2 Tables That Don't Product All Results

Dec 1, 2006

I have 2 tables a project table and a project additions table, they have a relationship of 1 to many. When I run the query using both tables it only gives me the results of the project numbers that match in both fields. I need to have all information from both fields.

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Tables :: DLookup Between Two Tables - Calculate Product Price?

Jul 30, 2014

I'm trying to do a lookup between two tables, whereas table A includes the product ID and table B includes the price. Is it possible to create a field in table A with a DLookup function on the product ID to get the product price from table B?

Whenever I try to type in the DLookup function, it does not calculate.

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Tables :: Same Product Same ID BUT Different Prices

Sep 19, 2014

I'm going to design an access database for an LPGas company. This company sells LPGas and LPGas cylinders.


1.AlfaCylinder supplies it's cylinders(not the same kinds of cylinder as ME's)
2.MECylinder supplies it's cylinders(not the same kinds of cylinder as Alfa's)
3.PerfectGas Co. supplies it's LPGas.

Products :

This company sells cylinders and fills different kinds of cylinders with LPGas. for example, 11 kilogram LPGas in one kind and 25 kilogram LPGas in another kind and so on. Therefore, products are :

See the attachment

No problem with customers table. There are two kinds of customer. 1. Known customers 2. Unknown (everyday changing) customers. (there is a record for them in customer table named as Uncustomers, that at the end of the day, the sum of sale of this kind entered under this name.)

Problem is : As you see, there are some products with the same ID and same name or same type but different prices. How can I arrange the product table?

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Quick Q About Product Tables (parts)

Jun 30, 2006

OK, here's my delima (my head is spinning)

I have a standard Product table:

ProductID (PK)

Every Product has many Parts, but one Part may go to many Products

I will build this table:

PartID (PK)

How would I relate them together? I figure I need to use a Many to Many, with this table inbetween:

ProductPartsListID (PK)
ProductID (FK to tblProducts)
PartID (FK to tblProductParts)

I feel like I'm missing something, can you let me know what you think???

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Tables :: How To Input More Than One Product Per Order

Nov 19, 2013

i am very new to access. Logic and method needed in order to create a data base that records weekly orders.

What types of tables do i need?
How can i input more than one product per order?
How do o group the information in a organized way?

Ideally i would like to Input the clients name the week of the order and then all the products etc that are ordered.

Then be able to see in an orders table each client that made an order and a subdatasheet (the small plus in the corner) that once clicked i see all the products that are in that order?

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Tables :: How To Incorporate Selling A Product Option

Dec 11, 2014

You have a company that sells a small line of very exotic, non-perishable, chemicals to manufacturers.

You source these chemicals from around the world and resell them to the manufacturers.

The chemicals are not only very expensive, but may or may not be required for any given batch of product the manufacturer is producing.

The manufacturer does not know if the chemicals will be required, or not, until the last minute, so must have them immediately available for each batch.

You keep track of the process with a simple database that is built around a "Chemicals" database and a "Transactions" database. Which are linked by [Product Code]

Quite straight forward to this point.



You are seeking a way to make these chemicals accessible to manufacturers who cannot afford to buy them, just to have them sit around waiting for the day they are needed.

You set up a system where a manufacturer can purchase an "Option" on the chemicals whereby:

They pay you a certain amount of money for the right to hold the chemicals at their plant for a given period, denoted in weeks.

After the pre-determined period is over they must either:

Return the chemicals to you and you keep the money they paid for the option.

If they used the chemicals, pay you the pre-determined purchase price --you still keep what they paid for the option.


My problem is incorporating the options into the database built around "Chemicals" and "Transactions," e,g,:

(1) The "Chemicals" table has fields such as [Product Code],[Quantity in Stock],[Cost],[Sales Price per Kilo]. The options require a unique set of fields such as [Product Being Optioned], [Expiry Date of Option],[Sales Price per Kilo -If Used],[Weekly Price for Option]

It doesn't seem correct to jam these into the same "Chemicals" table although I could be wrong.

(2) The same is true for the "Transactions" table, i.e., it now identifies the chemicals in each transaction using [Product Code].

