A Little Help Needed With Input Masks..

Apr 13, 2006

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction..

I'm working on a database for work :eek: there are a million things giving me a headache (I've attended two 1 day courses but haven't a clue :rolleyes: )but one little thing that is annoying me is a problem I have with input masks..

In my Contacts table, I have First Name, Surname, Company, etc..
I've made the first letter of the first name and surname have a capital letter ie;

Field Size: 20
Format: *Is clear*

Field Size: 20
Format: *Is clear*

Field Size: 30
Format: *Is clear*

I have a problem in that, usually company names contain more than one word plus PLC or LIMITED at the end.. I want to be able to make each word start with a capital but as the lengths vary, I don't know where to put these in the input masks :confused: :o

Any help? I'm sure it's easy but I don't know :o

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Input Masks

Sep 12, 2005

I want to force user to input state in capital letters, ie; CA, CO, WA, etc., with two text characters only. Working in design view, I used this character: > in the input mask field property area,
which I understand (perhaps mistakenly) will convert characters to uppercase. Now, I cannot enter any info in the state field.
Any help would be most appreciated.

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Input Masks

Jul 11, 2006


I have a text box on a form to enter doc id's. The doc id's can either be a single letter followed by six digits or two letters followed by six digits.

I can create masks for either of them but not so it allows either of the options to be entered, is it possible to create a mask to cover both options?


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Input Masks (Last Names!!)

Feb 2, 2005

Hey all,

I had a question about input masks. The boss wanted all the fields to automatically capitalize names and last name. Did that, was happy for awhile. What we didnt realize is that there are names like DiGianno or McDonald that still need caps in certain spots.

The original input mask went like this: >?<CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC;;
This mask would caps the first letter and lowercase the rest.
What i need it to to is CAPS the first but leave whatever may follow up to the user..

In other words.... The first letter is always caps, the rest that follow is up to the user, upper or lower.

Is there any way to do this? Couldnt figure out a solution! :(

Any help would be appreciated


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Question On Input Masks

Oct 21, 2005

Does an input mask have to be static? The format for the numbers entered in a control in my form is digits separated by periods for WBS number entry ( Each '9' will represent a digit. I want to allow the user to enter different depths (ie 1.1, 1.2.3,, etc.) up to 5 levels.

Is it possible to make the input mask automatically adjust as more numbers are entered?

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Question About Duplicates And Input Masks

Dec 23, 2005


I was wondering how I go about this?

I have a table that holds vessls and barrels in a winery. When I enter data via a form I have a lookup to showme the location of a vessel or barrel. The vessels are static and have a two letter location ie WT or RT etc. The barrels, once filled are put in different locations in a warehouse. Each location has a code ie WW011121 etc.

I have a range of codes in the form as follows;

Private Sub Location_Enter()
If IsNothing(Me.Location) Then 'means it is probably a barrel
'and needs a warehouse location
Me.Location.InputMask = ">LL00000"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Location_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNothing(Me.Location) Then 'tried to leave without a location
MsgBox "Location Required", vbCritical, gstrAppTitle
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

What I wish to write is some code to find a ducplicate location in the warehouse not in the static locations.

What I have written thus far is;

Private Sub Location_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Location.InputMask = ">LL00000" Then

then the air code would be to find duplicates from there.

Would it be best to compare string length (clues needed) as the static locatons on have two letter where as the barrel locations will have two letters and five numbers. Or is there a trick in dcount to look at bits of the contents of a field? ie ignore fields with on two letters and do a dcount in fields with say two letters and five numbers?

I do not have any experience writing code involvine string lengths.

Thanks in advance


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Lookup Field And Input Masks

Jun 21, 2007

I have my database done, for the most part. But I want to add a lookup to a field in my Component table so that I can associate a particular number (paragraph number in a pub) to a failure mode description. In the Failure Mode table, I have associated a paragraph with a failure mode:

Example: 6-66.2Visual

Yes, some paragraphs have more than one failure mode. The primary key for this table is an autonumber which allows me to do this with minimal headache.

When I created a lookup within the appropriate field in the Component table, it erases my format/input mask and makes it look like this:

6662 Visual
6668 Continuity

I wasn’t able to put an input mask in the General tab of the FailureMode field in the Component table – I guess because it has the paragraph AND the failure mode in the lookup and 9-99.99;;_ just won’t cover the text for the failure mode description. The input mask is present in the Failure Mode table but isn't "crossing over" to the lookup!

I REALLY need those “masks” in the paragraph callout to help me distinguish and match the failure mode! Can someone please explain how to do this?


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Input Masks And Append Querries

Apr 18, 2007

I have a field in a table with the input mask LLL0000;0;_

when I use an append querry to put data in the table it still puts in data which does not follow the input mask. Is there some tick box I have not checked or somthing because this is getting really annoying.

All help really appreciated.

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Input Masks And Validation Rules

Sep 8, 2004

I'm using a simple input mask via the wizard for a date of birth field in a table, but the table is accepting entirely invalid dates such as 32/12/2005. When I tried inputing something like this in the wizard it says invalid input, so why is it valid in the table?
Should I set validation rules?
I tried this:
and set the validation text to "Invalid data"
i.e. limiting input to less than 31/12/2004... but it still didn't work.

