[ACCESS 2007] Use VBA Code Instead Of A Macro

Jul 26, 2007


When I add a butten using the wizard Access 2007 adds a macro instead of vba code.
How can I get the good old VBA code???

Thanks for your help in advance

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RunApp Macro In Access 2007

Jun 22, 2007

In access 2003 their is a RunApp macro to run applications from a macro. In access 2007 (at least my copy) it does not show up. Is it my copy or has it been taken out of this version.

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Putting Code Behind Tables In MS Access 2007?

Dec 2, 2013

Using an example:I have three tables; tbl_weight , tbl_height , tbl_bmi...How do I make tbl_bmi automatically use the weight and height values (height/ weight) to determine the tbl_bmi values? Is there a way to store code behind the tables as if I was in MS excel?

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2007 / Code For Bulk Importing TXT File Into Separate Records Same Table?

Jul 9, 2014

I have 12,000 cvs that i need to get into An access database so i can start to extract email info etc. They are stored in one folder All Cvs under each of their names edc.txt (i have converted them to .txt) i want to create one table with two fields name (taken from the cv filename and contents (taken fromthe contents of the .txt file). I am using Access 2007.

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Access 2007 Who Is Log On "code" Error Message

Dec 17, 2007

Not being a code person. This code worked great for 2003, but we just installed 2007. I get an error message when the this code runs:

Its a complie error
User-defined type not found

Sub ShowUserRosterMultipleUsers()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection.....red shows where I get the error message
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i, j As Long

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

' The user roster is exposed as a provider-specific schema rowset
' in the Jet 4.0 OLE DB provider. You have to use a GUID to
' reference the schema, as provider-specific schemas are not
' listed in ADO's type library for schema rowsets

Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderSpecific, _
, "{947bb102-5d43-11d1-bdbf-00c04fb92675}")

'Output the list of all users in the current database.

Debug.Print rs.Fields(0).Name, "", rs.Fields(1).Name, _
"", rs.Fields(2).Name, rs.Fields(3).Name

While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print rs.Fields(0), rs.Fields(1), _
rs.Fields(2), rs.Fields(3)

End Sub

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Replace Macro With Code

Nov 13, 2006


I have a macro that I used to import data into my database.
I use the transfertext action with the following specifications:

TRANSFER TYPE: Import Fixed Width

The macro also contains and ECHO Yes after that event.

Is there a way I can write the above with code and not use the macro? I would like to add this code on a cmdbutton.

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How To Run Data Macro Using VBA Code

Jun 18, 2015

I try to run Data macro using VBA Code.

Private Sub cmdRunDataMacro_Click()
DoCmd.SetParameter "prmMetalID", Me.cmbMetal
DoCmd.RunDataMacro "Metal.GetMetalParameter"
DoCmd.SetProperty txtTestMetal, acPropertyValue, [ReturnVars]![retPrice]
End Sub

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Code/macro To Do Auto Replace

Nov 22, 2004

I am looking for a way of creating the following:
I want to be able to click a command button and have it prompt the user for input.
Then take the input and replace all cases of NA with that string in field B for all records.
I would prefer to have no other prompts other that the user input and a success msg box.
Can this be done?

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How To Add A New Record In A Table By Code Or Macro?

Nov 8, 2007

I have a simple table of Customer names. It's as simple as two fields involved:


How can I use VBA code or macro to add a new record to this table? I'm a newbie, so if possible, please provide a few lines of example codes. Thanks.

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Set Web Control Scroll Bar Value - Code / Macro

Sep 8, 2014

I have a Web Browser Control which displays the location of premise from a table using Bing. The Control itself isn't large enough to show the entire Bing page, so it has vertical and horizontal scroll bars.

It's vertical position is fine, but I'd like it to by default display from the far right hand side as opposed to the left. I'm guessing there's a way to set the ScrollValue (or similar) of the horizontal bar in code, but am unsure what to do. Or perhaps there's a really simple way and I'm missing it.

I've done quite a bit of searching, but keep coming up for solutions for List / Combo boxes etc.

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Access 2007 Crashes On Excel 2007 Import

Mar 21, 2008

On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:

1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce
2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format.
3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ...
4) Choose OK

Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.

Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.

Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help:
"ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."

Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have turned off DEP.

How can I get MS Access 2007 to import Excel?



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Macro To Auto Filter - Show Records With Same Code

Jun 14, 2012

I have a form that has numerous fields, there is one field that is called the "Relationship Code" it gives any customers who have a certain relationship a 3 digit number. I would like a command button that you can press that will take the current record shown and filter their relationship code, to only show those records who have the same code. I know this can be done by going to the field>right clicking>and saying Equals " ". But I want a button with code that will do this automatically.

