90 Days, But Not Current Month

Sep 7, 2005

I have a query setup:
SELECT Format([RepDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS [Date Reported],
inc_Incident.Category, Count(inc_Incident.Category)
AS CountOfCategory
FROM inc_Incident
GROUP BY Format([RepDate],"mmmm yyyy"), inc_Incident.Category,
HAVING (((inc_Incident.Status)<>"Cancelled"));

I'm trying to figure out the best way to get the query to return category counts per month (formatted MMMM YYYY) for only the last 3 full months (not including the current month).
If it matters Repdate is formated Long Date.

Any help people can offer?

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Matching Current Month With Month In A Table

Oct 18, 2005

I have a table full of dates of meetings through out the year...



16th August 2005
18th September 2005
19th October 2005
23rd November


i also have a report that i print out each month that has the date of the meeting on it... i currently edit the date manually.

I was wondering if there was a way to automate this facility, so that the report looked to the table of dates and looked for the current Months Date that is stored i the table.

i then want this date to be displayed in the Report.

So in this instance if i am running a report for tomorrows meeting being the 19th October it would display that date in the report....regardless of when i run the report...

Obviously if i run the report on the first of November because the month has changed it would then display the date of the November Meeting...

we only ever have one meeting a month!!!!

Please help


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Working Days In A Month

Feb 16, 2006

Does any one know how to calculate how many working days there are in a month
Total number of days in a month minus Saturdays and Sundays

All contributions gratefully received


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Days Lost Per Month

Jul 26, 2006


I need to calculate with a query how long in days per month when someone was booked off sick.

e.g. booked off 12/05/06 till 17/07/06.
total days = 66

I need this broken up into months.

e.g. 05/06 = 19 days
06/06 = 30 days
07/06 = 17 days
Total = 66 days

Please help.

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Averaging Totals Of Certain Days With A Month

Aug 2, 2007

a request came accross my desk to find holidays sales in relation to the same days of the week for other weeks. For example, Thanksgivings sales compared to each of the 2 thursdays prior and the 2 thursdays after. Anyone know of a way of pulling this data so I have it all in one query - Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving+1, +2 and -1 and -2 (the numbers representing weeks from holiday



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How To Show All The Days In A Scpecific Month

Feb 12, 2008


I want to show all the days in the specific month, e.g. there are 29 days in february 2008 and the records will display all the days that are available as below:

What is the syntax?

Thank you.

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Parse A String With Years Month And Days....

Dec 4, 2006

Solution to parse the strings below and get number of months
1) 10 years 5 months 5 days - Should give 5
2) 6 years 10 months 22 days - Should give 10

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UDF To Count Days And Convert To Month / Week / Day

Jul 18, 2014

Recently, my parents have bought a campground and I agreed to attempt to build a database which they can useto keep track of openings, reservations and I want to be able to now calculate the price for the customer. I know I can easily create an "invoice" using the forms.

Originally, I thought this would be easy and it actually wasn't too difficult, I had everything set up to go. Then I hit a snag. The prices are by days, weeks, months and season and get slightly cheaper for each tier you go up. Charging for a week is cheaper than charging the daily rate seven times, makes sense right? it makes it difficult for me because, I'll use the example of nine days, for a stay like this you would charge for one week and two days.

I can't just convert the days stayed into a number like 1.3 weeks and multiply it by the weekly rate because it would be undercharging the customer by about $30 and this number would go up as the stay got longer. I know I could do something like an "IIf" statement but in order to cover all the variables, that would be a long equation with lots of spots where a mistake could be made.

Through doing research, and asking here, I figured that it would be best to develop a UDF which would take the number of days stayed and convert it to something which would count them and turn it into a number like "1 week, 2 days". From there I will have to figure out how to make it so that the program knows which sections to multiply by which rates to build the price. I have taken a course in Access and have a huge book relating to the subject but I'm not quite sure where to begin.

