2007 Adminstrative (security)

Dec 6, 2007

Well wish me luck, I will be rolling out MS2007 next monday. I don't see any problems yet. I have been working with it for a few weeks. I only see one item that I am concern with.

In MS2003, if a previous user could not get into the database, all I had to do is re-join to the security.

In MS2007 I don't see anywhere that I can do that. Is there somewhere else that I should be looking?

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No Security For Ms Access 2007

Mar 6, 2007

User-Level Security Is Gone: The new Access 2007 ACCDB file format does not support user-level security. Your knowledge and techniques for user-level security and ways to assign object permissions is not applicable to ACCDB-based applications. Microsoft feels the improved database password (which is no longer stored within the Access data file) provides sufficient database security for most applications. If more comprehensive security is required to protect individual database objects, Microsoft suggests using the ACCDE file format (the replacement for MDEs) to lock up your forms, reports, and code. Even then, however, the ACCDE format provides no specific security on an application's data.

So how can I secure my database? We are about ready to convert to 2007.

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Access 2007 - Security Priveleges

Dec 18, 2007

Hi All

Have upgraded to 2007 (have I done the right thing here?....) and I am trying to open the database in exclusive mode to allow me to apply a certificate/licence to the DB- however Access complains I do not have correct permissions. I cannot open Workgroup Administrator (which incidentally has to be done from a macro routine) because I am unable to save it (again, dont have permission).

There is no concept of Workgroup Administrator in 07 as the security features have been revised - but according to the help files DBs can still be opened in 07. What am I doing wrong? I have created a macro to RunCommand to open the Workgroup Administrator in an empty DB and selected the original MDW file. But if I try and import all the tables etc. from my original DB - errors saying do not have Design permission to import ......

The DB opens in the user mode every time without the login dialog box....

What a nightmare.... any help gratefully received please.

Thank you.

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Access 2007 User Level Security

Mar 13, 2007

As I'm sure many of you know, Access '07 no longer supports user level security.

My question to you all is, how do you secure your DB's in '07? I just built a DB that stores patient data, and it needs to have some type of user authentication to gain access to it.

I know I can assign a general password to it, but I need each user to have their own username and password.

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Access 2007 User-Level Security

Mar 10, 2008

Why the new format .accdb does not support user-level security? I know Access 2007 still supports the old format .mdb, but why is it deprecated in the new one? Does microsoft want us to buy SQL Server instead of Access to support user-level security?

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Access 2007 User Level Security Articles

Jan 30, 2008

Has anyone seen any good links to explain why Microsoft discontinued User Level Security in Access 2007? If so can you post the links. There is a debate at my work and I want to get all the infomation possible. It is my understanding that the beefed up the encryption on the standard password so the did away with ULS.

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Forms :: How To Apply Workgroup Security Level In Access 2007

Oct 1, 2013

The purpose of this project is to aim the security mechanism an allow and restrict of individuals or group of individuals of the database. Define the security accounts and groups of users allowed to access.

Users: Can view / add / edit of data into the database.

Superintendent: Has view access to database but is limited only to their section.

Manager: Has full access to database but is limited to their section.

Administrator: Acts as the overall administrator for the database. Has full control over all data and objects contained in the database.

Most likely the closest example of this database is annual leave application. If individuals is/are adding data and only his immediate Superintendent can view with limited to his group and the same with the Manager as we have four (4) sections (Finance; Procurement; Services; & Management) in one unified department.

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Advice For Security & Question On Built In Access Security

Mar 26, 2007

I've read and gone though quite a few of the scrips and examples for creating logins and security and i'm getting to the stage when i need to have good understanding of the different methods.

Some of the examples whilst create a user login do not really allow for security within the database whilst the build in security wizard would appear to offer that functionality.

I am thinking that I will use the Workgroup file and that method. My question is am i able to utilise the fact that if a person 'AdamA' logs onto the database which is built into the workgroup security file. am I then able to take 'AdamA' to populate a table which records actions by a user? (I can't seem to find any thread or book reference to doing this)

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Access 2007 Crashes On Excel 2007 Import

Mar 21, 2008

On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:

1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce
2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format.
3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ...
4) Choose OK

Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.

Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.

Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help:
"ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."

Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have turned off DEP.

How can I get MS Access 2007 to import Excel?



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Add Security To A Table If Table Is Created After Initial Security Is Set Up

Oct 26, 2011

Is it possible to do this through vba. If security is setup for all the tables and a user goes in and creates a new table, can that table have security applied to it using code?

So maybe the creator of the table has read/write privileges but everyone else only has read only.

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Access 2007 Runtime Not Visible In Access 2007

Nov 26, 2007

I installed Office Enterprise 2007. Then I installed DEveloper Exrtensions, then Access Runtime 2007. All appear to have installed OK - they appear in Program and Features.
Instructions on runtime packaging tell me that a Developer option should appear in the resulting drop-down when I click the Office button (top-left round thing) when I have a d/b open in Access. It's not there! I have un-installed and re-installed the extensions and the runtime - still nothing!
I do have Runtime 2002 (XP) on the same PC, is that relevant?

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Help Me About SECURITY???

Jul 1, 2005

:confused: I can't access my database. I used many tools to scan my database password, and I had many results but I can't used any one.
This's my database. Can you help me?

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Aug 28, 2005


I am experimenting in creating security of a database, and elements within.

I started by creating a user account with a password. I then made a few mistakes, so wanted to delete the mdb, and start again.

