#error In Textbox

Mar 14, 2005

Hello all:


=NZ(DCount("[DEPARTMENT]","FEB 2005 APPLICANTS","[DEPARTMENT]='HUMANITIES' AND [GRADUATED]=-1"),0)-NZ(DCount("[Majorcode]","FEB 2005 APPLICANTS","[Majorcode]='888 AND [GRADUATED]=-1"),0)

It returns a "#Error" message.

Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to fix this error?

Many thanks,


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Error Message: TextBox

Sep 28, 2005

My data is like that:

I open the "Input" form
there 2 textboxes
search1 => Field name from Table
value1 => value from the table depend on search1 name

it is a filter.
And, this form has "Input_sub" form, because I want to do filter.

// this case is work well
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Amy
//Do Again
search1: Date
value1: 8/31/2005
//Do Again
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Jimmy

// This case is Not OK, has error
// this one is OK
search1: Date
value1: 8/31/2005
// Do Again, Error come out
search1: Vendor Name
value1: Amy
//Error message appear
"The value you entered isn't valid for this field, For Example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that is larger than the Fieldsize setting permits"

Please give me the direction to solve this problem. I tried many ways, it still be there. I ever change the Datatype of date to be Text of the "Input" Table, then it works, but I want to use datatype of Date to be Date/Time.

Please help.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

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#Error! Is Only Displayed Sometimes On Calculated Textbox

Sep 14, 2006

I have a form with loads of calculated textboxes (using expressions).
Some of these also rely on other textboxes that are being calculated when the form loads.
If I load it once, some of the textboxes display #Error! but most don't.
On closing it and reloading it a second time, the textboxes that displayed #Error! the first time now display a correct value and some other textboxes display #Error! instead.

Occasionally, every control works perfectly.

Is this something to do with when the calculation on each control is run and that if the dependent calculations don't finish quickly enough?

If so, is there a way round it?

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Error 2448 - Displaying Data From One Form On Another Using Textbox

Aug 25, 2015

I'm simply trying to display the data from an open form named frmEventInput fields: [EventName] and [Description] on a new form that includes 2 text boxes with the control sources and names: [txtEventName] and [txtDescription]

It says Error 2448, You can't assign a value to this object!

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim LResponse As Integer
LResponse = MsgBox("Do you wish to open 'Event Participant Registration Form'?", vbYesNo, "Continue")
If LResponse = vbYes Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

[Code] ....

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Frequent Error In Referring / Linking Textbox In Subform From Text Box Within Main Form

Apr 17, 2013

Go to frmInvoice, and you'll see a Net Total box (txtNetTotal) . It's control source is linked to a textbox in the subform fsubInvoiceDetails2 called txtStocktotal. It basically just pulls up all the costs associated with that InvoiceID.

The reference mechanism is as follows: =[fsubInvoiceDetails2].[Form]![txtStockTotal].Now...sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't! Sometimes i've had to use: =forms!fsubInvoiceDetails2!txtStockTotal.

It seems to be very temperamental at times and i'm not fully confident if this can be explained.By way of note, I use express builder normally to input these statements: I go to Forms > ALL FORMS > fsubInvoiceDetails2 > txtstocktotal.

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"#Error" In TextBox - How To Replace With Text

Apr 25, 2005


I have form that uses a query as its datasource.
In this query, there is a column for Body_Height. From this value for Body_Height, there is a calculation made inside the query, e.g. Body_Height / Body_Mass = Body_Calculation
Then, there is a textbox on the form, which uses the calculated value Body_Calculation from the query. However when Body_Height is empty, the term "#Error" appears in the textbox. (Actually "#Fehler" - German for error - appears there as I am using the German version of Access.)
I know it is an error, as the data for Body_Height is not yet available and has not been entered into the db yet.

My question:
Is it possible to replace the term "#Error" with something user-defined, like "N/A" or "Not available" ? It will just help make the form look a bit better in the end I think.

Please help me as I am still a bit unsure how to do this. :confused:


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Forms :: Update Unbound Textbox In Main Form From Subform Textbox Afterupdate

Apr 17, 2015

How to update unbound textbox on main form from unbound textbox in subform afterupdate.

that is when amount paid is updated it automatically updates total paid, balance etc.

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Pass Value From Unbound Textbox To Bound Textbox

Oct 26, 2006

Hi: There are two textboxs in my main form. One is bound and another is unbound. There is no entry in the unbound textbox as values come into automatically after entering some information in the subform. My question is how to i pass values from unbound textbox to bound textbox every time when the value change in unbound textbox i need to change the value in the bound textbox. When the form load there is already value in the bound textbox which i want to override based on the values from the unbound textbox.

Thank You.

