8 Table Need To Design Queries For All Possible Combinations...

May 21, 2007



I have 8 tables all with a membership number as the unique identifier, I need to find all the possible combinations and then create queries for each combination, is there a quick and easy way to do this? or do I have to sit and define a query for each of the 250ish combinations?!

I'm pulling all the data together using a union query. What I need to do now is to find the combinations using either "is null" or "is not null" criteria (in the queries).


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Creating A Table With All Possible Combinations

Apr 6, 2007


I have the following dilemma. I have to make multiple tables with many columns and if I were to type in the data manually it would take me a few weeks. But if I could somehow specify the number of columns(and the number of choices in each column) and then have Access(or Excel) create a table with all the possible combinations it would make my job a LOT easier. For example, let's say I have department stores in multiple cities. I need to create the following table:


San Jose Men's Shirts
San Jose Men's Pants
San Jose Men's Shoes
San Jose Women's Shirts
San Jose Women's Pants
San Jose Women's Shoes
Los AngelesMen's Shirts
Los AngelesMen's Pants
Los AngelesMen's Shoes
Los AngelesWomen's Shirts
Los AngelesWomen's Pants
Los AngelesWomen's Shoes

Instead of typing that out manually, is it possible to create some sort of list like:

Cities: San Jose, Los Angeles
Dept: Men's, Women's
Clothing: Shirts, Pants, Shoes

And have Access or Excel create the table with all of the possible combinations?

Thanks for your time.

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Queries :: How To Reduce Down Data Set To Get A List Of All Unique Combinations Of Column

Jul 8, 2014

I am new to Access and am trying to reduce a dataset I am working with to make it managable for Excel. I have three columns which have three unique parameters and one column with numberical content.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
NJ Red Monday 10
NJ Red Tuesday 20
NJ Yellow Wednesday 30
NY Red Monday 35
NY Green Tuesday 40
NY Green Wednesday 60

I want to elimiate column C from the dataset, and sum column D for every unique combination of Column A & Column B. I have figured out how to reduce down the dataset to get a list of all unique combinations of Column A&B,what formula I can use in a query to sum column D on my table for every unique combination of column A&B. This is a simple SUMIF in excel, but my dataset is too large for excel.

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Tables :: Cross Join TABLE - All Combinations

Sep 5, 2014

I am trying to create a cross join or Cartesian product TABLE, not a query.

I am creating a training database. For each and employee and each training event, I want to know - is this event required, who approved it, and when was it completed. The table I envision looks like this:

1 1 Y WPD 9/5/14
1 2 N

I currently have 39 employees and 473 events - 39*473 = 18447 records

I was able to make a cross join query and use make table, but whenever I add a new employee or event, if I update the make table query I will lose all my existing data.

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Queries :: Crosstab Design Is Slow When Opening And Saving In Design Mode?

Oct 6, 2014

I have had to use my first crosstab queries.

I now understand that when opening and saving crosstab queries Access (2010) runs that query to ascertain the column names. Unless you hard-code them. Running the query takes at least 20 minutes.
I have hard-coded where I can, but one report takes arbitrary dates so I can't hard-code them.

I believe that turning off AutoCorrect might make a difference to whether the query runs - but I don't want to turn it off.

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Queries :: Design View - Show Results In Two Columns From One Table

Jul 28, 2015

Lets say I have the follow Tables:

ID | Top Color ID | Bottom Color ID
1 2 1
2 3 4

ID | Name
1 Red
2 Blue
3 Green
4 Orange

I'd like to have a query in design view to have the following result

Outfit ID | Top Color Name | Bottom Color Name
1 Blue Red
2 Green Orange

In design view, I can link "Color ID" to "Top Color ID" and "Bottom Color ID" but I don't know how to specify in the GUI to create "Top Color Name" and "Bottom Color Name".

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Queries :: Create Update Query To Budget Table Using Access Design View?

Feb 17, 2015

trying to create an update query to Budget table using the Access Design View:

Field: PctSls (in tblBudget) Update to: [Expense] / [Sales]. The update query always returns 0. However, if I create a Select query using the same calculation, the correct results is displayed. PctSls is defined in the Budget table.

