Acces Hide Field Value

May 10, 2005

Hi i've got a table with a couple of fields

What's in the fields is irrelevant but i'd like to
change that to *****
the original value should stay there
but when you view the record it should only give *****

for example

field value : HELLO
when viewed: *******

Does anyone know how this could be done I ones knew how it was done but can't find it anymore

plz help

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Acces Pack And Go

Oct 2, 2006

I am looking for a way to export my database and all linked files into one folder with automatic updated links. I would like to transfer the complete project to an other computer. Is this possible? How to do? Thank you.

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Acces Or MySQL

Oct 16, 2006

Which is better fo running a website which is small?

MySQL or Access?


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Every Acces Screen Has Its One Toolbar Btn

Dec 21, 2005

I only want the active screen on the toolbar. and all other screens like the DB screen and forms that are not active to be hidden on the toolbar.

I hope you can understand it. else i wil make a screendump of what i want.

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Pictures/PHotos In MS Acces

Jun 25, 2007

I'm not brilliant at using MS Access - can't use the VBA codes or anything like that.

basically, I want to set up a database of photogrpahs where you store thephotograph in Access, and then run a query to search for specific photos, which brings up a form showing the picture.

I seem to be OK at doing all of this so far except I can't get the photo to appear in the form - it just displays a link which you double click on to get to the photo.

I've tried to look up how to sort this on the web but don't understand the way people speak about access :confused:

can anyone help???

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Finished Acces Db. How Should I Set Up For Users?

Feb 28, 2008

I have completed a db and am satisfied with the structure and forms. The object window is hidden when the database is opened, and the main entry form automatically opens for the user. This db will be in a network folder and several users will have access to it. I want people to be able to enter data and run reports, but not make any changes to the database itself, or accidentally delete the database file or some other change to the structure. What is the proper way to set up the folder rights and anything else associated with the previous question?


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SQL Pass Through Query/ms Acces To Oracle

Jun 3, 2005

I'm getting an error (SQL command not properly ended) but main thing is, I can't get it to recognize the ms access db.
In a nutshell...I want to query the oracle db for a number and count, then scan a number into msaccess and have it 'find' the matching number in oracle and return the count only to ms access. More comments below between the code and here are table names for both oracle and access:
ORACLE: Table name is: batch_status bs
Field names are: batch_num and Batch size

MS ACCESS: Table name is tblbatchstatus
Field names are: batchnum and idcount

select batch_num,BATCH_SIZE
from batch_status bs
(this works and selects all batch numbers and sizes from oracle)
(If I say 'where batch_num = 60024 -----this works also....)
However...when I add the below part...I get can't seem to match to access database....

SELECT tblbatchstatus.Batchnum, tblbatchstatus.Idcount
FROM tblbatchstatus;

where batch_num = tblbatchstatus.batchnum

And I want to just say: where batch_num = <<<scanned batch number>>> and return the id count.

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How Do You Create Acces Data Pages For Update

Jan 22, 2006

I am a first time user of access. i am trying to create an Data Access Page which will list all entries in a table and then allow me to add, change and delete them. I have created the page using the wizard but it will not let me add, delete or update. i view all the entries at one time but that is all. the navigation toolbar shows up at the bottom but it is grayed out. any ideas on what i may be doing wrong?


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Selective Data Acces Depending On Login

Jan 11, 2006

I have a two level security system to protect my date. The first uses the MS Access security, the second is a simple login system wherby a user enters their name and personal password to gain a customised view of the data eg if the user is me, I can see all tool bars, other users cannot. What I would like to be able to do is write a query wherby I can use the users login details to diplay only their data. An example of the script I built is as follows


If Me.qpwd.Value = DLookup("PWD", "AUTHORISED", "USERID = '" & Me.quserid.Value & " '") Or UCase$(Me.qpwd.Value) = "abcd" Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "Course Booking System"
MsgBox "Invalid Password"
End If

Is there a way of including a select criteria like the following

WHERE USERID="Me.qpwd.Value"

I have tried several differnet versions for this syntax without success!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Handling Filter In A Ms Acces(2000) Forms

Oct 19, 2006


i am currently dealing with a form which does not show data after it has been opened.

it shows the data after removing the filters from the form when it is opened.

in fact the filters are set to false

Me.FilterOn = False.

so kindly help me out from this problem

thanking you

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Hide Field Value

Mar 22, 2005

I have a form with various fields, two of these fields are "Date Purchased" and "Lease End Date". When there is no value entered originally, I have made a default value of 12/30/9999.

The problem is that when you open the form and these two fields are next to each other, the user says it confuses them seeing a date even though it is a dummy date.

Is there a way for me to create a expression that will be something like:

IIf(DateField = 12/30/9999, Me.Datefield.Visible = False, Me.Datefield.Visible = True)

or VBA

Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate()
If Me.DateField.Value = "12/30/9999" Then
Me.DateField.Visible = False
Me.DateField.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

If have tried both ways and neither works.

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DateDiff Function - It Doesn't Work In Some Version Of Acces ?