To identify an option in a transaction one needs to use [Product Code] and [Expiration Date of Option]

(3) When a chemical is optioned the company has to track the fact that that quantity of it is not available for outright sale until the option expires

(4) A further problem exists even if I have figured out how to structure the tables.

Before selling a chemical one must create a record for that chemical in the "Chemicals" table--not a problem.

Options on the chemicals, however, do not exist until they are sold i.e., instead of using the "Chemicals" table to look up data for each transaction. Each transaction (to sell an option) has to create a record in the table being used to track the options

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Tables :: Product Table With IDCustomer And Different Primary Key

Apr 17, 2015

I got a product table that I want to link with Customer Table.

To relate one to many I have a IDCustomer on my product table that is about 1000 rows.

I can link and all is working.

But in the product table I need a Primary Key that is shorteer in rows (only 15 rows) and access won't let me create such a primary key because it contains null value.

I Need Product ID (as primary key) to relate to another table which I will name Product details.

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Tables :: Create Database For Managing Nonconforming Product Internally

Jul 25, 2014

I am attempting to create a database for managing nonconforming product internally.

Different stages will need to be assigned to an individual within the organisation, is it possible to have a lookup value in my table which draws its information from active directory?

All the users are obviously in here and managed already, I dont want to have to create and manage a separate list of users just for my database.

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How Can I Create A Sales Form That Can Update Both The Product And Sales Tables

Oct 11, 2007

Am creating a Product-Sales Database, and I would like the corresponding Sales made in the Sale Table to be automatically deducted or to be reflected in the Product Table. The product table contains all my stock and has a relationship with the Sales Table. The Sale Table does not necessarily include the Stock. How can I create possibly a Sales Form that will be used as an entry point for all the products (stock) sold and automatically register the sold products in the Sales Table and at the same time make the required adjustments in the Products Table.

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Two Tables, One Query, No Results

Jan 14, 2007

I am trying to build a query that allows me to enter data over two tables that are related. I'm using MS Access 97 if that makes a difference. For example

I have two tables like the following

Class Id (auto number, primary key)
Class Name (text)
Class Teacher (text)
Class Room (text)

Student ID (auto number. primary key)
Student Name (text)
Student Course (text)
Class Id (number, secondary key)

I tried creating a query that allowed data entry for the following fields

Student Name
Class Name

It first has the following error when trying to enter data in both the feilds;
The Microsoft Jet database engine can't find a record in the table 'Class' with key matching field(s)".

So i tried adding the record in the table class, but now i cant even see it in the query.

Any ideas?

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Getting/merging Results From 2 Tables

Jan 25, 2008

I've got some tables I pulled off GeoNames.org that I need to extract data from. One table has everything I need except the counties listed in it. Instead of that, it gives a county code. The other table has the actual county names associated with those codes.In the main table, country and state are listed similar to "US" and "WA", representing U.S.A. and Washington state, with the city name ("Seattle") also displayed in a separate field. A county may be displayed as a county code of 003 or 101, or any such 3-digit number. The thing is, multiple counties can have the same county code, since each state's counties start their numbering over at 001, 003, 005, etc.In the county table, one column has the country, state, and county code in one field similar to US.WA.003, and the county name ("King County") in another field.What I need to do with this info is create a new table that will have only the country, state, county, and city names (omitting the text "County", if possible). So, my final result would be: US, WA, King, SeattleI just don't know how to pull the data from each table while merging the county information.The reason I haven't included the examples of the tables I'm using is because I'm hoping to be able to put together the query myself, with the help you all can provide me with. Alot of times, there are well-intentioned people who are kind enough to layout everything exactly as you need it to come up with finished results, and I'd just like to get the opportunity to take a shot at it myself first. If I can't get it from there, believe me, I'll be back for more help.Thanks in advance.

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How To Calculate Results From Two Tables

Feb 1, 2013

i have a small school with number of teachers, every teacher has a specific number of observations in the semester, i need a small project that when i query a bout a teacher, a form appearing with his name and the remaining hours of observation

what i did is i made two tables teacher (id, name, total number of observations in semester) observation( Oid, name of teacher, date and time of observation, remaining observations) -- i dont know if i have to make a counter or what !!--

Now what i need to do is a form when i enter the id of the teacher, it shows automatically the name of the teacher, and the number of remaining observations

How can i join the two tables and show the results ?

a sample Db TEACHER.zip

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Clearing Tables Results In Nonworking Db

Oct 5, 2004

I finally finished the database.

