, and commit the input to a text file. They need to add multiple entries. I figured out how to create the file and write to it, but when the user enters a second set of information, the first is overwritten. How can I make the file be added to instead of overwritten? The following is my code:

FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("ContactInformation.txt");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(writer);

[Code] ....

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DatagramChannel - UDP Receiving OK / Unable To Send Data

Apr 29, 2014

I am trying to connect to a local service over UDP - the simulator works fine, but my code does not... The sender is a separate thread and I have tried blocking, non-blocking, connecting, not connection, reading and re-reading the Oracle docs,

Java Code:

package my.comm;

import my.myMethods;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;


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Unable To Use Double Data Type In For Loop

Aug 12, 2014

I am trying to use double data type in a for loop for precise operations and just to see if there could be any problem doing that I tested a small code :

public class doubleLimit {
public static void main(String[] args){
for(double i=-0.1;i<=0;i+=0.01)
System.out.println(i); }}

The output I was expecting is :

But the output of the code is :

Why is the code not working the way I expected, I think it has something to do with any property of double but I am not sure.

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Unable To Fetch Data Into Database After Login Page

May 27, 2014

[public class Login
private String username;
private String password;
private String login_time;
private String logout_time;
private String status;
private String late;


but i am getting an error as but i am getting an error as

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.tribro.chandu.Login.post();

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Unable To Pull Data From Another Class Into GUI Already Extending JFrame

Apr 26, 2014

I've been trying to pull data from another class file "Calculations.java" and have it be displayed in a TextField in "DataAnalyzerGUI.java". Here is how the hierarchy is broken down for my assignment:

DataAnalyzerGUI.java extends JFrame
ReadFiles.java extends DataAnalyzerGUI.java
Calculations.java extends ReadFiles.java

Everything displays and functions correctly in a command prompt if I use a line like this:

System.out.println ("Lowest opening " + dateArray[lowestOpenIndex] + ": " + dataArray[lowestOpenIndex][2]);

But trying to get it to display in a GUI has been quite troubling.

I know the code is supposed to look something like this:

dataOutput.setText(DESIRED CODE HERE);

But I am unable to find anything of value to work out.

I have attached my complete project....

Attached File(s)

Assignment 4.pdf (247.05K)
Assignment 4.zip (235.81K)

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Java Servlet :: Session Information Is Getting Overwritten Once Multiple User Logged In

Aug 18, 2012

I am using following servlet code to store the logged in user information in the session.

session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute("userName", userName );
session.setAttribute( "LoginId", loginId );

The information is getting stored in the session and i am able to retrieve the same for single user. The trouble starts when 2 user logged in from different browser (for example chrome, IE) from the same machine. The 2nd logged in user, overwrite the session information of first user.

How to prevent this.

My environment: Windows 7 64 bit, IBM websphere server, Oracle 11g, JSP, Sevrlet.

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Unable To Retrieve Popup Data To Parent JSP - JQuery Not Working In IE8

Jan 22, 2014

We created one web application which runs on tomcat 7.0.35 using spring mvc 3.0 . Its working perfectly on 32-bit windows machine in IE 8 on Windows 7 OS, when we tried to run this on 64-bit windows 2008 Server, jquery is not working. Also I populate data from Pop-up JSP to parent JSP, and it works 3/10 times only and does not work always.

We used the following jquery plugins in our project

jquery 1.8.3

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Java Servlet :: Unable To Send Data From JSP To Oracle Database

Jan 31, 2013

I'm creating a web applicaion. for that i want to create a registration page. and this registration details have to be stored in the database.

I'm getting the below error while trying to send the data ...

The requested resource (/cmd/InsertRegtodb) is not available.

Here cmd is project name and InsertRegtodb is servlet name.

Actually the servlet is present is the mentioned address. but it is not connecting to it

There is one more servlet in the same folder and which is accessible from another jsp. But this servlet is not accessible even though i have used same code as it is used for the servlet which worked for me previously...

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I/O / Streams :: Unable To Write Sample Data Into Newly Created File

Nov 29, 2014

My code below creates the 2 files successfully, but it is not able to write the sample data into the newly created file. I can't figure out the reason why.

Another strange thing is that when I tried inserting System.out.println calls for debugging, nothing prints out.

