#Deleted Showing On Form And Error 2455

Mar 1, 2005


Sometime when I delete a record on a form using the wizard delete button and I move between records, #Deleted record shows up.

Can anyone help me in getting rid of it? or why is it ocurring?

Also, I am getting error "2455 : You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property |"


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Forms :: Error 2455 - Invalid Reference To Form

Jan 23, 2014

For further details see here: [URL] .....

I have a form with two subforms (the second is the child of the first). I want to filter a combo box in the second subform using the record of the first as the filter.

When I open the form from the object list I get this '2455' error. When I press "end" and the form opens the requery does what I want it to do with no further error, using this code in the "got focus" event of the combo box in the first subform:



I have included this before the requery:


On Error Resume Next

I have seen the use of


.recordsource = "..."

instead of the requery

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Run-time Error 2455?

Aug 29, 2005

I have a Switchboard form that gives the visitor several options from which to choose. All work fine except one.

The one in question loads just fine. This form has an unbound combo box used to search the database. When the user selects an option from the combo box the subform is then populated with the information. All of this works fine. The problem arises if the user tries to close Access (not the form, but rather closing out Access). We get a "run-time error 2455: you entered an expression that has an invlid reference to the property form/report". I've tried clicking on Debug, but Access closes and I cannot see what is causing the error.

Like I said, the other forms work. If instead the user opens another form from the Switchboard and then closes Access, there are no problems - it closes like it should. The error only occurs for this form and only when Access is being closed, not the form.

Anyone have any ideas how I can trap this or how to stop it?


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2455 Error - One Particular Computer

Jul 12, 2006

Hi -

I have a form used to enter criteria for display of records on a subform. There is a refresh procedure that is used to update the subform. This procedure is called on load as well as after changing any of the criteria.

This has worked fine on multiple computers running both Access 02 and 03. However, one of my clients has a machine that seems to choke on this procedure. I get the following error message -

"2455: You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property Form/Report"

The procedure called is:

Private Sub RefreshSubform()
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryProjectsCases"

If Not (IsNull(BuildFilter)) Then
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & BuildFilter
End If

' Me.frmsubProjCases.Form.RecordSource = strSQL
' Me.frmsubProjCases.Form.Requery

Forms!frmCaseList!frmsubProjCases.Form.RecordSourc e = strSQL

End Sub

The error occurs at the line where I try to set the record source property for the subform. Note there are two commented lines, this was the original code and experienced the same error. Both methods of referencing the form generate the same error (on this one particular machine - both work on the other machines).

The function BuildFilter generates a SQL string based on the various criteria on the main form. I have even tried setting SQL to a constant, but still get the error.

I have checked to see if the References are complete, but don't find any missing.

Any suggestions?

- g

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#Deleted Showing Up After Deleting Record

Sep 5, 2006


I've searched and searched but I cannot find a solution to my problem.

I have a combobox with a list of manufacturers. When you select one, the URL of their website shows up in a text box below.

I have a 'remove' button on the form and when you click it, it removes the manufacturer from the database. This works fine, but '#deleted' gets displayed in the text box. I've tried Me.Refresh, Me.Recalc, and requerying both the form and the field (I'm using Me.requery on the combo box, and it works fine there). I've also tried assigning the text box a blank value, but this doesn't work either.

I have the control source of the text box set to the URL field of the table that serves as the source of the form.

Here is my code:

Dim ManufacturerList As Control
Set ManufacturerList = Forms!frm_EditManufacturerList!cbo_Manufacturers

Dim URLBox As Control
Set URLBox = Forms!frm_EditManufacturerList!URL

Dim networkequipmentdb As DAO.Database
Dim RemoveManufacturer As DAO.Recordset

Set networkequipmentdb = CurrentDb
Set RemoveManufacturer = networkequipmentdb.OpenRecordset("ManufacturerSites")

RemoveManufacturer("Manufacturer").Value = ManufacturerList
RemoveManufacturer("DownloadPage").Value = URLBox

Me.cbo_Manufacturers = Me.cbo_Manufacturers.ItemData(0)

Me.cbo_Manufacturers.Value = ""
Me.URL = ""

Any help would be appreciated.