I haven't worked with Access (2003) for several years but this seems too simple to be causing me such frustration. (Was only a casual user even then).

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Queries :: Design A Query To Show Only Empty Field As TEXT Fields In Table

Mar 2, 2014

I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?

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Multiple Combinations

Jun 8, 2005

Hi Everyone,

I want to perform queries that count the number of customers using combinations of different products.
The data is organised like so:

CustomerID ProductType No of Items
1 A 5
1 B 1
1 C 2
2 D 2
3 B 2
3 B 3

and so on.

There are 5 or 6 product types. I need to be able to produce a table showing all the various combinations. For example, number of customers using JUST product type A and nothing else, number of customers using product type A and product type B, customers using product type A, B and C
and so on.

I think there are around 64 different combinations!
I was wondering if there is a quicker way to do this apart from writing 64 different queries!!

Hope this clear and hope someone can help!



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How To Search For Duplicate Combinations

Apr 16, 2012

I need to be able to find duplicate combinations (or, I suppose, permutations). I have four columns in a table that all contain inter values. I want to be able to query so that I can see if there are more than one records that have, say, 12, 28, 5, 14 in columns 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively.

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A Query For Multiple Cjheck Box Combinations

Feb 1, 2008


I have a problem building a query using multiple check boxes. The situation is as follows:

I have a database to monitor enquiries which come into a central email account. I have devised a system where several check boxes are used to define the nature of the enquiry. Users can tick any number or none of the options to describe the enquiry.

I would like to create a query where users can search the database based on the check boxes which have been ticked. For example, if users want to search for enquiries where a specific three check boxes have been ticked, I would like all of the records where these three boxes are checked to appear, and so on for all different combinations of check boxes ticked.

I've tried a few methods, including creating a seperate form for the query where users check their search criteria in line with the enquiry form, but I can't link this with the original form.

I hope my description adequetly conveys the problem I have!

Any thoughts would be most welcome.


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A Query For Multiple Check Box Combinations

Feb 1, 2008


I have a problem building a query using multiple check boxes. The situation is as follows:

I have a database to monitor enquiries which come into a central email account. I have devised a system where several check boxes are used to define the nature of the enquiry. Users can tick any number or none of the options to describe the enquiry.

I would like to create a query where users can search the database based on the check boxes which have been ticked. For example, if users want to search for enquiries where a specific three check boxes have been ticked, I would like all of the records where these three boxes are checked to appear, and so on for all different combinations of check boxes ticked.

I've tried a few methods, including creating a seperate form for the query where users check their search criteria in line with the enquiry form, but I can't link this with the original form.

I hope my description adequetly conveys the problem I have!

Any thoughts would be most welcome.


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Choosing All Possible Combinations And Adding Their Values

Aug 25, 2004

ok this is weird post but im wonderin how to go about it easily cause i can think of a few ways, dunno if they will work of not, so im asking for ur opinion. I need to find out possible cominations for a salary cap football league based on dollar amounts for the players and points based on last years results, yet it cant go past $100.00...so one possible choice is (QB Tom Brady $22.56 183.50 points). its 1 QB, 2 RB, 3 WR, 1 TE 1 Kicker, 1 DEF team and i have to do all 9 for it to count...so would i have to set up 6 columns, one for each position and have a way of picking 1 of A 2 of B 3 of C 1 of D 1 of E 1 of F for 1 qb, 2 Rb, etc? and have it so sum of values is < $100 and it also must add the points so i can see the best possible combination/most points i can get for $100.00...i know its last years points and this year will be diff but I am just comparing...all i need is an outline i dont need u guys to do it for me i have some experience with access...thanks for anyone who can help

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Modules & VBA :: Combinations Of Records In A Field That Sum Up To Given Value

Oct 6, 2014

I am looking for a piece of code (either in access or excel) which will return all combinations of records in a particular field (or column of cells) which will sum up to a given value (or a close approximation thereof - ie a margin of error of, say, 2).

