(ACC2000) Disabling Tab And Mouse From Creating New Records?

Jan 20, 2006


I have a data entry form in Access 2000, and when people scroll the mousewheel or press tab enough times, all the data they've entered disappears! Is there anyway to prevent this? I have instructions on getting a .dll to block the mousewheel, but nothing for the tab, any help?

Anyone know what impact it would have to my table if people used mouse/tab to clear their data, and then added data to the blank form? I presme it's just creating a new record, but I could be wrong.



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Disabling The Mouse Scroller

Jun 22, 2006

ok, might be a really silly question but is there anyway to stop your mouse scroller cycling the records on a form?

This is mainly a problem when in a sub form as when I use the scroller all the combo/text boxes go blank.

They dont lose this data but it's just annoying!

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Disabling Mouse Wheel & Subforms

Aug 9, 2005

There must be a way to do this. I can't download the dll fix I've read about because of company policy...is there anything I can put in the following code which will force the subform to go back to the record or refresh the subform on the mouse wheel event?

Private Sub Form_MouseWheel(ByVal Page As Boolean, ByVal Count As Long)
'MsgBox "Do Not Use Mouse Wheel To Navigate!", vbExclamation, "Mouse Trap"
Insert code here
End Sub

Sorry...fairly new to VB...still learning

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Disabling Mouse Scroll In A Database

Nov 27, 2007

Has anyone stumbled on VBA coding that will disable the wheel scroll function on the mouse when using it in an Access database. I am using Access 2003. I was given some code for this by a friend and it worked on the first database I tried but none after. I keep getting a Compile error: Sub of Function not defined - even though I cut and paste the code from the database where it works.

Can anyone help? It'd be very much appreciated.

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Enabling/Disabling Fields In Single Records

Jun 27, 2005


I've recently been told how to enable/disable fields in a form by ticking/unticking a box. Is there a way that, on a tabulated form, i can only disable/enable the field for the same record as the one the check box is in rather than for every record?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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Scrollable Mouse Changes Records (Is There A Fix)

Sep 25, 2005

I'm using a scrollable mouse and I'am always accidently hitting it while in access 2003 and it keeps changing the records, Is there a fix for this with out changing to a non scrollable mouse?

Thanks-- Appreciate any suggestions

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Forms :: Disabling Command Button If Record / Records Not Saved?

Dec 19, 2013

Is there a way to disable my print report button if the user has not hit the save button ???? and maybe display a msg box?

attached a snippit of my form.

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Forms :: How To Scroll Through Records In Access 2010 With Mouse Wheel

Mar 6, 2015

I want to scroll through records in Access 2010 forms with the mouse scroll wheel.

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Mouse Wheel Scrolling Through Records "HOW TO DISABLE?"

Dec 20, 2004

Is there a way to stop the mouse wheel from scrolling through the records?

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Creating New Records

May 24, 2005


I wonder if anyone can help. I attach a table that is a material list (27000 records). When I add a new material I want to be able to see the last part code I created for a particular supplier.

For example C001, C002 and C003 are for a supplier company called Chapters so I would scroll through the combo box search list in the form for the last one and create a new record called C004. The problem is that E00001, E00002 for a company called Edwards supplies 20,000 items so it's a long way to scroll through to create a new part code called E20001. How can I show in the form what the last part code is for each Supplier?

I attach the form and table as I'm not very good at explaining this, although I have had to delete approx 20000 records as the database was too big to be posted. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated, many thanks

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Creating A Set Of Records

Nov 23, 2005

I have a database in which i keep track of my books collection. Amongst my tables i three of them are:

tblBooks - main books table
tblKeywords - where i store keywords (such as "database", "programming", "web development" etc)
tblBooksKeywords - to create a many-to-many relationship between the above two tables.

Now in tblbooks i have about 270 records (1 per book). Now for each book in this table i would like to create a record in the tblBooksKeywords table to add a the keyword "Computers" to each book.


Book1 - Computers
Book2 - Computers
and so on till Book 270

Now rather than i do this manually for 270 records is there a way in which i can create these 270 records automatically ?


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Creating New Records In A Table

Sep 28, 2006

I think this is a pretty simple thing, but for some reason I'm lost.

I need to add a number of records to a table.

The user would input a starting record number and ending record number (ie 60000, 60003) and access would create those records with the record number field populated with all the values, in other words, it would create 4 records 60000,60001,60002, and 60003

any ideas how this can be done? I'm thinking a query, but it might require coding of a for...next loop???

