Write TreeMap That Can Hold Maximum Of 20 Colors And Minimum Of 8?

Dec 11, 2014

I am trying to write a TreeMap that can hold a max of 20 colors and a minimum of 8. I have a while loop using pollLastEntry to limit the max but I can't figure out how to set the minimum. The hex number is the map's key and the color name is the value. I tried to use entrySet() and iterator to just double the size of the map but map can't have multiple keys with the same value. It also seems that to set a minimum would require some kind of further input(which I'm trying to avoid) of colors and their hex numbers.

//Method to hard code the colors into the map
public TreeMap<String, String> cm() {
//Color Map <Hex number, Color name>
//Uses a TreeMap to keep all the colors organized by key
TreeMap<String, String> cMap = new TreeMap<String, String>();
cMap.put("FFFF00", " Yellow");


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Calculate Minimum And The Maximum

Nov 21, 2014

i need to calculate the minimum and the maximum, actually it seems to be easy but, the minimum should be the smallest number but 0..this is my code

Java Code:

Scanner s = new Scanner (System.in);
int max = 0 ;
int min = 0 ;
System.out.println(" Please enter 3-5 numbers");
int a = s.nextInt();
int b = s.nextInt();
int c = s.nextInt();
int d = s.nextInt();
int e = s.nextInt();


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Minimum And Maximum Loop

Feb 20, 2015

I am doing a homework assignment for a class I'm taking and writing a java program that finds the smallest and largest number in an array entered by the user. For some reason no matter what I enter as the smallest number it returns 0 as the smallest. I'm not sure what I have done wrong. Here is my code:

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class MinimumAndMaximumJamesBulow
public static void main(String[] args)
int minimum = 0;
int maximum = 0;
[Code] ....

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Loop That Calculates Maximum / Minimum And Average Of 10 Input Numbers?

Feb 26, 2014

It does not calculate the maximum, minimum or average of the 10 numbers that the user is prompted to input.

My code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class moretest {
public static void main( String [ ] args ) {
int total = 0;
int number;
int minGrade = 101;


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Print Maximum And Minimum Values Of Integers From User Input

Apr 27, 2015

So I'm learning java from a website and I was tasked with creating a simple program which allows the user to enter a series of integers, then finally when they decide to input a non-integer the program will print the maximum and minimum values of the integers they entered. So for example if they entered 5, 4, 3 and 2 then enter a non-integer the program would output 5 (maximum value), then 2 on a new line (minimum value).

Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class MaxMinPrinter {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

[Code] ....

And this is what the output looks like:

Actual output
Enter an integer: 5
- 10
- Enter an integer: -4
- 8
- -6
- Enter an integer: 11
- -1
- Enter an integer: q
- -1
- -6

When it's supposed to look like this:

Expected output
Enter an integer: 5
Enter an integer: 10
Enter an integer: -4
Enter an integer: 8
Enter an integer: -6
Enter an integer: 11
Enter an integer: -1
Enter an integer: q

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Return Maximum And Minimum Numbers In Elements Of Integer Array

Oct 21, 2014

1. Create a program that will return the maximum and minimum numbers in the elements of ONE-dimensional integer array. Save it as MaxMin_OneDim.java

2. Create a program that will return the maximum and minimum numbers in the elements of each row in a TWO-dimensional integer array. Save it as MaxMin_TwoDim.java

3. Write a program PrintPattern which prompt a user to enter a number and prints the following patterns using nested loops (assumed user entered number is 8 output is:)

1 .... 87654321

12 .... 7654321

123 .... 654321

1234 .... 54321

12345 .... 4321

123456 .... 321

1234567 .... 21

12345678 .... 1

(Without the dots, i just put them to give spaces)

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Pair Of Two Numbers - Return Average / Distance / Maximum And Minimum Value

Sep 27, 2013

I have been having difficulty with the weeks concepts in my online Java class, the program is to be as followed:

For this exercise you will implement a class called Pair, that represents a pair of two numbers.The Pair class should include the following constructor and methods:

public Pair(double num1, double num2) -- Creates an object that represents a pair of double values


public double getAverage() -- Returns the average value of the two numbers
public double getDistance() -- Returns the absolute vale of the distance between the two numbers
public double getMaximum() -- Returns the maximum value of the two numbers
public double getMinimum() -- Returns the minimum vale of the two numbers

Write a class called PairTest that tests your Pair implementation. The PairTest should prompt the user for the two values, create a Pair object with the values and then print the average, distance, maximum, and minimum of the pair. The input / output should look like the following:

Enter the first number: 5.5
Enter the second number: 3.0

Average: 4.25
Distance: 2.5
Maximum: 5.5
Minimum: 3.0

NOTE: For this exercise, your solution should not use any conditional statements. Instead you should use the methods provided by thejava.util.Math.

