2 Developers Working On 1 Db How Best To Create Master?!

Jan 2, 2008

We have quite a large Db which always requires the updating of new features etc. I update some bits while my collegue works on others.
I was just wondering if there's a good way of "merging" the 2 Db's together? Is this the syncronising bit, or does that just refer to data?
Basically, we shouldn't update the same forms/ queries as we are assigned specific jobs so no they're not going to effect each other.
It's just that when we come together it's a case of "OK, what have you updated?" and we have to through each section, hopefully we've written them all down!
Any suggestions as always, much appreciated.

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I Would Like To Create 4 Separate Databases From One Master

Dec 12, 2006

I have a large database of Purchase Orders
Orders can be placed by people in one of 4 departments

I would like to automatically make 4 separate databases (so each department can access their own) from the master

Is there a way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Create Single Master Control Program That Runs Each Individual Application

Dec 23, 2014

I have a series of 7 separate Access 2010 programs that are designed to run under the control of a scheduler, and they must always finish. Errors are trapped and logged but mustn't stop the processes completing.

What I'm trying to do now is to create a single master control program that runs each individual application, one after the other, in order. And each individual app cannot start until the previous one is finished.how to call a separate Access program and know when it has finished.

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Create Table Of Different Columns In Three Tables Join To Form A Master Table?

Jun 4, 2015

I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.

If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.

Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?

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Professional Database Developers

May 23, 2006

Do IT professionals and database developers use Access and VBA to make their databases or do they only use knowledge of SQL and Server 2000 etc?

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Question For Experienced Access Developers Only.

Jun 23, 2006

We have come accross a very strange problem.

When we compact the database one of our reports fails to print.

If we use the older version before compaction the same report succeeds printing.

The query underlying the report works for both the compacted and uncompacted databases ... the problem occurs when the report is printed or previewed.

We have isolated the problem in the report to four fields which are all from the same table. When these four fields are removed from the report the report prints in the compacted database. As mentioned before in the uncompacted version the report prints with these four fields.

I don't understand this error and don't know how to go about fixing it.
What could be the problem? How could compaction corrupt the report? It works fine before compaction but once the database is compacted it fails to print. The Query stalls at a certain point and just sits there and the report is never printed.

Any ideas? This has been a recent error. This report has been working for over a year now until recently.

Thank you very much

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Access 2007 Developers Edition On The Way

Jun 25, 2007

I've heard this before but this time it may hold some truth..

Read more (http://blogs.msdn.com/access/archive/2007/06/25/access-blog-back-and-rolling-ade-still-on-the-way-but-very-close.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage)

I am still using ODE97, and I think I am going "step up" to ADE2007. It only took me 10 years, lol

Hope I am not dissappointed.

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General :: Code To Create Several Rows In Table Not Working

Jun 4, 2014

I have an issue with a code that I have in a form which adds rows in a table as many times as categories chosen from a list. However, the code is not working correctly: it adds the information and creates a row with a category in blank, in addition to the rest of the rows with one of the chosen categories. I would like for this not to happen, to add only as many rows as the categories chosen.

My code is the following:

Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
Dim valSelect As Variant, MyDB As DAO.Database, MyRS As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb()
Set MyRS = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Tasks", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Master Query

Feb 10, 2008

Dear all,

I have a table "Project Master Code", contains: Project code, Cost Code, Description, Budget Amount, Total Purchase, Left to Complete.

For each project, we enter all above field except Total Purchase. Total Purchase to be taken from Transaction table.

What I want is that, I want to creat a query based on Project Master Code table. I will call all field from Project Master Code and in Total Purchase column I want all Purchase from Transaction table.on based of Project Code & Cost Code.



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Looking For A Master Event..

Aug 4, 2005

Hi there,

Is there an event for a form object, which is triggered whenever any control in that form is changed/altered?

I have tried the suspect looking ones, but to no avail.


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Relicated Master Query

Jul 14, 2005

I have created a master & replicas and sorted out synchronisation across a VPN and overall l am very happy with what l have achieved (lots of thanks to to help l have received todate from this forum that has made that posssible).

I now have a couple of questions which are niggles rather than full blown problems.

THe first is my master keeps reverting to a replica version of itself, l press the reinstate master and it keeps it as the master for a period but it keeps dropping the master status. Firstly any ideas why ? and secondly how do l stop it keep changing?

Next every now and again synchronisation slows a relicants version down to the point that it VERY slow to open (almost like it is on a VPN itself not a local copy) No amount of synchronation from their end fixes it, however it would appear that a synchronisation from my end solves the problem.