Can anyone help?

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Comparing Two Fields With Identical Input Masks

Aug 31, 2007

I have a form control with the input mask on it for a phone number. I am using an append query to append the information entered in the form to a table. I need to pull two fields from a linked table from another database. What I need to do is be able to compare the entered phone number in the form with the phone number from the table. The problem I am running into is that it won't match the phone numbers. The same mask is used in the table I am pulling from. Why can I not just put =[Table].[Phone_No] in the Criteria of the field where the number from the form is placed so that I can get the right record from the linked table?

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Forms :: Input Masks For Access 2007?

Nov 23, 2013

I have a field in my table called SATS. This is then on my form as a control bound to the SATS field in my table. The application is for a surgery where the person doing vitals ( blood test and HPpressure testing) need to enter the redings. The norm is 96%RA80 tHE 96 never goes beyond 100. The RA will always be there and the 80 can be higher up to three digits.

What i manage to do so far is this 99\%LL999;;- the problem is that the R has to typed everytime. How can i set it to __%RA__

I have is that if we want to scan the past consults and link it to a patient. What are the requirements?

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Input Dialog Box Help Needed

Aug 5, 2005

i need to find out how can i have a popup dialog box where they can enter in a value and the value must then populate to a non enabled field on a form. This is my trigger field and has to be filled in but they tend to forget this what i want to do is put a dialog box where they will enter their id and that id must then populate into a id field on the form which is disabled any help will be appreciated

thanks mel :)

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Input Dialog Box Help Needed

Aug 5, 2005

i need to find out how can i have a popup dialog box where they can enter in a value and the value must then populate to a non enabled field on a form. This is my trigger field and has to be filled in but they tend to forget this what i want to do is put a dialog box where they will enter their id and that id must then populate into a id field on the form which is disabled any help will be appreciated

thanks mel :)

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Calculated String Input Field In An Input Form.

Jan 30, 2005


I need to create a field in an input form that is simply the concatenation of two other text fields. I have tried all sorts of things, but when I look at the data in the table that field.

I have a field called ID that I want to be created like this:

=Format([UniqueID],"00000") & "-" & [Mosque]

This works well in my output fields, but does not work the same way on the input form. It needs to be based on the currently input values from the current record. Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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How To Pull Records Based On Input And Input-1

Sep 22, 2015

I need to be able to query the service dates for the bill. So I can query 1509 for the .billYYMM and .readdate and it will give me the TO Date. How do I in the same query tell the query to subtract 1 from the BillYYMM that I just entered and give me the read date for that field in that query? So Query 1 MBRHISTDETL.BILLMOYR and in the criteria box use [Enter the Bill Month Year YYMM you want to search for] will allow me to run the query at any time for any bill month year that I enter. So another field in that query is MBRHISTDETL.READDATE. So to get the FROM date and the TO date i need the following MRBHISTDETL.BILLMOYR (whatever I enter as input) and MBRHISTDETL.READDATE that corresponds and then I need [MRBHISTDETL.BILLMOYR]-1 and MBRHISTDETL.READDATE. The first gives me the TO date and the 2nd gives me the FROM date?

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Help Needed

Apr 29, 2005

I need some help on a database that is set up for work use.

It's rather large and I have no technicial knowledge of access whatsoever so an answer in plain english would be appreciated.

I have attached a picture of the screen that i am having the problem with. The blank fields contain peoples names and addresses. On this page i have to click on "update service user" on the first user, the database opens a seperate page and i enter a few details, then i click to go back to this screen.

When I return back to the screen, the scroll bar is at the top of the list. This is OK when I am doing the first few letters of the alphabet (the users are listed alphabetically) but when i have too use the scroll bar and choose the letters later down the list, then click to update then return to the screen and the scroll barr is not where i left it...ie: it's at the top.

So what I am asking is, is there a way of freezing this scroll bar so it will stay there even when i have navigated away from the screen to update each user?

If someone could answer me this query then I would be most grateful as it's quite time consuming for me to use the scroll bar and find the next person that i need to update.

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Help Needed!!

Mar 15, 2006

Hi, looking for help big time!! I am a novice at using MS Access and struggling like hell. I have been set a project at University that requires me to import data from Excel, sort the data (i.e the data imported will be for a whole year and I am only interested in looking at single months), use calculations on the data imported and display this graphically. Is this possible with Access?? Any help will be gladly received as Im desperate.:(

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Help Needed

Sep 18, 2006

I have a multiple user access database on share drive with user-security level created. I created myself as administrator, and remove default Admin from Admin group. Removed permission from user group and joined workgroup file which I created as "MBS work group.mdw". I created shortcut on user's computer. I believe the syntax is correct

"C:Program FilesOffice 2003OFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp "\ServerNameMBS DatabaseMBS Work Group.mdw" "\ServerNameMBS DatabaseMBS.mdb"

Everything works fine. When I directly double click the database (MBS.mdb), it pops up a login box. However, when other user double clicks the database directly (not from shortcut) from their station, login window doesn't pop up. It allows them to access the database. I saw the work group file used default System.mdw

My question is how can I restrict them by double clicking the database without go through shortcut? Why my database security not protect user access without give user name and password. I tried by joined user’s work group file to MBS work group.mdw. It works, but I don’t want let user manually to do that one by one.