In other words, imagine you have a number field with 100 records in it. I would like to know all combinations of those records which add up to a value that the code could specify (eg 223). This would be incredibly valuable to assist in performing reconciliations that I perform in my role.

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Queries :: Unable To Open Or Design Queries From Older Access Files

Jan 1, 2014

Im trying to work on an db in Access 2007 that was migrated from Access 2003 (in fact its been migrated several times starting from Access 97). It executes and runs with no problems in both versions.
The problem is when trying to open some queries (not all) - Access is unable to open the query in design mode and gives me this error :

" is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long.

However, as I cant open it - I cant check it. Im pretty sure none of the fields have invalid characters (they do have spaces) and Im not sure how long is too long....

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Design Table So That When A Box Is Checked Data Is Transferred To Another Table

Mar 23, 2012

I am designing a database for my organisation. I have done most of it but am stuck on this. Ideally I would like to have a check box (in a table) that when checked a load of data is carried across from that record to a record in another table.

Given that I can't and don;t want to use VB is there anyway that this can be done easily?

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Queries :: Design Unmatched Query On 2 Tables

Oct 22, 2013

I need to design an unmatched query on 2 tables to identify employees names that exist in 1 table but not the other (or names are misspelled, etc.). The tables exist in on a server and I do not have the ability to change either. Table 1 has the following structure:

EMPLOYEE NAME: Doe, John ID-12345
Table 2 has the following structure:

Since the field names are not equal, the unmatched query wizard (as far as I know) will not work. I've tried using "NOT LIKE", LEFT JOINS, RIGHT JOINS, NUll Values, etc. in the SQL but nothing has worked as yet.Here's the SQL I've been working with but this returns all values (haven't figured out why):

FROM [Table 1], Table 2
WHERE ((([Table 1].[EMPLOYEE NAME]) Not Like "([Table 2].[LAST NAME]*"));

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Queries :: Lock Or Disable Design View

Apr 15, 2013

I am designing a database for users with little to no knowledge of Access.

Therefore, I would like to lock/disable the design view for my queries to prevent them from inadvertently making any changes to my query criteria.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

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Queries :: Query Design Defualts To SQL Mode

May 7, 2013

When I click on the design mode of a query object, generally MS Access defaults to the GUI design view... but in this one application, the design view is pulling up queries in SQL mode first...

If I want to set it to the GUI design mode, I have to either hit design again or run the query then hit design to have it pull up in the regular design mode. Is there a setting or something I am missing? Seems that it only does this when the SQL code is reltively involved (i.e. the simpler queries pull up in the normal design view.

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Help With Table Design

Nov 28, 2005

I am having problems coming up with a Table design and need help.

I am trying to design a table that will have 8 categories, 47 subcategories, and then choices within those categories.

Much like the following (this is only one category example, there will be many):

(Main category) Floors -> (Sub categories) Joist, Carpet, Vinyl Flooring, Wood Laminate -> (Choices for Joist Sub Category) Structure Wood 2X8 Joist, Plywood 2X8 Joist, Structure Wood 2X10 Joist, Plywood 2X10 Joist

This only shows the flow if the main category is "Floors", sub category "Joist", and then the choices under subcategory "Joist". There will be others for the other categories, subcategories, and choices.

Can someone help me or steer me in the right direction in setting up the database table/tables to accomplish this. Oh and BTW, there will be prices attached to each "Choice" under the subcategories.

I hope that this makes sense... any help would be much appreciated.

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Design Table

Aug 30, 2006

I have 5 tables with the same data (row and columns). How do I make it into a relational table?

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Table Design

Jan 29, 2008

if i had a table with products and i want to keep a record of what has been chaged or added to this product, whilst keeping the old records how could i set it up in a databse?

the excel spread sheet looks like this

product commments

1 chnged this and that 20/08
1 modifyed component 21/08

2 newest model 3/08

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Table Design Help

Oct 23, 2004

Hi all, i wonder if anyone can help?

It's a simple question really. I'm currently learning databases and am doing a project, just to show that i understand everthing i've learnt so far. I have to produce a small database.