So I decided to remove all the test data.

Now I get errors like

the linkmasterfields property has produced this error "the object doesnt contain the automation object

when I try to enter new, live data.

Also, I get

The microsoft jet database engine cannot find a record in the table ... with key matching fields ...

I know the fields are there. I know it works. What in heavens name is going on????

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Lookup Tables And Filter Results

Jan 12, 2012

I've created a table (Films). One of the fields is linked to another table (People). The table 'People' is a list of people with a categorization next to them (e.g. actor, director etc)

Is there a way that I can create a field called 'Actors' in the table 'Films' and for the drop down only to display those people who have been categorized as an actor?

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General :: Calculations From Two Tables And Show Results

Jan 31, 2013

I have a small school with number of teachers, every teacher has a specific number of observations in the semester, i need a small project that when i query a bout a teacher, a form appearing with his name and the remaining hours of observation

what i did is i made two tables

teacher (id, name, total number of observations in semester)
observation( Oid, name of teacher, date and time of observation, remaining observations)

I dont know if i have to make a counter or what !!-- Now what i need to do is a form when i enter the id of the teacher, it shows automatically the name of the teacher, and the number of remaining observations

How can i join the two tables and show the results ?

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Tables :: Duplicate Results In Count Queries?

Feb 18, 2013

I have a table with a field 'FName'. I have run a query to count the number of each Name in this field. However, as well as having a blank field with 9129 results (which was expected) but another with 24 results that appears to be completely blank as well. There are another couple of incidences were results in 'FName' are appearing twice.

how to identify what is causing this duplication?

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Queries :: How To Query Two Tables And Compare Results

Apr 18, 2013

I am putting together a database for work, I have a table that is used to refer to (this table is part of our production system) in this table it lists products run, dates run and who has run.

I have the training records data table, this lists; who, machine and status: "trained" "refresh required" " not trained"

I want to build a query so that it searches the production table for the last 6 months worth of records & if an operator that is in the training table (WHO) as status (trained) is not in the production table it outputs a "to be refreshed" report or amends the records from trained to "refresh required" ...

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Tables :: Adding Records - Unpredictable Results

Jun 27, 2015

I have three tables


There is a 1 to many relationship between MyForms and MyControls
There is a one to many relationship between MyControls and MyLanguage

I have a function that populates these tables.
For each form in the system I store 1 record on the MyForms table.
I then store 1 record for each control in the form on MyControls.
For each control I store N (currently 2) records on MyLanguage.

This all works fine up to a point. I noticed that after a time records were no longer getting stored on MyControls and MyLanguage.

The only way around this was to delete all records on all files (I have cascade delete so only need to delete MyForms) and the Compat and Repair the database. The compact and repair doesn't work unless I delete the records first.
It seems to go astray when the MyControls table hits 14-1500 records (MyLanguage 28-3000).

I've stepped through the code line by line and the store of the records appears to go through fine.

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Tables :: Creating A Table With Yes / No Data Type Results

Jun 18, 2014

I am creating a table that is a master list of all of my company's product. Each "customer" that we have will always be ordering the same items, but not all of the items that we have available. I need a way to go through the master list and click a yes or no and have that item added to the "customer's list of items on a new table.

I need to create a sublist for each "customer" like individual shopping cats for each customer. These individual lists need to link back to the master list in case of product changes, description changes, and cost changes.

I would like to create a form where the end user can type in a product number, description, or manufacturer number and have that item added to the "customer's" list.

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Modules & VBA :: Show Results From Multiple Tables In One Listbox

Aug 4, 2013

I have multiple tables (Desktops and Telephones)

A search form, to search into those tables (It searches by "User")

The search form contains a listbox that shows results (listPC)

And the following code:

Option Compare Database
Dim strUserPC As String, strUserTel As String
Dim db As DAO.Database, rsUserPC As DAO.Recordset ', rsUserTel As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub txtSearch_LostFocus()
strUserPC = ""
strUserTel = ""

[Code] .....

