A Quick Question About ComboBox For The Experts.

Nov 22, 2006

I Need to eliminate repeat entries of Names in a Combo pull down list

I have since found out that this is possible with the DISTINCT directive in a simple query like
SELECT DISTINCT [Name] FROM Miracle_Cloth_Main ORDER BY [Name] DESC; as the source
property of the combo box.

It looks like ACCESS needs A primary Key included in the querry for the source property
of the combo for the FindFirst function in the after_update event of the combobox
to work with a code similar to

rs.FindFirst "[RecordNum] = " & Str(Nz(Me![Combo112], 0))

The Wizard generate the following code even if you don't select the Primary Key(RecordNum)
during the creation process.

SELECT Miracle_Cloth_Main.RecordNum, Miracle_Cloth_Main.Name, Miracle_Cloth_Main.Cust_ID FROM Miracle_Cloth_Main ORDER BY [Cust_ID] DESC;

Even if you add the DISTINCT Cluse to the above code
it doesn't filter the repeat data.

Is there a compromise where I can get the Filtering by DISTINCT clause to work with the code generated by the wizard so that I get the FindFirst function as well to work ?

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Access Experts Some Help Please?

Nov 13, 2007

I need to complete a project for school for my computer class. I am having some problems with this one assignment. I am finished but want to know if anybody can help me. Just verify that the answer is right or wrong. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Here it is... Its just a fill in the blank so if anybody who knows MS access can help me that would be great. Thanks.

The word required are the ones with the underscores around them.

Fill in the blanks:
1. Some developers like to use the _Design View_ property for a field to document its contents, such as identifying a field as a primary or foreign key or providing users with instructions about entering values into the field.

2. A _Query__ is a database object that stores criteria for selecting records from one or more tables based on conditions you specify.

3. To select multiple controls, you could click a control, and then press and hold the _Shift_ key and then click the addition controls you want to select, releasing the key once all the controls are selected.

4. A form?s _Table_ is the underlying object that provides the fields and data in the form.

5. You can view a description of each property in a property sheet by clicking the property and then pressing the _F1_ key.

6. When you select a control, eight handles appear on its corners and edges. The larger handle in a control?s upper-left corner is its _Move_ handle.

7. A(n) _Data Type_ displays a list of values, and lets users select one from the list.

8. Each report can have up to _Over 300_ sort fields.

9. An advantage of using the _Table Wizard_ to create a table is that the sample tables and fields already have properties set that might work well in your database or that are easily changed to accommodate your specific data needs.

10. In Design view, you can use the _Property Sheet_ to set the properties for fields that do not use the default settings.

11. In Access, you can specify restrictions on the data that users can enter into a field by creating a(n) _Validation Rule.

12. If a user attempts to enter an invalid value in a field, the _Validation Text_ property for the field opens a dialog box with a predefined message that explains the valid values.

13. In Access, you define table relationships in the _Relationship_ window.

14. You use _Borders_ around field names to distinguish them from function names or other types of values.

15. When entering the data in a table in Datasheet view, you would press the _Control + Minus Sign_ key to cancel a record that you have just entered.

16. In Access, you can control the format of a value by creating a(n) _Input Mask_.

17. A(n) _Look Up_ field lets the user select a field value from a list of existing field values stored in the database or from a list of values specified when the field was created.

18. The primary objective of creating a(n) _Indexed_ field in a table is to prevent users from entering duplicate records into the table.

19. If an expression is complex, you can use _Brackets_ to indicate which operation should be performed first.

20. To move from one record to another in a main form, you would click the buttons on the _Navigation_ bar at the bottom of the main form.

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Need Access Help From The Experts

Jul 28, 2006

I am new to access, so I haven't been able to come up to speed on all of the functionalities that it has. I have a table with a social security number, an effective date, a department, and pay periods. I have seven other tables with a social, a date, and absentee occurances. For any social in the seven tables, I need to subtract one pay period from the original pay period table based upon the max effective date that is less than the occurance date. I am dealing with large amounts of data, at least a million rows in the original table, and 50,000 in the 7 smaller tables. I know access may not be ideal for this solution, but it is what I have to work with. Any suggestions?

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Calling All Chart Experts

Aug 10, 2007

Dear Access Chart Expert

I have been trying to figure out how I can make the x-axis show month abbreviation names instead of numbers. Please see attached gif.

Currently, I use the Month([DateField]) function to get numbers of the month because if I use Format([DateField], "mmm") to get "Jan, Feb, March" the chart sorts the months in alphabetical order instead of the correct monthly order.

How can I be able to use the Jan, Feb etc... labels and have the chart sort them in the correct month order and not alphabetical order?

Thanks so much...

greatly appreciated.

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Lingering OLE Error...Any Experts?

Mar 14, 2008

Ok guys, I've been eyeing this problem since June and I must say that I'm rather sick of it. After months of dredging the web, I've come to the find multiple mocking hits implying that the answer may lay somewhere in the Experts-Exchange, where i understand that some of you have been know to roam.

