1 Form 3 Tables Same MDB

May 4, 2014

How I can make my primary form manage data from two other tables in the same .mdb.

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Tables :: Appending Data From Different Tables Into A Form

Dec 10, 2012

I have 3 separate tables with the following fields: Year; Name of School; Emis No. (Primary Key); No. wrote; No. passed; Pass %. These tables were created in Excel and imported in Access.

I would like to do the following (see table below): 1. create a form that would allow me to view all the data per school in datasheet view and also allow me to enter new data annually; 2. create a new table where this information can be stored
YEAREMIS NOSCHOOLNO WROTENO PASSEDPASS %2009109964Bhuqwini4012302010109964Bhuqwini6126432011109964Bhuqwini6422342012109964Bhuqwini

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Tables :: Appending Data From Different Tables Into A Form

Dec 10, 2012

I have 3 separate tables with the following fields: Year; Name of School; Emis No. (Primary Key); No. wrote; No. passed; Pass %. These tables were imported from Excel. I would like to do the following: create a form that would allow me to view the all the data per school in datasheet view and also allow me to enter new data annually.

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Tables :: New Row To Two Related Tables With One Form

Aug 6, 2013

So I have a form, it has a few fields from a related table in it, related by the name. I click 'new' on the form, but when I click save Access complains about the related table does not have a matching record. How do I have it create a new record?

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Tables :: Two Tables In One Form

May 23, 2013

We are trying to use access as a data entry for field reports. The reports are taken from Excel. I have copied the reports we used in Excel and inserted them into Access so they will look the exact same. For example, one of the forms tests the concrete strength over time. The goal of this report is to be able to take all the final strengths from multiple tests and create another report. This isn't the issue, I just want you to know what we are using Access for. I know this isn't the typical use for Access but it should work.

My problem. One of the reports has over 375 data points. I know a table has 255 fields. So, I need two. We will be inserting the data into a form, have it save into the table and publish the final report in a report.How do I insert two tables into one form? The two tables will share a test location field.

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One Form Two Tables

Dec 15, 2007

I have a form where the no. of fields is more that 255. say 320. So i have created 2 tables, TblX and TblXOne. I am using sql server 2000 as the backend. i have an autogenerated ID in TblX and X_ID column in TblXOne.
255 cols are stored in Tblx table which is the max. so remaining cols of the same form are stored in TblxOne table. I use X_ID as the primary key of TblXOne table. X_ID is same as ID.
I am importing from an excel the data into the form fields, doing some calculation in the form fields and then saving them to the database.
While i am doing this, i get an error message: Cannot find primary key of TblXOne. How ishould be able to add records into both tables..
Some one pls help..

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2 Tables In One Form

Nov 29, 2005

i want to able to update two different table that are not linked at all in anyway.... in a single form... is tt possible?

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Two Tables In One Form

Jul 7, 2006

Hi There!

I have two tables 'table1' and 'table2'. They both have 'clientnumber' as the keystring.

I want three textboxes in one form:
1) Textbox1 bound to 'clientnumber' (key) in table1
2) Textbox2 bound to 'clientname' in table1
3) Textbox3 bound to 'xxxxx' in table2 where 'clientnumber' is the same as in textbox1.

My question is, how do i make textbox number 3???

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Two Tables, One Form

Feb 23, 2005

Hi all. Here I go again ...the form I have (frmSupRFA) pulls data from two different places - a table (Supplier_Table) and the table (Suppliers) the form is bound to. The Suppliers table is update by the user by clicking on a command button that initiates an append query that appends data from the main table to the Suppliers table. After the user performs the append, then he choses a log number from a combo box to work on. That all works fine.

The issue I am having is the data that is pulled from the Supplier_Table - I cannot get it to save to the Suppliers table that the form is bound too. It is selected from the table by using an unbound combo box (SupplierName) that has six columns (SupplierID, ContactName, Address, City, State_Province, Postal Code). Its row source is a query called qrySupContact. These six columns populate six unbound textboxes (which works fine) using the following code:

Private Sub SupplierName_AfterUpdate()

Me.SupplierID = Me.SupplierName.Column(1)
Me.ContactName = Me.SupplierName.Column(2)
Me.Address = Me.SupplierName.Column(3)
Me.City = Me.SupplierName.Column(4)
Me.State__Province = Me.SupplierName.Column(5)
Me.PostalCode = Me.SupplierName.Column(6)

End Sub

How do I get the results to save to the Suppliers table with the rest of the record please? I know this is easy, but I cannot think of how to do it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


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Form - 2 Tables

Sep 29, 2006

I have two tables A and B - I am creating a form for data entry into Table A. The officeID field is a combo box that gets the information from Table B

Sometimes the information is not in Table B - so I would like to be able to enter the information from the Data Entry Form for Table A

Table A Table B
lastname officeID
firstname office

I have no idea how to do this - I tried a subform, but I could not enter data into Table B from it.

