one of the databases at my place has started acting really strange and was wondering if anyone knows what could possibly be wrong?
there's only one big tble holding about 7.5 k records with approx 10 fields
info that was entered yesterday has now been deleted (by access?) and when you scroll down or go down to the end records, all those records that were there yesterday now show either #error or #deleted and then an error popup appears saying "Not Valid Bookmark"
The UID doesn't appear to be working either, i.e it's not incrementing properly?
I tried to search the forums for an answer but I still can't seem to solve the problem. I receive the "Not a valid bookmark" error message when attempting to open my database. I have tried the compact tool through access and also jetcomp but it just brings up the same error message on access and says "error compacting database" on jetcomp. Can anyone provide a solution to my problem in order that i can either open the database or else retrieve data from it? Many thanks, any help appreciated Jon.
I have attached the database in case you have any software which might be of use.
I've found a few posts about this subject, on the forum, so I'm guessing that my database (or at least one table therein) has become corrupt.
I've tried the various suggestions I could find (compact and repair, import into a new Db, etc) and none have worked. I have, however, located a version of the database from the day before this error first occurred. I've checked the problematic table and it contains no 'Error#' lines.
The single table affected contains a lot of data and is pretty irreplaceable. I have daily backups, so no information will actually get lost, but if I can't add any new data to it (for fear of corruption) it won't be much use.
1) What causes this problem? I can't seem to find a definite answer to this one. 2) Is there one definite fix I can use to prevent the problem occurring again?
I have a sub form in a tabbed control that collects client income data. A subform of that [Tax table calc frm] calculates the tax payable and the following code displays the result in the [c1TaxMedi] and [c2taxmedi] fields on the income form. Private Sub Command122_Click() 'Calculate taxation on income [Tax Table Calc Frm].Form.Refresh Me.C1TaxMedi = Form![Tax Table Calc Frm].Form![Text58] Me.C2TaxMedi = Form![Tax Table Calc Frm].Form![Text70] End Sub
The problem is that when I put data in the clients wages field then click the command button I get an error message "Run-Time error-2147352567(80020009) The value you entered isn't valid for this field. When I go into debug the line Me.C1TaxMedi = Form![Tax Table Calc Frm].Form![Text58] is highlighted. If I don't do anything except close the debug window and return to the form the currency is display correctly in wages and if I press the command button again I get the tax to display without any errors. I cannot fathom what is wrong with this code to get this effect.
Help appreciated Thanks.
Ooops realised I've posted in wrong category, don't know how to move it.M apologies.
I'm creating a database with an Asset register which gives you a simple route to documents related to these perticular assets. My problem is when linking to Excel files. I use the FollowHyperlink method and reference to a Hyperlink in a row of the table. If this Hyperlink happens to be to an excel file (regardless of version) it generates an error stating "Reference is not valid". The odd thing is that the file opens, but is not maximised on opening. I have searched for weeks for a solution but can only find them for Pivot Table problems in excel.
My code is simply;
Private Sub FormName_ObjectName_Click() On Error Resume Next Application.FollowHyperlink [ColumnName] End Sub
This works fine for any file that isn't an excel file. So my question is, what's missing or what needs changing to prevent the error from appearing. I have tried different compatabilities but have had no luck. I also tried a function called GoHyperlink, but had no luck in Access 2007.
I have recently created a db for a large Printing operation in our company. Previously, the process was all paper-based and extremely inefficient, so obviously this is a huge step in the right direction.
Upon completing the db and providing a demo to the staff, I saved a copy to a shared folder on the network for them to access (.accdb file). We've done this with other dbs before, but with smaller groups (3-4 people). With this db, since there will be anywhere up to 15 people that may want to access it at the same time, the db started crashing during the first phase of pilot testing this week.
I did some more research and found that the db should be split.the users can't open the db anymore.I have a Printing Services shared drive in which created an "Administrator" folder for the back-end (the front-end is in the same location as that folder). When I split the db, I select the back-end location to be within the Administrator folder.
TrackerAdministrator OnlyOS Tracker_be.accdb" is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.I know that the file path is valid, b/c I selected it specifically when using the wizard to create it, and I know that the staff have access to the shared drive as they had to open it in order to gain access to the front-end. Plus, it's working for me when I try to open it, just not the others.
By: Tony Hine ( Tel: +44 1635 522233 My profile on ecademy (
I had a problem importing just one table I kept getting the message “Record is deleted” and no records were imported.
First I thought it may be because there were quite a few columns in the table so I tried importing just one column, however I got the same message “Record is deleted“ .
I considered it could be because the database was originally in a Company office workgroup. I wondered if the “Work group security” was causing the problem. I read up on this and found that importing the objects directly into a new database was one of the recommended ways of circumventing this problem. This was what I was already doing! So what was wrong?