Agani the two questions - any idea why ?

and how do l fix it ?

Hope someone can help me


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Design Master Problems

Nov 27, 2006

I have a problem retrieving my Design Master. I regularly backup my DB onto a separate hard drive. And in doing so have lost my designing capabilities. I have tried replicating and retrieving the DM per the help section, but I receive numerous error messages telling me Error accessing file, network connection lost rollback error, etc. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Child/Master Problem

Feb 10, 2005

HI everyone, I have a Sales Invoice form with a Receipts subform showing what receipts have been lodged against that invoice. It works fine as long as there is one receipt or more.

The problem is when no receipts have been lodged and there are no receipts to show in the subform. When I open the Sales invoice form I get a "you entered an expression with no value" error, then the Sales invoice form opens. I tried suppressing the warning with DoCmd.SetWarning False, but that hasn't worked.

Anyone know a workaround?

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How To Set Up This Kind Of Master And Sub Form?

Jun 14, 2005

There are total three tables tblInternal, tblExternal, tblCourses. Table
tblInternal and tblCourses is one to many relationship by reference foreign
key InternalID from tblCourses to tblInternal. If I just use these two table
to set up Master form and subform in ACCESS, you can in subform Field Linker
window of subform property Data tab select primary and foreign key to
generate link between Master and subform. So if you select user name from
tblInternal in Master form ComboBox, you can see the detailed information the
user relates to.

Same relation between tblExternal and tblCourses.

Now I want to merger tblInternal, tblExternal to list user name in ComboBox
by Union statement. But in SubForm Field Linked window I just see one primary
key from one of these two tables instead of two primary keys from each table.

How to solve this issue?

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Ok You Master Code Gods. Please Take A Look At This

Mar 21, 2006

I can't get it to work in a subform. It works great when I just use it in a regular form.

I tried to break it down as much as possible.

Do I need to go into more detail?

This code is located in a Module

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public frmName As String
Public ctrName As String

1st set of the Form Calendar

Private Sub CmdCloseandUpdate_Click()
Dim FormandControl As Variant
Forms(frmName).Controls(ctrName) = Me.ActXCal.Value

DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmcal"
End Sub

This is where the problem lies

tblPayEstimates Subform

Private Sub DtdRec_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
frmName = Me.Name
ctrName = "dtdRec"

DoCmd.OpenForm ("frmcal")

Error ‘2450’
Microsoft Office Access can’t find the form ‘tblPayEstimates Subform’
Referred to in a macro expression or Visual Basic code.

Trying to learn VBA.

The above code is from a online teaching http://www.vtc.com.

Once again

many thanks

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Opinions On Master/Child Relationships

May 3, 2005


We all know we're not supposed to duplicate data right? So was wondering how people deal with the deletion of Master records.

For instance let's say I have 3 tables.

tblSales - lists the sales summary - stuff like SaleId, SaleDate, SaleTotal
tblSalesSub - lists the products contained within the sale.
tblProducts - is the Master list of products storing the product specifics

Now to prevent duplication of data I should just store the productId in tblSalesSub then reference that to tblProducts with an innner JOIN of some kind.
But what if the Master record gets deleted? The reference is broken and NULL values are returned.

How do you deal with this?
Don't allow deletion of these records?But just hide them when deleted?
Duplicate data by storing the product title and description within tblSalesSub?
Tell the user - tough cheese you shouldn't have deleted it should you?
Any other ideas?


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Synchronize To A Design Master With A Button

Aug 2, 2005

I appologise but I am useless with Access but am trying to learn.

I have a datababse that we use to log calls onto, There are five members of our team and each member has thier own replica of the datababse. At the end of each day we have to re-sync our replicas to the design master.

It would be nice if we could put a button on the form we use to do the synchronization for us. Is this possible and how do you do it? bearing in mind that I am not too good with access so I need laymans terms.

TIA all

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Moving The Design Master (replication)

Jan 3, 2006

Hey, Happy New Year to all.

I have a replicated access database, and I want to move the design master to another computer. I have tried using the Windows 'Copy and paste' command, and the 'Save as' command, both result in creating a replicated database.

I have also tried chnging the design master status to a replicated database, but then I am unable to view any VB code behind the controls when I go to design view.

Can you help?!!!

Cheers, Adam.