So far I have:

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Please enter a value for the first number");

[Code] ....

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Car Rental Program - Display User Who Spent Maximum And Minimum Rent

Apr 22, 2015

I am working on this rental program and got stuck in the last part. The program is about renting a car; after completing the rent process it displays the user who spent maximum and minimum rent. This is where I can't proceed. The program displays maximum values for both max and min. Here's the code I have written:

import java.util.Scanner; // program uses Scanner 
public class CarRentalTest {
public static void main( String[] args )
System.out.println("Welcome to Rental Portal");
Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in ); // create Scanner to obtain input from command window
CarRental details=new CarRental();

[Code] ....

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Treemap Partial Key Value Search

Apr 3, 2015

Knowing that a hashmap does not sort the keys, I am thinking of using/converting to treemap which by nature does sort out the keys. I now need to find out if it is possible to search a treemap using partial keys such that for example I would like to search for all entries that have a key starting with "78BOX" whilst the available keys are:


The above list is probably how treemap would sort out the keys however need to extract only those keys that start with "78BOX" - does treemap has this functionality ?

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Testing Testcase In Junit3 Using Treemap

Apr 22, 2014

I am beginner in Java and facing one problem while testing junit3 testcase using treemap.

The code :
package sampleJunit3;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import junit.framework.TestCase;


While running as a Junit Test, test getting failed with error " Test Class not found in selected project".

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How To Print TreeMap Values In Reverse Order

Apr 3, 2014

Below codes find the character frquency how to print this in reverse order using comparator or else

public static void main(String arr[]) {
String s="bebeao";
Map<Character,Integer> chars=new TreeMap<Character,Integer>();
for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++) {
char x=s.charAt(i);
Integer count=chars.get(x);

[Code] .....

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How To Cache Data Reading From Collection Of Text Files In A Directory Using TreeMap

May 4, 2015

How can I Cache the data I'm reading from a collection of text files in a directory using a TreeMap? Currently my program reads the data from several text files in a directory and the saves that information in a text file called output.txt. I would like to cache this data in order to use it later. How can I do this using the TreeMap Class? These are the keys,values: TreeMap The data I'd like to Cache is (date from the file, time of the file, current time).
import java.io.*; 
public class CacheData {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  String target_dir = "C:Files";
  String output = "C:Filesoutput.txt";
  File dir = new File(target_dir);
  File[] files = dir.listFiles();
 [Code] ....

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Fields Won't Hold Value Given Through Input?

Oct 18, 2014

At the end of my main method, I want it to print out the input given that should have been stored in my sandwich class fields, but it didn't.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class SandwichBuilder {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner inputDevice = new Scanner(System.in);

[Code] .....

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Tic Tac Toe With GUI Using JButtons That Will Hold X And O Pictures

Jan 8, 2015

I am in the process of creating a Tic Tac Toe game with a GUI using JButtons that will hold the X and O pictures. I have the picture appearing when i click it once but it jumbles up all the other buttons which is why i have to run the method resetAllButton() to set everything back. Once i click the x again it puts everything back how it is supposed to be and works normal. How can i get this to work in one click.

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class TicTacToeGui extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

[Code] .....

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How To Hold And Print Distinct Numbers

Sep 29, 2014

I am able to get the integer in the array printed but I am lost on how to hold and print the distinct numbers.

This program will read in 10 numbers from the user via the console. It will display on the console only the distinct numbers, i.e. if a number appears multiple times in the input it is displayed only once.