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Forms :: Date And ID Number - Textbox Value To Another Textbox

Oct 12, 2014

I have a date textbox (Week_Ending) and number textbox (Staff_ID) in a form (frmHourEnter), when both have values I open another form (frmStaffReport) with textboxes (txtDateStart and cmbStaff).

How do I open the second form with the values of the first form pre-entered?

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Forms :: Date Form Textbox To Textbox?

Jan 24, 2015

I have a database for billing. In my database, I have a form that consists of a main form "Order" and 2 subforms "OrderDetails" and "Customer" OrderDetails are to enter the products to be connected to the Order. All function super, but I want to have some information from one of the forms "copied" over to on of the others.

Here is what I would like

In the subform "OrderDetails" I have made a textbox that summarize all prices to a total, his tekstbox i called "Tekst31". I would like the amount in this textbox to appear in a field "Bel�b" in the main form "Order".

I have tried some different commands, but nothing has worked, also I have made a query which dose the same ting as the tekstboks, as the information in that tekstbox it not stored anywhere.

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Copying From 1 Textbox To Another Textbox On Different Forms

Jan 29, 2006

I have a text box on 'Forma' & a textbox (named text3) on 'Formb'.
I want to copy the contents of the textbox from 'Formb' to the textbox on 'Forma'. I have used the following code in the textbox on 'Forma'....


This doesn't seem to be working whether both Forms are open or only 'Forma'. Could somebody please advise as to what I am missing. Your assistance is very much appreciated.

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Getting A Textbox To Populate Based On Another Textbox

Mar 18, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form using access 2000. So far, this form already has data and dates in a combox in this format: mm/dd/yyyy.

In the AfterUpdate of the date combobox, I did this:

If graduation_date = #2/1/2004# then
Text_Graduation_date = "dated this first day of february two thousand four."
End If
End Sub

In addition, I have defined many other dates as well using the code above. It works well when I choose the date form the combobox, the other textbox populates, but there are so many more dates in the combo!

Is there a way to auto-populate the textbox with the appropriate text as I scroll through the form?



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Forms :: Bringing Entered Data From One Textbox On Form To Textbox On Another Form

May 17, 2013

I currently have two froms, "add record" and "add record cont." The reason I have two seperate forms is because when clients create a new record information needs to be saved to two different tables and when creating one from with fields from both tables I ran into many problems. The two tables are named : tblMain, tblFileLoc Currently there is a textbox on both forms named "fileID" the FileID in the first form is from tblMain and is the primary key for that table, the FileID on the second form "Add Record Cont." is just a normal field. When clients enter in the new FileID in the first form "Add Record" and then move onto the next form "Add Record Cont." i need access to bring the entered FileID from the first form and Fill it in the FileID field in the second form. Currently I have tried making the control source for the textbox on the second form = the textbox on the first form but it brought up an error.

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Textbox To Populate Another Textbox

Aug 3, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form with various textboxes. In one unbound textbox called Graduation_date, I input information and this is reflected in another bound textbox called text762.

However, as I scroll through the form, the information that is to be reflected in textbox 762 disappears.

Any ideas on how to apply the information entered in Graduation_date textbox to all?



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Microsoft JET Database Engine Error '80004005' Unspecified Error

Jan 28, 2004


Im new to asp and access and have been having this problem for serveral weeks.

Every couple of days, all the asp pages on my site that communicate with the database start having 500 internal errors. i turned off the "Show friendly error messages" and one page gave me this specific error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Unspecified error

/admin/submitlogin.asp, line 8

I have tried a million things and have no idea why this is happening. Im not sure what other information i should post in order to see the problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,


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General :: Disk Or Network Error With Error Code 3043

Jul 13, 2012

How I can get rid of Disk or network error with error code 3043? What this error indicates.

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Simple Error Trapping By Error Code

Dec 6, 2005

hi all

i have the following peice of code ...

Private Sub NextApplication_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_NextApplication_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

Exit Sub

If Err.Number = 2105 Then
MsgBox "Cannot navigate to the next record. This is the last record."
MsgBox Err.Description
End If

Resume Exit_NextApplication_Click

End Sub

but even when this error occurs nothing is being properly handled the way i specified - any ideas ?

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Reserved Error (-1517); There Is No Message For This Error.

Mar 31, 2006

Does anybody know what this error message refers to?

"Reserved Error (-1517); there is no message for this error."

It just started happening today, and I haven't even made any changes to the database. It occurs when I hit a button I have to run a macro.

the macro does the following:
1) Shows all records
2) Requery
3) ApplyFilter.
The Where Condition for the filter is:

The weird thing is that it only occurs if the Form window is taller than 1/2 of my viewable area. If the Form window is 1/2 the viewable area or shorter, it works OK. This was running fine earlier today, but about 4:00 pm (03/31/06) this started happening.

If anybody knows what this error means, or how to get rid of it (I really need to use this window in full-screen) then please let me know.

