2 Important Questions

Nov 13, 2005


>> How can i get all the results if no input parameter is put in the query e.g. if i have A,B,C and need to get all results, only A, only B and only C?

>> How can i block 1 cell and only acess it if the last cell have a correct value?

Thanks in advance,

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BE/FE Security *Important*

Mar 12, 2006

i have an access application in fe/be environment. I have put the BE in a shared forlder on the network.

Now the problem is that the shared folder where the BE is stored, has full read/write access. And this folder is visible to all users on the network from their network neighbourhood or through the mapped metwork drive.

So the problems are:
1) The shared folder has read/write access, so anyone can delete the BE mdb file. <<<<< main problem >>>>>

2) As this folder is visible to even those users who do not use this softaware, anyone can see the data.

We are using winxp and win98 on our network.
What can i do to secure the BE mdb file?

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IMPORTANT - Help With Access

Jan 16, 2005

I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am designing a database for a bowling alley as a project and I am wanting to know if there is a way of doing a search which will bring up all lanes which are unbooked. I have got a search which brings up all lanes booked in ascending order but need a more detailed search. Hope someone can help and if this does not make muc sense please contact me.

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Hiding The Important Bits

May 9, 2005


I've developed my little database and it works a treat... now I want other people to be able to access it input info via forms (add data), and see reports and run searchs etc... all of which is done through a central switchboard menu.

What I dont want is other users getting into the setup of it all - basically i just want to hide the background workings, relationships, queries etc so nothing can be messed up...

What can i do, and how?!

bear in mind, i still want to be able to have full access myself.



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Simple Yet Important PROBLEM

Jun 10, 2005

I currently have a database and I would like to add in page numbers. I tried the built in functions but they did not work and they are not exactly what I am looking for. I want my page number to look like this:
"1 out of 12 records for MICROSOFT"
So I need the counter to know how many records exist for a specific client and keep track of which one of those records are being viewed. Can anyone help?

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Disabling And Enabling A Button. PLEASE HELP, VERY IMPORTANT

Mar 14, 2007

Hi, I have a form called Product Details Display Form, which is for Product Details Display table. This form contains a button "Done" which saves everything into the table, or in other words, bounds the unbounded textboxes to the table. Basically, I want this button to be disabled at the begining, when the form loads, and when the user enters ALL the fields, it becomes enabled. Here is the code I have at the moment:
Private Sub Form_DataChange(ByVal Reason As Long)
If Me.Product_Brand = Null Or Me.Product_Code = Null Or Me.Product_Name = Null Or Me.List34 = Null Or Me.Price = Null Or Me.Details = Null Or Me.Discount = Null Or Me.Combo0 = Null Or Me.Combo2 = Null Then
Me.Command36.Enabled = False
Me.Command36.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

I also have Me.Command36.Enabled = False in the Form-Load. I dont really know if it has to be in Private Sub Form_DataChange or not.

Please help me ASAP

Thanx in Advance

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Important Notice To Vista Users!

May 28, 2007

Important notice from Micro$oft's Knowledge Base:

When you open or are using a Microsoft Office Access database on a computer that is running Windows Vista, you may encounter one or more of the following issues:
• Access appears to stop responding.
• Access responds very slowly.
• Access exits unexpectedly or crashes.

For the complete article and possible work arounds goto:


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Text Color For Urgent Or Important Items

Jul 2, 2012

How do I set the text color in one field as Black for regular records & a different color for Special records?

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Need Some Important Help To Get Added/modified Rows From Access Tables.

May 23, 2007

I have a 3rd party desktop application to manage inventory. The data will be stored in local MS Access database. I want to sync any changes (insert, update or delete) made to this database to remote MS Sql server immediately or in batches using a scheduler.

Is there any method to know the changed rows in an MS Access table after x time. I mean I want to get all the rows in an Access table that have been added or modified after a particular date and time (say "05-23-2007 10:15:00") without using a user defined date time column in that table.

If i can do the above operation, i will write queries to get the added or modified rows and update remote server in batches.

Thanks and Best Regards,

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Two Questions: A97 & A2K

Feb 14, 2006

1) There are some databases here at work that I can open in BOTH A97 and A2K. I thought A2K won't open in A97, and before you can open an A97 in A2K, you have to convert? At least that's been my experience thus far. Any idea what is happening and how I can determine which version these databases are currently in?

2) With those same databases...assuming some were A97, the option to Convert them under Database Utilities is greyed out. Is this most likely a rights issue? Could it be anything else?

Thanks for the help!