Please help

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Data From Different Tables To A Form

Dec 31, 2007

How to retrieve the data entered in different tables (4) to a form.There are instances where i need the display of some information entered in one table to display in different forms also. Can anybody guide how to do so.


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Linking Tables With Form

Jan 4, 2008

I am having 4 tables where i enter all the data required. The tables are Project Details, Process Detail, Installation Detail & Cable Details.
Project Detail Table contains:Project Number,Project Code,wBS Code etc...
Process Detail Table Contains : Tag Number, Description, Service, Process values etc...
INstallation Details Table contains : Installaion Item, (nearly 40 items which are commonly used)
Cable Details Table Contains : Cable Number, Type of Cable, Size of Cable and so on
Now I need the form: Process detail containing the information which had been entered in Project detail also. Such as the Project Number, Code etc to appear in the form ( Just to display it)
In Cable Detail and INstallation forms I need some specific fields which are in Project details (project Number, Code..), Process Details ( The tag numbers, Description etc..) to appear as display.
The tag number shall be the primary key which shall be used in all forms except Project detail form. The information in Project details is just to appear in the report.
I could very well do it when all this information was in one table. As a beginer i am unable to solve this. So please guide me.

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Updating Two Tables From One Form

May 21, 2005

I have a table called Primary Employees and another table called Secondary Employees. I also have a form where you can add new employees, which updates the Primary Employees table. What I would like to do is, after I add a new employee have the new data update both the Primary and Secondary table at the same time. These tables have the same information within them. These two tables are currently relational to one another, but I still have to go in and manual update the Secondary Employee table after I add a new employee. I have to have two databases because of other form requirements. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

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Populate Form From Other Tables

Feb 27, 2005

I have 5 tables (Client, Driver, Appointment, LessonType & Booking). The Booking table is empty as it is made up from the other 4 tables. I want to have a form (Booking) which collects data from the 4 tables to create a record.

I want this to be automated as much as possible rather than typing the data into a textbox, because this would be difficult for the user and there would be conflict.

The Booking form will be split into 4 sections relevant to the above tables. For example, select ClientID from a combo and the other fields populate, such as forename, surname, address1, address2. And then select DriverID and this populates the relevant fields and so on, until a booking is created.

Ive tried After_update and couldnt get that to work. Any suggestions or help will be much appreciated as this has been a headache for a few weeks now. Thanks

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Writing To Two Tables From One Form

Dec 1, 2005

I am building forms from a large questionnaire and I need to write to 2 tables from one field in the form. How can I do this?
The reason I need to do this is because I have over 255 variables so I needed to create 2 tables. I want to write my case number to both files so I will have a link between the 2 files. Thanks.

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Linked Tables Behind A Form

Dec 20, 2005

I have 7 tables to track client data. The 1st table uses AutoNumber to create the 'Client ID' number. The other 6 tables are linked to this table, and in turn each other, through the 'Client ID' field.

All information entered in all 7 tables is done so on one form. This form has a tab control to separate the input fields.

The problem is this. If I enter information in the form, but no field in one or more of the tables gets filled (table gets left completely empty because the fields were not relevant to that record), the record does not save itself to where it can be viewed in the form anymore.

I have programmed a command button to copy the 'Client ID' from the 1st table to the rest, and so far this works, but I would like to have this done automatically without any action required by the user. I tried the 'OnDirty' for the ClientID field on the form, but I do not think that works. Mybe 'OnUpdate'?

Any suggestions?

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How To View 4 Tables Via 1 Form

Jan 17, 2006

Hello all,

I have an access db with 4 tables that have a common field called customer number.

I would like to do the following:

a) view some of the different fields in these 4 tables in my form,
b) update 1 of the tables via the form

Thanks for your help

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Link More Tables To The Same Form

Mar 21, 2006

Hi there,

I have a question: Is it possible to link more than one table to the same Form in order to keep previous data?

Thanks a lot

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Referencing Many Tables In One Form

May 8, 2006

Hi all,

Firstly I am trying to retrieve data from three tables in a format like this

Table Data Fields Descirption

Table 1 A,B PC Details
Table 2 B,C Software/PC
Table 3 C,1,2 Software Details

Where the B's are linked as are the C's and these both form primary keys in their respective tables.

My form has on sub form in it. The main for refers to Table 1, displaying Fields A and B. My subform is linked through child/master fields by B and is used to edit which software titles are installed on each PC. However, as C, the primary key for the software, is a code, it is not obvious what it refers to exactly. Therefore I use a combo box who's row source is query containing the software title (1) and the column widths precceding the software title are set to 0 so that software title (1) is visible in the field in the subform. Hence, although you change the title name on the form, the actual change is made in Table 2 altering the Software Code (C). This is fine, except that there is more than one version (2) of some of the software titles. The versions are shown in the drop down list for the software title combo as an extra colum, so you know you are choosing the correct one. But i also want a seperate field which actually shows the version chosen. I cannot link a normal text box to the same query as it doesn't have the relevant properties, but I can do it with a combo as I am effectively doing the same as for the software title.