Thanks in advance for the help

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Subform Not Creating Records

Nov 11, 2004

Hi, im having a problem with shring my db over a networkt,

as far as i understand access 97 locks a page (2k) of records when a record is being edited,
does anyone know a way in 97 how i can get access to lock ONLY the EDITED record and not the page?

in Tools/Options/Advanced i have "edited record" locking clicked and each form locks only the record edited but its still locking the page, i know there is "record level locking" feature in Access 2002 but not in 97, is this possible?

thank you


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Creating Top Values With Two Records?

Oct 15, 2007

Hey all,

I have two records for a list of employees: start date and end date. I want to create a query for the top 5 employees who have been employed the longest (and are still currently employed, so end date should not exist for the top 5). How should I go about this using a top values property? thanks.

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Creating New Records For Students?

Jan 23, 2013

I have a simple database with 2 tables, students and progress. I need to set up my database so that when I create a new record for a student (using a form I've created) it automatically creates 4 new entries in the progress table using the ID I have generated in the form and a task number (1-4) for each of these entries.

Additionally, once all tasks are set to complete = true, I need to set the field "all tasks complete" to true. I'd like to do this all without vba if possible.

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Problem Creating Attendance Records

Feb 3, 2007

I've got myself a little stuck!

I'm trying to create a database for our new theatre group. I've created a table for membership details (ID, Name, DOB, Address, etc.)

I want to create an attendance register - kind of the way a school register looks, so it will show on screen like a spreadsheet (names down the left-hand side, dates of the sessions across the top, and a grid for the attendance codes).

I know I could paste the membership details from Access to Excel and use a spreadsheet, but I'd like to keep it all together.

The attendance codes don't just contain present or absent, I would like to keep a record of payment 'P' or on holiday 'H' etc.

I'll keep searching and scratching my head, but any help would be appreciated.

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Creating Multiple Records From One Field

Dec 17, 2004

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone had code to split a field by semicolums, to create multiple records.The field has the first line of address for each property with a particular postcode.
For instance

field name:
Craven House; Ample Mansion; WHSmith; Bulevard Terrace.

I want to be able to split fields like the one above with these properties by the semicolums so they become seperate records, but share the same other fields e.g. postcode, city...

Thanks in advance,


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Creating Multiple Records From One Field 2

Dec 21, 2004


still not sure how to split one field therby creating multiple records from it.
For instance:
split field:
Craven House; Ample Mansion; WHSmith; Bulevard Terrace.


Craven House
Ample Mansion
Bulevard Terrace.

I have made it a little clearer on the attached word doc.

The plan is to prompt the user to enter a postcode, then based on postcode an sql statement splits the fields of the field metioned with the criteria on a query. Any help very much appreciated, Thanks in advance.


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Client Records/Table: Creating A Pop Up?

Jan 25, 2008


Firstly, I apologise if this has been posted before. I have done a couple of searches of the forums, but can't find what I'm after... and being new to access, I'm finding it hard to know what exactly to look for. How to even explain what I want is difficult!

I am designing a database for the clients we deal with a work. It started out as being a database of 'post' and correspondence, so the Idea was, we'd have a databse of all the clients... and by selecting their names, it would bring up a list of all the letters that have come in for them. I have managed this part fine - probably basic, but fine.

What I would like to do, is expand it to more than just 'letters'. Each client has done a particular 'work' with us, and each client has particular details that are unique. For example, a client will have made certain transactions through a bank account.

I hope to be able to click on a client, and have a screen or page pop up with details and comments about that particular client. I have tried hyperlinking but that doesn't really produce what I'm after. For example, I tried creating a "report" with a page for each client, so that I could have comments for each client - hyperlinked to the table. But all it does is link to the "whole report" and not a particular page for a particular client.

I'm sure this is sounding really confusing:
I have a client named "Peter Litman". His name and details are within a "client" table (listing all clients). I hope to be able to click on his name (or row) and bring information (comments, details etc.) about him. I thought this could be some sort of "pop up", or link to a special page. ??

The same would then apply with all other clients.

Any ideas? questions?


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Creating And Assigning New ID To Duplicate Records

Mar 8, 2012

There is currently a database which contains location information on a variety of different samples, each which is identified by a unique sample number (the primary key). However, when these samples are processed, they are split it half and each is assigned a second identifier for each half (in this case, an A or a B). Therefore, if originally there was sample 1, it will be split into 1A and 1B. My task is essentially to create a second database with further information for each sample half (1A or 1B), while maintaining a link to the main sample database to reflect any changes to the sample location information. So far I have been using a make table query that pulls from the linked table which links back to the main database and combines with another table that simply has one column called "Piece" which has an 'A' in the first row and a 'B' in the second row.