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Access 2007 Runtime Not Visible In Access 2007

Nov 26, 2007

I installed Office Enterprise 2007. Then I installed DEveloper Exrtensions, then Access Runtime 2007. All appear to have installed OK - they appear in Program and Features.
Instructions on runtime packaging tell me that a Developer option should appear in the resulting drop-down when I click the Office button (top-left round thing) when I have a d/b open in Access. It's not there! I have un-installed and re-installed the extensions and the runtime - still nothing!
I do have Runtime 2002 (XP) on the same PC, is that relevant?

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Can Office Access 2003 Runtime-Based Solutions Applies To Access 2007?

Jan 29, 2007


I have installed Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Access 2003 Developer Extensions. I can create Access application by using the Package Wizard.
But after I upgrade from Microsoft Access 2003 to Microsoft Access 2007.
I can't use the Package Wizard.

How can I do to solve this?


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Table Problems Moving From Access 2003 -> Access 2007

Jun 19, 2007

Attached is a screenshot of the relationships in a database I built a couple of years ago. It's worked absolutely fine in Access 2003 and currently has over 18,000 customers with associated information in it.

However, when I open the database in Access 2007 the performance is awful. All the forms are very slow to respond when tabbing between form elements. I've experimented by reducing the number of form elements calling on related data on a given page and whilst this improves performance it reduces usability - something I don't want to compromise on especially since Access 2007 should be able to cope with this.

My next question is therefore whether I've got the most efficient underlying table design and I can't see any other way of doing it than my current method so I'd be grateful for any feedback or advice anyone has.

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Modules & VBA :: Write A More Complex Macro That Will Start Another Macro At Preset Time

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to write a more complex macro that will start another macro at a preset time, however I am getting stopped at the first hurdle - getting a macro to run another macro.

Here is the code i am using at the moment, all I want to do currently is click the first button, then get the second macro to execute. But no luck, getting error 2157 "cannot find the procedure"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "1st macro running", vbExclamation, "Note"
Application.Run "teststart1"
' Application.OnTime TimeValue("19:55:00"), "teststart1"


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Access 2003 To Access 2007 Split Database

Mar 8, 2007

Hi All,

Background Info: I developed our main department's Access 2003 split database which is on a server for 15+ Users. I've now been given Access 2007 for development -- Users still have 2003. There are also 2 other smaller databases that are not split (.mdb).

Problem: In the split database, I've saved the Application .mdb as 2003, relinked and made a new .mde. But the Users still cannot open the database. (I did this in a copy until I figure out the nuances with 2007.) The 2 other unsplit databases can be saved as 2003 version and Users can open OK.

I'm grateful for any suggestions on working with Access 2007. I've been trying to tackle the ribbon which is a whole other question.

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Problem Running Access 2007 And Access 2002

Mar 27, 2007

Having a problem here after installing 2007. All my previously created databases work fine in 2007 (after clicking the enable, which is a pain,but don't know any other way) When I return to 2002 and try to open the databases I get different errors all something like this on....... "The expression On Open you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events. Whats up here?????I have found a site here...http://allenbrowne.com/bug-17.htmlMentions this problem,but refers to Vista..... Does the same apply to XP? And which is the best fix?

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Access 2003 Database Not Functioning In Access 2007

Mar 30, 2007


I have an Access 2000/2003 database which opens up and displays correctly in Access 2007, but when I go to use the File>Print command, or for that matter any of the other pull down menu's nothing happens?

Has anyone else experienced thisproblem, or does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Any help greatly appreciated.



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Macro In Access

Dec 3, 2007


Task: to extract data from table 1 of a database (tied to form 1) to create a record in another table 2 of the same database (tied to form 2).
Besides, I need to make it simple to use for an end user.
On the form 2 I have a command button that activates macro. Macro makes a query to run and extract data from table 1 and append a table 2.
Now I want the user to see the record on the screen (form 2) that has just been created. For that purpose I add "go to last record" step in the macro.

Problem: that doesn't work. :) For some reason it brings back same record from the middle of the table which is not the last. And what is even more interesting is that it doesn't tie to the record ID on the bottom of the screen (access generated).

Challenge: the record ID field in the table 2 is a primary key auto-numbered field (i know this is not perfect but I am not the one who created the database) and some records have been deleted over time. Might that be connected to that or that is something else?
Thank you!!