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Record Is Deleted Error Message

Aug 3, 2006

By: Tony Hine (mail@TonyHine.co.UK)
Tel: +44 1635 522233
My profile on ecademy (http://www.ecademy.com/user/tonyhine)

I had a problem importing just one table I kept getting the message “Record is deleted” and no records were imported.

First I thought it may be because there were quite a few columns in the table so I tried importing just one column, however I got the same message “Record is deleted“ .

I considered it could be because the database was originally in a Company office workgroup. I wondered if the “Work group security” was causing the problem. I read up on this and found that importing the objects directly into a new database was one of the recommended ways of circumventing this problem. This was what I was already doing! So what was wrong?

Next idea, I exported all of the records into an excel spreadsheet. This was successful! So I then re-imported the records from the spreadsheet back into a table in the database.

There were a couple of problems, in that all of the text fields were converted to 255 character length. Although annoying I thought I could handle this problem. I proceeded making a few changes to this database, then I noticed that one of the fields that had been imported was originally a “Memo field” it had been converted to a text field with 255 characters. As soon as I noticed, I checked to see if any data had been lost by comparing this field with the original data. I found a significant loss of data so back to the drawing board!

All of the other tables had imported correctly, only this one seemed to be giving problems, I had tackled the size problem it was not a big table by MS Access standards, but I felt it could be the size, In particular the number of fields could be causing this error. But just trying to import one field at a time hadn’t worked?

Then it dawned on me what if I tried to import one record at a time --- that worked! So I wrote the query with a between statement I tried 10, then a 100, then a thousand records it worked fine! However when I tried 5000 records the error re-occurred?

I realized that I probably had some corrupt data in the table, so I set about systematically extracting a limited number of records until I found the area where the corruption was.

This worked but returned “0” records --- Between 11001 And 12000

“Between 12001 And 13000” Got error message “Record is deleted”

I got to 12800 all ok

12900 caused error

Error is in a record between 12800 and 12900

I will continue to whittle it down!

OK to 12819

The corrupt record is: 12820

I had found the corrupt record! Now all I had to do was create two queries one each side of this corrupt record to extract the information.

On inspection of this corrupt record I discovered that the memo field contained the following: “#Deleted “ I am going to attempt to modify the memo field and see if it fixes the corruption of the database.

My attempt at modifying the corrupt record, in particular the memo field containing “#Deleted” caused the error message to re-occur. “Record is deleted”

I have made a copy of the actual record 12820 and pasted it into a spreadsheet to send to the customer so that it can be checked in the existing data on their system.

Fortunately there were no related records in other tables affected.

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#ERROR And #DELETED Appearing In Tables

Aug 30, 2005


I have a muli-user database that's been creating the odd strange record for me

two records that have been created have all the fields data as


no matter what I do with these records I can't get rid of them or find out where they came from.

Can any help me just delete these out of the table?

Would be extreemly helpful as they are now getting on my nerves :-)

Cheers Homer

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#error - #deleted - No Valid Bookmark??

Sep 21, 2005

Hi all,

one of the databases at my place has started acting really strange and was wondering if anyone knows what could possibly be wrong?

there's only one big tble holding about 7.5 k records with approx 10 fields

info that was entered yesterday has now been deleted (by access?) and when you scroll down or go down to the end records, all those records that were there yesterday now show either #error or #deleted and then an error popup appears saying "Not Valid Bookmark"

The UID doesn't appear to be working either, i.e it's not incrementing properly?

any ideas?

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Record Is Deleted - Error Message

Mar 10, 2015

We developed a simple database that operates across a network at work (max 15 intermittent users). We split it into a front and backend and made it a .accde file format of which through a desktop short cut we all access. We are recently getting the error message Record is Deleted.

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How Do I Trap Oracle ODBC Error #deleted

Feb 26, 2007

i am using access against an Oracle DB through an ODBC driver, and when appending records to a local table, if access gets an Oracle record error "#deleted", the append query aborts. . . that's fine, but I can't figure out how to trap the error to get the rest of the records. . .

ugh! see attached graphic



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Run Time Error 3167 Record Is Deleted.

Feb 16, 2005

Help!! I have a form with a drop down list that is pulling Query names from a table. When I select on of the Query names on the dropdown list it is running the appropriate Query. At least it did until today. Now when I select the Query name from the dropdown list I am gett a Run Time Error 3167 Record is Deleted.