Here is a sample test run:
Enter an integer: 2
Enter an integer: 6
Enter an integer: 1
Enter an integer: 8
Enter an integer: 6
Enter an integer: 1
Enter an integer: 2
Enter an integer: 4
Enter an integer: 7
Enter an integer: 5
The number of distinct values is 7
2 6 1 8 4 7 5

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How To Declare ArrayList That Can Hold Int Variables

Mar 26, 2012

Any way of How to declare an ArrayList that can hold int variables?

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How To Make XML - Game To Hold High Scores Of Three Different Levels

May 22, 2015

I am a beginning programmer and was learning how to make an XML. It was for a simple game and only needs to hold the highscores of three different levels. Here is what I coded:

try {
OutputStream fout= new FileOutputStream("highScores.xml");
OutputStream bout= new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
OutputStreamWriter out = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, "8859_1");


My issue is that I run this code every time I create the program and the scores are reset to 0. How can I make a small change so that I only run this block of code and create the XML the first time the program is run?

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How To Create A Box To Hold Text Below Google Maps Within Android

Feb 19, 2014

At this point I know how to utilize Google Maps within Android but it always seems to take up the full window, there is an image below which shows what I'm attempting to accomplish (having a box below the Google maps where I can store text i.e. "Hello World"

How do I add box below Google Maps, so to store text i.e. "Hello World"

Code so far:


Java Code:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private GoogleMap googleMap;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

[Code] .....


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Declare And Creates Integer Array That Can Hold 15 Integers

Nov 3, 2014

The main Method

-Create a main method declares and creates an integer array called nums that can hold 15 integers.

-Use a for loop to fill that array with multiples of 3: 0, 3, 6, 9, etc.

-Then use similar for loop to print each value in the array on one line, with each value separated by a single space.

-Compile and run the program to see the result:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

As you write other methods, you'll also modify the main method to make calls to them. The printArray MethodWrite a method called printArray that accepts an integer array as a parameter. This method does not return a value, and must be declared as static so that the main method can call it. Instead of printing the array in the main method, move that loop into this method. Call the printArray method from the main method. Compile and run the program to verify it prints the sam result as before.Add a println statement so that after printing the array values on one line, it then moves to the following line.Finally, modify the loop in the printArray method so that, instead of using a traditional for loop, it instead uses a for-each loop. Compile and run the program again.

Part III: More Array Methods

The linearSearch Method In lecture we looked at a method that performed a binary search on a sorted array. A much simpler (though much less efficient) search is a linear search, that simply starts at the front of the array and looks at each element in turn until it finds it or reaches the end.Create a method called linearSearch that accepts an integer array and a single int value as parameters. The goal of the method is to find the second parameter (the target) in the array. The method should return a single int representing the index of the target value. This method should not print any output itself. In this method, use a traditional for loop to scan through the elements in the array. As soon as you find the target value, return the index of that value.

If you scan through the entire array without finding the target value, return a -1.Modify the main method to call the linearSearch method and print the results. Call it twice, searching for the value 18 (which it should find) and the value 10 (which it should not). Including the previous activity, the output of the main method should now look similar to this:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

The index of 18 is 6

The index of 10 is -1

The sumArray Method

The sumArray method should take an integer array as a parameter and return a single integer representing the sum of all values in that array.Use a for-each loop to access each value in the array and compute a running sum. After the loop, return the total.Call the method from the main method, producing the following augmented output:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

The index of 18 is 6

The index of 10 is -1

The sum of this array is 315

The addValue Method...The addValue method should accept an integer array and a single int as parameters. The purpose of the method is to add the second parameter to EACH value in the array. The addValue method does not return a value, but the elements inside the array will be modified. Call the addValue method from the main method, adding 100 to each element in the array. Then call the printArray method again to see the modified array values:0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42

The index of 18 is 6

The index of 10 is -1

The sum of this array is 315 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142

Test a Different Array..Finally, duplicate the content of the main method to perform similar tests on another array. Instead of filling it with multiples of 3, fill it with multiples of 4. And instead of using an array size of 15, use an array size of 20.Modify the values search for to include one that is in the array and one that isn't.Rerun the main method and carefully check the results.If you haven't been doing it all along (which you should), make sure the appropriate class and method documentation is included.When you're satisfied that all methods are working correctly, modify the main method to delete the second array tests.