Next idea, I exported all of the records into an excel spreadsheet. This was successful! So I then re-imported the records from the spreadsheet back into a table in the database.
There were a couple of problems, in that all of the text fields were converted to 255 character length. Although annoying I thought I could handle this problem. I proceeded making a few changes to this database, then I noticed that one of the fields that had been imported was originally a “Memo field” it had been converted to a text field with 255 characters. As soon as I noticed, I checked to see if any data had been lost by comparing this field with the original data. I found a significant loss of data so back to the drawing board!
All of the other tables had imported correctly, only this one seemed to be giving problems, I had tackled the size problem it was not a big table by MS Access standards, but I felt it could be the size, In particular the number of fields could be causing this error. But just trying to import one field at a time hadn’t worked?
Then it dawned on me what if I tried to import one record at a time --- that worked! So I wrote the query with a between statement I tried 10, then a 100, then a thousand records it worked fine! However when I tried 5000 records the error re-occurred?
I realized that I probably had some corrupt data in the table, so I set about systematically extracting a limited number of records until I found the area where the corruption was.
This worked but returned “0” records --- Between 11001 And 12000
“Between 12001 And 13000” Got error message “Record is deleted”
I got to 12800 all ok
12900 caused error
Error is in a record between 12800 and 12900
I will continue to whittle it down!
OK to 12819
The corrupt record is: 12820
I had found the corrupt record! Now all I had to do was create two queries one each side of this corrupt record to extract the information.
On inspection of this corrupt record I discovered that the memo field contained the following: “#Deleted “ I am going to attempt to modify the memo field and see if it fixes the corruption of the database.
My attempt at modifying the corrupt record, in particular the memo field containing “#Deleted” caused the error message to re-occur. “Record is deleted”
I have made a copy of the actual record 12820 and pasted it into a spreadsheet to send to the customer so that it can be checked in the existing data on their system.
Fortunately there were no related records in other tables affected.
We developed a simple database that operates across a network at work (max 15 intermittent users). We split it into a front and backend and made it a .accde file format of which through a desktop short cut we all access. We are recently getting the error message Record is Deleted.
i am using access against an Oracle DB through an ODBC driver, and when appending records to a local table, if access gets an Oracle record error "#deleted", the append query aborts. . . that's fine, but I can't figure out how to trap the error to get the rest of the records. . .
Help!! I have a form with a drop down list that is pulling Query names from a table. When I select on of the Query names on the dropdown list it is running the appropriate Query. At least it did until today. Now when I select the Query name from the dropdown list I am gett a Run Time Error 3167 Record is Deleted.
Can anyone tell me what is happening? I have changed nothing in the code. The code is:
This error message keeps popping up no matter what I do. "Database can't find the field 'QuotationNumber' referred to in your expression." I tried to define a text box by using a DLookUp function, however that did not work. I deleted the function, and now this error message keeps popping up. I have searched everywhere for an expression with 'QuotationNumber' in it, and I cannot find it. What do I do?
I'm getting an import error that records are being 3 records being deleted and one lost due to violations. However when I go back to check the data that was imported I can't find anything missing. Any clues on what could cause the error but still import the data.
I have developed a Microsoft Access 2010 database for my client and the database is split with Front-end/Back-end, the Back-end and the database is shared on Network, The client operating system and applications for all users are hosted and consistent and the service is delivered over Citrix.
The database some times corrupt the tables record and give a permanent #Delete Error, I have attached one of the database table and the screenshot of the error,
I have 1 front-end MS Access 2000 for forms, queries, reports linked to tables from another back-end MS Access 2000, which stores only tables.
Just today, when I tried to open the table (has about 48,000 records), it keeps having the message "Record is deleted" or if I open the form that has that table is underlying source, another error "This action will reset the current code in break mode. Do you want to stop the running code? Yes/No" .
I even tried to import the tables to a blank database, it takes for more than an hour. It seem never works! Tried compact and repair the back-end Access, it stops about half-way about an hour. I can not open the form link to this table or even I created a new form for this table. NOTHING WORKS!! Still pop-up that same error messages!
This should be a simple one, but right now I just can't get it. How do I get a Bookmark to pick up on the entry that I chose from in a combo box when there are multiple entries for the same item I want to chose from (ID - primary key is unique, just not the name of the item - 'FullP', and that is what I am using)?
For instance I want to be able to choose the correct record where 'FullP' will have multiple entries, but unique ID's.