Can anyone tell me what is happening? I have changed nothing in the code. The code is:

After Update DoCmd.OpenQuery Me!OMSQueries

Thanks in advance

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Error In Update Query: Record Is Deleted

Jul 16, 2007

While executing this query, I get this error code:

Record is deleted.

UPDATE [MDL-10] SET [MDL-10].[File Path] = "Download#\ driveNTPC SIPATDMSSDocuments" & [ProjectNo] & "" & [Client Drg No] & ".pdf#"
WHERE ((([MDL-10].[REV 00 SUBMISSION]) Is Not Null));

I tried all but could not find any reason. Please help

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Forms :: Error Keeps Popping Up After Expression Is Deleted?

Jun 4, 2015

This error message keeps popping up no matter what I do. "Database can't find the field 'QuotationNumber' referred to in your expression." I tried to define a text box by using a DLookUp function, however that did not work. I deleted the function, and now this error message keeps popping up. I have searched everywhere for an expression with 'QuotationNumber' in it, and I cannot find it. What do I do?

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General :: Import Error - Deleted And Lost Records

Jun 3, 2013

I'm getting an import error that records are being 3 records being deleted and one lost due to violations. However when I go back to check the data that was imported I can't find anything missing. Any clues on what could cause the error but still import the data.

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Calculated Columns Showing #error??

Feb 22, 2008

I am using Access 2003. I have a form that shows many calculated columms (some using =Dlookup(), other using =ufMyFunctions() stored in Modules). I update only 2 columns and the the form is set up as a ContinuousForm.

No problem, everything displays when I open it. Also in the form is a call (found in Modules) to function that updates a column on that table. Basiclly when opening the form it could do some updates. As I said everything works great when I open the form.

What I have noticed is that when I open the form using the following:
stDocName = "frmIPMVPCosts"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmIPMVPCosts", acSaveYes

all the columns display #ERROR, except the bound columns, which display correctly. The reason I do this method is on a change of value for some of the columns used in the calculated columns on the form, I need to force an update automatically. Instead of waiting on the user to open and close the form, I do it on a CLOSE event in another form that updated some columns used in the calculated columns. That way the reports can up to date also.

This is a single user system for now. Any ideas why the calculated columns are not visible? Is there some setting I have to do? I use this method on other forms that have no calculated columns and it all works.

Thanking you in advance for any help.

Cheers, Boris

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Calculated Columns Showing #error??

Feb 22, 2008

I am using Access 2003. I have a form that shows many calculated columms (some using =Dlookup(), other using =ufMyFunctions() stored in Modules). I update only 2 columns and the the form is set up as a ContinuousForm.

No problem, everything displays when I open it. Also in the form is a call (found in Modules) to function that updates a column on that table. Basiclly when opening the form it could do some updates. As I said everything works great when I open the form.

What I have noticed is that when I open the form using the following:
stDocName = "frmIPMVPCosts"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmIPMVPCosts", acSaveYes

all the columns display #ERROR, except the bound columns, which display correctly. The reason I do this method is on a change of value for some of the columns used in the calculated columns on the form, I need to force an update automatically. Instead of waiting on the user to open and close the form, I do it on a CLOSE event in another form that updated some columns used in the calculated columns. That way the reports can up to date also.

This is a single user system for now. Any ideas why the calculated columns are not visible? Is there some setting I have to do? I use this method on other forms that have no calculated columns and it all works.

Thanking you in advance for any help.

Cheers, Boris

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Tables :: Deleted Error In Microsoft Access Linked Tables

Jul 24, 2014

I have developed a Microsoft Access 2010 database for my client and the database is split with Front-end/Back-end, the Back-end and the database is shared on Network, The client operating system and applications for all users are hosted and consistent and the service is delivered over Citrix.

The database some times corrupt the tables record and give a permanent #Delete Error, I have attached one of the database table and the screenshot of the error,

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Form Is Deleted But Is Still There

May 11, 2005

Someone created a form and then deleted it. When we try to use the find button on other forms, it keeps looking for the deleted form. When I look in visual basic, I can still see the removed form listed, but it is not visible on the form page for me to delete. How do I get rid of this residue.



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"Record Is Deleted" Error! Please Help! Thanks

Oct 31, 2006

Hi there,

I have 1 front-end MS Access 2000 for forms, queries, reports linked to tables from another back-end MS Access 2000, which stores only tables.