However, when I now try to create a new database, or even open a pre existing database, I am asked for the user and password created in the now-deleted mdb.

Apart from the fact that it shouldn't ask for the user name and pasword created in the first database, I am sure it doesn't accept the password I intered in creating the account.

The easy solution would be to delete the file where Access stores user accounts. Where is it, and is it protected, such that I can't delete it? And even if the user name and password still exists somewhere, it should only apply to the database in which it was created, shouldn't it?


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DB Security

Nov 10, 2005

Hi all,

Just looking for a little advice on data protection. I have a split database which is accessed from the front end (forms only). All data is stored on the back end, which is hidden away from the user.

The database is password protected, and both sides use a login authentication to avoid unwanted access. However, the usernames and passwords are easily retrievable by opening the database a text document.

Any ideas on how to make this more secure?



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Dec 3, 2005

I try to play Security.

After I created it, the shortcut is created on the screen.
Everytime needs to click the shortcut to login it.

But, when I go to database file, and then click it, it does not work, it will show the following message:

You do not have the necessary permissions to use the <name> object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you. (Error 3033)
You do not have the necessary permissions for the specified object. To change your permission assignments, see your system administrator or the object's creator.

So, is it ony the shortcut to login it?
if delete the shortcut uncarefully, how to do it??


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Dec 7, 2005


Problem 1:
I setup a security, stored the security file and other files in the drive D:

it works.

after I move the files to the drive C:, then it doesn't work.

Why it doesn't work?

Problem 2:
After I created security, there are acc.mdb, acc.bak, and Secured files, right.
how can I add this link:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10MSACCESS.EXE" "D:acc.mdb" /WRKGRP "D:Secured.mdw" in the target to the acc.mdb file.

Because when it doesn't work, and then I created a shortcut of the acc.mdb file, then add the above code. Then it works, it give out the prompt.

Does any method instead of this, better than this?

Please let me know, thanks.

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Dec 14, 2005

When using security login, can we logout and then login to the database without shutting down the database and re-opening.

Such as using a button to logout and then another to login.


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Jan 17, 2006

Can some one help me?

I am trying to set up a database in which the the table portion is password protected but the query section can be manipulated or updated as users see fit. Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks, S

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May 5, 2006


I have now finished my system that will run on a windows network. I now need to get the security setup so different users can access different pages.

I have set a list of users and specified what forms/tables they can access. The problem is, how does access know who is accessing the pages? For example, i have set 2 users - Dave G & Dave S - I have given Dave G access to the admin forms as he is the admin and I have given Dave S access to the general data input forms.

How is this enforced? How does access know which person is opening the forms. Unless access asks the user to login using their user name set in access, I cannot see how it can manage what users can do what.


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Security HELP!!!!!

Jul 18, 2006

I have locked down my welding data base and had some problems arise mabe someone eles has had this problem. All of the tables in other data base that are linked to the welding data base now will not allow me to utilize them I get the error message that I do not have rights too that information. Even though I have full access rights to the welding data base and can make changes at will.

Why can't I do any thing to the others? HELP!!!!!

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WID Security

Aug 18, 2006

First of all, i am pretty new to this....

We have a few access databases in a network. More and more people in our organization are using the databases so I am learning to create some user-level security.

We have access 2000.

Access links to a WIF to create user-level security.

But I think there is an easy way that anyone can get pass that.

Even if I have set all the groups and users privileges and restrictions, anyone can simply switch from one WIF to another WIF, then they would have changed all their privileges and restrictions.

Am I understanding this correctly?

If so, what can I do better secure the database.

Another question:
How can I prevent someone from simply copy/delete the access file from windows? I am afraid that someone, maybe a disgruntled employee or even myself making stupid mistakes, delete the whole access .mdb file, and I would loss everything.

I do backup the file, but even if I back it up every night, if something like this happens, i would have lost a whole day of work.

Your advice are highly appreciated.

Thank you all for your help.

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Aug 22, 2006


I followed the security wizard and everything worked fine. However, when I move the database to another computer or another folder, it prints this message:

'You don't have the necessary permission to use (path)...'

Is there anyway to avoid this please?


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Nov 22, 2006

Access security is really very confusing, thought I had conquered it but I was wrong. I have been playing with a test DB. How on earth do you reset a password for a user? I just can't see where you go to assign a new password.
Managed to clear the password but then got stuck.

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Asking For Security

Dec 12, 2006


I have a question for user-level security and workgroup.

Suppose we setup user-level security and have a workgroup with storing all username, password, and groups,
if adminstrator want to change one user permission, let's say that change the user permission from update to read permission only, then the user should only have read permission, right. However, previously, the user copied the workgroup file himself before adminstrator change his permission, if he apply to his copied workgroup file, and log in the database, he can still have update permission.

So, how do I prevent the user using his copied workgroup file for the database?

How can I solve it?


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Jul 22, 2007

Hi again

The security on my database so far is justthe standard everyone has a user name and a password, no one can alter the design of a form apart from me

I am just wondering if there is any way that I can prevent people viewing and altering tables, queries etc. It would be good if when the open the database the main form comes up so they can navigate from that and they are always taken back to this and they can never see the database window

Does this have anything to do with front end and back end databases?

Sorry its a bit vauge but hopefully you will know what I mean


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Security DB

Jul 25, 2007

I want to maintain my database work log i.e., who ever opens the database (not through application) and changing the table should be saved in work log. Any way to acheive this?

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