"#Error" In TextBox - How To Replace With Text

Apr 25, 2005


I have form that uses a query as its datasource.
In this query, there is a column for Body_Height. From this value for Body_Height, there is a calculation made inside the query, e.g. Body_Height / Body_Mass = Body_Calculation
Then, there is a textbox on the form, which uses the calculated value Body_Calculation from the query. However when Body_Height is empty, the term "#Error" appears in the textbox. (Actually "#Fehler" - German for error - appears there as I am using the German version of Access.)
I know it is an error, as the data for Body_Height is not yet available and has not been entered into the db yet.

My question:
Is it possible to replace the term "#Error" with something user-defined, like "N/A" or "Not available" ? It will just help make the form look a bit better in the end I think.

Please help me as I am still a bit unsure how to do this. :confused:


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Frequent Error In Referring / Linking Textbox In Subform From Text Box Within Main Form

Apr 17, 2013

Go to frmInvoice, and you'll see a Net Total box (txtNetTotal) . It's control source is linked to a textbox in the subform fsubInvoiceDetails2 called txtStocktotal. It basically just pulls up all the costs associated with that InvoiceID.

The reference mechanism is as follows: =[fsubInvoiceDetails2].[Form]![txtStockTotal].Now...sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't! Sometimes i've had to use: =forms!fsubInvoiceDetails2!txtStockTotal.

It seems to be very temperamental at times and i'm not fully confident if this can be explained.By way of note, I use express builder normally to input these statements: I go to Forms > ALL FORMS > fsubInvoiceDetails2 > txtstocktotal.

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Modules & VBA :: Replace Hard Code Directory Path With Textbox

Jun 17, 2013

How do I direct the ZipFilePath and ZipFolderPath to use a directory I define in a textbox in a form? Instead of hard code like it is now?

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Sub NewZip(ZipFilePath)
On Error GoTo Err_NewZip
Dim lngFile As Long
lngFile = FreeFile

[Code] ......

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Reports :: Find And Replace Text Across Many Text Boxes In Report Design

Jan 30, 2015

Is it possible to use find and replace to modify text in report design - or else is there something else I can do to get the same effect? I have a really useful report and I want to modify it for use with a different dataset. To do that I will need to change the text in over 150 text boxes. I have seven different fields which each occur over 20 times in the control source formulas in the text boxes, because they are used in different ways in different calculations. If this was excel I could do a simple find and replace to change e.g. every reference to fieldname OLD to fieldname NEW, but I cannot see how to do that within access report so am haveing to click on each text box in turn, go to properties and edit the text box .

I am trying to switch to a more general naming system in the modified report so then I will be able to assign data with the required fieldnames for the report within a query. But the report I am starting with has field names based on years 2013, 2014, 2015 etc.I want a quick way to change each reference to those field names to my more generic new field names.

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Replace #Error

Feb 20, 2006

I have a query where I make a calculation. In some cases this calculation results in a division by zero. The field will then show #Fout (#Error in english?). I want to replace this message with something else, like a dash for example.

Can someone tell me how?


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Replace #error With Zero In Calculation Results

Oct 6, 2004

I have a database which is used by operators to input manufacturing data i.e. LotNo, Customer, SalesOrderNo, PartNo, LineNo, ActualQty, Length, ScrapMat, (MatStdCost), StdLineSpeed, SetupTime, RunTime, LostTime and weightperpiece.

We then use this data to produce information like
Standard Run Time: (([ActualQty]*[Lenght])/[StdLineSpeed])/60
Machine Efficiency: ([Standard Run time]/[Runtime])

these work fine if values are inserted. The problem is that when a value is zero it returns a #error value in the field. This is probably caused by dividing by zero which can happen.

A test may occur where there is zero StdLineSpeed etc.

Is there any way I can bet access to return zero in these cases instead of the #error because I wish to do further calculations on totals and averages and I cannot if even one #error occurs.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.


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Find And Replace Text

Aug 3, 2006


I have my main table and one column is a lookup field to another table.

One of the options that was in the dropdown needed to be changed. So I changed the dropdown, but now I need to change all the old entries to reflect this change.

I opened the main table, and thought I could do a find/replace. But it doesn't work. If I do just a 'find' it finds the old text just fine. But if I do the Find/Replace option, it says the 'look for' text was not found. Even tho, I just found it using the find option. If I click on the tab that says find, it will find it again. If I click on the find/replace it can't find it.

any ideas on a way to quickly replace my text in these fileds, without having to go 1 by 1 through each record.