Originally I had this bookmark off of a set of cascading combo boxes on a form, but unfortunately when using this set-up the ID (primary key) is not transfered foward, the rest of it works fine and it takes me to the first record for each 'FullP' (just not the correct record when multiples are entered). The record source for the combo is similar to:
“SELECT [LDetails].MDay, [LDetails].Session, [LDetails].DL, [LDetails].FullP “ & _ “FROM [LDetails] WHERE (((([LDetails].MDay)=Forms![DEntries]!EDay) “ & _ “And ([LDetails].Session)=Forms![DEntries]!Session) “ & _ “And ([LDetails].DL)=Forms![DEntries]!DL) “ & _ “ORDER BY [LDetails].FullP, [LDetails].ID;” AND
Dim Rs As Object Set Rs = Me.Recordset.Clone Rs.FindFirst "[FullP] = '" & Me![FullP] & "'" If Not Rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = Rs.Bookmark Rs.Close When changing the final combo box and binding it directly to the query, the primary key is transfered foward correctly, but I am still having problems getting it to go to the correct record. I have added:
Dim Rs As Object Set Rs = Me.Recordset.Clone Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[FullP] = '" & Me.FullP.Column(0) & "'" If Not Rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = Rs.Bookmark Rs.Close This just takes me to the very first record...
I would really like to keep the cascade combo boxes working. Any ideas?
I have a search form (Form A) that as I type in a text box the contents of the listbox refreshes to show only those items that match the text in the text box. When you double click on any of the items in the listbox it jumps me to a detail form based on the ID field. On the detail form, there is a subform for any notes which uses a listbox (it lists all the notes entered for that detail item).
The notes subform listbox is only displaying the first note entered in the database.... So if I search for information in case 43, I find case 43. I double click on case 43 and the details for case 43 pop up. I go to the notes subform and the listbox showing all the notes entered is only showing the notes for case number 1.
Hi, I am having some weird problems when using bookmarks. All I want to do is display 1 record at a time in a listbox each time a user clicks a button.
At the moment I save the bookmark value to a global variable, and when the user makes another click is should move to that record. Right now it gives me a "Not a valid Bookmark" error when I click on the button for the second time. First time is alright, but second time it comes up with that error. Any help is appreciated.
Here's an example of my code
Option Compare Database Dim varbookmark As Variant
Private Sub cmdadd_Click() Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
With lstHotel .ColumnCount = 4 .ColumnWidths = "1in;" End With
Do While rst.EOF <> True If varbookmark = "" Then lstHotel.AddItem rst!Name rst.MoveNext varbookmark = rst.Bookmark Exit Sub Else rst.Bookmark = varbookmark lstHotel.AddItem rst!Name rst.MoveNext varbookmark = rst.Bookmark Exit Sub End If Loop
I have a knowledge base database which lets the user search for articles containing answers to common problems and issues. Some of the users want to be able to bookmark certain useful articles. The DB is a front end/back end design so I am thinking if I have one table stored in the front end which can be used to store that particular user's favourites then that would be great. However, I a little stuck on how to implement this. Ideally, I'd like a simple checkbox option next to each article, which when ticked, would store that article ID in that user's local front end.
Private Sub Form_Current() If Not Me.NewRecord Then With Me.Q_Subform.Form .RecordsetClone.FindFirst "N=" & Me.N .Bookmark = .RecordsetClone.Bookmark End With End If End Sub
The problem is that when the Q_Subform has no records I have the error 3021.
How can manage it. It's the last step before ending My db
Ok....Just when you think it's all running smoothly.... :( I have a combo box, MDLastName, with a column count of 9, with column 2 displaying and all others hidden. The selection made with this combo populates 7 corresponding fields (first name, address, etc). It's working perfectly.
The first problem I encountered was with identical last names, but different corresponding data. When I selected Jones, for example, it would populate the first Dr. Jones and his info, listed in the table. However, if I selected the second Dr. Jones in the combo list, it was still populating only the first Dr. Jones' info. I resolved this by binding the fist column (ID, aka primary key), but still hiding all colums but column 2. First problem fixed..
Next, I have a Word Template document bookmarked to receive data from the form, frmDenial. I have all the coding working fine and dandy to insert the data from the fields on the form, save, and print. However, instead of inserting the text from the MDLastName, it is inserting the primary key (because it is the bound column in the combo box). Now, because of the first problem discussed above, I cannot change the bound column to column 2 (containing the data I need in the Word Template). How can I get the right info to appear in my template with the bookmarks?
Public Sub cmdRequery_Click() Dim vFlag As String vFlag = Me![EncounterNbr] Me.Requery
With Me.Recordset .FindFirst "[EncounterNbr] = '" & vFlag & "'" Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark End With
The user starts on a continous form and opens a record, makes some changes, and then when that form closes it triggers this public sub.
The code does what I want it to do in that it returns to the last encounter number that was selected (now on the continous form again) and it requeries and shows anything that was changed about the record on the form that was closed before requery.......
But it always resorts and moves it and I want it to stay in the same spot unless the user sorts. Is there any way to make that happen?