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Two Questions

Jul 18, 2006


Recently I created a database using MS Access for the company and I am the Admin for it. The database is in the share folder and many employees are using it but if I want to take backup or modify any thing a message is appearing saying that one user open the database.

Is there any method to know which user is opening the database and in which PC (workstation) it is open.

Is there any way of adding export fuction to the toolbar using modules or macro

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Sep 24, 2005

Hi all,

A quick question!

Is it possible to have a table of 10 random questions and an inital form created with those questions in the form of checkboxes. When you chose random questions from that pool of questions a new brand form and table have the option to be created.

Basically, I have many external databases to research and some of the questions are the same in each database. Each database must be saved as individual tables and forms.


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Few Questions

Dec 16, 2004


I have few questions so please bare with me
1- i want the text box to change automatically according to date so i
tried this:
if date>text14.text then text30.text=sea else text30.text=port
but nothing happens
2-i made a form but not all the data rows in the table are in the form(there`s still some rows)
so if i delete a data that are in the form how i can automatically delete the data that
are in the other row ?

3-this may sound stupid..but is there a way to stop the access logo from apearing when
loading the database?and how to make access directly open a specified form?

Thank you very much all.

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Two Questions!

Aug 1, 2006

I am designing a database and have a couple of questions.

I have designed a form that I have opening at startup. How do I force this to maximize on opening?

I have set up a report based on a query. It works fine. The query requires a parameter to be entered when it is run. The parameter comes from a list (of teachers in my school). How do I set up the query so that the 'Enter Parameter' dialog box provides a drop down list of teachers from which the user selects their name?

PS I have almost no knowledge of Visual Basic!

Thanks for your help.


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A Couple Of Questions

Jun 13, 2005

Hi all

I am new to Access and have just designed a new database and was wondering if anyone could help with a few questions.

1/ I am setting up a Macro to send an e-mail on the change of a form. When the e-mail is generated by Access I get a message from Outlook stating that "A program is trying to automatically send e-mail..." and asks you to confirm that it is ok to go. Is there any way to bypass this check or alternatively send the e-mail from a specific e-mail address rather than the database user.

2/ I have changed the background colours on a number of my forms but the Record Selector's and Scroll Bar stay the standard Access Grey. Is there anyway to change these?

3/ I have used the User Security Wizard to setup users, groups and access but I can't seem to see a way to limit the number of simulateous logins a person can have i.e. I can log in more than once with the same user when I only want to be able to login once. Any ideas?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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2 Quick Questions

Oct 16, 2005

Hey guys, I'm just doing this database and have suddenly realised I dont know as much about MS Access as I thought!

Q.1 - I need to run a query that displays the top 5 records in a table, how would I go about doing this?

Q.2 - In my tables, I have of numerical data like the following...
is it possible to make a Totals column which automatcily adds up the data in the Fraud, Competition, Loss of data, etc rows? (similar to MS Excel if possible)

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Database Questions

Dec 2, 2005

Hey guys, bit of a novice here

Say your got a database that has many users & in which quite alot of information is added to it on a regular basis. Basically its getting slower, what could be the problems & how could you fix it???

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Simple Questions

May 17, 2006

Hi all, I built a system in access for my a level IT course a few years back but haven't had need to use access since. just been asked to build simple system at work and i'm forgetting some really simple things. trouble is i think i'm overcomplicating the terms and can't find anything in the help file!

basically the system is to keep track of how many hours various people have worked on various jobs.

I've got 3 tables:

Jobs - job id, location etc etc
Staff - staff id, name etc
link - job id, staff id and hours worked.

the job and staff tables have the id as the primary key, and i've set the relationship to link them to the corresponding field in the link table. which is all fine if i remember rightly?!

now what i'm trying to do is set up a form for entring the hours worked etc into the link table. we use job id numbers all the time so i have that as a drop down box. what i want is to have a drop down for employee names, which will insert the employee id into the link table- basically so we can work with names rather than numbers. for the life of me i can't remember how to do it. i know is really simple but i can't find a way to express what i want to do to search for it in the help or online!

if anybody can refresh my memory it would be much appreciated!

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2 Questions.....probably Simple For Ya'll

May 22, 2006

I am still learning and I have 2 questions.

First...I have a table called company rates which will be used to calculate time and materials. In the material field, I need to enter .10 for 10 percent. When I enter .10 the field changes back to zero. I have it set to long interger. Is this wrong?

Also, I am working on the form that will calculate all of this. I have a field that needs to look in a flex price field. If there is a number in the flex price than that is the labor, if not, it needs to multiply the estimated time (Text43) times the quantity, times the CurrentLaborRate contained in the CompanyRates subform. I can't seem to get it right...