Without furthur blather, I must admit that im trying to avoid paying 12 bucks for this answer, especially as I've grown suspicious that this is a straight up MS/Adobe collaboration failure... and now for the problem.

When opening PDF files from my database (Access 2003) Acrobat (7 and 8) successfully opens the pdf. When I attempt close the PDF, nothing happens and I get the following Error when i go back to access:

The operation on the Acrobat Document object failed.
The OLE Server may not be registered
To register the OLE Server, reinstall it.

Hit Ok and the PDF file closes. ANNOYING AS H#LL.

I have repaired access, and acrobat. I have reinstalled. I have checked registries. I have updated .dll's. The only help I can offer is that when opened on an IT guys computer the problem seems to be gone. I'd bet this is because he has a pro copy of adobe. Basically I'm trying to figure out if i need to convince the powers that be to put a copy of Pro on any computer using the DB (if thats whats really helped), or if there is still some way I can fix this myself. Thanks gentlefolk! You (plural) are the rule.

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Query Challenge For The Experts?

Jan 26, 2006

Create a temporary table to hold the results. Use VBA to open the data table and temporary table in two recordsets. Loop through the records in the data table and place the data in the temporary table in the required positions.

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Any MS Access Mail Merge Experts Around?

Jun 11, 2005

I am trying to merge data with MS Word, but am getting problems. I
only seem to be able to merge a single record. Can anyone help pls as this
is quite urgent



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Relationship Issue? I Need Some Assitance From The Experts On This One.

Jan 6, 2006

Forms used:

Tables used:

I have a database created containing 2 tables. (tblAnnualService and tblCustomers). I have the Repair Order set as the primary key in both tables since it should never have a duplicate. I have a one to one relationship, enforce referential integrity and I have cascade updated related fields. The join type I chose is 3. Include ALL records from tblCustomers and only those records from tblAnnualService where joined fields are equal.

I have a couple issues ongoing at the moment. I have a button on the master form (frmAnnualService) used to input service information for each customer. This button runs and update query that updates tblAnnualService and all fields on this form are bound back to tblAnnualService.

With the setting on the relationship as listed above neither one of the tables is being updated. When I change my relationship and remove enforce referential integrity and cascade updated fields, change join type to 1. Change only include rows where joined fields from both tables are the same the tblAnnualService updates but the tblCustomers does not.

I have another form (a postcard mailer frmPostCardback) that is bound to the tblCustomers. I need to be able to from the frmAnnualService input the data, click the update query table button and have it update the tblAnnualService and the tblCustomers. I assume I do not have my relationship setup correctly. Can someone please assist? I some background with Access but need your comments to be specific and detailed so I can make sure I am correcting the issue properly.

Thanks in advance for any assistance I receive.

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Simple Relationships Problem (easy For The Experts)

Feb 18, 2008

Hi there,

I'm creating a database for my computer repair business and it's going to store details on my customers, their computers, and any repairs I carry out on them.

I've created some tables, but I'm unable to create the relationships I require between the tables. Here's what I have:


I want to create a one-to-many relationship between the tables left to right, excluding the Engineer table, which I will talk about in a moment.

The idea is - One customer has "many" computers, one computer has "many" repairs, one repair has "many" problems. Each repair has just ONE engineer assigned to it, although the engineer will be assigned to many repairs.

I can link the Customer and Computer tables, via the CustomerID, but when I try to connect the other tables, I get the "Relationship Type: Indeterminate" error.

Can anyone help me with what fields I need in each table, and what relationships I need to achieve what I need?

Many thanks :)

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Link Images! Great! Some Questions For The Experts.

Jul 24, 2006

My friends,

I am trying as hard as I can to learn Access. I am developing a database for my signage design business. I've been at it for about 5 days already. I know this question would be a piece of cake for the experts in this forum.

When one of my artists finishes with an artwork, he will save this as a jpeg file. I want him to upload it to the database via a form.

1. I would like to come up with a command button that, when clicked, will open a browser on the users remote computer and enables him to find the file to upload.

2. When this file uploads, I want it to be saved in another directory, outside the db, and then linked to a field within the db.

3. And I want this feature also for mp3 files.

Can any one help with this?

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Forms :: Update Row-source Of Combobox Based On Value Selected On Another ComboBox?

Apr 26, 2015

I am trying to use a combobox called Manufacturer to select which table the combobox called Model gets it's rowsource from using the code below.


Private Sub Manufacturer_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Siemens") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SeimensTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SeimensTable"
If (Me.Manufacturer.Value = "Samsung") Then
Me.Model.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
Me.Model.Recordset = "SamsungTable"
Me.Model.RowSource = "SELECT Model FROM SamsungTable"
End If
End If
End Sub

But when I run the form and select Manufacturer. Combobox Model remains empty. tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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Saving Contents Of Combobox As String, And Inputing In Another Combobox

Jan 13, 2005

How would I modify multiple comboboxes in subforms at the same time. For example.. In main form ComboboxA user selects 1992, Combobox1 in subform1 is also changed to 1992, as well as Combobox2 in subform 2.

Whats the best way to do this?

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Quick One SQL YES?NO?