I am quite new to using access, but I have found this task fairly frustrating so far because it feels like I am trying to force access to work in ways that it was not designed. Essentially I would like access to create a duplicate entry for each sample in the original database, and force in an 'A' or a 'B', and combine these fields to create a unique identifier. However, I am running into a lot of issue when trying to append data from the original database etc.

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Creating Multiple/duplicate Records For Output

Mar 13, 2007


I am writing mini database which will produce labels for boxes. I want to be able to produce a sheet of labels based on the 'number of labels' to print field. I can output one label or many on the page/s depending on how I structure the query and how many records are in the query.

My Question:
I need is a query which takes an individual record and duplicates it by the integer in the 'Number of Labels' field

any ideas?


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Creating 2 Records From 1 Form With Different Data In Fields.....

Sep 22, 2007


I have a single form for which I need to create 2 records from in the same table.

On the second record when created I need to change some of data contained in the fields - How do I do this:

I give an example. On my form I have a tick box - if true it enables 2 text boxes and will need to create 2 records within a single table.

I need the first record to include the data contained in the first text box and the second record to contain the data from the second text box.

I have tried to use update queries but have had no luck. Anybody have any ideas?


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Creating New Records With Dynamic Default Values

May 31, 2005

Hello all,

I'm relatively new to Access programming, so I am mostly at a loss as to what methods, whether by query or VBA code, to do this. I am building a patient log for medical interns, so that the individual entries would include information of an individual visit to a patient. Part of this would include a function where I could, at one click, create a new record for the specific patient with fields such as patient ID, name, etc already filled in, with the values coming from the record that was open at the time, a sort of "dynamic default" value. I still want to be able to create blank records with the default ">*" button at the bottom of the form, so ideally this would be a new function. Would this be a relatively straightforward task, and if so, could someone give me some basic pointers to it? I'm in the process of reading some VBA self-help books, but have yet to figure it out. I have some experience in C++, so if I were to take the VBA approach, all I would need are the variable names and how to call/access them, and I should be able to knock together a working draft that way. Thanks in advance to all.

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Access Not Creating A Table Of Rejected Records

Mar 6, 2008

Hi i hope someome can help. I am importing a data into a table, records are being rejected as they should due to validation rules. However access is not creating a table of rejected records. What am i doing wrong.
Thanks for any help

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Subform - Datasheet Creating/updating Records

Jul 6, 2007

I was wondering if what I'm trying to do in Access XP and 2003 is possible. I've looked at countless templates and samples and havn't seen anything like what I want to do to be able to construct it. I've tried manipulating queries, relationships different table joins but to no avail. I'm only a beginner in VBA and know little SQL, I would be truly gratefull if someone can please shed some light on the below.

I've been creating a preventitive fleet maintenance database in access and want to make some changes that will make the database more flexible.

What I have is a main form which has the following main fields from the tblWorkOrder; WorkOrderID, FleetID, StartDate, FinishDate, Odometer, and ServiceTypeID.

Within this I have a subform in datasheet view (tblServiceItems, fields; ServiceItemID, ServiceDescription, ServiceCompleted(checkbox)) and this lists all the service items that belong to the ServiceTypeID in the main form.

I have another table called tblServiceDetails and this has the fields WorkOrderID, ServiceItemID which join the above two tables.

My problem is that I can't get the subform to list all the records that are in the table tblServiceItems, it only shows each record if you go through and select it manually. What I want it to do is to show like a listbox and allow me to go through the list and check of those service items once they have been completed. On top of this I want all those service items for that service type to be recorded against that workorder (regardless of completed or not) so then when I create a report on a WorkOrder It will list all the service items showing the checkbox's of which services have been done.

I've tried to do this with a listbox, but It doesn't show the checkbox, only yes or no. I've also tried using the tblServiceItems as the subform but this only updated the table and didn't create a record in the table tblServiceDetails matching it with the workorder.

Any idea's please...

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Forms :: Creating Tab To Get Records From Two Excel Sheets

Nov 30, 2014

I plan to create a tab in access, which has text box and two buttons on it.

when I click the 1st button "Get Me Next" it should get the record from an excel sheet. and when i click the 2nd button "Case Closed". this records should get save in an other excel file.

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