// stuff here
catch(FileNotFoundException fileNF){
String dirString = System.getProperty("user.dir");
String defaultFile = "config";
String currentFile = "currentconfig";
Path filePath = Paths.get(dirString, defaultFile);
Path filePath2 = Paths.get(dirString, currentFile);


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JSF :: Unable To Set Prime-faces Data Table Column FilterMatchMode In Managed Bean

Nov 13, 2014

I have a requirement where in my primefaces datatable ,the filterMatchMode attribute(like any part of field,whole field) needs to be selected by the user by select menu .

To achieve this i have declared a variable in my viewscoped managed bean as filterCriteria and set the filterMatchMode attribute as filterMatchMode="#{beanName.filterCriteria}".The bean variable is getting set in the managed bean on submit but the filtering is not happening,i am getting empty message.

Also when i remove the keyed in value from filter box the data table is not restored which otherwise must be restored in normal situations. I have used and modified the example code given in primefaces showcase here.The code snippet is as below

<h:form id="tblFrm">
<h:selectOneMenu id="filterOptions"
value="#{dtFilterView.filterOption}" required="true"
requiredMessage="You must select an option!">
<f:selectItem id="hd1" itemLabel="Select" itemValue="#{null}" />


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Unable To Implement Custom Request Method In HTTP Header While Posting Data To Server URL

Jun 26, 2015

I have been trying to implement custom request method in HTTP header while posting my data to the server URL. My application specific URL accepts -X parameter and -d for the data and it is mandatory for that url. Basically I am trying to dump JSON data into my influx DB using CURL command which is working fine from the shell. But the issue is, if I am implementing the same in java with proper approach, it is not supported or working. My CURL command is :

curl -X POST -d '<my_json_data>' '<my_url>'

How can I implement the same in java using HttpUrlConnection or other available approach?

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Threading Prevent GUI Unresponsiveness?

Jun 22, 2014

HOW does threading prevent GUI unresponsiveness?

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Is It Possible To Prevent SQL Injection In Java Code?

Jul 25, 2014

How can we prevent SQL Injection in Java Code?..is there any Special cases..

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How To Prevent Java From Creating Object

Mar 6, 2014

I just want to ask about a kind inheritance.Let say I have an interface MachineCode.I also have different classes, Binary, Hex and Octal that implements MachineCode

Question: How can I prevent java to create an Object like this:

Binary bin = new Binary();
Hex hex = new Hex();
Octal octal = new Octal();

those declaration above must be compile error,

I want to create Objects of Binary, Hex, and Octal this way:
MachineCode bin = new Binary();
MachineCode hex = new Hex();
MachineCode octal = new Octal();

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JavaFX 2.0 :: SplitPane - Prevent CSS Inheritance

Jun 20, 2014

I have a SplitPane, which is inside another SplitPane in the same tree hierarchy of the Scene. When I set the CSS class of the outer SplitPane, it always overwrites all CSS Settings of the inner one. How can I prevent it, so that e.g. I can assign a red divider for the outer and a green one for the inner SplitPane.
I have defined the CSS with

<code> </code>

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How To Prevent Buttons From Flowing Over When The Window Is Dragged

Jul 23, 2014

I'm using a BorderLayout, with 26 buttons to make up the alphabet from a keyboard. All the spacing looks great, but when you drag the screen out, everything gets jumbled. I would prefer to have everything stretch out, and keep the same positioning, or everything move towards the center still keeping the keyboard style positioning of the buttons but increasing the size of the window. Will a BorderLayout work for what I want, or should I try something else?

Currently to keep the buttons spaced apart I am keeping there preferred size to 25, and using horizontal and vertical struts to get the buttons positioned like I want.

This is how it is if I keep it the width and height 400, 400.


This is what happens when its stretched or shrunk.


This is an example of one of the ways I would prefer it


This is would also be acceptable.


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How To Prevent Randomizer From Picking Same Index In Array Twice

Apr 29, 2015

import java.util.*;
public class DungeonsAndDragonsRedux {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner s = new Scanner (System.in);
Scanner t = new Scanner (System.in);
t.useDelimiter("\n"); // Prevent scanner from reading code after nextLine().


I have this program that is attempting to randomly equip the player with items that are randomly chosen from a list. I don't know how to prevent it from picking the same item twice though. I also don't know how to display the items that haven't been equipped, which is another requirement of this program.