It works, but I have one problem. It only shows telephones or desktop, not both. It deppends on which line inside UpdateList is first.

That example searches into 2 tables:


And searches by "user".

I want to list all telephones and desktops that a user has assigned.

What should I change to show both results?

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Tables :: Access External Data Results In TMP Files

Oct 7, 2013

Running Office 365 (Access 2013). Recent problem occurrence. When I do an 'External Data' command, either from another Access database or an Excel file, the import completes, but I don't see the new table immediately in the navigator section. If I import from another Access database, the new imported tables appear as '~TMPCLP....' tables. If it's from an Excel workbook, the new table doesn't appear at all. It's only after I exit the database and reopen it do I see the new tables correctly named.

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Tables :: Summation Of Fields In A Table Based On Query Results

Nov 5, 2013

I have a form that users can input data into and based on that data it runs a query and generates a report. These reports can be different based on user entered data on the form. My issue is within the report I would like to sum certain fields. The problem with trying to sum theses fields is that they show up on each row so I have hidden duplicates but when trying to sum the field it still trys to count the hidden duplicates thus giving a value that is of no use.

I have tried many methods to sum but one of the problems I continue to run into when I create a text box and build an equation and reference the field I would like to sum is when the report runs it is asking for a value to be entered for the field I am attempting to sum. I shouldn't need to enter a value as I am trying to obtain the value.

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Tables :: Limit Combo Box Results Based On Secondary Table

Dec 4, 2013

I have a DB with 4 tables:

Property (used for look-up values)
Service Type (used for look-up values)
Rate Table (uses the Property Table and Service Type Table and is used as a rate look-up table for the daily service table noted below)
Daily Service

Using the Daily Service table, I need to choose a property, choose a service type that is limited to the property (100's of service types, but a property may only have a limited number), and enter a quantity, and have the Rate Table return the specific cost of the service. I didn't think this was too hard in Access (2013), but I seem to be hitting a wall and spending too much time figuring it out. Now I am behind in my project.

I have been trying to do this in a table format, but have been unsuccessful in limiting the results of the Service Type combo box based on the property chosen.

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Queries :: Multiple Tables In Database - Inverting Results Of Select Query

Feb 5, 2015

I have a question where I need to effectively invert the results of a select query.

I have multiple tables in the database, but the 2 I'm looking at are TBL.Trip and TBL.TripDiary

A trip is logged in the trip table, and then an operator logs a diary entry against the trip. One of the options that the operator selects is when they receive an email back from the traveller, this is logged as a diary entry.

I need the query to look at the DIARY_Action field and select all records in the TBL.Trip that DO NOT CONTAIN an entry for Diary Action "4".

I can produce a select query that gives me the results to see all trips that HAVE had a response, with a simple IS LIKE "4" query in the action field.

If I change this to IS NOT LIKE "4", I get the results that I need, but duplication due to the various other "diary" entries in the table".

I simply need the inverse of the IS LIKE query but cannot see how to remove the duplicates?

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Add Product

Mar 17, 2006


I have a form called 'add product' and when the form is accessed it opens up a blank form.. the user scans the barcode of the product.. heres my question..

I want it to check the products table first to see if the barcode is already in there.. if it is... to bring the correct record up.. so that the quantity can be updated..if not.. to return an error message.. stating that the product already exists..

Any suggestions.. its been one of those days today.. cant think straight!

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Sum/Product In Query

Nov 11, 2007


I have to calculate the quantity of the ordered products, grouped by Product_ID, and I have to be able to print this totals for specific dates.

For this query I need data from 3 tables:



Products_Ready (Yes/No type, used for showing only those records which I need, in this case I will set it in my query to "No")

Whithout including in query Delivery_Date, everithing it's simple. I made a query, grouped by Product_ID, and running a sum on Ordered_Quantity.

But if I include Delivery_Date, because it can be different from order to order, the query doesn't show the totals the right way, once/Product_ID.

Can anyone help me on this? A piece of SQL code or everithing else is greatly appreciatde.

Thank you in advance, Attila

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