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30 Days From Current Date

Jun 11, 2007

Hey guys,

I'm trying to pull data that has a due date within 30 days from the current date. I'm trying to use

WHERE x <= Now() + 30

but I'm getting incorrect records. Can someone please help me out? Thanks.

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Queries :: Calculates Number Of Days / Month / Year

Sep 15, 2013

I am building a report and need to know the coding in the query (or in the report) to achieve the following.

Currently, in my query - 3 fields that work fine:

AppDate - dates of set appointments (Appt)

MonthNo: DatePart("m",[App_Date]) - get Month value

YearNo: DatePart("yyyy",[App_Date]) - get Year value

What I need is : EXACT coding to get these counts to show in my report:

January 2013
12 appointment (there were a count of 12 appts in January)
over 23 days (there were 23 days where appts were booked in January)
of 31 days (total number of days in the month of January)

February 2013
18 appts (there were a count of 12 appts in February )
over 19 days (there were 23 days where appts were booked in January)
of 28 days (total number of days in the month of February )


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Modules & VBA :: Number Of Weekend Days Worked In A Month?

Oct 6, 2013

My subreport provides appointment stats for every month and is grouped by month in the main report. I manage to include the number of days for each month using:


in a text box, and it works fine.

But I don't know the syntax to get these numbers:

the number of weekend days worked in that month, and the number of weekend day not worked in that month My field is call App_date.

Tried this but does not work - the numbers it returns are incorrect (in every month): =Count(Weekday([App_Date]))

The subreport's is based on a select query with only the Appointment table. It only has four "fields" - that work fine.

They are: the appointment date and its date parts - defined in numbers.

MonthNo: DatePart("m",[App_Date])
YearNo: DatePart("yyyy",[App_Date])
DayValue: Weekday([App_Date],2)

how to get my weekend work and not work total day count?

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Modules & VBA :: Count Total Working Days Of Month

Mar 5, 2014

I have a table with two fields named as "Month" and "Bank Holidays". I have put names of the month in this table for 2014 and the corresponding bank holidays of each month. Now I want to write down the piece of code that will execute when a button is pressed and check the current month of the year and then display the total working days ( After subtracting bank holidays of that month and weekends of that month from the total working days of that month).

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Current Month

Jun 9, 2005


Probably an easy one here.. Got a table that I will like to do a query on.. All I need is to list all records for the current month. So obviously, when it goes to the next month, the query would update and show only records for that month.

What do I need to put under the date criteria to get this query?!?.. Any ideas?


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Sum By Current Month

May 5, 2005

Hello all,

i have a form with 2 fields [edate] and [qty].

what i am trying to do is sum [qyt] by month

i have in the footer for a text box that sums [qty] =sum([qyt])

now i need it to be able to give me the sum of the current month

can someone let me know how to do this

thanks in advance

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Current Month On Default Value

Aug 24, 2005

how can i show the name of the current month, using the default value, I use day(now()) and year(now()).

I tried using month(now()) and monthname(now()) but they don’t seem to be working! any help?


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Date - Current Month

Sep 28, 2007


I hoping someone can assist me here, I've looked through the forum for other date related threads raised, but none seem to assist me with what I need to achieve.

I have created a query with an appropriate date field, and I am can't seem to work out how to write the correct formulae to get the query to only show data with a date range for the current month only.

I don't want the user to be prompted to enter any information, I want the query to automatically always, when in the current month only show data for the current month.

Any assistance would be most appreciated.


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How To Set Current Month As Criteria?

Oct 6, 2005

What expession should I use to set the current month as criteria in a simple query? IE in the criteria field of the query design view...
Thank you for your help

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Week Number Of The Current Month

May 24, 2005

Hello everyone.

I would like to ask for help on my current problem.