Just today, when I tried to open the table (has about 48,000 records), it keeps having the message "Record is deleted" or if I open the form that has that table is underlying source, another error "This action will reset the current code in break mode. Do you want to stop the running code? Yes/No" .

I even tried to import the tables to a blank database, it takes for more than an hour. It seem never works! Tried compact and repair the back-end Access, it stops about half-way about an hour. I can not open the form link to this table or even I created a new form for this table. NOTHING WORKS!! Still pop-up that same error messages!

Please help! Greatly appreciated!!

Thanks so much,

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#deleted Displayed In Fields On Form

Aug 12, 2005

Some of my collegues have been experiencing this problem with a very simple database i knocked up for them. First off some background. I have a main form (frmproperty) with 3 subforms linked to it(frmroomdata, frmlocation and frmsample). by a property code. Two of these subforms are linked (frmlocation and frmsample) these are linked by location code which is an autonumber.

These are laid out so that you fill in room data first, then location data then finally sample data. However after the location data has been filled out and a user attempts to move to the first combobox on the sample subform a message pops up saying that another user has altered the database and would you like to save changes (Impossible as they are using the database on a local drive). After this happens they reopen the form and in all the frmsample fields is "#deleted"

This doesn't happen every time...infact over the last 2 days i have been entering data myself to try and get this error with no luck. Has anyone else come across this and know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance
Matt Collins

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Accidently Deleted Switchboard Form

Oct 7, 2004

I accidently deleted the switchboard form from an Access database. The switchboard manager is still there as is the Switchboard table. Can anybody advise me on how to get the switchboard form back, please?

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String Found In *deleted* Query/form

Aug 20, 2007

I've created a function to search for a string in SQL definitions:
Public Sub SearchInQueryDefs(strSearch As String)

Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim qdfs As QueryDefs
Dim blnFound As Boolean

Set qdfs = CurrentDb.QueryDefs

For Each qdf In qdfs
blnFound = InStr(1, qdf.SQL, strSearch) > 0
If blnFound Then
Debug.Print "Searching : " & qdf.Name & "...";
Debug.Print " - found"
If vbNo = MsgBox("Found!" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "" & strSearch & " found in "

& qdf.Name & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & qdf.SQL & "" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Click 'Yeah' to

continue search, 'Duh' to stop", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "SearchInQueryDefs") Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next qdf

MsgBox "Done searching.", vbInformation, GetAppTitle()
End Sub

Using the following statement (in the immediate window) i get the following result:
SearchInQueryDefs "Queries"
Searching : ~sq_cfrmReports~sq_clstQueries... - found
However query "~sq_cfrmReports~sq_clstQueries" doesn't exist.
It is probably a query which populates the listbox "lstQueries" in the "frmReports"

form. But that form doesn't exist in my database. I have deleted it some time ago. I

thought that Compact and Repair got rid of stuff like this.
I found the definition in the MsysObjects and with this Id also in the MsysQueries.
So my question is obvious: what is this, why is this and what can i do about it?


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Queries :: Form Still Prompts For Parameter After Query Deleted?

May 15, 2013

I had created a query that I was attempting to reference a text field in a form that was open when the query is run. It wasn't working and whenever I opened the form it would prompt for the parameter before opening the form.

I ended up deleting the query to try again from scratch. But the form still asks for the parameters whenever I open the form. Why is Access still prompting me for the parameters?

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Create A Form In Memory Which Can Be Deleted Subsequently Without Saving?

Aug 9, 2011

Is there any way to create a form in memory which can be deleted subsequently without saving. i have planned to create a MDE. can i create a form through VBA coding in it. All the reader of this message are masters in access except me. Any way to create a form in access MDE file.

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Forms :: Deleting Subform Data When Main Form Is Deleted

Dec 9, 2014

I have a main form with several linked by ID worksheet sub-forms. I would like to add a on-click function to delete the main form and all related record on each sub-form. I have tried several methods but nothing is working correctly. The cascading delete function is not available as part of the form relationships. How I can accomplish this?

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Form Not Showing

Mar 1, 2005


I have copied a form and changed the table it is linked to. however, now it just shows a blank screen, not any fields.

I have spent hours on this, please can somebody show me what I have not changed. i have attached the database.

thanks in advance


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