This is all very well, I could just lock the combo box and be done with it, but it doesn't look very professional and is a bit confusing to the user. Is there away that I can get around this problem?



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Multiple Tables On 1 Form

May 20, 2006

I have 6 tables that have 1 to many relationships.
I would like to have all 6 tables on 1 form for data entry.
When I use the “Form wizard” and select the tables it wants to group the last 3 tables in 1 subform and it won’t let me add records to the last 2 tables. Same thing happens when I create a query and run the form wizard selecting the query.

I know I’m doing something wrong but I can’t see it……….


Here's an add on question:

When the form wizard adds a subform to a subform the link child and master are filled out and the form updates. But when I add another subform and set the links it will not update.
form Book has text fiels and 2 sub forms "Chapter" and "Section" subform section child link is ChapterID, master link is [Chapter Subform].Form![ChapterID] --- This updates as expected.

I create a new subform "para" based on a table and set the Child link as SectID, master link [SectionID].Form![Section Subform].Form![SectionID] --- Will not update the subform "para" when the next record in subform "section" is selected.

Any ideas would be great......

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Form Getting Info From Two Tables...

Jun 7, 2006

************** edit: Fixed!!!! *************

The database I'm working on is coming on nicely, thanks to some valuable help from this forum. But I've got a couple of new problems that I just can't seem to get my head around. Really hope someone out there can help!


I have two tables (well, there are more.. but there are two main ones with the important data on them). The first is a list of Customers (you know, the usual Name, contact, telephone etc...). The second is a list of jobs for each customer.

After starting from scratch, I created a nice looking form wth control tabs that on one page shows you the customer information and on the second; the job history for that customer. I then have a third tab which lets you add new jobs. So I'm all chuffed because that is the basics of what I wanted it to do.

However, I need a hard copy of the job report to print out and give to an engineer to fill in or to print in future should a customer wish to see it.

Try as I might, the reports function didn't look as if it was something that could be "designed" the way I wanted it to look. So, I figured another form was in order.

I started by building a query which included all the fields from the two tables mentioned above in it; I.e. So it would pull up a Job Printout by a workorderID number. That way it would show all the company info PLUS the detail of that one particular job.

Problem is this: I can see from the query in table view that the Jobs are listed; but alongside them is a straight listing for all the companies in the database. Basically, the Company who received the job in question is not being shown by the query.... if you follow me. (Apologies if I'm explaining this like a fool).

Question 1 then... is how do I fix this? Is this something to do with these arcane relationships things?

Question 2: How do I create a button to print that one "form" by workorder ID.

Question 3: Did I do the right thing by using a "form" or is there a better way to create a "report" for printing that can be formatted the way I want (with logos and stuff)

Thanks again peeps!

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One Form - Want To Populate Two Tables At Once

Jun 9, 2006


I have a form created from Table1

I have another Table2 - which is identical to Table2

I want Table2 to automatically update with the information put on the form (which currently only populates Table1) without asking the user whether they want to do this. And when I say update, if a user adds a new record to the form, I want that new record to be put on Table1 and Table 2.

I am using Access 97....

Help :)))



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Form Inserting Into Both Tables?

Nov 15, 2006

I have a problem with a form based on a query. It draws content out of the table Repairs, and also shows the customer info for each repair (based on the link between CustomerID field in both the Repairs table and the Customers table)
But when I add a new record using the form, a new entry is added to both tables.
Can anyone please explain why this happens and how i can fix it?
I dont want a new entry in the Customers table, only in the Repairs table.
Hope this question makes sense.

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Unrelated Tables In A Form

Aug 26, 2004

Im a new user to access and I was wondering if someone could tell me if it is possible to put two completly unrelated tables into a form. All I want to be able to do is look at the information from both at the same time without having to switch between forms. Ill apreciate any help you can give. Thanks.

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Update Two Tables With One Form?

Aug 27, 2004

I have two tables "Clients" and "F/S tracking". The one commone field between
the two is "Client Name". What I want to do is have one form that is used for data
entry, that will update both tables with the "Client Name".

Is that possible? and if so how? I have had no luck with it yet.


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Populate Three Tables From One Form

Aug 27, 2004

I am having the hardest time with this.

Tables: Employee Record
HR Record
Orientation Record
Certification Record
Optional Certifications

All are related.

I have a form where I do data entry, with all of the fields from these tables on the form.
I want to type in the name only once, at the top of the form, and then have it populate the
Name field in EACH of the above tables. Can anyone help me with this? I've been working on
it for two weeks now. I'm sure it's an easy fix that I haven't thought of.

I've already tried using subforms, but unless I type in the name in each of the subforms for
the above tables, I end up with blank name fields in all the tables, except for the one I pointed
the data to go to.

I'd be SO grateful if someone could help me figure this out. Thanks!


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