Apr 11, 2008

Hi All

I've created a database where a query who'se result is loaded on a form uses following function --

DateDiff('d',Date(),[Target Date])-(DateDiff('ww',Date(),[Target Date])*2)-(Select Count(*) from [tblHolidays] where [HolidayDate] between Date() and [Target Date])

I've notice that 2 ppl get an error message when they try to open database, with thatt function coming on an error message
Does this mean they have older access version ?
How can I tell ? Any advise on what to do ?

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Populating A Listbox In Excel With A Growing Table In Acces... Uhh...

Oct 13, 2004

So here's my problem. I'm trying to update a listbox in excel with values that are being pushed in a table in access. The problem is that there are repeated values in the column in access, but I only want to show each value once, regardless of how many times it appears in the table. I would give a code sample but I'm having trouble getting started...

Any help is appreciated.


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How To Hide A Character In A Field?

Jun 20, 2007

I have a field which looks like this - "d123456", I will have to display the field without the "d" in front, meaning I will need to show "123456" Any idea how I can do this? Thanks!

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Queries :: How To Hide A Field

Jul 25, 2013

I have created a query that will create a table automatically. I want one of the fields that I have defined in the query, not to show up on the table. the purpose of that field is just to check a minimum value so that the field next to it can use the value. when I uncheck the "show" box in design view the field completely disappears and Access asks the user to enter a value for that name since the value is used in the field next to it.

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Hide Field If Another Field Is Null

Aug 9, 2006

I'm sure this one is easy, but I can't seem to get the code to work right. I have a field called "Discharged" and "ProposedDischargeDate". What I want to do is if the "Discharged" field is empty, or null, I want the "ProposedDischargeDate" to be visible. Otherwise, I want it to remain hidden. I want this on either the AfterUpdate or the OnExit event of the "Discharged" field. Here's what I've tried:

If [Discharged].Value = "" Then
[ProposedDischargeDate].Visible = False
End If


' if the field is empty, show the proposed discharge date field
If Me.Discharged = null then Me.ProposedDischargeDate.visible = true
' if the field is not empty, hide the diagnosis field
If Me.Discharged = true then Me.ProposedDischargedDate.visible = false

But this doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help.

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Show And Hide Field With Textbox

Feb 6, 2006


How do I easy create a checkbox that displayes a field when I check it.
For example, if I check a box named I agree, it shows a field with a phonenumber to call


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Hide And Display A Field On A Form

Jul 31, 2006

How can I hide and display a field on a form depending on what choice I make from another combo box?

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Forms :: Possible To Hide Field In A Form?

Jul 31, 2013

Can you have a hidden field in a form? Trying to set up an order process system where I need to take a wholesale price of an item then mark it up (behind the scenes) and display only the customer price. How can I accomplish this.

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Reports :: How To Hide Empty OLE Field

Nov 22, 2013

I have a report that gives an update on construction projects. I've recently added an OLE field so I could attach photos and pdfs. I would like to see the photos and pdfs but not the empty space for the OLE field. I also want to see the construction project data even if there is no OLE. If I use the 'Is Not' Null in the query, the whole project record is not generated in the report. Is that enought info to solve?

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Combo Box-concatenate Field And Hide Column

Jul 8, 2005


I have a combo box which is populated by a table with the fields ID, First Name and Surname. What I want to do is display the first name and surname concatenated and hide the ID column, but populate the field with the ID number.

Is this possible?

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General :: Hide / Show Field Using Checkbox

Nov 10, 2014

I have a sub form with checkboxes. Each check box represents one of the columns/fields in my query. If one of the boxes is checked, I only want the column that matches with the check box to appear. I have done some research and have came upon the ColumnHidden property.How would one do this in a macro or VBA format.

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General :: Hide Row In Table If Field Is Blank

May 7, 2015

I have run into some problems though. I have one main table where all the details of users are imported, I have created several queries for different types of courses users sign up for. I would like that when I select a query it only shows the users who signed up for certain course.So basically what I would like to do is if a field is empty or null to hide the whole row.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Hide Field In Unfiltered Report

Feb 27, 2015

I have a form that has a drop down box with all of my project numbers in it. when I choose a project number, I can then choose from several report buttons on that same page that opens a report just showing that projects info (easy enough). I then have different report buttons that open those same reports, but showing every project (no filter).

The reports have a cover page that has the field, 'project number' in the front, so when a particular project is chosen from the drop down, that project number will show on the cover page (still pretty easy).

My question is, when I open the full report(no filter), is there a way to tell the report not to show the 'project number' field? since the full reports show every project, the 'project number' field will show the first project number, which is not what I want to do.

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Forms :: Hide Field Name With Default Value In A Form

Jul 4, 2013

I have a split form design. I want to hide a field which I have already set a default value for. But when I make it invisible, the default value is not being recorded.

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Queries :: Hide Field In Union Query?

Dec 11, 2013

Is there a way to hide a field in a union query? I need to keep the field in the SQL statement because I need to order by it. The field is "Rank," but I don't want it showing up.

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