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Prevent ComboBox From Being Used - Getting Null Pointer Exception

Oct 8, 2014

Should the piece of code below set prevent the comboBox from being used? All it does at the minute return a null pointer exception. See I am using the same window but I have an if statement so if a condition is true then it will change certain aspects of the window. I want it to be true if it equals export which is does and it's populated fine but when I try and hide it if the condition equals import it returns a null pointer?


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JSF :: File Upload And Prevent Refresh Calling Page

Apr 1, 2014

I have a JSF page (called MainPage) with a commandButton: clicking on it, I open a modal panel with a <Rich:fileUpload> component, related to a listener in corresponding bean.

When I start to upload a file, page MainPage starts to refresh, but I would like to prevent this because it's not necessary.

I tried to "play" with <Rich:fileUpload> property values, but nothing seems to work and I don't know what to do anymore.

Here is file upload component

<rich:fileUpload fileUploadListener="#{pannelloUploadBean.uploadListener}"

[Code] .....

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How To Prevent A User From Going Out Of Bounds In Simple Array Game

Apr 26, 2015

I am making a very simple 2D array game where the player is asked what size they would like the game board to be. After entering, it displays the board and the player 'P' starts at index [0][0]. After that, they are asked for an action, which can be "up", "down", "left", "right", or "exit". I will be including some extra later (like a treasure at the end, or random obstacles), but for now this is what the game consists of.

I was instructed to "do nothing" when/if the player attempts to go out of bounds. I am trying to simply print an error, such as "Out of bounds! Try again.", then prompt the player again for an action. I even tried to make a boolean method to catch it, but to no avail.

I don't want the exception to occur at all. I just simply want the error message to print to the player and ask for another action. I would prefer not to use try/catch, or try/catch/finally since I already tried that and it still gave the exception error.This program consists of two classes. I will show the class containing the main first, then the client-server type class second.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {
World world = new World();
boolean keepPlaying;
keepPlaying = true;
boolean isOutOfBounds;
isOutOfBounds = false;
int height = 0;
int width = 0;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;


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Java Servlet :: Prevent Cross Site Script In URL

Jan 12, 2015

If some one add script in my URL, I want the script not pop up, we have tomcat 6 [URL] .....

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Servlets :: How To Prevent Particular HTTP Header Attribute From Browser Cache

Feb 26, 2014

I am generating java script tag and javascript code in servlet and displaying it in each jsp page. i include this in every jsp in my application. I am preparing the following javascript content and diplayin each jsp

<script type="text/javascript"> BOOM.addVar (clientId = SOME universal unique ID ) </script>

the clientid will be uniqueid it gets generated every time.

Here my question is, is there any possibility the clientId will be store in browser cache or third party cache server. if yes how to prevent clientId from cache.

I don't want to prevent the whole jsp file from cache. i just want to prevent only that particular field. so that i can use advantages cache and also prevent particular header field to be cached.

Also can we prevent particular http header attribute from cache.

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JavaFX 2.0 :: Predicate Bindings - How To Prevent Rebuilding Them For Each Iteration Of FilteredList

Dec 4, 2014

We're twisting our minds how to use predicate bindings correctly in the real world, i. e. beyond the trivial examples for FilteredList using simply static code but no bindings!
The problem is that our predicate must be bound to a chain of BooleanBindings, of which the final term needs the item injected into the predicate by the FilteredList. Example see purple code:
BooleanBinding a = ...
StringBinding b = ...
ObjectBinding<Predicate> c = Bindings.createObjectBinding(() -> item -> a.or(b.isEqualTo(item.someProperty())).get(), a, b); // Ugly: No "Bindings" style!
This code has an ugly smell! It first looks like "Bindings" style, but in fact is plain old lamba mostly! But it also is slow: The code enforces splitting of a and b into separate bindings as it enforces rebuilding the chain a.or(b.isEqualTo(...)) for each single iteration of titem in turn. That induces unnecessarily creating and garbage-collecting Bindings "on the fly", which is not how Bindings are intended -- they shall be created once and simply update their value instead of getting replaced themselves to prevent wasting CPU cycles and keep memory clean.
How to do Predicate Bindings correctly (i. e. without temporarily building Bindings for each "t") ...

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