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Reports :: Replace Text Case Sensitive?

Mar 20, 2014

I'm trying to open a report and highlight certain text. So I have a textbox that takes the original field and replaces certain text (based on user input) in bold red. Here is my formula:

=Replace([Language],[txtKeyword],"<font color = ""red""><b>" & Upper([txtKeyword]) & "</b></font>")

It works fine, but the only problem is, I don't know how to make it case sensitive. So let's say the user input (txtKeyword) is "contract." If it's the beginning of a sentence, I want the C to remain capitalized, but if the C is not capitalized, I don't want it to show capitalized. Is there a way to do this without making the formula really long?

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Replace Space With Underscore In A Text String

Feb 2, 2015

I sometimes get a last name with two names not connected by a dash (i.e. Smith-Jones), instead it is entered as "Smith Jones". When I get it from Excel into Access is there a way to replace the space with an underscore in Access? I know I can do it in Excel, but I need that Excel file the way it is for other purposes.

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Replace New Lines After Search String With Corresponding Text With A Tab

Mar 25, 2014

I need to loop through text files and replace the new lines following the from, to, copy and subject fields with tabs and place the associated text on the same line as the from, to, copy and subject fields.

I start out with this. See below.


ABC COrp@abc.com
XYZ Inc.@xyz.com

Me@abc.com; Myself@abc.com; Irene@xyz.com


NOthing much

I need it to be like this.

From:ABC COrp@abc.com

To:XYZ Inc.@xyz.com
Copy:Me@abc.com; Myself@abc.com; Irene@xyz.com
Subject:NOthing much

How can I do this in access?

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Forms :: Replace 2105 Runtime Error Message With Custom Msgbox

Aug 6, 2014

Having set a table short text field to 'Indexed (No Duplicates)', I have a form which produces a '2105 runtime error' when the user attempts to submit a duplicate value. I would like to replace this default error message with a more user-friendly MsgBox.

My code for the SaveRecord button is:


Private Sub SaveRecord_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
MsgBox "Record successfully saved", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Record Saved"
End Sub

My code to capture the 2105 runtime error is:


Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)
If DataErr = 2105 Then
MsgBox ("This villa booking has already been logged.")
Response = 0
End If
End Sub

Unfortunately when the save button is clicked (when attempting to save a duplicate value), the 2105 error still runs. What are I doing wrong?

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Queries :: Update Query To Replace Number With Text

Apr 15, 2014

I've made a simple form to Login/Logout with radio buttons but the buttons only allow me to push a number as a value, in my case 1 or 2 for Login or Logout.

How would I make an update query to change those numbers to the equivalent text? Or is that not possible in the same field because that is 2 different data types?

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Queries :: Removing Text From String Using Replace Function And Wildcards

Apr 25, 2014

I have a list of consumables;

Syringe 50ml
Syringe 20ml
Syringe 5ml
Syringe Cap
White Needle

I want to remove only the number and the ml part from the list, so I would end up with;

Syringe Cap
White Needle

If I use

PHP Code:


I get the desired result for the 50ml syringe size.

I have tried every possible combination of "**ml", "##ml", "Like [0-9]ml all with no success.

How this can be resolved without having to individual enter each syringe size "5ml", "20ml" etc

I can't even just take the text from the right till the first space as this would lead to problems with other consumables in the list.

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Queries :: Make Replace Query To Look In Order To Find What To Replace

May 6, 2014

I have this working query:


But Iwant to be able to use a set of data to be used in the Replace Statement, so I create a table to add each string I would like to have replaced by "nothing", and trying to make the replace query to look there in order to find what to replace.I also created a table where I will list the systems that I dont want in the select, so I removed the "ACTIVE DIRECTORY" and replaced by the colum that have the list of system I dont want listed.This is the result:


The thin is that this keeps asking me to enter the parameter value for "PREFIXOS_E_SUFIXOS!Valor" and for "SISTEMAS_EXCLUIDOS!Sistema"

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On Got Focus - Hover Over Text Box And Display Text In Another Textbox

Jun 18, 2014

When I mouse over TEXTBOX1 I want it to display the phrase Hello World in TEXTBOX2.

When the Mouse moves away from TEXTBOX1 I want TEXTBOX2 to go back to normal.. (Empty)

How can I get the below VB to work? Or something similar.. I'm assuming a mouse move event or something

Private Sub TEXTBOX1_GotFocus()
​ Display Hello World in TEXTBOX2
End Sub

Private Sub TEXTBOX1_LostFocus()
End Sub

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Tables :: Find And Replace Hyperlink Address With Text To Display Access 2013

Sep 8, 2014

In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?