I know it is probably something simple but I can't figure it out. Can anyone help?


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Some Questions About Replication

Oct 31, 2006

Allrighty, some questions about replication. I have gotten the Replication Manager from the helpful IT folks here, have made the database, and it works well to synchronise between different files locally on this computer. However, ideally the other people in the department would be able to carry replicas around on their laptops, while ideally the design master and overall database tidying should sit on mine. The setup is typical intranet here - computers are invisible to one another directly, and so are their virtual My Documents drives, while shared network folders are visible to all.


1. Since I can't see any of the other laptop drives, and the database would have to be accessible offline, I assume indirect synchronisation is the only choice, correct?

2. Does the Replication Manager need to be installed on each of the laptops that will use the database offline?

3. If yes, what's the process? Do I install RM on each laptop, then use the Create Replica function to create one locally on each? No hidden pitfalls here?

4. If yes, is it sufficient to keep RM shut all the time unless specifically wanting to synchronise? Would happen at least once a week.

5. If Replication Manager doesn't need to be installed on other laptops, how do I move replicas there? I tried moving one through copy/paste, but that broke the link to the Replication Manager.

6. (Optionally - I've seen some references to 'replica farms' - what is that?)

Very much appreciated if anyone is able to answer..

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DB Design Questions

May 24, 2007

I am trying to build a db for the office I work at. And I have a few questions about how I should design it.

1. My vendor number should be an autonumber, but it has a relationship to the vendor name on a report. I cant create a relationship btwn text and autonumber.

2. Right now I have 3 main tables. Vendor, builder, and job. All of this is for the marketing aspect of the business. But I want to include other aspects, like collections and payroll. Should I add columns to the jobs table, or create a new table? For example, on the jobs table, I already have job info like details on the job and who referred it to us. Should I add invoiced amount, amount collected, etc., or create a table called collections to store all of this info? Im really confused about this.

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2 Newbee Questions

Jul 21, 2007

Hi I'm new to the forum, and i have a question (don't we all)

I need the following, i tried some turorials but couldn't find it..
I'm creating a form, that has 2 fields that I want to relate,

let me explain a little:
the database if for a Church I work for. The church has 3 sites (3 different buildings in 3 different parts of the city)
Each site has it's own schedule of day and time.
I need to create a field that asks for the site, and depending on the site that is selected, it should display in another drop down menu the possible days and time of only that site.
I have no idea how to do this. I have created a table with the sites, days and time
How do i make one field depend on the other.

The other question is regarding a field that I want to add for the Cities of States. I want the field to remember the new ones, and add them to a drop down menu, so that if it is there it can be selected without not having to write it again, and if it isn't there yet, it can be written and then it would be added to the list....

I want to thank you in advance.
hope i can be of help soon enough:cool:

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Questions On Security

Sep 11, 2007

Hi there...

I've run into a problem with my db :( When I'm trying to create users for it, apparently Access won't accept them when they try to log in from different computers.

Is it a general problem with Access, or is it just me who's a noob with this?

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Urgent Questions

Nov 24, 2007

Hi folks

I wonder if you can help with these two questions please?

To compact and repair a FE, does each client have to be logged off or doesn't it matter?

What's the difference between make database replica and make database backup in access?

Thanks a lot,

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Security Questions

Mar 4, 2008

Hey everyone,

I've been working on a database for a while now and I believe the outline of it is complete, all that's left is the data inputting and security.

I tried to make my own security based around usernames and passwords but I was hopeless at applying MD5 encryption on the password field and working with the permissions afterwords.

I went through the user level security wizard and I set up the accounts and there's permissions to read tables, etc.. but there's no good tutorials or help files to do anything more complicated and I wouldn't know how to without reference materials.

Now.. the thing I wish to do is limit users by record, each record has a "worker" assigned to it. I want the user to log on, open the main menu form, open the client's form, then only that worker's clients would be available to go through with the forwards and back arrows, or the drop down list would be filtered.

Is this too complex to do with the user level security built into access?

Are there any alternate methods of doing so?

I can upload my database if anybody wants a better look.

- Luke.

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3 Questions On Relationships

Dec 13, 2004

I have a (simplified) table structure as follows

F_ProblemID (PK)
F_RelatedProblems (FK to F_ProblemsID in same table)

1. Is having a FK to the PK in a one-to-many relationship in the same table allowed and desirable?
2. How would I ensure that, say, if problem ID 20 was related to problem ID 50 then ID 50 was similarly related to ID 20 or would this happen automatically?
3. Is this the 'adjacency list model'?

Somehow it just doesn't feel right!

Many thanks in advance to responders.

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