There's nothing difficult about the project, and its a very basic database, but i was just hoping to ask a small question.

I'm producing a DVD database, to hold details on a collection. My main table holds the majority of the fields, as follows;


The problem came with boxsets. Originally i was just going to have boxsets as one entry, but some contain a few dvd's, each with different certification, etc, and i wouldn't be able to record running length, director, etc.
So i added a ysnBoxset field (just to record whether a dvd was part of a boxset or not) and then made a new table with


So now i can record which are part of a boxset, and the name of the boxset they belong to. But.. then i got to the problem of Purchase Price. Obviously i cannot record an individual purchase price for those which belong to a boxset, and i want to be able to record the price of the boxset.

So my question is... is it acceptable to add a curBoxsetPrice field to tblBoxsets, which would allow me to store the price... and then just leave curPurchasePrice as £0.00 for those dvd's in a boxset??? Or is there a better way of doing it? (I know there is, but i'm a novice :( )

Thanks for any help you can give, sorry for the lengthy explanation! :rolleyes:

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Table Design ??

Mar 14, 2005

Within my db I have a table, tblProjects which currently has 36 fields. Each project will have a fixed set of 12 tasks, each having a begin and end date as well as a yes/no "completed" field. This would add another 36 fields to tblProjects.

Instead, I have created a new table tblTasks which has these 36 fields along with a PK(TaskID) and FK(ProjectID) and is related to tblProjects. I believe tblProjects is already normalized properly with relationships to tblCompanies and tblContacts as well.

I'm not sure if this was neccessary, or should I have just added the task fields to tblProjects. What, if anything, are the advantages of one way over the other? I'll be upsizing to SQL Server, does that make a difference?

I appreciate any advice,


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Table Design

Jun 2, 2005


Bit of a long one but I require some advise if people can supply it.

I've started creating a DB that is now getting out of hand due to me being inexperienced. The things I want to do now are getting way to complicated. From reading various posts I know that this is all being caused by my database design and while the DB is still young I'm go back to square one. I want your advice on this if you can to ensure 3 weeks from know I'm again not chasing up weird bits of VB code to make it all work.

I basically have a lot of information to hold that interconnects with each other. I'm making up a role profile DB (so we can assign define access rights to a computer system) I have lots of info to collate but the basic stuff is.

Staff Records (Name, business area & ID)
Applications (What computer applications do staff require)
Shared Drives (What access to shared drives and folders do they need)
Shared Mailboxes (what access to shared mailboxes)
Roles (users will be assigned roles to suit their requirements)

Basically what I have at the moment is below.

Role ID
Role Name
and about 15 other fields that dont really matter for this

Application ID

Shared Drives
Shared Drive ID
Shared Drive

Shared Mailbox
Mailbox ID

Each role will only have a select number of applications, mailboxes and drives from the overall list. so role 1 may give access to 2 of the 10 applications, 1 out of 5 shared drives and 3 out of 4 mailboxes. Role 2 on the other hand may need 9 out of the 10 applications, 1 out of the 5 shared drives and 1 out of 4 of the shared mailboxes.

I just don't understand how I can create a form from these tables that would display all the different roles with their respective apps, mailboxes and drives they would need.

any advice you can give to help whould be appreciated.

Again sorry for the long post.

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Table Design

Jun 5, 2005

I am designing a db for our Law office. I want to have tables for different types of Civil Cases-ie Divorces, Deeds, Contracts, Personal Injury, Auto Accident, Slip and Fall, Product Liability, etc. The divorce, Deeds, tables are easy but I am having difficulty deciding on the personal injury tables. Heres my dilemna. Can I get away with one or two Personal Injury tables even though there will be blank data fields. For example, I will need a field for the name of the product in a Producrs Liability field. This field will be blank in all other Personal Injury Cases. I know the rule is you don't do that but my alternative is 15-20 tables for every concievable Personal Injury Case- Auto Accidents, Slip and Falls, Fraud, Prouduct Liability, Accounting, Attorney, Dental and Medical Malpractice, etc. This is in addition to other civil case tables, criminal case tables and federal case tables. Anyone have a suggestion?

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