-Thanks, Sean

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Error 3341 Or Error 3022; Do Or Don't, I'm Damned.

Aug 3, 2006

Okay, I'm kind of stumped here.I have a subform that has a button that sends a user to a "sibling" subform on another tab page, pass some information to ensure they are adding more details to the same records rather than creating two separate record.First time I programmed it, I got an error 3022 (keys cannot have duplicate values). I checked the query of the sibling subform and saw that the ID is from the one side table. I changed it so many table's foreign key is used. Second try, I got an error 3341 (there isn't a matching key in one side table).After some thinking, it also occured to me that I had set the query this way to allow addition of new record which wouldn't be possible if I had the query pulling the many side key, not the one side key.How do I get the subform to accept the ID that is being passed and create a new record using that ID?:confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Why On Error Is Skipping Next Error In Sequence

Sep 1, 2014


Private Sub Consolidate_Click()
Dim temp As Variant
Excel.Application.Visible = True
temp = Dir(CurrentProject.Path & "Inputs")
Do While temp <> vbNullString

[Code] ....

From the second iteration its not picking the error.

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Error Handling - Enough To Put In On Error Event

Sep 24, 2005

Every form has an on error property.

Is it enough for error handling to code the on error property for each form?
With enough I mean error handling which lets you resume the program.

Ontherwise I have to code (or call a procedure) for each coded event which i wouldn't prefer

For instance now I'm putting error handling in each event but would consider it more efficient if it can be placed once in each form
Private Sub cmdReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdReport_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "rptOfme"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdReport_Click

End Sub

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Error Message With No Error Number

Feb 1, 2006

Hello All,

I have been developing my database all one seems to be well exept for an error message which is attched.

If anybody can help me trap this error or offer some advice i would be greatfull.


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SQL ERROR - Runtime Error 3061 -

Aug 5, 2005

SQL Issue ...

ERROR: Runtime error 3061 - Too few parameters. Expected 1.


Not sure how to work in the '* ROLL *' into this SQL statement. The query statement works fine ... I have tried different quotation methods ( Not Like " & " '
* ROLL * & ' " & " ) AND .... )

sql = "SELECT DISTINCTROW Sum(CDbl([Scrap Factor])) AS SumOFScrap FROM [RT: Signpro1: Costs] LEFT JOIN [DT: InventoryExtend] ON [RT: Signpro1: Costs].[Part Number] = [DT: InventoryExtend].[Part#] GROUP BY [DT: InventoryExtend].CategoryID, [DT: InventoryExtend].Description, [forms]![signpro sign estima parameters]![combo14] HAVING ((([DT: InventoryExtend].CategoryID)=30) AND (([DT: InventoryExtend].Description) Not Like '* ROLL *') AND (([forms]![signpro sign estima parameters]![combo14])=1));"



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(Error 3022)The Changes You.... Error In Subform

Dec 18, 2006

hi guys i was wondering if you can help me this is my code: i have a main form with this code, this form contains a subform linked by the All_PricingID

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblAll_Pricing") 'main table
' adding data to the table
' Main table
rst!All_PricingID = Me.txtPricingID 'Main table pk
rst!MainContract_ID = Me.cmbMainContract 'combo box in parent form
rst!ItemNumber = Me.txtItem 'Main form text

'sub Table
Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblPricing") 'sub table
For varItem = 0 To Me.lstsubContracts.ListCount - 1 'this is a list in the main form
'--- loop through all the items in the list box and create a new row in the subform for each subcontract in the listbox lstSubcontracts.
rst2!ID = Me.All_PricingID 'sub table foreign key
rst2!SubContractID = Me.lstsubContracts.Column(0, varItem) 'sub table
Next varItem
'--- close the tables
Set rst = Nothing
Set rst2 = Nothing

the subform appears correctly with the rows i wanted added but i need the user to be able to edit a column in the subform for the rows just created (my form is on datasheet view). but everytime i move to cursor into the subform, i can't even scroll up and down.

i keep getting an error that says :

The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. (Error 3022)

but when i check my tables tblAll_Pricing and tblPricing , everything is inserted correctly according to my recorset above, do you know why this is happening? and why i am not able to edit my subform. my subform allowsedits and additions.


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Sum Value TextBox

Feb 24, 2005


I have continous Form with TexBox. In TextBox is "Dsum" calculation.
How can I make Sum of Values TextBox. =Sum (TextBox) Don't work.
Please, help.

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How Can I Tab Off To Another Textbox?

Oct 30, 2005

Suppose i have one form in which i have one more form pasted.
when i tab off the textboxes of first form, i want the tab to go to the textboxes of another form.
At present, it goes back to the first textbox in a form instead of going to the first textbox in subform.

How can i do this ?
help urgent

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