Nov 4, 2006

hey guys quick one

when creating a table in SQL how do you set a variable to yes/no i tried the BIT command but didnt like that so is there any other way?

cheers guys

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2 Quick Questions

Oct 16, 2005

Hey guys, I'm just doing this database and have suddenly realised I dont know as much about MS Access as I thought!

Q.1 - I need to run a query that displays the top 5 records in a table, how would I go about doing this?

Q.2 - In my tables, I have of numerical data like the following...
is it possible to make a Totals column which automatcily adds up the data in the Fraud, Competition, Loss of data, etc rows? (similar to MS Excel if possible)

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Quick And Easy One

Jun 20, 2006


I am creating this bloody db and I have created a form and when I open it, it shows, record no one, what I want it to do is open blank ready for a new bit of info to be put in. I know this is an easy one but im sick of the sight of access this week

With thanks

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Quick Question

Jan 17, 2007


Great website. Does anyone have any information on the leafs (http://a-cholesterol-diet.com/index.htm). I have been looking all over the place but no one seems to have any information or listings of any websites, any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Quick Question

May 30, 2007

I have done a little database for someone so they can keep track of available dates for their apartments in Turkey. They want me to add it to their website so people can look for themselves. I know I should join a beginners web design forum, but can anyone tell me how i actually log into a website? I have the wesite address and the password. Thank you in advance Ben

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Quick Question

Jun 5, 2007

Hi all,
I am just wondering why Modules have the name of bas at the start of the name. frmForm and rptReport makes sense but why bas for Modules ?

Thanks in advance,

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Just A Quick Question

Oct 29, 2007

I just joined and wanted to say hi to everyone. Also, I noticed that the forum runs off my screen.

Anyone else notice that?


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Quick Question Regarding 0

Jan 9, 2006


one of tables requires me to store sickness details, the sickness codes are all unique, they do however start with at least one 0 for example code - 000003 Description Stress. When you enter a code access automatically trims of the 0's to leave a 3.

Is there a way to override this im unaware of?

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Quick ? About Tables

Apr 2, 2007

i am using the following query to make a table. i was wondering if anyone knew a way to have the table be named from data entered into a text box in a different form. so when different people type in different names a new different table will be created. thanks

CREATE TABLE tbalename (First_Name TEXT(20), Last_Name TEXT(25), dob DATETIME, Constraint Employees_PK Primary Key (First_Name, Last_Name, dob));

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Quick Question

May 4, 2006

Bit of a newbie so help appreciated.

The system I have developed lists jobs (as in jobs that staff members need to go and do) in different towns and cities. These jobs are set as active or inactive depending if completed.

I need to run a report that allows the user to find active jobs in a particular town. I have made a query and by setting the status field to a criteria of "active" this ensures that all results in the query are only active ones.

I cannot find a way to allow the person running the search to enter the name of the town that they want. This would then allow the query and then report to list all "active" jobs in a particular town.

I have a table containing all the towns so hope I can offer the user running the search a means to either type the name of the town into a box or even better (to reduce typo's) be able to choose the town from a combo box.

Once the town has been selected, the report will list all active jobs in that particular town.


Can anyone

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Quick Questions

Jun 21, 2007

I'm writing a field where it shows a combination of many fields.
For example, when a user types in "abc" in field 1, "def" in field 2, "ghi" in field 3, I will have to combine the three fields into "abc/def/ghi" with slashes in between them. However I don't want to have any slashes at the front or at the back the field.
There are unlimited fields of "abc" "def" "ghi" "jkl" "mno" etc. Any idea how I can write the code? I'm thinking using if statements. Is there other ways I can do this?

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Quick Question

Feb 12, 2008

I know I should know the answer to this but if you are creating a query that includes individual fields as well as calculations based on some of those fields, do you select the source field or the query "field" when using the expression builder?

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Another Quick Question...

Apr 22, 2008


I have a database showing car details, and need to show all records whose MOT is due within the next 30 days/one month (from today)

It might be similar to my first question.

Thanks in advance


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Need Some Quick Advice

Nov 24, 2004

My Mgrs. have asked me to set up a spreadsheet to keep up with inventory for a certain section of the business. And I figured that in the long run it would be easier to set up a database instead of a spreadsheet. We have specific customers with specific products to keep together; and I have figured out how to fullfill this .... my problem lies with the actual inventory.

The questions:

1) Can I keep an Available tally for all products?
2) To ship out and receive in cargo do I need to make 2 tables or just 1?

I have to keep up with the location of the goods in the warehouse and I'm not sure if I should include that with the product table or a seperate inventory table.

I am not sure if I will be using the database to create 'orders' or what we call bills of lading to ship out the cargo so I'm a little lost on how to keep up with the quantity of each product in the warehouse. There is no 'reorder quantity' or anything like that. I just have to keep up with how much of each product I have in the warehouse. Then I also have to be able to keep track of what is received into the warehouse and what is shipped out of the warehouse.

Does any of this make sense? I'm so confused myself that I'm not sure that I am able to explain what I need or what my questions are without confusing any one I'm speaking with.

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