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MS Access - Project Macro

Oct 7, 2005

I have recently made a database and through MS Development Tools have been able to bundle it with Access Runtime. We are using MSDE as a backend and when I install the 'package' created by MS Project on another computer it says that it cannot find the SQL Server database.

This will mean (i believe) I will have to write a macro to reference the external SQL database (MSDE)?

If anyone has knowledge of this or/ and can point me in the right direction it would be appreciated.


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Access Cant Find The Macro 'Me.'

Mar 28, 2006


I am using the code below to populate three fields by selecting the data from one combo box

In the AfterUpdate event of a cmbBox I have entered the code:

Me.[Part Code] = Me.cmbBox.Column(0)
Me.Description = Me.cmbBox.Column(1)
Me.Cost = Me.cmbBox.Column(2)

When I then try to select from the drop down list I get a message sying that the Macro cannot be found. What am I missing?

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MS Access Macro Problem

Jan 5, 2006

I have a MS Access database which requires that a MS Word document be opened via a macro.

In the Macro design view under the Action tab I have the Macro set to RunApp. Then in the Command Line I have:-

C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11WINWORD.EXE C:Documents and SettingsKnightALDesktopDataBase AssignmentLetterhead.doc

When the macro is run I get an error. It begins to open the Letterhead.doc document. Word begins to open but then a messages saying Word experienced an error trying to open the file. With as few suggestions on what to try none of which make any difference.

If I change the Command Line to read:-
C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11WINWORD.EXE
Then all is well and a blank Word document opens.

I have tried quite a number of variants in the command line but all give me no joy at all. So can any one tell me please what it is I am doing wrong here. I can even get the macro to open my Spyware program but cannot get a Word document to do its thing.
I have put copies of the document in all sorts of places but still it cannot be detected.

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Run Excel Macro From MS Access

Sep 11, 2006

man am i stuck.......here goes. i am using a mdb that i upload a weekly excel file to build my weekly report.

the weekly excel file is called Subledger Current.xls

before i upload the excel file i run a macro that is stored in an a different file called Converter.xls on my c drive (C:Converter.xls). the macro name is "Converter_Macro". also, the workbook is hidden, therefore, when i open this ms excel file i have to go to window and unhide to view the workbook. after that, i have verified that the macro is part of the list under Tool Macro Macros.

With that said, can anyone identify my error in my code why the macro is not running. that is, the code does not error out but the macro is not running.


Code:Private Sub cmdImport_Click()Dim appExcel As Excel.ApplicationSet appExcel = New Excel.ApplicationExcel.Application.Workbooks.Open "C:Subledger Current.xls"Excel.Application.Visible = False'this is where i call another sub to open the file containing the macro and attempt to run itCall Sub xlAddin()'i have addition code here to finish out the prodecure which is function properly when i step through manually.End SubSub xlAddin() Dim objExcel As Excel.Application Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.Workbooks.Open "C:Converter.xls" ' Runs the macro objExcel.Workbooks("Converter.xls").RunAutoMacros (xlAutoOpen) objExcel.Application.Run (Converter_Macro) objExcel.Quit Set objExcel = NothingEnd Sub

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Access Macro - ECHO Yes / No ???

Oct 20, 2006

As I can't seem to find another way to make Access add together two seperate columns of numbers (i.e in Excell it would be A2+B2 = ) I've created a macro of some 42 lines long that copies information from a form into a table, from where it's summed in a query and the results shown on another form. The macro "Steps" through the process without a problem and will rune through the process with "ECHO - YES" selected. However, if I select "ECHO - NO" the screen freezes (although from the "Bong" it appears the macro has finished running) with the tool bars at the top missing and only the initial form infront of the Database window, on display. I've left the computer (actually a couple of computers - a laptop, a high spec desk top and the works' networked computer) for up to 15 mins without anything changing. Once (I think) I was able to shut down the database using the normal windows red / white X button in the top corner of the programme screen, otherwise I've had to Ctl / Alt / Del to end the programme. The other strange thing seems to be that I can open and work other programmes while the Access screen is frozen so it looks as if the computer isn't freezing (The task manager CPU useage bar is only up to 15 - 30 % as well)
Any ideas what may be going wrong or how I can get round this? I'd perfer to be able to run the programme in the "ECHO - NO" state as one of the guys I'm building it for is blind and has his computer talking to him. It makes a hell of a racket as the macro runs in "ECHO - YES"!!!!!!

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How To Run Access Macro In Certain Times

Mar 19, 2013

I have my data updated 3 certain times in a day. So i dont want to bother opening the same access 3 times a day. That access can be opened whole day no problem for me. So, how to run macros automatically in a time which I determine before ?

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