Is there anybody can help me go through this problem?

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Help Needed,

Dec 27, 2006

Sorry, i dont know where should i post this( under which category)

so i just post it here,

I want to create a login page using access,
and then i wanted to record down the name of the user and the time and date(login and log out) when he/she is using the database.

And then record it down in a table.

Any ideas fellow forumers :)

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Help Needed....

Jan 11, 2007


I am fairly new to DB's and have been trying to get my head round a database I want to build. I have had a few pointers from other people on here which has helped etc.

I was wondering if anyone out there would mind helping me with this project. I will go into detail if anyone is interested. I am hoping that someone would let me add them to messenger so when I get stuck etc, I could drop them a quick note. I am not going to harrass you every minute of the day (I promise not to try to anyway :D ). I would like to work with someone so I dont have to keep explaining it to someone different each time.

If this is something that someone wouldnt mind doing, please, please, please let me know.

Many thanks


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Help Needed Please

Apr 21, 2007

So far I haven’t got help on my DB.
I am attaching my DB.
The DB has two tables: DiaryTable & RBCaseTable
I want to resolve two issues on this DB

First issue: The DyNo field will start from No.1 on new year (DMax function). Since there will be duplicate records with the same DyNo for every year, I want to filter the records year-wise. For the current year, I should be able to do data entry, edit, search, print etc. For the previous year’s records, no data entry should be allowed and only search and print to be allowed.

Second issue: Two fields in both the tables are same i.e. DyNo and Remarks. I want this to be linked. What I want to do is that after I open ‘frmRBCaseAdd’ when I type the DyNo, the form should show the ‘Remarks’ field of DiaryTable so that I could update/edit.

I know nothing about VBA coding etc. Whatever codes I put in this DB was obtained from this forum and I simply made changes to suit my requirements. However, I failed to get help on these two issues. I shall be grateful if you could kindly help me. Thanks in advance.

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Help Needed Please

May 9, 2007

I need help please.

1. I have a [CmdBtn] to do some calculation on the first day of every month.(The Btn and calculation code are ready and working).

2. On clicking, the [CmdBtn] will look for [FieldTotal] entry. If no entry, it will execute.(This code is also fine and working).

3. While executing the command, it will populate the [FieldTotal] automatically so that second clicking of [CmdBtn] will take no action and the populated field will tell the user that calculation is already done.(Code for auto-populating is also fine and working)

4. On the last day of the month, the [FieldTotal] entry will be deleted.(Here also the code works fine.).

I have two tables Table1 & Table2. I have the form for Table1. The [FieldTotal] is in Table2. I inserted a TextBox in form and tried to link it to Table2.FieldTotal throu Data-ControlSource, but it is not working. When I open the form ‘#Name?’ appears in the [FieldTotal]. I tried changing the field property to Text and then Number. In both options, I get the same ‘#Name?’.

Interestingly, when I leave the text box as it is without linking it to Table2, the [FieldTotal] in my form appears blank. Here I am able to populate the [FieldTotal]. But when I exit and reopen the form, the text box is again blank.

Please guide me (1) in linking the Table2.[FieldTotal] to my text box in form (which is based on Table1) or (2) how to keep the text box entry permanent till the end of the month.

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Help Needed

Oct 10, 2007

Hello, i need simple database for my artworks. i made a few tables, but now i have to connect them and add some features. Also i will need a few reports... i think i will not be able to do it mysef. so i am looking for help... does anybody interested in this project? i will pay with Paypal. please, let me know
thank you,

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Just What I Needed

Nov 4, 2007

i'm eric. joining a couple boards and looking
forward to participating. hehe unless i get
too distracted!


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Help Needed!

Nov 8, 2007

I am a novice and need help, i have built a simple database and i need to find out how to automatically update files across a network as soon as possible it updates on a couple of machines strait away but on others i have to close the database and then reopen it to get the updates. In addition to this i want to be able to search for a reference at the click of a button.
Any help on this would be greatly appricated as i am a novice

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SQL - VBA Help Needed!!

Feb 8, 2008

Ok i have a database works fine just run into a little porblem..
In My VBA Coding i have made a SQL quiery the code is..

Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()

DBEngine(0)(0).Execute "INSERT INTO availability (ID) " & _
" VALUES (" & Me.ID & ")", dbFailOnError

'---------------------- Below Is The Code That -----------------------
'-------------------------- Doesn't Work -----------------------------

DBEngine(0)(0).Execute "INSERT INTO availability (Name) " & _
" VALUES (" & Me.Name & ")", dbFailOnError


End Sub

ok so the insert of ID works but the insert of Name does not..

Am i doing something wrong?? can somebody help please i need it urgent..

i have been using MySQL for about a Year working on PHP and it seems much different from this SQL here on access.. and my suggestion would look something like this

"INSERT INTO availability ('ID','Name'), VALUES ('Me.ID','Me.Name')

Something along Those Lines..

- Alan

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