#Name? Issues.....please Advise.

Oct 27, 2005

I am using Access 2000 and have the following issue I need assistance with please.

I initially had no primary key set on the table and the form and all the data from the tables showed fine in my form. However, I wanted a primary key to prevent a user from accidentally typing a duplicate Repair Order number in the form.

I went back into the table and set a primary key as our company’s Repair Order number. Since this number should never be duplicated I wanted this as the primary key. I had a ton of issues and kept receiving messages that indicated I had duplicates in the table. After running a query through the wizard to find the duplicates in the Repair Order column, which the query could locate, any, I finally exported the data in the table into a spreadsheet. Then I created a new table and set the primary key to Repair Order Number and set the index in the properties to “yes, no duplicates”.

However now when I go over to my form, the field for the Repair Order number, Model number, Serial number and Phone number now show this error message in the field #Name?, and will not allow a user to type any text or numbers into these four fields. The other fields do show the data from the table. I went through help for information on #Name? and verified that I do have Msowcf.dll and it is not missing from my computer.

All the other data was pulled from the table into the form except for these four fields. I did verify that there are no duplicates in the Repair Order column of the table but the Model and Serial numbers can have duplicates as well as the phone number.

If I change the index properties under the primary key of Repair Order Number and tell it to allow duplicates these issues go away but it seems I can't prevent duplicates from occuring in that particular field then.

Another note. I do have fields that work from a “Date of Service” that calculate out adding 10 months to the Date of Service as a contact date and another field that calculates out 12 months as an annual service date. Those seem not to be affected and the formulas are working fine in those fields on the forms.

I am not very familiar with Access and I am still in the learning stages. Can someone give me some insight on what I may have missed or need to correct? Please be specific. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. This one has had me stumped for several days.

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Stressing A Bit...can Someone Advise?

Oct 14, 2005

I have created a switchboard and some additional forms. I would like the frontend of the database to display my forms in a maximized view when the users opens them. Can anyone advise me how to do this?

For some odd reason when I make changes to the forms (example) resizing them my clicking and dragging the edges, the changes will not save. Can anyone advise me what I may be doing incorrectly? :confused:

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Need Expert Advise On Normalization

Jun 19, 2005

The question is whether or not to normalize the fields "Place of Birth/Place of Death" in my 100'000 records famous people data base. So far, 15'000 different birth places are deployed. Only 3'000 of them are used more then once, that is to say from 2 to a maximum of 1000 times (New York City). 12'000 birth places are therefor used only once up to now. So, a table of 15'000 places would need a 3-digit (all characters used) or even a 5-digit (numbers only used) identification. In the latter case the ident would often be longer than the returned value (Wien, Oslo, Rom, it's in german, you know). Furthermore, instead of just entering a birth place like "Novodny Chomarowsky" I had to search the table of places whether or not the entry has been used yet. Please supply strong pro-normalization-arguments.

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Search Forms Advise

Dec 8, 2006


I have the following forms setup:

frm_Main (Switchboard)
frm_Customers (Form)
frm_SalesDetailsSub (SubForm on frmCustomers showing basic details of items they have bought)

On frm_Main I can search for Customers by Surname using the following code behind a search button on the form:

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim stQry
Dim stDocName As String

stQry = SearchSurname() 'Query containing tblCustomers
stDocName = "frm_Customers"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, stQry, "((([tbl_Customers].[Customer_LName])like[Customer Surname?]& ""*""))"

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
Resume Next
Resume Next
End If

This works fine, however I also want to search by items on the subform frm_SalesDetailsSub by using another button on frm_Main. I have tried code like the one shown below.

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim stQry
Dim stDocName As String

stQry = SearchSaleItem() 'Query containing tblCustomers and tblSales Items linked via ID
stDocName = "frm_Customers"

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal, stQry, "((([tbl_Sales_Details].[Sales_Details])like [Item Description?]& ""*""))"

If Err.Number = 2501 Then
Resume Next
Resume Next
End If

I have tried lots of different variations of code, but can't seem to crack it.

Any advice is welcome.


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Advise About Structure For A Beginner

Feb 7, 2008

Hi, I'd like to ask for help about Access, ASP - all this is new for me...

I'd like to make an Access based website for searching, comparing and adding some electrical appliances. These appliances are supposed to have a lable name, type, serial number and they also have some options. (Just like cars: volvo, s80, color red, airco).

My question is about the structure of the database: is it better to store for example the "colors" in a separate (related) table in Access or to have one table for everything and use the lookup option with dropdown menu? Can I connect such a dropdown list from the lookup in database to the website using ASP? And if some options have options themselves (like manual airco/automatical airco), what is the best structure for it?

The final product must be a site where new models can be added and available appliances can be searched and compared.

Thank you for your help,

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Auto-fill In The Gaps - Advise Plz

May 12, 2005

i have a query that provides data like so:

IDNumber - Units - WeekNo
55643 - 180 - 1
55643 - (Null) - 2
55643 - (Null) - 3
55643 - 135 - 4
55643 - (Null) - 5
55643 - 0 - 6
55643 - (Null) - 7

is there a way of adding something to the SQL to make it fill in the Null values to the most previous value of Units? in other words, the top 2 Null's would become 180, the next one down would become 135 and the bottom one would become 0.

since data is not entered weekly, these Null's are inherently there for certain weeks and i am hoping that with the Nulls replaced, i can produce a bar chart from this query for a report. if the Null's remain, i am getting 'gaps' in my chart which look like zero's.

many thanks.

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Curious On Rich's Recordcount Advise

Nov 4, 2005

Rich helped Latex88 a little further down and the advise given was:

"=Count(*) in the control source of a textbox in the subform footer will do it, no vba is needed"

I tried this out out on a few of my subforms and it worked on all but one. The recordsource of the one that it does not work on is based on a query. When I changed the recordsource to a table then the recordcount works.

Curious as to why and is there a work around?

Thanks a head of time,

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Access Results From Query Has Blank Cells - Advise

Aug 17, 2006


I've written a querry - and the results that come back dont look right. Some rows have data in and others dont.

Has anyone seen something similar?
Does this mean that the data are probably incorrect?
Any advise?


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