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Save Class With Arrays So As To Reload Them Again And Hold Onto List Of Objects Within Those ArrayLists

Dec 7, 2014

I have a class with static ArrayLists to hold objects such as Members,Players etc.I want to save the class with the arrays so as to reload them again and hold onto the list of objects within those ArrayLists.

The ArrayClass

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class ArrayClass implements Serializable {


The arrays within the ArrayClass are empty when i reload the application.I cant tell if the arrays are being properly saved or is it in the reloading from file???

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Can Database Storage And Queries Replace All Collections And Arrays (which Basically Hold Data)

Jan 10, 2014

My friends and me are trying to make online Test taking system. We got a very basic doubt.

We have developed classes and relationship between classes for example : Online Test Taking system will have admin and student class. And Admin will have list of students.. etc.

But question troubled me was: if we use database to store all data for example student details then I can perform all sorts of operations writing sql query and store result in some other database then what is the need of "ArrayList<Student> field in Admin".??

Question is: We can put everything in database and manipulate using database(sql) functions to manipulate it.Then what is the need of Arraylist of anything which is just used to store object details for example student details....??

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Colors In Java

Aug 4, 2014

So i was thinking about colors in java and was wondering what kinda colors are regonised by java..found this java.awt.color.. which goes very indepth with transparancy(alpha) and other formats of colors..


I wanne make a programm in java that breaks up a picture(pixels) and put it together again..Storing values of the colors and so forth..Which format of colors would be easy to start with if taking about java programming? RGB?

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Maximum Size Of Collections

Apr 23, 2014

I am just not sure of some theory in collections, ArrayList and LinkedList maximum capacity depends on the memory allocated to the JVM. But according to few people those list has a maximum capacity of Integer.MAX_VALUE.

According to my experiment, those list has a maximum capacity of Integer.MAX_VALUE since the get method of List accept a parameter of int primitive type (index of element), therefore we can conclude that the maximum capacity of List is equal to Integer.MAX_VALUE.

But what about the Map? get() method of map accepts object(the key of the map). So does it mean that the maximum capacity of Map depends on the memory allocated to our JVM? Or its maximum size is Integer.MAX_VALUE also just like Lists and Arrays? Is there a way to prove it? Is Map designed to hold infinite number of data (disregarding the heap memory space exception)?

And also about Stack, Deque? is it also the same as Map (in terms of maximum capacity)?

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JTable Minimum Value?

Jun 5, 2014

i must get minimum value of 4th row in jTable and place it in textfield, but i can't do this

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Board Of Colors And Players

Sep 14, 2014

My assignment is for a game where there is a board of colors and each player draws a color and moves to that position on the board. It will then output how many cards total in the game it took whichever player to win. If no winner it outputs the number of cards that none won by going through. I attached the file that corresponds with my code.

This is the desired output:

Player 1 won after 7 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
No player won after 8 cards.
Player 2 won after 4 cards.
No player won after 6 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 4 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 1 cards.
No player won after 200 cards.
Player 4 won after 100 cards.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ProgrammingAssignment1 {
* @param args the command line arguments
public static int players;
public static int cards;
public static int boardlength;
public static String board;

[Code] .....

The output that I get is:

Player 1 won after 3 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
No player won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 3 cards.
No player won after 6 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 3 cards.
Player 2 won after 8 cards.
Player 1 won after 1 cards.
No player won after 200 cards.
Player 4 won after 100 cards.I guess I'm supposed to set the playerPos[] to -1, but I'm unsure how.

Attached File(s) : colors.in.txt (1.5K)

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IndexColorModel 255 Colors To BufferedImage

Apr 4, 2014

I need to write an image to a .png with a 255-color indexed color model. I know usually do it like this: Java Code: BufferedImage img=new BufferedImage(width,height,BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED,model); mh_sh_highlight_all('java'); but that doesn't work with models with 255 colors (as opposed to 256 colors). I'm fairly sure it is the BufferedImage creation that is the problem, as when I call model.getMapSize(), it returns the correct size.

The extra color added to the image's index is 15,15,15.

Should I be something other than a BufferedImage to write the image, or should I be using a different constructor for BufferedImage, or am I doing something else wrong?

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