Example of Hyperlink Editor:

Example of Find and Replace

In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?

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#error In Textbox

Mar 14, 2005

Hello all:


=NZ(DCount("[DEPARTMENT]","FEB 2005 APPLICANTS","[DEPARTMENT]='HUMANITIES' AND [GRADUATED]=-1"),0)-NZ(DCount("[Majorcode]","FEB 2005 APPLICANTS","[Majorcode]='888 AND [GRADUATED]=-1"),0)

It returns a "#Error" message.

Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to fix this error?

Many thanks,


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Error Message: TextBox

Sep 28, 2005

My data is like that:

I open the "Input" form
there 2 textboxes
search1 => Field name from Table
value1 => value from the table depend on search1 name

it is a filter.
And, this form has "Input_sub" form, because I want to do filter.

// this case is work well
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Amy
//Do Again
search1: Date
value1: 8/31/2005
//Do Again
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Jimmy

// This case is Not OK, has error
// this one is OK
search1: Date
value1: 8/31/2005
// Do Again, Error come out
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Amy
//Error message appear
"The value you entered isn't valid for this field, For Example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is larger than the Fieldsize setting permits"

Please give me the direction to solve this problem. I tried many ways, it still be there. I ever change the Datatype of date to be Text of the "Input" Table, then it works, but I want to use datatype of Date to be Date/Time.

Please help.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

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#Error! Is Only Displayed Sometimes On Calculated Textbox

Sep 14, 2006

I have a form with loads of calculated textboxes (using expressions).
Some of these also rely on other textboxes that are being calculated when the form loads.
If I load it once, some of the textboxes display #Error! but most don't.
On closing it and reloading it a second time, the textboxes that displayed #Error! the first time now display a correct value and some other textboxes display #Error! instead.

Occasionally, every control works perfectly.

Is this something to do with when the calculation on each control is run and that if the dependent calculations don't finish quickly enough?

If so, is there a way round it?

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TextBox Text Direction

Jun 20, 2005

Is there a way to set the text direction in the textbox to be vertical instead of horisental.

Or is it possible to rotate the text box to set it to be vertical instead of horisental.


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How Can I Limit Text In Textbox?

Oct 19, 2005

How can i limit the user to enter the text in a textbox on a form?
suppose i want the user to enter only upto 20 chars in a textfield.

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Adding Text Into A Textbox

Dec 20, 2005


Is the following possible?

I have the code to add the text to a textbox, but what I would like to do is rather than to keep adding the text onto the end.
Make it so that it will add it before what I previously added, so that the newer data is always at the top.

Can I do this? The following is how I'm currently entering the data into the textbox:

If IsNull(Me.LastContact) Then
Me.LastContact = Me.List35.Value & " contacted " & Me.List38.Value & " by " & Me.cmboEngagement & " on " & Date & vbCrLf & _
If Not IsNull(Me.LastContact) Then
Me.LastContact = Me.LastContact & vbCrLf & Me.txtInput.Value
End If
End If


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List Text In Textbox

Jan 3, 2006


Quick question, how would you advise I do the following.

I have a form with an unbound textbox.

What I would like to do is create some sort of log in a textbox with the newest listed at the top.

I have a table with this information in that contains an ID, a memo field which lists the details, and a date field.

I would like to list all the details based on an ID, and with the newest details being the first listed.

How would I go about doing this?


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Text Hovering Over Textbox

May 25, 2006


does anybody know how to get text to show over a textbox. until the user doesn't enter the text box it will show instructions or a label perhaps. i have seen it on some samples and now i can't seem to locate it. i think this is an easy one. i need to save space on a continues form. i would like to get rid of the lables.



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Error 2448 - Displaying Data From One Form On Another Using Textbox

Aug 25, 2015

I'm simply trying to display the data from an open form named frmEventInput fields: [EventName] and [Description] on a new form that includes 2 text boxes with the control sources and names: [txtEventName] and [txtDescription]

It says Error 2448, You can't assign a value to this object!

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim LResponse As Integer
LResponse = MsgBox("Do you wish to open 'Event Participant Registration Form'?", vbYesNo, "Continue")
If LResponse = vbYes Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Value From Text Box Populates Other Textbox?

Aug 9, 2015


Me.PHOTO = " & Me.text36 & " & Me.FILENAME & "" & Me.FILENAME & ".jpg"

tell me what I have to change in the " & Me.text36 & " part so that the value displays the value in text 36 and not the words me.text36

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