I need to input a date on a text box and another text box say txtweeknumber should determine the week number the date falls on the current month.

for example:

May 1, 2005 should fall on week 1 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 1
May 9, 2005 should fall on week 2 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 2
May 17, 2005 should fall on week 3 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 3
May 25, 2005 should fall on week 4 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 4
May 30, 2005 should fall on week 5 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 5

Same goes for all months.
Is there a function to determine which week number of the current month the input date falls?

Please help.



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Current Month / Date Problem

Aug 31, 2007

I have the following code that should populate the current month date range in the startdate and endDate fields of a form. I do the same thing for the current year and that works great. Can someone tell me what is wrong with the code for the month button. It displays 1/9/07 - 2/8/07. If the current month is September, it should give date ranges from 9/01/07 - 9/30/07.

Private Sub cmdmonth_Click()
'Sets the Date From and Date To text boxes
'to show complete month (from start to end of current month)

Me!StartDate = CDate("01/" & Month(Date) & "/" & YEAR(Date))
Me!EndDate = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("mm", 1, Me!StartDate))

End Sub

The code below works great for the year. It displays 1/1/2007 - 12/31/07

Private Sub cmdyear_Click()
'Sets the Date From and Date To text boxes
'to show complete current year

Me!StartDate = CDate("01/01/" & YEAR(Date))
Me!EndDate = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Me!StartDate))

End Sub

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Dcount Query With Current Month

Oct 3, 2005

Below is the Field data I have in a query. This allowed me to get a count of forms for the current month. I think it is giving me a count of forms for both October 2004 & October 2005. Up until this month I did not have any data covering the same month of both years. Could this be what is happening and if it is how do I change my field data to ensure it is current month and current year only?

FORMS: DCount("[Date_of_Change]","all_trucks_table","[FORM #]=true AND Month([Date_of_Change]) =month(now)")

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Only Allow Date Entry For Current Month

Jan 8, 2006


I am a little familiar with Access but having a problem figuring out how to alert a user that the date entered on a form is not the current month. I was hoping to have a warning msgbox pop up alerting the user. I am trying to prevent incorrect date entry.

Thank you very much

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Query Based On Current Month

Dec 9, 2004

I am looking at creating a query which would report whether a specific field is yes/no. However, I would like it to based on that days specific month. For example, I have 12 check box fields, one for each month, and I would like to create a report where it would look up whether or not the current month has a check box in it. Additionally, I would like to create another where the criteria would require me to put in a month to search for. For example, to search to see whether or not december has been checked.


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Queries :: Criteria Between Current And Next Month

Apr 2, 2015

I need to Criteria between currently Month and Next Month. (we are in April because of this im giving this example : 01.04.2015-31.05.2015) .I tried this code but its not working :

Dateadd("M") between DateAdd("M"+1)

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Reports :: Records In Current Month?

Mar 13, 2013

I have a table with those fields:

Name date(d,m,y)
John smith 1/2/2013
Mary loe 25/2/2013
Mary loe 1/3/2013
Jim tonel 3/3/2012
Jim tonel 5/3/2012

I want to create a report or query that will calculate how many times a name appears in current month(03/2013) and if not it should return 0.

For example the report or query should look like this:

Name count
John smith 0
Mary loe 1
Jim tonel 2

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Filter All Dates Within Current Month

Mar 21, 2015

I am probably quite wrong but I am trying to apply a filter that returns all dates within the current month

The bulk of the filter is from Microsoft Access examples.

Private Sub MonthB_Click()
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "DueDate Year([DueDate]) = Year(Now()) And Month([DueDate]) = Month(Now())"
End Sub

It is not working??

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How To Get Specific Number For Current Month

Jun 14, 2012

Is there a way to look at only data from a specific month? It's June now so let's say I want to look up only data from June without having to hardcore the number 6 or letters "June" in my query. How would I go about doing this?

Another question would be how can I convert this to a number to multiply the numbers in my data with?

So I want to retrieve only data for the current month, June, and then multiply numbers associated with that data with the number of the month for June (that is, 6). How would I go about doing this?

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