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Master List From Twelve Tables

Aug 5, 2006


I am putting together a database for a charity and am having some problems. At present I am working seven days a week and my time for research is so limited that I can only ask here for advice since I have neither the time nor resources to seek it out myself.

We do mail shots to various trusts and businesses to appeal for donations. At present we have two large, bloated MS Works Databases (one for Trusts and one for businesses) that contain names, addresses and so on. I have taken on the task to make our mail shoots more efficient. My vision is that the majority of time should be spent searching out new business/trusts and organising events while actually doing the mail shoots should basically be done at the touch of a button (it won't quite work like that, but previously the actual mailshots took up about 80% of the time. I want to drive that number down)

Having no Access experiance whatsoever I set about creating a Database with twelve tables, one for each month. Each month would contain a list of places that we would "hit"

I then came across a problem. When I am searching out new addresses I would have to cross reference them on 12 different tables. This struck me as being impractical but at the time of creation I didn't have the foresight to create a masterlist. Although I do have the list on my Works DB, it would be useless as time passed since no more entries would be inputted on there.

I was hoping someone could tell me how I can put together a masterlist using the data I already have and maybe if possible setup the 12 tables in such a way that by inputting an entry on one of them will automatically crossover the name of the business to the masterlist without me having to enter it twice.

I realise this may sound confusing, and if i had more time I would research the answer myself but I am stretched to the limit and know too little about this application. I did try to take on a Lyndia (sp?) course but again I just don't have the time. If you have any questions, I will check back later to answer them.

I am using Access 2002 (but my DB is in Access 2000 format - so it says)

Thanks kindly.

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Can't Convert Dbase To Design Master

Dec 19, 2007

I am trying to replicate a database for mobile working. When I attempt to 'create a replica' I get this error:

"MS Access can't convert to design master
Cannot make the Table "[TableNameHere]" object in tables container replicable."

The table in question is fairly large and has 248 columns and is linked to 3 other tables of similar size as well as 3 smaller ones. Got about 2000 or so records and set to cascade deleted and updated records. 248 columns should leave enough spare columns for replication though, shouldn't it?

Any suggestions as to what I should look for to fix this?

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Close Master Form From Subform??

May 13, 2005


I have a form with a subform. In the subform (based on a different form) I need a button to close the master form. In the subform I need to find out what the master form is so I can close it. Since I use the same subform in multiple forms I can't really hard code the name of the master form.

Can someone help me?

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Link Master Fields Error

Sep 14, 2005

I need help! I've set up a database with a subform that worked until recently. I get an error message that says: The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error:'Invalid outside procedure'

I had added a date and time stamp for when something gets modified it changes the date/time. I even backtracked and took all that out from tables, forms, queries etc. but the error keeps appearing when I'm trying to update my subform.


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Sub Form Displays Master Record

Sep 26, 2006

Hello I have a small problem that seems weird. I have a form which displays a subform with all correspondending jobs for one individual. The problem is the sub form displays the main form information with the other jobs. Im trying to stop the subform from displaying the current mainform's job information. So it won't look like there are more then 1 of the same jobs to other individuals. Can someone help me with the correct method to stopping this. Thanking you in advance,

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Tables :: Split The Master Table Into Four?

Apr 8, 2015

I'm working on recreating my church's records in access and was originally wanting to take people from the Visitors table and automatically move the to the Members Table (and same with Deceased & Moved), but after some searching found that's not really do able. So now my question is, can I have a master table that has everybody (visitors/members/deceased/moved) and then split that into different tables while keeping the main table (that way I can go into the main table and reassign the person)?

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How To Update Other Tables From A Master Table

Jan 2, 2014

I have a database with 7 related tables. Now the main table is called STUDENT. I am essentially creating a report card system and have broken down each part of the report into another table. Now to make it easy for teachers I have created a form which they can search for a class and in a datasheet all the students plus their ID numbers come up along with the spaces for them to enter their grades etc.

The problem I have is this. How can I get access to look for any updates from the STUDENT table and apply this to the other tables as it would not do this automatically, even though they are linked one-many I have copied the data from the main STUDENT table into each other table just so theres a reference for a teacher. Is there any magic button or something that I can make to do this so all extra student names and IDs are added to all other tables?

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Access Closes In Design Master Mode

Mar 27, 2008

I have an application that when in design master shuts down when I attempt to open a certain form. I have traced the problem to a linked field from another table, by creating a new form and ommitting the said field, problem is its a required field!

If I copy the database (Backup) and run it as a replica it does not happen, if I then convert the replica to design master it happens.

Any suggestions please??


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